official god

Chapter 756 Before the disaster, man-made disasters come first

"What's the problem?" Xia is also extremely nervous now, lest there is a little mistake somewhere.

"Many citizens who live in low-lying places dare not sleep. They have called one after another and asked the district government to provide a temporary shelter, but the disembargo area has just been established..." Li Han's voice was in a dilemma.

Xia wants to know that Li Han does not want to take responsibility. The newly built district party committee auditorium and the most luxurious and spacious conference center in Quanyan City are all near the district party committee, which can be provided to citizens for temporary refuge. He didn't take the initiative to take the initiative. He wanted to let himself speak out. In case of any unmanageable situation, he would bear the main leadership responsibility first.

When is it? When the lives of the people are threatened, it is necessary to calculate personal gains and losses, and do not forget the most unpopular way to shirk each other's responsibilities in the officialdom. Xia Xiang is slightly disappointed with Li Han.

"Let the citizens go to the district party committee auditorium and the conference center first to avoid danger. If there is any problem, I will take responsibility!" Danger is an order, and it is the responsibility of the officials to reassure the people. If it is delayed by one point, it may lead to a human-made disaster. If the Xiama River did not become a natural disaster, but caused a disaster because of the panic of the people, Xia wanted to forgive himself.

Li Han was also a little ashamed. Hearing Xia's resolute words, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and said, "Okay, okay, let's do it this way. If there are any consequences, I won't evade responsibility."

After listening to Li Han's words, Xia wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, he was not busy for nothing. The water level dropped, which could at least temporarily keep the safety of the off-horse area, and let the people sleep well. Thinking of sleeping, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was past 2 a.m.

Xia wanted to return to the car with several people. Under the repeated persuasion of Chao Weigang, Xia thought still decided to take a nap in the car for a while. If he didn't go home, he would sit at the pumping point and wait for the water level to continue to drop until it was completely controlled. At the same time, he asked Xiong Haiyang and Xiao Wu to continue to collect pumps from various construction sites, the more the better, in case. Because people's calculation is not as good as God's calculation. If there is another heavy rain, the existing dozens of pumps may not be enough.

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Wu and Xiong Haiyang made a phone call, they got feedback that all the pumps on the construction site in Xiama District were all requisitioned by the municipal government, except for the current dozens of units!

What? Xia thought that he was not sleepy at all and was excited. It's simply adding insult to injury. What does it mean that Yan City is so big that other districts do not expropriate it, but requisition the sub-horse area?

Xiaxiang was so angry that he directly dialed Fu Xianfeng's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Xia wanted to hear the roar of wind and rain from the microphone. Fu Xianfeng's voice was blown by the wind and rain, and there was a little distortion between the erratic. He shouted, "Who is it? I'm Fu Xianfeng!"

"Mayor Fu, I'm Xiaxiang!" Xiaxiang also heard that Fu Xianfeng was also directing the rescue at the scene, but everyone was in the rescue. There is no need to cut off the back road of the disequest area. "I heard that you have requisitioned all the pumps on the construction site of the disequest area. I would like to ask, there is a Xiama river in our

Fu Xianfeng seemed to be stunned, and then a rapid wind sound spread to Xiaxiang's ears, so that Xiaxiang could also feel the wind and waves in the Nanshan Reservoir. Then Fu Xianfeng's voice was mixed with the sound of rain, which was cold without mercy: "Nanshan Reservoir is the reservoir of the people of the Comrade Xiaxiang, we should look at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation. Is it important to be a Xiama River or a Nanshan Reservoir? Nanshan Reservoir also supplies water to the capital. Many central leaders are also very concerned about the danger of Nanshan Reservoir. Vice Premier Zhao just called and asked to keep Nanshan Reservoir at all costs. We are Communist Party members and Party cadres. We should have the spirit of dedication to give up our small family and take care of everyone. I believe that under the correct leadership of you and Comrade Li Han, we can solve it smoothly.

The phone was cut off, and Fu Xianfeng's voice seemed to be still echoing in his ear. He was telling Xia Xiang that he was the mayor, the leader of the city, standing high and looking far, with a more far-sighted vision than Xia Xiang, and longer and more comprehensive than Xia Xiang wanted to consider. He He did not put forward any constructive opinions on the district's problem.

A typical bureaucracy that only creates problems, regardless of solving problems.

Xia wants to be speechless. He can't blame the mayor's responsibility, can't refute the mayor's wrong behavior, can't say that the mayor's behavior is not official. As for why the mayor has to requisition the pump in the disection zone instead of other districts, I'm sorry, the mayor's decision does Is it?

Xia wanted to put up with the anger in his chest, and did not want to maliciously guess why Fu Xianfeng deliberately called the pump from the disema area. Now that it has happened, it is useless to say more, so he can only find a way by himself.

No matter what time it is, Xia thought directly dialed Cheng Dacai's phone.

Cheng Dacai's phone was connected as soon as he called. Obviously, Cheng Dacai did not fall asleep. His voice was particularly clear. As soon as he heard it, he knew that he had been paying attention to the flood: "Secretary Xia, do you want to use manpower or supplies?"

"Mr. Cheng..." Xia wanted to be choked by a gust of wind. He staggered and almost fell down. He was so tired that he didn't close his eyes day and night, and he soaked in the rain for almost a day. He felt a little dizzy. He took a breath and said word by word, "There's nothing 0 water pump.

"..." Cheng Dacai was slightly silent for a moment, "I'll prepare 150 for you, just in case. This is a critical moment, not only the crisis of the Xiama River, but also the crisis of the Xiama area and your future. You must deal with it carefully. Don't worry, don't panic. There will be many difficulties, but there are also many ways to solve them. The key is to be stable and not to make mistakes, especially the mistakes in the leadership responsibility. Otherwise, a heavy rain may destroy your future!"

Cheng Dacai is not a person in the officialdom, but he has an inextricable relationship with the officialdom. He is also very clear about the inclination of the officialdom, the black hands behind his back, and the direct exclusion on the front. Especially in the case of major events, he can use the power in his hand to retaliate He saw countless means of the whole people in the officialdom, and he also knew the festival between Fu Xianfeng and Xia. Xia wanted to easily not ask him for help. Once he opened his mouth, it must be an emergency.

Xia wanted to hear the meaning of Chunchun's teaching of Cheng Dacai, and was grateful in his heart: "Thank you for Mr. Cheng's kind reminder. I wrote it down. I also experienced strong winds and waves in Anxian County before, but at that time, it was only windy and rainy, not as big as the sky and earth. Now the sky and the earth are also big, and the wind and rain are also heavy. I'm not afraid of the wind and rain. I'm afraid that people's hearts will take the opportunity to be messy.

With the guarantee of success, Xia wants to be relieved a lot. All the 150 water pumps of Cheng Dacai arrived. Xia wanted to tell Xiao Wu and Chen Tianyu, strictly guard against it, and not to leave the scene for half a step. Be sure to ensure the normal progress of the pumping work. As long as the rain does not stop, the pumping will not stop.

Chen Tianyu and Xiao Wu have made a promise.

Xiaxiang and Guan Xinwangyuan Road returned to the flood control headquarters in the lower horse area. At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, the sky was still cloudy, and the rain continued to fall, which did not weaken, but the good thing was that it was not strengthened.

There is still two feet of water in the flat land of Xiama District, but the water level of the Xiama River has dropped a lot, and it is no longer surging, and it is no longer as powerful as a rainbow. Citizens who have not seen the flood have finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Xia wanted to meet Li Han, and the two of them summarized according to the situation everywhere, but they still felt that the situation was not optimistic.

According to the latest news from the weather station, the rain may tilt to the northwest, that is to say, the rain in Xiama District and Yan City will not increase, but because of the mountains and troposphere in the northwest of Yan City, cumulonim clouds begin to converge to the northwest, and it is possible to form heavy rain in the northwest.

20 kilometers to the northwest is the Nanshan Reservoir.

The design capacity of Nanshan Reservoir is not small, but the design capacity will be different from the actual capacity, and the dam built in the early years may not have the ability to carry too much flood. Xia Xiang and Li Han looked at each other and saw the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Nanshan Reservoir is not only related to the drinking water of nearly 3 million people in Quanyan City, but also to supporting the living water in the capital, which is indeed the top priority. Moreover, the Nanshan Reservoir is only a few kilometers away from the revolutionary holy place, which can be said to be close at hand!

As soon as the danger of the Xiama River was eased, he heard the news that Nanshan Reservoir was about to be in an emergency, which made Xia Shen's heart sink.

Fu Xianfeng also rushed to the Nanshan Reservoir overnight last night. Hu Zengzhou did not go, but participated in an emergency meeting held by the provincial party committee to study countermeasures. At the beginning, Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng were also very concerned about the situation of the Xiama River. They repeatedly told Hu Zengzhou to pay close attention to the dangerous situation of the Xiama River and make every effort to support the flood relief in the Xiama River, because the Xiama River is the only inland river in Yan City and even Yan Province.

Just as the provincial party committee was about to set the tone of the meeting to fully support the dismounting area, Fu Xianfeng called and said that Nanshan Reservoir was in an emergency. At the same time, while reporting the danger, he also stressed the importance of Nanshan Reservoir to Ye Shisheng and Fan Ruiheng. After listening to Fu Xianfeng Heavy nature.

Once there is a problem in the Nanshan Reservoir, it will affect the drinking water of millions of citizens in Yan City. In case it affects the water use to support the capital, the central leadership will blame it, and no one can bear such a big political responsibility!

In the subsequent meeting, the tone changed. It is necessary to mobilize the strength of the whole city to ensure the safety of the Nanshan Reservoir, and the safety and danger of the Xiama River have been placed as a secondary issue.


After 7 o'clock, the sky was bright, and Xia wanted to receive a call from Hu Zengzhou.

"Xiaxiang, the meeting of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee decided that the first task is to protect the Nanshan Reservoir, and the second task is to ensure the safety of the Xiama River. I'll give you the basics. Basically, it's all about you. The central government has called to ensure the safety of Nanshan Reservoir... With the awareness of taking into account the overall situation, I'm afraid the province and the city will not be able to support you. Now most of the elite soldiers have rushed to Nanshan Reservoir, Nanshan Re The line is in a hurry!"

It seems that it's not Fu Xianfeng's exaggeration, but that the Nanshan Reservoir is really in danger.

Just after hanging up Hu Zengzhou's phone, Xiaxiang received another call from Gao Hai: "Xiaxiang, there is a very serious problem. Now there is a danger of flash floods at any time in Nanshan Reservoir..."

How is that possible? Xia was shocked.

Subsequently, in Gao Hai's narrative, Xia realized what was going on. Originally, the Nanshan Reservoir had a lot of water capacity. Although the design was old, with the current rain, it was not enough to pose a threat to the reservoir. However, because of Fu Xianfeng's wrong command, the Nanshan Reservoir became

When it rains heavily, some technicians suggested to Fu Xianfeng to release water and discharge the flood, because the usual water storage capacity of Nanshan Reservoir is only one-tenth of the designed capacity, and never one-fifth of the time. Although according to the original design, even if the reservoir water level is above the warning water level, it should be safe, but after all, the reservoir has been built for more than 50 years, and there is no guarantee that it can be safe with a water capacity of more than one-fifth.

However, Fu Xianfeng did not listen to the technicians. He believed that Yan City has always been short of rain and water, and the Nanshan Reservoir has always been in a state of water shortage. Every year, when supporting domestic water to the capital, it is always overstretched. Now the opportunity has come. It is just right to take advantage of the Some water. Imagine that as soon as he became the mayor, he more than doubled the provision of domestic water to the capital, and he did not have to bargain to transport water to Beijing as before.

In this way, he will increase a lot of impression points in the eyes of the central leadership, and also make him face in the family, which is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Fu Xianfeng even had the idea of God helping me, so he insisted on his opinion and ordered to store water from now on. Before the water level rises to the warning line, he was not allowed to open the floodgates.

The technician's surname is Huang, and his name is Huang Xiaoming. He has the same name as the film and television star Huang Xiaoming, but he looks ordinary, but he is stubborn and is not afraid of the power of Fu Xianfeng. He argues with Fu Xianfeng. It is not to say that the Nanshan Reservoir has been in disre The mountain wall may also be corroded. If there is a lot of pressure, the embankment may collapse. That is to say, the current water capacity is the safest water capacity of Nanshan Reservoir, which is more than one point of danger, because I don't know where a big opening will suddenly appear, which will lead to a flash flood.

Nanshan Reservoir is 20 kilometers away from Yanshi in the east, less than 3 kilometers away from the revolutionary holy place in the west, and mountains in the south and north. Once it collapses, there are only two places that can discharge floods, one to the west and the other to the east. To the west, the revolutionary holy land is inviolable. No one dares to order the discharge of flood to the revolutionary holy land, and no one can bear the political responsibility. To the east, it is the lives of millions of people in Yan City, and it is also unbearable.

Therefore, Huang Xiaoming's reasoning is completely reasonable, and it is also out of the consideration of the overall situation. It is a technician who has a sense of insight and achievements, but his reason did not impress the vanguard!

In the bones of Fu Xianfeng, there is a deep-rooted speculative psychology of the Fu family. Originally, the Fu family was not in the stream or conspicuous among the families in the capital, but because there were several dangerous speculations and operated properly, the Fu family successfully took rich benefits, so that the Fu family finally dragged out and ranked at the end of the four major families. Therefore, in Fu Xianfeng's view, the heavy rain once in a hundred years at this time is a major opportunity that has never been seen in a hundred years in his political life. He would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

What does a small technician know? It's just a bitch. Will the mountains and cement-cast dams be crushed? Just kidding, the technical data, like the government's GDP, has exaggeration and inconclusiveness. If you can't believe it, you can't believe it all. If you believe it all, you are a fool. Many cars are marked with a load of 30 tons, who doesn't pull up 50 tons? It's not the same as running around safely.

Fu Xianfeng impatiently interrupted Huang Xiaoming's continued theory and directly asked him to go out, so he didn't want to hear him keep arguing in his ear. Other local leaders and reservoir managers who are attracted to the trend did not dare to say another sentence that made the mayor unhappy. They all said down the words of Fu Xianfeng, saying that the Nanshan Reservoir is as solid as gold, which can definitely ensure that it is safe. Mayor Fu has a long-term vision, and now is a good time to store water.

Moreover, dozens or hundreds of water pumps transferred by Mayor Fu can be used at critical moments, which can relieve the pressure of the dam, pump water and reduce pressure, etc., which makes Fu Xianfeng a little flutter and believes that his decision is the only correct decision.

However, after a week of inspection along the dam, Yu Fanran and Gao Hai put forward different opinions, because the two inspected the dam on the spot, which was indeed in disrepair, and also asked many staff of the reservoir. The consistent caliber is that the water storage capacity of Nanshan Reservoir is limited, and the original designed water capacity The situation, and there are also nearby villagers who reflect a more serious situation to Yu Fanran and Gaohai. The mountains in the south and north of the reservoir are in danger of flash floods. Because the mountains are rich in mountain springs, now it is raining heavily, and the streams everywhere converge into a small river. If the small river forms a big river, it is possible to

Once a flash flood breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Yu Fanran and Gao Hai hurriedly reported to Fu Xianfeng, proposing that it is best to open the sluice to release water now, otherwise, when the water is too large to control, in case of a flash flood, it may cause immeasurable consequences.

Fu Xianfeng made up his mind to take this opportunity to gamble. He also consulted the experts of the provincial meteorological station, saying that it was possible to form heavy rainfall in the Nanshan Reservoir area, and the rainfall would reach heavy to heavy rain. Despite the warning from meteorological experts, when Fu Xianfeng saw that the water volume was less than one-fifth of the water level of the designed capacity of the reservoir, he still thought that it had rained heavily all day and night. Even if there was another heavy rainstorm, there might not be much rain. Now the water storage in the reservoir is only one-fifth, and it is good to reach one-third after the rainstorm.

One-third, no matter how old the dam is, it can withstand it, and it is impossible to break the dyke. Besides, even if the dike breaks, the responsibility can be shifted to the design of the reservoir, and he does not have to bear much leadership responsibility. And to put it bluntly, how can it break the embankment?

PS: Comrade Xiaxiang now needs a monthly ticket to improve combat effectiveness in order to better solve the pressure created by Fu Xianfeng. A heavy rain is the beginning of the reshuffle. Please support! Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are both wonderful medicine. V