official god

Chapter 700 Hand in Hand

But the uncle didn't listen to my advice. I mean, if the Zou family and the Mei family take the initiative to contact the uncle and propose to help the Fu family take the position of mayor of Yan City, the Fu family is also willing to help them to prevent the Wu family from winning, and will also help the neighbor to win the treasure of the secretary-

The situation is really better than others. For the sake of his own future, Fu Xianfeng had to bow to him. No, he did not bow his head to him, but bowed to the network behind him.

can't be completely said to bow your head. In the final analysis, it is still an exchange of interests, and there is no choice. Why did Fu Xianfeng's uncle Fu Boju believe in Wu Caiyang? Xia Xiang had no way to know, but he knew that the Wu family was so huge that the central high-level officials were vigilant. The Fu family, the Mei family and the neighbors also had a deep sense of vigilance against the Wu family, especially the Fu family. In addition to the vigil The last painful teaching is not far away, and it is still vivid in my mind.

Xia Xiang is also thinking that the huge elephant of the Wu family is getting bigger and bigger, and the power is becoming more and more amazing. Only low-key and buried development is a long-term plan. A little aggressive momentum will make everyone sideline and greatly dissatisfied.

Wu Caiyang thinks that he can negotiate with everyone if he is in power, cooperate with everyone if he wants to, and if he wants to kick one side, which is a little too confident. If you are too confident, you are arrogant. Once you are arrogant, you will not be far away from being attacked by the crowd.

No matter how powerful the Wu family is, it is not as powerful as the combination of Mei, Qiu and Fu. The Wu family also wanted to follow the strategy of the neighboring family and the Mei family to attract the Fu family. The starting point is good, but they will not receive the effect that Wu Caiyang wants.

Because the Fu family no longer trusts the Wu family, more importantly, the power between the Wu family and the Fu family is not equal. In front of the huge Wu family, the Fu family is too weak. If you cooperate with the Wu family, you will be in danger of being annexed, and it is more likely that the interests promised by the Wu family will not If it's a big loss, I won't want to eat it again.

Among the four families, the Fu family started by speculation, and their strength rose rapidly, so they were not liked by the other three. The Qiu and Mei families rely on the previous accumulation and down-to-earth layout, while the Wu family relies on careful operation and smart means. Therefore, between the four families, the Qiu and Mei families have similar strength, close political positions, and have the most foundation for cooperation. The Fu family is basically an alien. The Wu family looks down on it, and the Qiu and Mei families are unwilling to cooperate with the Fu family completely. On the one hand, they feel that their status has been reduced, and on the other hand, they may not be ashamed of what the Fu family has done.

Therefore, among the four families, the two families are most likely to join hands with Qiu and Mei. Under a certain situation, the Fu family may also join hands with the Qiu and Mei families occasionally. The most unlikely to join hands with the Wu family and the other three families, whether it is the Wu family and the Qiu and Mei family, or the Wu family and the Fu

Because the Wu family is the strongest, if he joins hands with any family, everyone will always beware of him and doubt his sincerity. In addition, the Wu family is the longest in the layout and planning, and there are precedents that have manipulated the Fu family once. Basically, several families have an estranged and defensive attitude towards the Wu family.

Fu Xianfeng's proposal was surprised when he first heard it. After thinking about it, it was also his wisest choice at present. He threw out the Wu family as a bargaining chip to lure the Qiu and Mei family and the Fu family to join hands. The Qiu family has benefits, and the Mei family seems to be able to get benefits secretly. The Fu family Against the Wu family, if things happen, the Wu family will get nothing.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment, and then smiled: "Secretary Fu, if you really want to count it, it seems that I have the closest relationship with the Wu family. You asked me to coordinate and let the three families unite to deal with the Wu family. Not only did I not have no way in front of the Wu family, but I didn't seem to have any good..." Fu Xianfeng smiled and said, "It's also a good thing for you that the Qiu family won the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee." However, if Secretary Fu becomes Mayor Fu, there seems to be nothing to be happy for me. The exchange of interests should be told the truth, and Xiaxiang directly points out the key points. ..." Fu Xianfengchen's film 31 "My promise is that after I successfully serve as mayor, I will not deliberately make things difficult for you in the open face unless you have major work mistakes."

It is very implicit to say things that are not difficult on the surface, and it is also in line with Fu Xianfeng's character. If Fu Xianfeng said that he would not make any difficulties for Xia, Xia Shang would not believe it. Now Fu Xianfeng took the initiative to promise not to take the power of the mayor to suppress him, which means that the secret political struggle has to be done. Although the conditions are very ordinary and slightly better than nothing, it also makes Xia want to shake his head and smile. Fu Xianfeng also has a lovely saint, to tell the truth.

Yes, even if Fu Xianfeng is the mayor, the secretary is still Hu Zengzhou. Um, the interaction between him and Hu Zengzhou was slightly heard, and Fu Xianfeng was also more clear. Among the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he still has a lot of relationships, and others do not need to use it. Yu Fanran, the executive vice mayor, and the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, Gao Mei, can deal with the vanguard and form

Fu Xianfeng knows his situation very well. He can't do whatever he wants as soon as he rises to the mayor. There are constraints at any level. If there are no constraints, the mountains and rivers of the country will be in chaos.

Therefore, Fu Xianfeng's promise is equivalent to lack of sincerity, which is basically equivalent to not saying. But it is also because he still has an honest side at this time that Xia wants to deal with the vanguard and deepen his understanding. Although the vanguard is cunning, human nature is ours! Yes, he also has a real face. Let me think about it." Xiaxiang did not give Fu Xianfeng's answer directly, but deliberately delayed it.

Fu Xianfeng seemed to have expected Xia Xiang's attitude: "Okay, I'll wait for your call." He hesitated for a moment. When Xia almost wanted to hang up the phone, he said more, "I'll go to the city first. If she comes to you, it's better to ignore her." After Fu Xianfeng hung up the phone, Xia wanted to stretch out, stood up and looked out of the window.

Out of the window, under the sunset, the sun hit Xiaxiang's face through the window, making his face radiant, especially the lack of smile on the corners of his mouth, which showed that his confident and calm smile was full of brilliance. I don't know whether it is the color of the sun or the color of his smile. In short, Xia wants to show an unprecedented maturity.

Fu Xianxian's little witch came to Yanshi again. Come on. No one can't help but let a person run around, but what else will she do with him when she comes to Yanshi? Xia wanted to smile helplessly. There should not have been an intersection between him and Fu Xianxian. Fu Xianxian wanted to appear in front of him and cause a lot of trouble. In the end, she disappeared without a trace like nothing happened. Now after the incident, is she going to make trouble again?

With her, Xia wanted to take back her thoughts and prepare to pack up her things and go home, but she kept thinking that Fu Xianfeng was in the capital. What's the meaning of Yuan Mingliang following him? He then dialed Li Qin's phone number: "Isn't Yuan Mingliang in Yanshi?"

"Yes, according to reliable information, Wu Mingming has been in the capital for two days." Li Qin was not surprised at all that Xia Xiang suddenly called and asked questions, as if she had been ready to answer Xia Xiang's strange questions at any time. Have you found that Yuan Mingliang and someone walk around more frequently recently?" No, I just saw Zheng Yi come to find Wu Mingming twice, and the two talked for a long time.

Xia Xiang's eyes looked at the north. No bright affirmation and Qian Xianfeng were planning something. Fu Xianfeng returned to the capital, not entirely to seek the mayor's throne.

Xia's worries are true. Yuan Mingliang and Fu Xianfeng went to the capital together. First, after the Fu family met Fu Boju and Uncle Fu, they met Zhao Quanxin again under the introduction of Fu Xianfeng. Now he is in a place in the capital, waiting for Zhao Quanxin or Zhao Xiaofeng to come again.

As early as a party after the New Year, Yuan Mingliang was able to meet Zhao Quanxin. Although he didn't talk for a long time, his words were quite speculative, which made Yuan Mingliang's mind move and intended to join Zhao Quanxin's big tree again. Zhao Quanxin will definitely step down for another term. Since there is no possibility of further progress, the rest of his thoughts will fall on the top.

Yuan Mingliang looked at his face, and then hummed to the vanguard's advance reminder that he knew that Zhao Quanxin was from a grassroots background. Although he was a vice premier, he should say that he did not lack anything, but when people were not satisfied, Zhao Quanxin's son Zhao Xiaofeng was male this year old. He is currently the Some slander, but Zhao Pumpxin always believes that his identity is inconsistent with his status as Vice Premier. "Zhao Xiaofeng is also very dissatisfied with the current situation and intends to seek a greater breakthrough after Zhao Quanxin retires.

The so-called breakthrough is naturally to find an item that makes money quickly and makes a lot of money, so that you can cover it while you are still in power, and then talk about it.

Yuan Mingliang also knows the reason why Fu Xianfeng introduced him and Zhao Quanxin's acquaintance, because the Fu family wants Zhao Quanxin in the State Council. Fu Boju needs Zhao Quanxin to have the same position with him, so that he can have a greater say in the State Council.

Although Yuan Mingliang is not a politician, his achievements today are entirely based on the success of political figures. What he knows better is what kind of runium is the best to earn? It's best to make money from the country! In other words, as long as you have the power to care and policy support, it is best to make money.

Therefore, at the behest of Fu Xianfeng, after a hurried meeting with Zhao Quanxin yesterday, Yuan Mingliang came to Liu Anhuaming today to set up a room and waited for the arrival of the vanguard, Zhao Quanxin and Zhao Xiaofeng with Zheng Yi, ready for an in-depth conversation.

"Mr. Wu, what do you think about Zhongda Group's entry into the real estate market in Yanshi?" In the "another village" elegant room, Zheng Yi leaned diagonally on the sofa and said while playing with the newly bought Motorola mobile phone. D