official god

Chapter 701 Pulling over and using

Yuan Mingliang has some opinions on Qian Xianduo's insisted on pulling Zheng Yi into the gang. He doesn't like Zheng Yi's person very much. He thinks that he is a typical rich second generation with great ambition and talent, and he heard that his original intention to come to Yan City is to pursue a girl? Wu Mingliang is very down on Zheng Yi in the bottom of his heart. After all, he has a father who has a success. He doesn't know how easy it is to make money. In order to pursue a girl, dare to take hundreds of millions of yuan to invest in Yan City? Is he investing or playing romance? Business is a business, and it can't be a little romantic.

Yuan Mingliang comes from a civilian background and has been working hard to this day. What he admires most is the person who started from the beginning from the beginning. But Fu Xianfeng said that Zheng Yi has something to use, which can be used as a smoke piece for growth base business. "Or, when needed, you can let Zheng Yi invest! For their use.

Yuan Mingliang doesn't agree with Fu Xianfeng's idea. Zheng Yi is a rich second generation, and his mind is a little simple, but when he comes to Yanshi to invest, there will inevitably be a think tank. Zheng Zhu, the boss of the big group, is not an ordinary person. He can create a great man in the big group, and he will not let Zheng Yi play casually with money.

And if he really uses the funds in Zheng Yi's hands as Fu Xianfeng said, will Zheng Zhu give up? But Fu Xianfeng said that he had his own way, and he didn't insist without brightness.

Yuan Mingliang also knew the intention of Fu Xianfeng to attract Zheng Yi because of the urgent need of funds for Changji Trade.

Although Changji Trading holds high the banner of 20Jl B investment, in fact, Yuan Mingliang's own funds, coupled with private fund-raising and other forms, have basically reached a scale of about I100 million. However, when he was about to complete the first stage of the layout of the disemeratement area and entered the second stage, there was a problem with the follow-up funds. Ten people withdrew their funds!

Withdraw! It is Yuanliang's partner, Pan Bingyi, who is responsible for raising funds locally in Wenzhou. Pan Bingyi told Yuan Mingliang about the remaining memories! Second, it will no longer be invested in Yan City, but will be transferred to the Western Province.

Yuan Mingliang tried to persuade Pan Bingyi, but failed. Pan Bingyi firmly believes that in a small disembarrassement area in Zhaoshi, one capital is enough to swallow the whole market, and there is no need to invest more than 100 million yuan. Pan Bingyi also told Yuan Mingliang that he had raised an additional alliance knife B, and a total of 10\}I B yuan was ready to enter the coal market in the Western Province.

West Province is the first major coal-producing province in China. Coal prices are rising year by year, and the market prospect is very broad. It is similar to the fact that there is no bright real estate speculation. Panbingyi wants to fry coal.

Yuan Mingliang knew that Pan Bingyi had always been unwilling to convince others. He refused to cooperate with him. Maybe he really like that there was a lot of room for coal prices to rise, or because he didn't want to be his supporting role. He wanted to be the protagonist.

Yuan Mingliang can't do anything about Pan Bingyi, because there is no affiliation between him and Bingyi, just a cooperative relationship. It doesn't matter if Pan Bingyi's follow-up funds are gone. Anyway, he now has 10 billion yuan in hand. If he sells some existing houses appropriately, he can also cash out a lot, and he can continue to manipulate the real estate market in the sub-horse area.

Fu Xianfeng didn't think so. He still felt that at least there would be more and about Dao Yi to completely control the disemercant area. Now there is still a fire, because there is a Dacai Group in the disemercant area, and there is also a vision group that has not moved. Dacai Group and Vision Group are both giants...

Although Dacai Group has also secretly sold some real estate to Changji Trade, Dacai Group has sufficient funds, does not lack land, and has the advantage of local advantages. It can completely compete with Changji Trade in the real estate market in the disema qu. There is also Vision Group, which has only been responsible for dredging the river but has no big construction. There must be a trick, so let Fu Xianfeng have some responsibility for "uL"

Vision Group is Lian Ruohan's industry, which is no different from Xiaxiang's own industry. Yuanjing Group has had successful cases of Dian Miyuan and Treasure House. Will it not be a real estate in the Shimoma District? Fu Xianfeng doesn't believe it! But there hasn't been any movement so far, and it should still be planning a big deal.

Thinking of the Vision Group's method of Forest Park and then Treasure House, there is reason to believe that Vision Group has not taken action at this time. It must be secretly planning a plan with amazing effect, perhaps waiting for the best time. Or in the view of Vision Group, the real estate market in the Xiama area is in the early stage, and it is far from mature.

Fu Xianfeng was worried that after Dacai Group and Vision Group knew the intention of Changji Business, they would cooperate with Xiaxiang to carry out the bright plan. However, the market economy is valued by strength. If Changji Trading can enter the market with I billion yuan, the power of Hedacai Group and Vision Group cannot compete with Changji Trading.

But if there are only 100 million yuan in Changji's trade, it's hard to say. It is possible that the good prospects in the early stage will be destroyed. Therefore, Fu Xianfeng urgently won Zheng Yi, and at the same time, he introduced Wu Mingliang to Zhao Pump.

Yuan Mingliang is very clear about Fu Xianfeng's intention to attract Zheng Yi, which is to covet the strength of the big group behind Zheng Yi. Close to Zhao Quanxin, one is to use Zhao Quanxin's power, and the other is to take the opportunity to get into a relationship with Zhao Xiaofeng to see if it is possible for Zhao Xiaofeng to come out too! Cooperate with Changji to consolidate the relationship with Zhao Quanxin.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and economic cooperation determines the political marriage. Fu Xianfeng's methods are not surprising, and Yuan Mingliang is also in favor of it. However, he estimated that in cooperation with Zhao Xiaofeng, it is impossible for Zhao Xiaofeng to have the strength of capital. At most, it would be good to pay more than 300 million yuan. It is pitifully less to force Zheng Yi, at most one or 200 million yuan, and then add part of the investment "about 500 million yuan at most. In front of his huge

But many friends are always good, although Yuan Mingliang does not think that Dacai Group and Yuanjing Group work together to deal with Changji Business, because he believes that Changji Business manipulates the rise of house prices, which is a good thing for all developers. No one will let ready-made money not make money. If they have to take the initiative to suppress house Fool?

Fu Xianfeng's view of the market economy is too politicized. In the market economy, everything puts interests first, and everything is in the face of view. For the sake of money, many people can even want their parents. What morality and social responsibility do they need to pay attention to? If businessmen have a sense of social responsibility, then China will not be the last in the world for philanthropy.

Merchants value profits, and in ancient times, agriculture rather than merchants are not without any reason. The richest place in history is the most chaotic place. Driven by interests, the ugliest side of human nature will be infinitely magnified.

However, although Yuan Mingliang does not agree with some of the practices of the vanguard, it is also a great good thing to take the opportunity to climb into the relationship with the vice premier and have economic cooperation with Zhao Xiaofeng. He is full of expectations for the meeting with Zhao Xiaofeng. Fu Xianfeng went to work on his business. Although Fu Xianfeng did not say it clearly, Yuan Mingliang also guessed that Fu Xianfeng was going to operate the throne of the mayor of Yan City. If Fu Xianfeng had served as the mayor of Zhaoshi, the matter of Xiama District would have been better carried out. The mayor has much more power than a retreating deputy secretary, and he has enough reasons to interfere in the affairs of the sub-district.

Fu Xianfeng asked him to wait for the news in Liu Anhuaming, saying that he was expected to meet Zhao Xiaofeng today. He and Zheng Yi came to Liu Anhuaming first, booked a room in the best "Another Village" and waited for Fu Xianfeng to bring people.

Yuan Mingliang and Zheng Yi waited for more than half an hour. There was no news. He was not anxious at all. Instead, he leisurely picked up the melon seeds. Zheng Yi couldn't sit still. First, he walked around in the room for a few times. It was really boring, so he played with his mobile phone again, and then asked In the view of Wu Mingliang, they are all childish questions.

Do you really want to enter the real estate market? Just kidding, a white goods company also plays with real estate. Do you really think it's easy to build a house, and anyone can play it? Do you understand the separation of lines like the mountains? You can play whatever you want with high profits. Why don't you play oil? If you can't get on the right path, you can also learn from Lai Changxing. At least you can earn money from smuggling.

Of course, Yuan Mingliang only slandered Zheng Yi a few words, and on the surface, he still smiled faintly: "With the strong support of Secretary Fu, it is not difficult for the masses to do something in the disema area. But doesn't Mr. Zheng want to invest in the white appliance accessories base in Xiama District?

Zheng Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "I originally planned to invest in the accessories base, specializing in Beijing-Tianjin manufacturers, but Secretary Fu said that investing in real estate was more promising and profitable, so I hesitated. After reporting to the group, there is no instruction on it. It seems that my father doesn't approve of my real estate.

It is also possible to make money by investing in ** pieces of the base. Investing in real estate is completely for Changji Shangdong's wedding clothes. Yuan Mingliang secretly wants to pay the vanguard's good means, which makes Zheng Yi play a group. It is clear that he wants to make his own profits with Zheng Yi's money.

"If you invest in real estate, you need to invest more." Yuan Mingliang said angrily, "It will take at least more than 500 million yuan to build a little-looking community in the Xiama District, and it will take 100 million yuan to get a decent piece of land on the land alone. There are Dacai Group, Tian'an Real Estate, and Jiangshan Real Estate in Xiama District. They are all famous developers in Yan City and have many successful communities. Compared with them, Zhongda is a new face and is not easy to be accepted by citizens unless they have very obvious characteristics.

Yuan Mingliang also knew the news that three new developers of Nanxin Real Estate, Guangxia Real Estate and Wentai Real Estate had entered the real estate market in Shimoma District. At the same time, he also learned that Dacai Group, Tian'an Real Estate and Jiangshan Real Estate had applied for the development of new real estate. For the action of Dacai Group I didn't think too much about it. It's normal. The real estate market in Shimoma District is not yet saturated. It is inevitable that new real estate will continue to ensure the prosperity of the whole market. As long as there is a profit, there will be a market.

However, for the three real estate developers such as Nanxin Real Estate, Yuan Mingliang still took care of it, and also let people secretly check the details of the three companies, but did not find many useful things. He only knew that all the three companies were registered in the capital, and their strength was different. Of course, the real strength of a company cannot be seen from the price and payment, and it is difficult to judge whether the three companies really have the energy to separate from the land purchased.

Yuan Mingliang took a few good pieces of land from the three companies. He suspected that the three companies had a strong backstage in Zhaoshi. The reason why he chose to register in the capital was obviously a cover-up. For others, it is a cover-up, and for industry insiders, there is no silver here.

Yuan Mingliang can guess that the three companies are most likely to be opened by Yanshi people, but he can't find out who is behind the scenes. He even suspected that it was Xia Xiang, but he did not think deeply, because he felt that it was unlikely that it was Xia Xiang. With his understanding of Xia Xiang, Xia Xiang had always been cautious and should not do anything about collusion between officials and businessmen.

Of course, maybe Xiaxiang has no interest in it, but it is not ruled out that the three companies are Xiaxiang's layout. Is it a chess piece specially used by Xiaxiang for Changji business? It's not like that so far, Xia Xiang should not have found any abnormal movements of Changji Trade. Besides, even if he knows that Changji Trade has secretly bought a real estate at one time, he will think it is a normal business activity. He will not be unpredictable. How can he refine the real purpose of Changji Trade to come to the dismount area?

If it is really Xia's layout, Yuan Mingliang is not too worried. First, he believes that the three companies do not have too strong strength, and second, now Fu Xianfeng has pulled Zheng Yu into the water, at least more than 500 million more. If Zhao Xiaofeng can produce another 391 B, it can offset the pressure brought by the three new companies.

However, Yuan Mingliang was not sure about the cooperation with Zhao Xiaofeng. He didn't know what kind of person Zhao Xiaofeng was. Zheng Yi of the rich second generation is good, and Zhao Xiaofeng of the second generation of officials is hard to say. He once saw the son of a municipal party secretary, who was very bullish. He once took out 20,000 yuan and gave it to him, saying that he wanted to invest, so that he would pay him back with interest half a year later, which was ten times darker than usury. At that time, he almost didn't laugh at him.

If Zhao Xiaofeng takes out the tame B with one mouth, no matter whether it is success or failure, he will charge a high return at that time. Will he agree or not?

Yuan Mingliang's mind was used on how to deal with Zhao Xiaofeng, and he didn't pay much attention to the conversation with Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi listened to Yuan Mingliang's suggestion to ask him to invest additionally. Hao said, "If you can make money, 500 million is not too much. I guess I can also get it from my father. I heard from Secretary Fu that the Xiama District is a gold mine. Whoever invests makes money. Now it is a rare opportunity. When Secretary Fu became the mayor of Fu, I will immediately convince my father to invest.

Yuan Mingliang smiled and said, "Okay, wait for your good news. However, if your accessories base is not built, you also need to give an explanation to the disema qu. Yuan Mingliang's words are both a proposal and a note on his latest Ma Changji Supermarket.

Yuan Mingliang decided to go to Ma Changji Supermarket, which was also a wonderful move for him to be proud of himself. The purpose was to cover up the real purpose of Changji Trade to get off the horse area. He gave Xia an explain to him not to him when he wanted to have free time, and he also calculated that at least he would not lose money Kill two birds with one stone. C