official god

Chapter 582 Uninvited Guest

There is still a blessing from the leader! Xia Xiang smiled, and Chen Feng also smiled: "Then I wish Xia Dongping peace and happiness!"

Everyone echoed and laughed.

It is also true that for Xia Dong, there is no shortage of success and no lack of power, and what he wants is peace and tranquility. Xia He was born to be the focus of attention. Before the full moon, he met many senior officials in provinces and cities, which was much luckier than Xiaxiang when he was a child. Xia imagined that when Xia Dong was so old, he was still a rural child who had not stepped out of the farm gate. The biggest official he had ever seen was the village head!

As soon as Chen Feng arrived, Cao Shuyu hugged Xia Dong, Xia Cheng and his wife, Cao Yongguo and his wife, as well as a group of beautiful women such as Yan Xiao, Gu Yu and Blue Socks, all arrived.

Cao Yongguo's face was full of spring breeze. One by one, he shook hands with everyone and said hello. Cao Shuxuan still looked like a little girl, as if she would never grow up. If she didn't hold the child with the glory of maternal love, no one would believe that she was already the mother of a child. However, in Xiaxiang's eyes, she will always be the naughty, cute, gentle and considerate little girl.

Cao Shuzhang, Chen Feng and others said hello one by one.

Chen Feng saw Xia Dong for the first time. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he hugged Xia Dong over and smiled: "When I was a child, I often hugged him. For many years, I haven't held a child. Come on, let grandpa give me a good hug!" Chen Feng claimed to be his grandfather. Obviously, he pretended to be a rethinking elder, which made the people present realize a different meaning.

Xia Dong seemed to know that everyone would gather together for his full moon wine. As soon as Chen Feng hugged him, he opened his loose eyes and looked at Chen Feng curiously. Then he yawned as if nothing had happened. He looked indifferent and laughed back at Chen Feng: "This boy is determined. He is not simple. He is determined when he grows He is better than his father. I just yawned when I saw it, and didn't pay attention to me at all, did I?

Everyone laughed. Xia Dong seemed to understand something. Dicang tilted and showed a trace of smile, which made everyone even more amused.

At this time, Chen Feng fell in love with Xia Dong even more and refused to put it down after holding him for a long time. Xiaxiang also saw that Chen Feng is old after all. His son Chen Gong is still a few years away from getting married and having children. In fact, he kind of wants to have a grandson.

In the end, Xia Dong was hungry and wanted to breastfeed, so he let Cao Shuqi take him away. Chen Feng reluctantly returned Xia Dong to Cao Shuying and said, "Children are really adorable. I don't know when I can have a grandson... Yongguo, you are blessed." Then he realized that Xia Dong was only the grandson of Cao Yongguo, and said to Xia Cheng, "Lao Xia, you are blessed. Xia Cheng smiled with a simple face, but he just kept laughing. At 11 o'clock, Song Chaodu and Song Yifan arrived.

Song Chaodu participated in Xiaxiang's son's one-month wine as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, which can be said to be a noble. After he successfully took over as executive vice governor, some people speculated that as his position became more stable, he should look up and may not be as eager as before. Today, I attended Xiaxiang's son's full moon wine. Song Chaodu's behavior made everyone aware of the fact that no matter where Song Chaodu went, the personal relationship between him and Xiaxiang was still very close.

Especially the appearance of Song Yifan, who was dressed up, specially asked for leave to participate in the full moon wine, and he went to the outside world to reveal a message. The relationship between Song Chaoyu and Xiaxiang is not only very close, but also good for family.

Song Chaodu still has an important meeting to be held today, but he insists on showing up, and he also knows that his appearance is of great significance to Xiaxiang, and he must show up. And with his care and love for Xiaxiang, he also knows that today's party is of great symbolic significance, which is more profound than attending Xiaxiang's wedding.

After saying hello to everyone, Song Chaodu shook hands with Xia Tiancheng kindly and talked for a while. Xia Cheng has seen Song Chaodu on TV. Now he must watch the provincial and municipal news every day and pay attention to every move of provincial and municipal leaders. Basically, as long as he is a leader who has been on TV, he can remember it clearly.

Now it is different from before. Now the eldest and the second are both people in the officialdom. He also learns and studies the personnel changes in the officialdom, remembers the names of large and small leaders, and becomes half of the officialdom. Song Chaodu also hugged Xia Dong.

Xia Dong's attitude towards Song Chaoyu is a little better, which may also be the reason for eating and drinking enough. As soon as Song Chaodu dragged him, he smiled and smiled happily, which made Chen Feng have a lot of opinions and said, "Well, Xia Dong, you are only a month old and you are snobbish. Do you think Song Chaodu listened to the scene when Chen Feng hugged Xia Dong just now, and he also laughed happily.

In a short time, Song Chaodu left, and there was an important government meeting that had to be attended. His appearance was equivalent to a statement. As long as the day was reached. Of course, he left, and Song Yifan still had to stay.

Song Yifan also wanted to hug Xia Dong. She had no experience. She held Xia Dong like a pillow. Cao Shuyan stretched out her hand anxiously and then, and she was careful to lose her son.

Xia Dong did not have any sense of the danger of being thrown. He was held in front of Song Yifan's chest. He rudely stretched out a pair of fat little hands and put them directly on Song Yifan's chest. He also opened his small mouth and was about to put together to breastfeed.

Song Yifan was usually bold in front of Xiaxiang. He was grabbed by Xia Dong's chest in public and wanted to breastfeed. He also blushed. He hurriedly returned Xia Dong to Cao Shuyu and said shyly, "The big bad guy father gave birth to a little bad guy son. I can see it clearly. My sister is not an aunt,

It's okay not to say it, but it's even more ambiguous. Several older men are embarrassed to laugh. Even Xiaxiang couldn't help laughing, but Gu Yu couldn't help laughing: "_Fan●You one one r one one one"

She almost said indecent words on the spot. Fortunately, Yan Xiao gave her a hand in time, so she realized that it was wrong and hurriedly shut up.

Fortunately, Cao Shuqi helped Song Yifan solve the number in time: "Stinky boy, be careful that your sister spanks you. In the future, let your father teach you how to coax girls. You should speak first, not first.

Everyone's attention turned to Xiaxiang, and they laughed at Xiaxiang together, which was to let Song Yifan go. Anyway, Xia wants to be thick-skinned, and it's okay to smile. Fan Zheng is also here.

Xia Xiang hasn't seen Fan Zheng for a while. It seems that he heard that Fan Zheng is busy publishing books and is still taking a female student. He may be both public and private, and wants to get a bumper harvest of both career and love.

However, as soon as Fan Zheng came, his eyes fell on Gu Yu, as if he had taken root, which made Xia think that he would become an expert professor one day, and it was estimated that his level of improvement in some aspects was also very limited. Gu Yu ignored Fan Zheng and turned a blind eye to his appearance.

Fan Zheng's appearance, no matter from which angle, gives people enough room for association. Fan Zheng is the governor's son. Attending Xiaxiang's son's full moon wine, he also sent a message to the outside world, that is, the relationship between Xiaxiang and Governor Fan is more closely imagined by outsiders.

The more casually between Fan Zheng and Xiaxiang, the more casually they talk and laugh, and the more they can show unique closeness. Although Fan Zheng only stayed for a while and hurriedly said goodbye, it was meaningless to come.

A governor's son, an executive vice governor's daughter, Xia Xiang's relationship is still as stable as before.

Just as the official banquet was about to be held, there was no uninvited guest, which not only surprised Xia, but also surprised Chen Feng, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai.

Yu Fanran unexpectedly appeared!

Xia thought that he and Yu Fanran would meet for the first time, he would be in his son's full moon!

Yu Fanran came to Yan City to take office for less than three days, which is not enough to see a person's position and political orientation. Xia Xiang also heard from Li Dingshan that after Yu Fanran took office, he was low-key and pragmatic. After simply walking through all the passages, he moved directly into Tan Long's office and spent two days straightening out the work at hand.

Gao Hai also had a good impression of Ranran. When he attended the executive meeting of the government for the first time, Yu Fanran organized the work he was in charge of and knew the priorities of everything. According to normal circumstances, it usually takes a week to officially enter the work, but it only takes him two days to complete the adaptation process.

Gao Hai knew that Yu Fanran was a doer.

Yu Fanran is 57 years old, quite tall, with a Chinese face, eyes and a straight nose. In ancient times, his face was the standard appearance of a high-ranking official. In ancient times, officials selected officials, even if they were born as scholars, if they were ugly, thin and fleshless, or had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, they were blunt and would not be officials. After winning the Jinshi, there are many people who can't be officials because of their faces.

Yu Fanran took the initiative to extend his hand to Xia Xiang and smiled: "I'm an uninvited guest. I don't know if Comrade Xia Xiang is welcome?" After saying that, without waiting for Xia to answer, he nodded to Chen Feng, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai. Chen Feng and others also responded with a smile.

Xia wanted to be busy and respectful and replied enthusiastically, "Where, where! It's really unexpected for Mayor Yu to come, and it's also my honor. Welcome, welcome!"

Yu Fanran heard the meaning of Xia's words and said, "I didn't accidentally pass by or hear it by chance, but I came to say hello to you, just to see my little nephew..."

Yu Fanran's words revealed a sense of kindness. He did not want to be an outsider, nor did he regard himself as an outsider. He was also a commoner. Chen Feng looked at each other with Li Dingshan and Gao Lian, and knew in his heart that Yu Fanran came here with a strong hint and went to everyone to show his position in

Yu Fanran may not get close to Chen Feng in Yan City in the future, and may not fall to Hu Zengzhou. "It will not be biased towards Fu Xianfeng, but he is very likely to have a good relationship with Xia Xiang in the future! It is also possible to maintain a good personal relationship. Chen Feng's mind turned a few times in an instant, and his face calmed down again.

Li Dingshan and Gao Hai thought that if Yu Fanran and Xia wanted to establish a good personal relationship, the situation in Yan City would present an unprecedentedly complex situation, and Xia Xiang would join hands with Yu Fanran to maintain a certain degree of independence, it would become the object of all forces.

The weight of Xia's thoughts will increase greatly.

It's okay that Yu Fanran didn't show up. As soon as he appeared, he gave Xia a big gift, and it was also a far-reaching gift, and he said it in front of Chen Feng, which was very meaningful.

Xia Xiang finally understood Yu Fanran's true intention. If it hadn't been for Wu Caijiang's intention and Yu Fanran's own decision, he would have been a very politically intelligent person. Because his appearance today and what he just said have at least three meanings.

First, make it clear to himself that his position is consistent with himself and not to get close to any of the three forces in Yan City. Second, he deliberately stressed in front of Chen Feng that he wanted to establish a close personal relationship with him, and also intended to open a crack between himself and Chen Feng to make Chen Feng guard against himself. Third, I also want to test the firmness of the relationship between myself and Chen Feng, and secretly observe the reactions of Li Dingshan and Gao Mei. Xia wants to know more clearly that if he goes against his choice and joins hands with Yu Fanran, he can bring Li Dingshan and Gao Hai over. In this way, he can form a new faction led by Yu Fanran and supplemented by Li Dingshan and Gao Hai, so as to stand firm in Yan City, maneuver between Chen Feng and Hu Zengzhou, The greatest benefit.

I have to say that Yu Fanran's wrist is very smart, but one thing that makes Xia think a little unhappy is that he is too hasty, his purpose is too strong, and the meaning of provoking discord is too heavy.

Xia Xiang and Chen Feng have known each other for many years. At the most critical moment, Chen Feng can withstand the pressure to support him on the throne of the head of the earth area. How can it be clear that Yu Fanran, who came from the airborne? No matter who instructed him, whether it is Wu Caijiang, Mr. Wu, or his own idea, Xia Xiang himself is an affectionate person. How can he abandon Chen Feng and choose to be complicated?

Even if Yu Fanran represents Mr. Wu, Xia Xiang also believes in one thing: You can't forget your original. It is the result of Chen Feng's several efforts to save the madness, not the Wu family!

Xia wanted to smile happily and said politely, "Thank you for Mayor Yu's love. I thank Mayor Yu for coming to visit him in his busy schedule. If he can speak, I will definitely thank Mayor Yu personally."

Xia Xiang has been emphasizing "Mayor Yu" rather than "Unbo Yu" and has fully stated his position. Don't think that you want to disrupt the current situation as soon as you come to Zao City. It's true that you are the Wu family. I can respect you and cooperate with you, but on the issue of right and wrong

A touch of disappointment flashed through Yu Fanran's eyes, but he then returned to normal, with a faint and tasteless smile on his face: "Okay, okay, I like children the most. Can you let me hug?" Xia wanted to take Xia Dong from Cao Shuyu's hand and handed it to Yu Fanran.

Yu Fanran hugged Xia Dong, and his technique was quite professional. Obviously, he was a father. After holding it, he casually took out a red envelope and stuffed it into Xia Dong's hand and said, "Come on, uncle, I'll give you a red envelope. I wish you health and happy growth."

Xia Dong is also interesting. After grabbing the red envelope with his little hand, he held it tightly, refused to let go, and did not forget to grin. Yu Fanran was also teased: "Good boy, it's great. In the future, I will definitely be able to grasp the power with one hand and the money with the other, and both hands will be hard."

Chen Feng laughed: "As soon as the mayor's red envelope was sent, we were embarrassed to be empty-handed. Originally, I thought I could save a little bit, but I didn't expect Mayor Yu to make a good start. Come on, the cost will be fine.

Chen Feng also reached out and took out a red envelope from his body. Obviously, he had been ready for a long time, but he never took it out. Now it's up to follow the complexity and then take it out. It's quite intriguing to find Z\}_

Everyone understands whether Chen Feng's red envelope can be taken or not depends on the specific situation. Now it is taken out with the excuse of Yu Fanran. There are at least two meanings. One is to express satisfaction with Xia's answer, and the other is to express dissatisfaction with Fanran's performance. Yu Fanran made him spend money, which means that Yu Fanran made him angry.

Together with Chen Feng, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai also reached out and took out the red envelopes, which were stuffed into Xia Dong's hands one by one. Xia wanted to be small and couldn't catch it, so he caught the new one and threw away the old one. Anyway, he didn't refuse, and he kept laughing, a typical money fan.

Xiaxiang didn't refuse, let Cao Shu$! Put away the red envelopes of Chen Feng and others one by one, and said, "Get away the red envelopes of Uncle Chen, Uncle Li and Uncle Gao must not be unhappy. But son, don't be a big fan of money. You want to say thank you, don't you?"

Of course, Xia Dong didn't understand what Xia was talking about. He reached out and took a red envelope and was about to open it. Cao Shuying hurriedly took it over and didn't let him open it in front of everyone, which was rude.

Xia wants to be rude. It's not that Chen Feng and others are outsiders. He also called several people uncles in Xia Dong's tone to tell Yu Fanran. The relationship between him and Chen Feng, Li Dingshan and Gao Hai is not a general relationship, and it is not so easy to change his position.

Yu Fanran is not simple. Instead of changing his face, he sat down and said, "It's just time for dinner. I have to eat. Why, Xiaoxia is not welcome?" Xia wanted to smile quickly: "Of course, welcome. I'll have two drinks with the mayor later. Yu Fanran smiled and said, "If you dare to be kind, Governor Wu said, you are a good drinker.

Wu Caijiang has taken office in a province in the northwest. Yu Fanran directly carried Wu Caijiang, obviously playing emotional cards. I haven't contacted Governor Wu recently, and I have to talk to him again. I guess he has been very busy recently. Xia thought, "Mayor Yu has just come to Yan City, and he should be very busy."

"Busy, I'm busy all the time, and there is no free time. However, Xia Dong's full moon wine "no matter how busy you are, you have to come over, or Wu Sheng Chang will criticize me." Yu Fanran said something casually, then glanced at Chen Feng and said, "Secretary Chen, I think I want to inspect the work in the disemeritation area in the past few days. Do you have any spirit of instruction?"

The executive vice mayor went to the district to inspect the work, and there was no need to ask the secretary for instructions. Yu Fanran asked, with ulterior motives.

Chen Feng raised his glass: "Although in the municipal party committee, on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, I have welcomed Comrade Fanran to work in Yan City. Today is the first time to sit and drink together, and I will welcome him in my personal capacity."

Yu Fanran hurriedly bumped into a cup with Chen Feng, and the edge of the cup was half lower to show respect: "Thank you, Secretary Chen for your kindness." F