official god

Chapter 771 Water is poor, clouds rise

The call was made by Mr. Fu. He only said weakly to the vanguard, "I'm ready to go back to Beijing. Let's have a good rest for a while!"

The voice is not loud, but it is like a bolt from the blue, which will bombard Fu Xianfeng to perfection!

rest? How can it be a rest? With the strength of the Fu family, deal with it in a low-key way, and it's not okay to take an idle job in the capital? Is it really irreparable? He wanted to ask something, but he couldn't ask. The old man's phone had already hung up.

Recently, because of his problem, the old man has been asked to run around and ask for help. The kindness has been consumed a lot, but it has no effect. It's not that the Fu family's face is not big enough, but that his luck is too bad. The small milk powder incident has escalated into an international dispute. The United States has been exerting pressure on China through diplomatic channels - the Prime Minister has never found an opportunity to attack the family forces. Now he has finally found such a good opportunity. It is strange that he is willing to let it go.

is also mainly in the central leadership. The Prime Minister is not the only one who is an opponent of the family's forces. In addition, he does have problems with his hands and feet. It is said that there were still people who tried their best to deal with him seriously at that time, but when his handwritten instructions were taken out, everyone was speechless.

Because according to the speech of the Yan Provincial Party Committee and Hu Zengzhou's statement, it is equivalent to the conspiracy between the municipal government and the Siniu Group to reach a compensation agreement. The municipal party committee and the provincial party committee are in the dark and completely removed him alone, which is obviously the role of a scapegoat. Although he was actually the culprit, he was still angry at the provincial and municipal committees for abandoning him at the critical moment!

Fu Xianfeng is now an internal and external problem.


, the municipal party committee and the provincial party committee no longer has any cover-up. In addition, although the American businessman promised well, it is unknown who is behind the milk powder network and who shocked the U.S. officials. Now is not the time to investigate. The problem now is that he is indeed exhausted under the pressure of internal and external troubles.

What Fu Xianfeng didn't expect was that he accidentally received a phone call from Yuan Ming.

"Mayor Fu, it's good to go back to the capital and have a good rest for a period of time. I've been exhausted for too long, which hurts my body. It's time for you to rest. Your mind is too much-consuming. Be careful before you get old. I don't know whether Yuan's bright voice is lucky or regretful. Anyway, the voice is faint, and I can't hear whether it is a blessing or a disaster.

Fu Xianfeng wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. He just smiled. Unexpectedly, Yuan Ming's phone hung up.

He sat in a chair desolently. He only felt a whirlwind, and his blood pressure almost rose and he fainted to the ground. After barely stabilizing for a while, he still dialed Xiaxiang's phone.

"At this point, Xiaxiang, tell me if there are your hands and feet behind the incident?" Fu Xianfeng no longer paid attention to the art of leadership and asked directly.

Xiaxiang's voice is neither salty nor light: "Mayor Fu, you know what I've been busy with. Some things are caused by yourself. Don't always look for reasons from others.

What does Xiaxiang mean? Are you teaching him a lesson? Fu Xianfeng was angry: "Are you teaching me?"

"I'm stating the facts."

"You don't deserve to teach me a lesson, Xia Xiang, in the future, we will see each other again!" Fu Xianfeng did not lose his temper in front of Hu Zengzhou. He did not dare to attack in front of Ye Shisheng. Finally, in front of Xiaxiang, his dissatisfaction and unwillingness broke out.

"I didn't know you before, but you bothered me again and again! Mayor Fu, you are welcome to visit Yanshi again in the future. Based on the previous friendship, I may invite you to dinner. But it's hard to say whether the people of Yan City welcome you or not.

"You..." Fu Xianfeng dropped the phone angrily.

Xia wants to deal with the vanguard's gaffe and smile. No matter how high a person climbs, and then he is the center of everyone's attention. Once he falls into the dust, he will recover to the ordinary side, scold his mother, and swear.

Some people will even cry and show their ugly appearance.

Fu Xianfeng's performance is already good in summer, and he can reach a passing line of at least 60 points.

I don't know what kind of feelings Fu Xianfeng will have after learning Xia wants to comment on him.

A week later, the Yan Provincial Party Committee held the result of the "Four Milk Powders" incident. Yang Guoying and several other responsible persons of the Four Niu Group were arrested in accordance with the law, waiting for further punishment. With the approval of the Central Committee, Fu Xianfeng, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, who had the main leadership responsibility in Hu Zengzhou, the responsible Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, gave a warning. At the same time, he suggested that the Yan Municipal People's Congress remove Fu Xianfeng from the position of mayor in accordance with the law!

Three days later, the Yan Municipal People's Congress held an emergency expansion meeting and dismissed Fu Xianfeng from his position as mayor in accordance with the law. On the same day, with the nomination of the provincial party committee and the approval of the central government, Yu Fanran was appointed as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and nominated for mayor. Subsequently, the Yanshi Municipal People's Congress passed the appointment of complicatedness in accordance with the law.

In the vigorous four milk powder incident, the dust settled in a blink of an eye, and Fu Xianfeng was discredited. Hu Zeng, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, spent it safely. A group of senior officials of the Siniu Group fell, which brought shock and helplessness to the people of Yan City.

Although many truths are still buried in unknown places behind it, finally, under the impetus of a powerful giant hand, it ended the four cattle gates that harmed people in later generations ahead of time, which also saved the happiness of countless families.

Siniumen has sounded the alarm for many domestic milk powder manufacturers.

Fortunately, with the dismissal of Fu Xianfeng as mayor, American businessmen also publicly announced in the United States that they had destroyed 10 tons of milk powder from Siniu Group on the spot. At the same time, the milk powder network also disappeared and disappeared.

Fortunately, what makes Xia want to be most fortunate is that although the Siniu Group has been seriously affected and its reputation has plummeted, and Hu Zengzhou also recited a warning, compared with the bankruptcy and closure of the Siniu Group in later generations and the exemption of both the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Mayor, in fact, it At the very least, Siniu Group can be reorganized, and the scope of influence is still acceptable. After half a year, Hu Zengzhou's warning will be automatically eliminated, which does not have much impact on his career.

It is a hundred times stronger than the disastrous consequences caused by later generations.

Of course, the most comfortable result for him is that Fu Xianfeng deserves it, and the result of being removed from office on the spot is enough to have a serious impact on the vanguard's political career. At least it can be guaranteed that he has no possibility of a comeback within three years!

After Yuan Mingliang's defeat to the horse area, Fu Xianfeng once again broke the city of Yan. In fact, to be precise, he was also defeated by a big flood in the Xiama River, which was equivalent to being overturned by the Xiama River.

A small Xia Ma River has overturned several senior officials in the deputy hall, the main hall and even the deputy province one after another. Is it really in line with the name of Xia Ma District?

Fu Xianfeng's dismissal caused a lot of sensation in Yan City and Yan Province!

There are many folk and official rumors. Although there are different versions, without exception, the people applaud their hands and gratifying people. The official was so taboo that he refused to disclose half of it. There are also so-called insiders who revealed the semi-official version that the Siniu incident is that Mayor Fu took the benefits of Siniu Group and wanted to cover up the Siniu Group. Unexpectedly, the benefits would bite his hand. As a result, he only embezzled more than 1 million yuan and lost the official. It was too worthless. It's too stupid for a mayor to be dismissed for more than 1 million yuan.

Others said that Mayor Fu was dismissed because of the style of men and women, and the Si Niu incident was just a cover.

What's more outrageous is the saying that Fu Xianfeng and Yang Guoying were exempted and arrested, all of which were caused by the unlucky name in the diseering area. If Siniu Group hadn't built the farm in the Xiama area, Mayor Fu hadn't visited the farm before the accident, I'm afraid there would be no end today.

All the rumors are just a pastime after tea and dinner. Fu Xianfeng was angry in his ears, but he could only choose to ignore them. On a morning in the autumn rain, he sat in the car - not his mayor's car, but the Fu family's special car sent by the Fu family to pick him up him - to return to Beijing. When he passed the Xiama River Bridge, he saw the gentle and beautiful river under the bridge, the magnificent district party committee compound in the distance, and even the office of The loss and resentment in my heart are indescribable!

I remember that when I came to Yanshi, I was the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. How beautiful it was. Nowadays, the wind and rain are sad, and the lonely person leaves alone. Hu Zengzhou went to the provincial party committee for a meeting. The other members of the Standing Committee have their own things to do. Only Chen Yulong and others symbolically sent a gift. He left alone in a car. How desolate and miserable it was.

Farewell, Yanshi! But what I can't say goodbye is his unfinished wish. He must find out the origin of the so-called American businessman and see who is behind it. If it is Xiaxiang, no matter where Xia wants to go in the future, even if he goes to the ends of the earth, the Fu family will not die with him!

Xia Xiang also knew that Fu Xianfeng left Yan City today. He stood in front of the window of the district party committee office and looked at the rolling Xia Ma River. He saw a black car passing through the Xia Ma River Bridge to the entrance of the expressway - usually the cars on the expressway in the Xia Ma District are all going north. Is it Fu Xianfeng

With the departure of Fu Xianfeng, Yanshi finally turned a new page and said goodbye to the era of Fu Xianfeng. Xia thought that his heart was still full of the joy of victory. He was able to lay out calmly and perfectly completed the final blow against the vanguard, and he did not reveal his identity too clearly, which was also a seamless sniper. As for whether he will eventually be found out by Fu Xianfeng in the future, it will be the future.

However, after Fu Xianfeng left, his time in the lower horse area was not long, but there was no news about where he was going. It was false to say that he was not anxious. Xia thought was still a little anxious.

Only after determining his where he is going, will he be transferred out of the horse area, and the matter of taking over will be put on the agenda. Xia Xiang was not sure whether Li Han would finally successfully take over as the district party secretary, but he also had a little confidence. As soon as Fu Xianfeng left, the biggest objection in the municipal party committee disappeared, and he also tested Yu Ranran's attitude, and Yu Ranran acquiesced in the candidate he recommended.

Because Yu Fanran knows in his heart that he successfully took over as the mayor of Yan City and became the biggest beneficiary of the Fu Xianfeng incident. He is not sure whether there is a shadow of Xia Chang behind it, but what is certain is that Fu Xianfeng's fiasco, Xia Chang is definitely the biggest insider among all.

Of course, from the perspective of the Wu family, he is also willing to help Xia Xiang, and he has always appreciated Xia Xiang very much. He quickly gained a firm foothold in Yan City, all because of the help of Xia Xiang's network.

As the second largest beneficiary of the Fu Xianfeng incident, Gao Hai also successfully took over the post of executive vice mayor, and finally became a stormy figure in Yan City. The Secretary-General of the municipal government many years ago can have today's achievements. Looking back on the past, he is also full of emotions. He has to sigh that the opportunity is really very important.

There is no opportunity, and it is impossible to successfully enter the Standing Committee after the fall of He Jianghua. Without opportunity, it is even more impossible to go a small step further and become the No. 2 figure of the municipal government after the defeat of Fu Xianfeng.

Gao Hai was full of ambition and felt that the future was bright.

In contrast, Hu Zengzhou was a little depressed, because he was delayed by the vanguard incident and recited a warning.

However, because Fu Xianfeng was spared to the end, he still opened up a lot. If there is no reminder from Xia, and he also signs the report of Siniu Group, it will not be as simple as a small warning. If it is not, there will be a big mistake, which is not a small political stain. Hu Zengzhou didn't know how Xia wanted to know the internal connection between Fu Xianfeng and Siniu Group, and whether his reminder was a coincidence, or whether he had long known that the problem of four milk powder would break out, but he was still grateful to Xia.

Because as long as something happens to the Siniu Group, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he can never stay out of the matter as if nothing had happened. Under the complete fall of Fu Xianfeng, he was only slightly affected, which was also a blessing in misfortune.

But in the next step, he still had a dilemma in choosing Xia's successor. Secretary Ye insisted on letting Li Han take over. From his point of view, he did not think that Li Han could be qualified for the important task of diseama District.

The pressure of the secretary of the provincial party committee is not something that ordinary people can deal with calmly. Hu Zengzhou also knew that Xia wanted to hand over the diseping area to Li Han. From the perspective of balance, even if Xia wants to leave the disema zone, the disema zone still has his strong team, which must be at peace with Li Han, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of the disema zone in the future.

On the one hand, it is considered from the big plan of the lower horse area, and on the other hand, in the face of the pressure of the provincial party secretary, Hu Zengzhou is in a dilemma.

However, Xia's wheretuo's wheret is going is not yet clear, and it can be delayed for a day.

Just as Hu Zengzhou was thinking about where Xia Xiang would go in the office, the phone rang. At first glance, it was a call from the provincial party committee. After answering, it was Wang Pengfei. Wang Pengfei was not polite and said directly, "Zeng Zhou, Xia wants to move, there is news..."

Xiaxiang also got the news at the first time, because he received a call from the organization minister. As he imagined, it was a call from Mei Shengping, Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. Mei Shengping called instead of Qiu Xufeng, which proved that his transfer was beyond the scope of Yan City.

After answering Mei Shengping's phone, Xia wanted to put down the phone. She was speechless for a long time, with a faint smile on her face. His where he went is both reasonable and unexpected. Generally speaking, it is in line with his long-standing concerns and speculation.

What he is worried about is that he is not afraid to leave Yanshi, nor is he afraid of going to put out the fire or ignite, but does not want to intervene in the entanglement of family forces. He just wants to stay in a city for two years and survive in the position of deputy hall, so that he can successfully enter the main hall in Even if he is appointed to a leisure position in the Ministry of Beijing, because he is really a little tired and wants to take a break for a while. But there has been no rumor, and his where to go has been kept secret, so he can't help guessing that the place he went should not be a good place to go.

If it was a good place to go, the wind should have spread long ago. With his connections, it's hard to say where to mobilize him. Even if it's the high-level officials in the capital, he can know one or two in advance. But the confidentiality is so strict that I'm afraid it's not the reason why all parties keep their mouths shut, but that he hasn't been finalized where he is going.

Now that it's finally settled, Xia can't tell what it's like in his heart - because the place he is going to is Lang City.

Lang City is well-known in Yan Province, not because of how developed or underdeveloped the economy is. Lang City has a medium economy, a medium area and a medium population. It can be said that it is basically the same as Niucheng. Economically and politically, it belongs to the type in Yan Province, and there is no prominent place. However, Lang City is very famous because of the status and particularity of Lang City.

Lang City is much more famous than Niu City, and it is much more important in the mind of the Provincial Party Committee, because Lang City is the closest city to the capital in Yan Province. At the same time, it is also the nearest city to Tianjin. It is located between Beijing and Tianjin, and is known as the pearl on the Beijing-Tianjin corridor!

Lang City is less than an hour away from Beijing and Tianjin. On the contrary, it is 3 hours away from Yan City. Therefore, in the minds of the citizens of Lang City, the provincial capital Yan City is very far away from them. On the contrary, Beijing and Tianjin seem to be their provincial capital. They often open the capital and close the mouth of Tianjin City. In the eyes.

Moreover, the secretary and mayor of Lang City are not very close to the provincial party committee, because they often walk to the capital, have close contact with the backstage of the capital, and sometimes alienate the provincial party committee. The provincial party committee is dissatisfied with Langshi, and can only turn a blind eye to it, not only because the geographical location of Langshi is too important, but also because the position of the secretary and mayor of Langshi has always been determined in the capital. The provincial party committee takes the procedure on the surface and is appointed by the members of the provincial party committee. In fact, the party and government leaders in Lang City have been nominated by the central government over the years.

There is no other reason, just because the central government has always wanted to transfer Lang City to the scope of the capital. Yan Province did not agree, and the central government adopted the strategy of political intervention. In the administrative territory, it could not take Lang City as its own, so it was involved in the personnel appointment. The Provincial Party Committee of Yan Province has always been conservative and not tough enough, so it has adopted a policy of concessions and made concessions in personnel.

Xia thought clearly that when he went to Lang City, he would face the biggest challenge since he came to politics!