official god

Chapter 755 Facing Difficulties

The situation is becoming more and more critical. Not only is the river flowing faster and faster, but also the roar is getting louder and louder. For many Yanshi citizens who have never seen such a lot of water in their lives, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Xia wanted to step on the accumulated water and received a phone call from Sun Xianwei: "Leader, a total of 60 pumps are being sent to the barren mountain in the west, but there is a very serious problem. The barren mountain in the west is a good place to drain, but it is not open to traffic. The car is parked on

Sun Xianwei's voice was suddenly interrupted. Xia wanted to guess that it might be because General Yu's mobile phone was damaged. After a while, Xiao Wu called: "Leader, Xianwei just fell down. It's not a big deal, but it seems that his feet are swollen. I asked someone to take him to the hospital."

" OK, I'll be right there." Xia wanted to turn around and said to Li Han and others, "District Chief Li, you and Director Fu are in command of the headquarters. I'll go to the western barren mountains to check the transportation of pumps. Tianyu, come with me."

"I'll go, too." Guan Xinwang volunteered to say that he wanted to see if Xia thought it was just a beautiful word, and he was really a good official for the public.

Xia didn't think much about it. He thought it was useful to take Guan Xinwang, so he patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work." Then he called a few capable men, got on the only off-road vehicle of the district committee, and quickly drove west.

The water has accumulated more than two feet deep, and the off-road vehicle passed by quickly, splitting a rain channel, which was amazing. The raindrops hit the car, and the noise was also frighteningly loud. It can be seen that the rain has not decreased at all. Xia wanted to sit in the back seat and meditate without driving.

It is always said that how powerful the government is. In fact, when you really mobilize the power, you will know that there are always more troubles and difficulties than solutions. If you solve one thing, there will be other troubles immediately. In the past, I often saw many officials command Ruobao on TV, fighting on the front line of flood relief. Now Xia wants to be in it before he knows that acting is easy and practical. It's easy to say beautiful words, but it's even more difficult to fight a beautiful battle.

Just like a small Xiama River in front of him, it is difficult to defeat countless people. It is a simple pump problem, which creates an unexpected problem. Who knows what man-made troubles are waiting for him in the next step?

When I arrived at the pump parking place, it was already past 1 o'clock in the morning. There is too much water on the road, and the driver dares not drive fast. The driver is an experienced driver. If he knows that the speed of the car is too fast, it is easy to form a drifting effect on the surface of the water. In case the wheels are uncontrollable, there may be unimaginable consequences. The person sitting in the car is the secretary of the lower horse district party committee and the executive deputy district chief, but you can't make a mistake.

Besides, Secretary Xia is also a good secretary who thinks about the people. If anything happens, the driver can't forgive himself. Therefore, although Xia wanted to urge him again and again, he still controlled the safe speed steadily.

Although it is late at night and it is wind and rain, there are more than a dozen trucks lined up in front of us. The car is full of small pumps - the construction unit will bring its own water pump for drilling wells and pumping water - the small water pump is two meters long and weighs about 50 kilograms. It is a little difficult for one They are all columns, and there is no place for handles.

Xia wanted to see the people present. Sun Xianwei was also in a hurry and only let more than a dozen workers accompany him. More than a dozen people sent 60 water pumps to a place 2 kilometers away. Even if they were exhausted, it was impossible to work until dawn. In addition, there were several large self-provided diesel generator sets, and it took at least four people to lift a self-provided generator - Xia wanted to shake his head secretly and was careless. Unexpectedly, there were difficulties everywhere. The problem is not comprehensive enough and the preparation is insufficient.

Before he asked Xiao Wu to call someone to come immediately, Xiao Wu had already said, "There are 50 workers coming one after another. It should be enough."

Xia wanted to nod. It's okay. After all, Xiao Wu was a soldier. It was not bad that he could think of a solution at the critical moment and made arrangements in time. Before he could praise Xiao Wu, the phone rang.

What Xia didn't expect was that it was Chen Jinming who called: "Secretary Xia, I'm Chen Jinming from Jinshu Group. The situation in Xiama River is urgent. Jinshu Group should share the worries for the district party committee and district government, and contribute love to the people in Xiama District. The Fire Tree Building is now open to the public for free, so that citizens can come in to avoid danger. At the same time, the group contributes materials. As long as you tell me, as long as you Do it all the time!"

In the time of SARS in later generations, many businessmen made a fortune in the national disaster, ignored the life interests of the country and the people, and made a fortune by themselves. When the country was just established, there were also black-hearted capitalists who used rotten paper to represent cotton in cotton-padded clothes. As a result, countless soldiers were frozen to death. Compared with Chen Jinming, who stood up at a critical moment and was willing to fight flood relief with the district party committee and district government, it was really different.

In China, there is never a lack of immoral businessmen, and there are always upright and conscientious entrepreneurs. Cheng Dacai, so is Chen Jinming.

After Xia wanted to express his gratitude to Chen Jinming, he hung up the phone. As soon as the phone stopped for a moment, it rang again.

Every phone call at this time is frightening and makes people feel distracted. Xia thought that it was a strange number and was stunned. She thought that there should be nothing to do at this moment, so she answered the phone.

There was a hurry and familiar voice: "Secretary Xia, I'm Xiong Haiyang. I heard that you need manpower now? How much do you want? I have it here.

At the critical moment, it's still an old friend who can live. I don't know where Xiong Haiyang heard the news, but he took the initiative to call for help. Xia thought was also a little moved: "Lao Xiong, on behalf of the district party committee and the district government and 100,000 people in the disequest, thank you."

Xiong Haiyang can't afford to thank Xia for being solemn. He hurriedly said, "Secretary Xia, don't say that. If you say so, you treat me as an outsider. You said, how many brothers do you need? I will organize it immediately and be there in an hour.

It's too reassuring to use other people's summer thoughts. Let Xiong Haiyang contribute. He was down-to-heart and said rudely, "The more people, the better. Immediately rush to the western barren mountains."

"Wait, I'll be there soon." Xiong Haiyang shouted in a loud voice, and his voice was full of excitement and **, "Secretary Xia, Lao Xiong won't embarrass you. Wait and see."

Xiaxiang's heart was hot, and Xiong Haiyang's tone just now was exactly the same as when he was in Anxian County. People always have nostalgic thoughts. Xiong Haiyang's words immediately aroused the burning flame in Xiaxiang's heart. He shouted, "Xiao Wu, immediately unload all the pumps, and after waiting for others to gather together, he will immediately pump water."

Xia wanted to give an order, jumped first at the same time, jumped into a car, smiled at a worker standing in a sway, and said, "What are you doing in a s are? Hurry up and get a hand."

The worker's name is Tang Yi. He is 20 years old. He has just come out of his hometown for a few days. The largest official he has seen before is the village secretary. He also knows that Xia in front of him is the secretary of the district party committee. The senior official who is more than the 50-year-old village secretary is more than 20 Moved.

Tian, the village secretary in the village is compared with the young man with a smile in front of him. I heard that the level is 10,800 miles worse, but why is the official in front of him so approachable? Why do you laugh so kindly?

In a daze, Tang Yi missed a good opportunity and lost the great opportunity to raise the water pump with Xia, and was snatched by Zhang Yang from the same village next to him. Zhang Yanglou had a mouthful of white teeth. When he was black, he looked white. He smiled cleverly and robbed in front of Tang Yi. He said, "I'm here to work with Secretary Xia. I'm strong. Tang Yi has no strength to carry it with him. It's tiring you."

The young man was quite eye-catching. Xia Xiang didn't have time to take care of Tang Yi's mood, so he raised the pump with Zhang Yang and got off the back of the truck. After he and Zhang Yang landed, Tang Yi woke up and regretted it. What a good opportunity to carry the pump with the big leader was wasted by him. It was really stupid.

Tang Yi's regret was ignored, but as soon as Xia wanted to do it, the power of the role model was indeed infinite, especially Xia wanted to be the secretary of the district party committee, and without any airs, he immediately won the favor of everyone on the spot. Suddenly, everyone came up and started to work. In less than half an hour, all the pumps were lifted from the car.

Tang Yi suddenly made an amazing decision. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he picked up a water pump and shouted, "100 catties, not heavy, I can carry it in an hour, brothers, go."

Tang Yi was the shortest and least powerful of all the workers. As soon as he was fierce, he could carry a pump of 100 catties. Everyone was not willing to show weakness. They all carried one after another and followed Tang Yi and set out to a place 2 kilometers away.

Guan Xinwang was infected by the hot-blooded power of the workers. He always looked down on uneducated workers and thought that they were the people at the bottom of society. They were rude and unbearable. He could only do some clumsy work. There was no merit. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the power of the workers burst out, With his strength, he volunteered to lead the way in front of him to accompany the workers.

Xia wanted to stay in place and wait for half an hour, and Xiong Haiyang arrived with a large team of workers.

What surprised Xia was that Lao Qian was also in the team.

After Lao Qian injured his leg last time, he was discharged from the hospital for more than half a year, and then rested for half a year. He resumed normal walking, but he still couldn't walk steadily, so he could only walk slowly and can't run. Xia wanted to take time to visit Lao Qian, and specially told Xiao Wu to take good care of Lao Qian's life.

Lao Qian's family either works in Jiangshan Real Estate or in Tian'an Real Estate. They have a good income, good treatment and a very happy life.

Xiong Haiyang came to Xiaxiang, rubbed his rough big hand, and grinned: "I can fight side by side with Secretary Xia. I'm full of strength."

Xia wanted to shake hands with Xiong Haiyang and patted him on the shoulder: "Old bear, the safety of 100,000 people in the disema area is up to you. Tell the brothers, don't be afraid of fatigue, don't be afraid of hardship, don't be afraid of shoulder pain, transport the water pump safely to the designated place, remember their great achievements, I will personally invite them to dinner, and everyone will toast them a glass!"

Xiong Haiyang's momentum was so high that he turned around and shouted, "Brothers, have you heard Secretary Xia's words? Secretary Xia wants to toast you. If you are a sloppy bag, go back now. I won't stop you. If you are cowardly and can't drink Secretary Xia's wine on the way, don't blame me for not calling you to come. You are not competitive!"

"It's not a shame!"

"Secretary Xia, please rest assured, we are not a sloppy!"

"None is cowardly, go!"

Xia Xiang's name was loud enough, with absolute prestige and amazing appeal among the workers. Xiong Haiyang shouted in a voice, and the crowd was excited and cheered one after another. Although it rained heavily, it could not extinguish the flame and enthusiasm in the hearts of the workers. They jumped off the truck one after another. In pairs, they raised the pump and set out for the destination.

In a few minutes, dozens of pumps were swept away by more than 200 workers brought by Bear Ocean. The remaining workers formed a team of seven or eight people and began to carry their own generators.

Xia wanted to be persuaded aside - as a leader and commander-in-chief, he could no longer rush to the front line. Chen Tianyu did not allow it, and Chao Weigang disagreed. Even if Xiong Haiyang did not do it, he no longer reluctantly came to Lao Qian, half complaining and half concerned and said, "Lao Qian The old bear is really, why do you have to bring the old money here? It's raining heavily at night, and the cold air enters the body. What should I do if Lao Qian suffers from the wind and cold?

Lao Qian waved his hand repeatedly: "Secretary Xia, don't say that. I'm used to working all my life and can't be idle. I mainly miss you, so I just want to come and have a look and see if I can help you. Although the legs and feet are not working well, they can also help, that is, don't dislike me for being useless.

Lao Qian looked ashamed. He felt uneasy because he couldn't help a lot.

Xia wanted to sigh with emotion. He took Lao Qian's hands. What a good worker brother. He has always been humble. He never felt that saving him last time was a great favor, but took it for granted. The simple emotion made people sincerely sigh.

Xia wanted to let Lao Qian stay close to him, and specially asked Chao Weigang to give the umbrella to Lao Qian, and asked Lao Qian to give him an umbrella. Sure enough, Lao Qian was happy. He held an umbrella in both hands and wanted to hold up a clear sky for Xia: "Don't worry, Secretary Xia. If I can't do such a small thing with an umbrella, I'm really useless. Needless to say, I'll leave by myself."

What Xia wants is to make Lao Qian feel that he still has a place to use martial arts, otherwise he doesn't want Lao Qian to take an umbrella for himself.

Chao Weigang and Chen Tianyu looked at each other and both sighed in each other's eyes. Although Secretary Xia is the secretary of the district party committee, he is so careful that he takes good care of the feelings of an old worker. He is really a rare good leader.

Chen Tianyu also secretly admired it. He knew that he could not be as thoughtful as Secretary Xia. Although he also knew what Lao Qian had done for Secretary Xia, after Secretary Xia did a lot of things for Lao Qian, there was no need to treat Lao Qian as a relative...

If you don't understand, Chen Tianyu still appreciates Xia as a person. He believes that Secretary Xia can also have affection and righteousness for a worker, and he will not abandon the person who has been following him.

Xiaxiang then walked with everyone to the pumping site.

The mountain road was rugged and difficult to walk. There was rain in the sky, mud in the ground, and water and weeds. The group walked for an hour to reach the destination. Xia wanted to persist until now at dawn yesterday. Although she is young and strong, she can still bear it, but she also feels that she is a little overdrawn. Coupled with the cold rainy night and drenched in the rain for more than half a day, he showed some signs of wind and cold.

Chen Tianyu has been sneezing constantly and has caught a cold. Chao Weigang is a little better. According to him, he used to like running in school and has very good physical fitness, so he is the strongest of the many.

Xia wanted to cheer up and didn't see the pumping water to relieve the pressure of Xiama River with his own eyes. Even if he was given a cup of hot water and a comfortable bed now, he couldn't close his eyes.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu and Guan Xinwang did not disappoint him. When he arrived, Guan Xinwang had commanded the workers to place the pump and start the generator. Then dozens of pumps were lined up, one end into the Xia Ma River, and one end led to the barren mountain. With Xiao Wu's order, dozens of pumps turned and roared. In the middle, the continuous flow of river water was pumped into the barren mountains and flowed to the vast wilderness.

The wilderness is big enough. If you look around, you can't see the edge at a glance. There is no problem to irrigate the whole river in it.

Seeing the rushing water running to an unknown distance, Xia Xiang's heart fell into practice. Xiao Wu came forward and asked puzzledly, "Leader, just open the embankment directly. Why do you have to take so much effort to pull the pump to pump water?"

Before Xia wanted to speak, Guan Xin looked over and explained, "The terrain of the Xiama River is low, and it does not have a backwatering effect. It must be pumped to solve the problem. Also, is it easy for the pump to control the amount of water and open the embankment? It's easy to open and difficult to close.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "I don't understand, that's why I asked. But I didn't ask casually, what the leader said to do.

Guan Xinwang said jokingly, "What you said, if Secretary Xia asks you to jump into the river, will you jump too?"

"What the leader says to do, just do it!" Xiao Wu simply repeated what he had just said, but his tone was unquestionable and firm.

Guan Xinwang was stunned and looked at Xiao Wu in puzzledly, as if he couldn't understand why Xiao Wu wanted to listen to Xia's words when he died.

Although dozens of pumps are all small pumps, they are better than enough. When they are started together, they are also thunderous and powerful. Under the continuous operation of dozens of water pumps, the rolling river water of Xiama River turned into a white dragon and flowed into the dark distance at a speed visible to the naked eye. The sound was huge and the scene was gratifying, which made people's blood boil. Although the rain in the sky did not decrease, it was not long time to see the rise of the

After more than an hour, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Li Han: "Secretary Xia, the water level of the Xiama River in the city has dropped! However, there are new problems..."

PS: Thank you for your support of monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. We will continue to dedicate the most wonderful scene tomorrow! V