official god

Chapter 737 One by One

The two deputy mayors, who have a broken relationship with Fu Jingfeng, agreed with Fu Jingfeng's proposal, "doubtful.

Cong Enemy will come forward by the municipal government to restrain the behavior of Jiangshan real estate, and will interview Jiangshan real estate.

It was just a slow and organized sentence that the rest of the deputy mayors who wanted to agree with Fu Xianfeng immediately gave up the idea: "Comrade Chen Tianyu, the executive deputy head of Xiama District, greeted me in advance about the behavior of Jiangshan real estate. I didn't have time to report to Hu Shujing, but I heard from Secretary Hu was angry. Secretary Hu's opinion was that Yu Fanran deliberately paused for a moment, then looked at Fu Xianfeng again, and then said, "As long as the behavior of the enterprise is within the legal scope, as long as it conforms to the law of the market economy, and as it does not harm the interests of the country, the government will not interfere

The government's desire to interfere in the behavior of enterprises is a regression of the system, and it is also a reflection of other people's power**. Some comrades want to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take a big hat, and immediately shut up several centrist deputy mayors.

Yes, why do you cause trouble because of something that is none of your business? It's not a good thing to offend Secretary Hu.

Fu Xianfeng's face turned pale with anger.

Originally, I thought that I had served as the second-in-command and became the head of a city, and I would definitely be in the wind and rain. Unexpectedly, it was blocked everywhere, and even a small country real estate could not be taken down. Where is the mayor's authority? Fu Xianfeng is extremely depressed.

But when people are in officialdom, they have to abide by the regulations. Since Hu Zeng has said everything on Monday, it is impossible for him to be the authority to be a leader, so he has to wave his hand and have no choice but to break up.

However, he still sent Yu Si to Jiangshan Real Estate to make trouble in the name of inspection.

Yu Si is the last deputy mayor who went to the Shimoma District to attend the memorial service. He is in the middle of the municipal government ranking and is relatively important. After Fu Xianfeng came to power, he is relatively close to Fu Xianfeng, which is one of the several deputy mayors trusted by Fu Xianfeng.

Just like Fu Xianfeng's emergency government meeting, Li Han is also preparing to hold a government meeting to formulate policies and measures for Jiangshan real estate. Unexpectedly, before he gave an order, he received a phone call from Weigang. Xia wanted to invite him to the office.

Li Han was shocked and came to Xia Xiang's office. Seeing Fu Xiang sitting behind his desk with a serious face, he nodded as soon as he came in and said, "District Director Li, let's unify our thoughts first. The high housing prices in the disema qu have seriously endangered the overall economic development of the disema qu, so it Take corresponding measures to stabilize housing prices.

Jiangshan Real Estate is a conscientious enterprise for the country and the people. It intends to build low-rent housing for the lower part of the horse area. The report has been handed over to me. Personally, I think it is a good way and worth promoting.

The government will study how to give some compensation to the practice of Jiangshan real estate to take the initiative to solve the government's problems. "Xia Xiang came up and did not leave a way for Li Han. It is directly a unified idea, which is not negotiable.

Li Han was upset by Xia Xiang's tone. The secretary is a leader, but he can't be too arbitrary. He doesn't discuss it at all and makes a decision directly. What's the use of having him as the district chief? If it is normal, Xia wants to listen to Li Han's opinions and take care of Li Han's emotions in everything, but some things are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and the economic development of the lower horse area, which is not negotiable.

And now Li Han is more and more firmly standing with Fu Xianfeng, just to unconditionally and secretly support Changji Business just to protect the interests of Yuan Ming. Xia thought that it was time to take out the authority of the leader to suppress him.

When the interruption is continuous, they will suffer from the chaos. Now Fu Xianfeng, Li Han and Yuan Mingliang are single-minded. They have to maintain abnormally high housing prices only for their personal interests. Regardless of the life or death of the people, regardless of the long-term development of the disema area, they just want to make a lot of money

Xia wants to carefully lay out for so long, how can he flinch at all when it comes to an end? The life and death of the country is not just a slogan of Xia's way to be an official. It is also a small belief that he must follow. It is the lofty ideal that he has been working hard to persist in all his life.

The ideal is lofty, but it must start from one by one in reality, starting from every little thing in front of us. Moreover, the confrontation with Changji Business is not a small matter, but a big event, which is related to the hard-earned money of the people in the lower horse area, the long-term development of the economy in the lower .

After Yuan Mingliang took action on the house, the house price plummeted again, which was fatal and amazing.

But now when the house is still in the hands of Yuan Mingliang, if the house price plummets, it will have a limited economic impact on the Xiama area, but it is a fatal blow to Yuan Mingliang, and the loss is only the old one brought by Yuan Mingming.

More than 100 million investments, not the savings of ordinary people and banks in Yan City.

"I have different opinions on the issue of housing prices in Shimoma District."

Li Han took a deep breath and still said the real idea in his heart, "The practice of low-rent housing is not advisable, which is easy to create the illusion for consumers. He thinks that the house prices in the Xiama District have really risen to the point that they can't handle it.

If consumers lack confidence, it will also be a big blow to the economy of the disemerate. Xia wants to directly interrupt Li Han's words: "District Director Li.

Don't you think that the housing prices in the Shimoma area are ridiculously high? According to the monthly income of each of the two people, it is good to save the blade yuan in a month. Now the house price is as high as the mutual power yuan per square meter, and it is constantly rising. The income of two people can't buy a square meter of a house with less than one square meter without eating or drinking.

It takes two people not to eat or drink before they can buy it every year! If you spend a little, it takes two people's energy to live around a house. You let the common people live only for the house all their lives. What's the happiness?

Xia remembered that when the house price in later generations was high to a certain extent, in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, the house price was once as high as 30,000 yuan per square meter, and at that time, the local per capita income was less than four yuan! What kind of concept is this? Even ordinary people can't find a place to settle down in their lives, and they can't buy a home to shelter from the wind and rain.

"Being the secretary and head of the Xiama District, we should put the interests of ordinary people first. We should work hard to live and work in peace and contentment in order to achieve that "the people have their own houses". Only by living in peace can we work happily, instead of making Xiama District a paradise for real estate speculators and a paradise

Real estate speculators can't bring any practical benefits to the xiama area. On the contrary, the small will also damage the long-term development of the xiama area.

District Chief Li, you have been the county magistrate and the county party secretary for many years, and you have the most contact with the grassroots. Do you know what the people have worked so hard all their lives? Isn't it just for a warm and warm home? Who doesn't want to return to their own warm and comfortable house after a tiring day to eliminate the fatigue of the day? Instead, I was exhausted all day. When I got home and sat on the sofa, I saw the house in front of me, I thought that next month's mortgage had not been settled yet! Don't let the people in the lower horse area are not even as good as snails. At least snails are born with a house!" Xia Xiang rarely showed his true feelings passionately in front of Li Han. He said that Li Han looked ashamed. He shook his head and wanted to say something. Finally, he nodded again and turned around and went out.

After Li Han left, Xia Xiang's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time. He knew that Fu Xianfeng's counterattack would never stop, and there must be a more powerful backhand.

Since he has chosen to fight with Yuan Mingliang to the end, whether it is Fu Xianfeng standing behind Yuan Mingliang or Zhao Xiaofeng, he has enough confidence to deal with them to the end.

Because he is fully prepared.

Of course.

It is not ruled out that Fu Xianfeng made a prominent killing move and caught him unprepared.

Xia wants to stare at the increasingly lush green outside the window. In the summer disembarkation area, whether it is a prosperity or a decline after the collapse, the victory or defeat is in this battle.

After getting off the horse area passes the current one, it should go to a bright road. The future development will be straightened out, and it is estimated that there will be no more big twists and turns and obstacles.

It's just that will there be additional variables in the current level? After work at noon, Xia wanted to meet Gu Yu and Yan as promised.

Driven by Xia Xiang, the new building materials just produced by Yan Xiao's new building materials factory were sold out, and the supply was in short supply. They were scrambled to buy by Wentai Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate. Now the production capacity is insufficient. Yan Xiao is very busy and is trying to improve the production capacity.

But no matter how busy she is, she should also express her gratitude to Xiaxiang appropriately. After all, Xiaxiang still helps her a lot, although she is more willing to think about it in her heart.

Xia thought he was not helping her, but helping Gu Yu, because Gu Yu's share is the largest.

But she is the legal representative, and she should also have the etiquette.

In addition, I haven't seen Xia for a while. Yan Xiao's heart has a trace of inexplicable emotions spreading, and he gradually looked down on what happened between Xiaxiang and Gu Yu.

She also knows that she is not qualified to be jealous or envious of anything. Xia Xiang has never made any promises and expression to her, but she likes Xia Xiang with wishful thinking.

Between Xiaxiang and the ancient king, whether it is an unintentional intention or a natural trend, in short, it has already happened, and what has happened may not have a result. It is best to let nature take its course.

Yan Xiao was enlightened and offered to invite Xia to dinner with Gu Yu, which was to thank him.

Xia wanted to readily agree and asked Mei Xiaomu to sit down together if possible.

Yan Shi hesitated for a moment and did not object.

Mei Xiaomu, as he said, has technical talent. The new building materials designed are not only novel and practical, but also have patents in hand.

After it was put into mass production, the market responded well. After discussing with Gu Yu, Mei Xiaomu was allowed to invest in technology, accounting for 10% of the shares of the new building materials factory.

When Xia wanted to get to the party, Yan Xiao, Gu Yu and Mei Xiaomu were already greeted at the door.

Yan Xiao wears a long skirt, long hair fluttering, and a beautiful and picturesque face, which really has the posture of inverting all sentient beings.

She put on light makeup, and she could never see it without looking closely. Her eyes were like autumn water, and her pulse was affectionate, staring at Xiaxiang's slightly black and thin face.

He lost weight." Yan Xiao sighed in his heart. As the leader of the disembarkation area, he took up such a big burden of the disembarkation area. It was also a new area with thousands of tricks. Coupled with complex and tragic political struggles, men are synonymous with difficult people. In addition to a hundred times of busy times, .

For a moment, there was an inexplicable heartache when divination.

Gu Yu also rarely wears a dress today. Gu Yu's usual clothes are the simplest. How comfortable it is to wear? I never deliberately dress up. It has always been a plain and indifferent look. Although it is a milky white dress with light flowers, it contrasts with Gu Yu's smiling face, just like jade and white. The matching of jade complements each other, which is refreshing.

Unlike Yan Xiao's slightly resentful eyes, Gu Yu's eyes, with a beautiful smile, looked at Xiaxiang obliquely, squeezed her mouth tightly, and implicitly and playfully in the eyes of Gu Yu, Xiaxianghuan is the same as the old-fashioned double sting, full of energy, and full of spirit. She has neither the I only saw the side that Xia wanted to deliberately reveal, but I couldn't see the other side that Xia wanted to hide behind.

Gu Yu's simple personality is also Xia's original intention to stay with her.

With Gu Yu, Xia wants to be completely relaxed. You don't have to think too much, just be together, simple and pure.

It's not like Yan's time, he is thoughtful, and he has other ideas, so that he can always be on guard.

Mei Xiaomu's appearance was beyond Xia's expectation, and he almost scared him. He saw that Mei Xiaomu's face was full of vicissitudes, his beard, his eyes were red, and his eyes were dark, which was obviously a manifestation of overwork and lack of sleep. Xia Xiang asked with concern, "Xiaomu, work is important

But it's a little scary. Mei Xiaomu smiled awkwardly: "Recently, I've been overcoming a technical problem. I haven't had a good rest for three days and nights in a row. The result is about to come out. I'm very nervous. I should be fine after these two days."

Gu Yu stuck out his tongue: "Technical problems are easy to overcome, and emotional problems are not easy to overcome."

It's true that Mei Xiaomu blushed and his eyes drifted to Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao pretended not to see Mei Xiaomu's feelings. Although she said at that time that if Mei Xiaomu could overcome technical problems, she would consider accepting his courtship, but when the real thing came to an end, she found that the emotional matter was really reluctant to come.

Yan Xiao changed the topic in time: "It's too impolite to ask Secretary Xia to sit down and stand outside and talk."

The place where you want to invite Xia to dinner is a newly opened hotel not far from the new building materials factory when you are young. Its name is Spicy Shrimp.

Xia wanted to have too many requirements for what to eat. After the guest entered the elegant room and sat down separately, he let Yan Xiao arrange it at will.

"The problem of production capacity is a big problem that urgently needs to be solved at present. Since Wentai Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate mainly focus on intelligent and energy-saving housing, many developers have come to the factory to consult and purchase new building materials. In addition to the developers in Yan City, many developers in Beijing, Tianjin and outside the province have come to I am optimistic about Yan Xiao and solemnly want to introduce the current situation of the hourly building materials factory to Xia.

The appearance of business makes people not doubt her professionalism and seriousness at all. It is completely the tone of reporting work to the superior leaders. The hourly building materials factory now needs to be expanded and recruits, and needs to apply for loans. Please also ask Secretary Xia to give enough policy support.

Strict hourly requires the tilt of the policy, which is reasonable.

The policy policy of Xia Ma District is to support high-tech industries. The hourly new building materials factory is the first high-tech enterprise in Xia Ma District. It deserves the support of the district party committee and district government. Xiaxiang nodded and agreed: "Submit a report directly to my office. I will give instructions to Yan Xiao to see Xia want to agree. Refreshing, he couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Xia is indeed a good official who is wholeheartedly for the public. With you as the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, it is the blessing of the people of Xiama District to praise Yan's half-truth. Xia wants to smile carelessly: "It's meaningless to say these words, Or let's talk about useful things. Have you visited Governor Fan recently? Yan Xiaoxiao smiled and inadvertently took a look at Gu Yu. Knowing that Xia wanted to poke Fan Ruiheng's movements, she quietly kicked Gu Yu under the table, which meant to let Gu Yu also say a few words, because Gu Yu had been bowing his head and said nothing, as if she was thinking about something.

Unexpectedly, he kicked out, but he felt wrong. He kicked Xia Xiang's lap. Yan Xiao suddenly blushed and hurriedly borrowed the action of drinking tea to cover it up. Then he said, "Gendant Fan hasn't changed recently. He is still the same. He just ran to the capital a little more diligently. In addition, he is most Xia Xiang also knew a little about Fan Ruiheng's recent movements, but what he knew was only superficial, but the part that Fan Ruiheng wanted him to know should be able to get other useful information from Yan Xiao's mouth.

It is normal to run diligently to the capital. Yan Province is close to the capital, and officials, large and small, run diligently to the capital.

If Fan Ruiheng runs diligently, he is obviously operating the throne of the secretary of the provincial party committee.

Although generally speaking, after Ye Shisheng leaves, Fan Ruiheng is expected to take over the post logically, there are also many times when political affairs have suddenly changed, and there may be times when wishes fail.

Fan Ruiheng doesn't want to have a happy time.

If he can't become a regular in Yan Province, it will be a big blow to his political career.

In addition, his concern about Fan Zheng's marriage is also a father's due foothold. Fan Zheng should also get married. However, whose daughter will become the daughter-in-law of the current governor and the future secretary of the provincial party committee? Xiaoxia accidentally kicked him when Yan Xiao didn't think about it, so she directly guessed that it should be that Yan Xiao kicked him wrong.

Although Yan Xiao was bold, she had no contact with her for a while, and she was a little more restrained in front of him.

There should be no indecent movements in front of several people.

Yan Xiao looked at Gu Yu with a smile and said, "Fan Zheng likes Gu Yu, but Gu Yu likes others. P: two tens of thousands of words are issued at once. The monthly ticket is too behind. Lao He is in a hurry to ask for a monthly ticket. It's urgent. Brothers, please pull Lao He. Thank you, thank you again! To be continued) U