official god

Chapter 736 Phase 1: Draw the salary from the bottom of the kettle

Because Sun Xianwei's community was acquired by Yuan Mingliang, Pingbai made enough profits. The return of funds was fast and the risk was so low that it could be used as an analogy of grabbing money. Sun Xianwei was so happy that he once again admired Xia.

Qi Yanan and Li Qin also admire Xia.

The two newly opened communities, with extremely low risk and rich profit margin, were sold to Yuan Mingliang as soon as they changed hands, and they were almost so happy that they counted the money until they had cramps. Li Qin and Qi Yanan also expected that the real estate would make money, but they didn't expect that the profit margin was so huge, and Yuan Mingliang was so refreshing that they were impressed by Xia Xiang's wise decision and wise vision.

Li Qin originally thought that the two communities first entered the market at a low price, and then rose at a high price. Even if it was acquired by Yuan Mingming, it would not be so fast, and it would not be such a high price. Unexpectedly, the identity of the Wentai real estate spoiler was quite effective. Of course, there may be other reasons that It's a lot better.

Of course, after the surprise, there is another layer of worry. Now the real estate in the submercial zone is basically under the control of Changji Trade. What backup means does Xiaxiang have to stop Yuanliang from doing whatever he wants?

Qi Yanan didn't think long-term without Li Qin. He only felt that it was very easy to make a lot of money. Only then did he know that the profits of the real estate industry were rich, which can be described as windfall profits. Compared with the profits of the hotel industry, there is a big difference.

In fact, in the early stage of the prosperity of the real estate market, as long as there is a relationship, empty gloves and white wolves make money from time to time. Not to mention that Qiannan itself is strong, that is, many developers who have no strength but are related to use human kindness to approve the land, then borrow money to build a building, and then find someone to buy a house to cash out, successfully turn around gorgeously and complete the myth of borrowing chickens and eggs to earn wealth. That is to say, Xia wants to serve as the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee. He strictly controls the occurrence of the collusion between empty gloves, white wolves and officials and businessmen. Otherwise, countless multimillionaires can be created in the Xiama District overnight.

Li Qin knows that the real purpose of Xia Xiang is to trap the funds of Changji Trade, which is to stabilize the housing prices and stabilize the normal order of the real estate market in the xia District. Whether it is Guangsha Real Estate or Nanxin Real Estate, including Dacai Group and Jiangshan Real Estate, the profits earned from Changji Trade are only normal commercial Speculative, but in the long run, it is still necessary to take normal sales channels to be the foundation of development, but at present, the situation is old, and Changji business has been completely large. What other hidden means does Xia think to deal with Changji business?

Is it Vision Group?

How Li Qin asked Xia Xiang, but Xia Xiang never answered directly, and Xia Xiang always looked like a bamboo in his chest. He inspected all the projects in the disemercenary area as if nothing had happened, expressed condolences to the workers, and also cared about the sales of the new building materials factory when he was a child, and asked about the progress Wait, it seems that there is no worry about the bomb that Changji Trading is about to detonate.

In mid-June, the house prices in Xiama District rose day by day, rising to more than 2,900 yuan, and the average price of general apartments on general floors has reached about 3,200 yuan. The public shouted that house prices were rising violently, which exceeded the capacity of residents.

However, in doubt, house prices are still rising. A week later, house prices exceeded the 3,000 yuan mark. At this time, the average salary in Yan City was only about 1,200 yuan.

In the face of the doubts of the outside world, the district government did not make any explanation. Xia, the secretary of the district party committee, wanted to refuse the interview of the news media. Li Han, the district head, came forward to the interview of the city and Taiwan, proposing that in the era of market economy, it is inconvenient for the government to interfere with housing Line adjustment. Xiama District is a new district, and there is the only river in the city. There is an objective reason for the blowout rise in housing prices. The district party committee and district government are paying close attention to the housing price issue.

Speaking of which, Li Han did not say a word that the focus was on whether the district party committee and district government would take administrative measures to suppress housing prices, but vaguely made a simple official explanation.

At the end of June, the house price exceeded 3,500 yuan, and the good floor and good house type was close to 4,000 yuan. The people exclaimed that the house price in Yanshi was close to the capital!

Yuan Mingliang was complacent and went through all kinds of hardships. Finally, he speculated the house price to his psychological price, and the next step was the stable and orderly selling of the housing resources in his hand. Of course, it is impossible to make a large-scale sell-off move, otherwise it is easy to cause the market to rebound. Yuan Mingliang has already figured out the selling strategy. First, the good floor and good house type in hand will no longer cover the plate, and sell it to real consumers in batches and stages. It is estimated that in two months, almost all the good houses can be sold out.

Because the more house prices in the lower-horse area are rising, the more buyers there are. Buying up and not buying down is always a blind consumption concept that cannot be changed in the blind psychology of consumers. Moreover, because of the abnormal rise in housing prices in the disema area, it has shocked the investors in Beijing and Tianjin. Many customers from other places are also moved by the news, and they have come to the disema area to inquire about the market and wait for

When the good house is almost sold, there is still one-third of the bad house in the hand, so organize the employees to hire people to queue up, hire people to buy a house falsely, and then defraud the bank loan to sell all the last batch of houses. Anyway, the loan will not be repaid in the future, and the bank will directly .

Yuan Mingliang was full of ambition and thought that his plan was seamless. Xia thought had nothing to do now, and several developers related to Xia thought had also made money. He was also an advantage. Why did he have nothing wrong?

Yan City in July has entered the middle of summer. Compared with the flowers, what is beautiful is the long and short skirts of various beautiful women. The skirts are flying, purple and red, which is pleasing to the eyes. Some economists have argued that the length of beautiful women's skirts can reflect the speed of social and economic development. Although Xiaxiang did not deliberately pay attention to the long legs of beautiful women on both sides of the Xiama River, they also found that the skirts of beautiful women in Yan City this year are shorter than before.

Sitting in the office, looking out of the window through the bright glass, I saw that the willows outside the window were dark and bright, the rivers were vast, the willows on both sides of the river became shady, and the tourists were weaving. Xia Xiang still felt a sense of pride in his heart. After a year of development, the Xiama District has begun to take shape and has a thriving scene.

But when his eyes fell on the sales center of Dongme Xili Community in the distance, he still frowned slightly when he saw the crowds of people in the sales center. What a powerful Yuan Mingliang. If he hadn't been on guard, after the high housing prices, the grandeur of the disembarkment zone would no longer exist, leaving only wolf sites everywhere, a decline, feverish retreat, and even many people would have evacuate the disembarkment zone. At that time, the disembarkation zone will become

In all parts of the country, there are many precedents for new cities to build empty cities. There are precedents, let alone latecomers. Since he presided over the work in the disemaqu, he could not be allowed to be slaughtered by Yuan Mingliang and become a tool for Fu Xianfeng to take the opportunity to restrain defeat and suppress him at the same time.

No matter from which point of view, the collapse of the real estate market in Xiama District has a profound and long-term negative impact on the establishment of Xiama New District in Yan City, the long-term development of Xiama District, and his own future. Fu Xianfeng was vicious and killed in one fell swoop. He didn't care about the life or death of the people, but also wanted to smear his resume after sweeping the profits. How could Xia Xiang sit back and wait for his death?

The time... finally arrived.

Xia wanted to solemnly pick up the phone and dialed out a number: "Action!"

On July 5, Vision Group suddenly announced that the Xiama River, which was originally scheduled to be opened to the whole line by mid-July, had to be postponed due to engineering problems, and it was probably not completed until October!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation among all parties.

The whole line of the Xiama River is of great significance to the Xiama area. It not only predicts that the Xiama area will become a veritable area of the inner city river, but also will fully drive the start of the tourism business in the Xiama area. It is precisely because the Xiama River has not yet been fully connected to the river. Now there are still many cruise ship terminals on both sides of the river that have not officially started construction. Only when the whole line is connected to water, the wharf, waterscape park, large amusement park, etc. will start construction one after another, and a new round of construction boom in the

At the same time, the opening of the whole line of the Xiama River is also the biggest expectation of investors and house buyers for the Xiama area, especially investors, who are determined that only the whole line of the Xiama River can raise the house price. Now it is good, and the period of the whole line of water is suddenly postponed, which immediately slows down The pace of investment has been decided to wait and see for a while before making a decision.

Three days later, a piece of data was summarized on the bright desk. As soon as the news of Vision Group announced, the sales volume fell by 10 percentage points!

What a great way to draw money from the bottom of the kettle!

Only then did Yuan Mingliang know that Xiaxiang did not have a back move, but just waited for an opportunity. Unexpectedly, I never thought that Xia's back move was so vicious that it was directly the method of drawing a knife and cutting off the water.

Yuan Mingliang smashed a crystal platform on his desk angrily, and then dialed Fu Xianfeng's phone.

In the afternoon, the questioning call from the municipal government reached the headquarters of Yuanjing Group. The technical engineer in charge of the Xiama River dredging project was Guan Xinwang, the pursuer of Wei Xin. He patiently and meticulously explained to the call from the general office of the municipal government, saying that there was an underground river when dredging to Measures must be taken between the Xiama River and the underground river, otherwise how much water can be leaked clean. Because the river water of the Hama River is originally the water of Yanmen Reservoir, Yanmen Reservoir provides drinking water to all the people in Yan City. A land water river will empty all the water from the Life Reservoir of the people of Nengyan City!

The staff of the General Office reported the situation to Gao Hai, who gave a detailed explanation to Fu Xianfeng. Fu Xianfeng was furious and patted the table in front of Gao Hai. He asked Gao Hai to inform Vision Group immediately. No matter how much it costs, no matter how much manpower and material resources are invested, the project must be completed on time, otherwise the municipal government has the right to replace the developer!

Gao Hai did not know the tricks in it. He did not know very well that the matter of Shimoma River was related to Yuan Ming's life and death, and the trick between Xia Xiang and Fu Xianfeng. However, he also knew the relationship between Yuanjing Group and Xia Xiang. As soon as he turned around, he first told Xia

Xia wanted to be in a meeting in the office. After receiving a phone call from Gao Hai, she smiled and said, "Thank you for your call. I know it. You don't have to be embarrassed about this matter. Just convey it. If there is any problem, Vision Group has its own way to solve it.

Gao Hai listened to Xia's tone very relaxed, so he was relieved and conveyed Fu Xianfeng's instructions to Vision Group. Unexpectedly, the reply of Vision Group is also very tough. It should be constructed in the spirit of safety first. If the municipal government insists on forcibly carrying out construction, in the event of any major safety accidents, Vision Group will not bear any responsibility.

Fu Xianfeng believes that Yan City is a city with drought and little rain in the north, and there will be no torrential rains and other floods. Even if there is, he can encounter it once in a hundred years? Anyway, completion on time is more important than anything else, so he made the board: "Overcome difficulties, overcome all difficulties, and complete as scheduled!"

However, Vision Group still did not give him face. The next day, it held a press conference and announced that because the geological conditions were very complicated, the work would be suspended for half a month. Foreign experts were invited to come to the field to verify, redesign the water supply plan, and then restart the work.

Fu Xianfeng also wanted to suppress him strongly. The mayor is the mayor, which is not the same as the position of the former deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. He held a government work conference and prepared to send a working team to the construction team of Vision Group to supervise the construction. Before the meeting was over, he received a call from the provincial party committee.

"Mayor Fu, I'm Gao Jinzhou." Gao Jinzhou, as the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, although he is the same deputy provincial level as Fu Xianfeng, the scope of authority of Fu Xianfeng is small, which is only equivalent to enjoying the sub-provincial treatment, while Gao Jinzhou is a veritable provincial leader. Therefore, although his voice is faint, it has a taste of command. "Vision The Xiama District is responsible for Yan City, and the municipal government should not interfere with the normal operation of the enterprise.

Obviously, Vision Group has carried out Gao Jin Zhoulai to suppress the vanguard.

Fu Xianfeng suppressed his anger: "Gao Governor, the decision of Vision Group is not conducive to the economic development of the Lower Horse District. I put pressure on them out of the consideration of the overall situation."

"Just wait, let's see how foreign experts come to draw conclusions, act hastily, and it is easy to laugh generously. If foreign experts come, the conclusion is the same as that of the technicians of Vision Group, won't it make the municipal government have no light?"

Hanging up Gao Jinzhou's phone, Fu Xianfeng only felt that a bad breath was in his chest and could not be vented. He was almost so angry that he wanted to throw something. He remembered that he was now the mayor. He put up with it, but still didn't throw out the Parker pen in his hand.

If only Gao Jinzhou comes forward, he can't give the vice governor's face, but Vision Group has put things on the surface. While carrying out Gao Jinzhou, it also held a press conference, which is clear that there is no way out. Fu Xianfeng also knows that Yuanjing Group has many supporters in the municipal party committee and municipal government, and has indeed made a lot of contributions to Yan City. He really can't help Yuanjing Group!

Xia Think, it's really yours. The wrist is tough, with light and dark. It's not only smart, but also impeccable. It's really too bullying!

Fu Xianfeng blushed with anger and sat in the office sulking, but he couldn't think about Xia. After sitting for a few minutes, I remembered that the problem of the farm of Siniu Group should also be settled. What should I do for such a long time? He couldn't help but feel a little angry. He picked up the phone and dialed Yang Guoying again. After talking on the phone with Yang Guoying, Fu Xianfeng finally felt much better, thinking that his counterattack should also bring enough trouble to Xia.

Xia wanted to make only one move, and Yuan Mingliang felt great pressure. Fu Xianfeng did not settle down, so he was inevitably anxious. After careful consideration, Yuan Mingliang believed that it was necessary for Zhao Xiaofeng to try to put pressure on Xia. At the same time, he also considered using the existing funds of more than 1 billion yuan in his hand. Even if he was divided into one or two hundred million yuan for Xia, as long as his plan could be successfully implemented, as long as Xia wanted to give in,

What Yuan Mingliang didn't expect was that just a few days later, Jiangshan Real Estate announced that in view of the rapidly rising housing prices in Shimoma District exceeding the income level of residents, Jiangshan Real Estate, in the spirit of doing practical things for the people, decided to respond to the call of the district party committee and district government to invest 1 billion yuan to District, not for sale, only rented out at a low price.

The action of Jiangshan real estate is like a billion-ton boulder thrown into the Xiama River, which suddenly stirs up a huge wave!

When the news of Jiangshan Real Estate was announced, Yuan Mingliang had just finished the phone call with Zhao Xiaofeng. Zhao Xiaofeng's advice to him is to find Xia for an interview. It's best for Xia to be willing to give in - Xia will definitely give in. Everyone has chips, and Xia is no exception. Find out what Xia wants to do - in case Xia wants to say anything and refuse to give in, he will directly acquire the picturesque community of Jiangshan real estate. It 0 billion? Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

It can be said that Zhao Xiaofeng's advice is the most safest and safest advice. Yuan Mingliang knew that Fu Xianfeng had no choice but to take Xia on the surface for the time being. Although Fu Xianfeng seemed to have prepared a treach of the ground, he was still short of ignition, so he decided to come forward to negotiate with Xia

Because of the announcement of Jiangshan Real Estate, the hot real estate market in the Xiama District is like being splashed with cold water. The effect is very obvious, and the degree of cooling is amazing!

Fu Xianfeng can't sit still, Li Han can't sit still, Yuan Mingliang can't sit still--

Fu Xianfeng immediately held a working meeting of the municipal government again to discuss the actions of Jiangshan real estate, and discuss whether the municipal government should take corresponding measures, whether it should formulate relevant policies, strictly restrain the behavior of developers, and not disturb the normal market order with the behavior of enterprises at will.

Executive Vice Mayor Yu Fanran and Vice Mayor Gao Hai expressed their opposition to the government's interference in the normal business behavior of enterprises. Jiangshan Real Estate is an established real estate developer in Yan City. It has many years of development experience in Yan City. At the beginning of its establishment, it has made outstanding contributions to the demolition and relocation of Xiama District. It has always been a model enterprise with close cooperation with the government and good relations... Moreover, Jiangshan real estate investment in low-rent housing is the starting point for the government to solve the worries of the people, and the municipal government should vigorously promote and reward it.

PS: 5K update is sent to restore the chapter update in order to let the brothers see smoothly. I officially went to work today. I wish my brothers good luck and a bumper harvest. Ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket. V