official god

Chapter 772 The road ahead is long

The central government's intention to plot Lang City has been around for a long time, but it has never been done, and then there is no forcing. The location of Lang City Connecting Beijing-Tianjin and Yanjiang Province is very important, and at the same time, it guards the throat of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway to the southeast of the capital. In the early years, when the capital wanted Lang City, Yan Province responded that if it was transferred, even the two poorest prefecture-level cities in the charter city and Decheng City would take it away together. As a result, the capital did not agree.

Not only because the political environment of Lang City is very complex, but also more worrying is that the economic circle of the capital is expected to officially break ground next year. Lang City is the first to bear the brunt of the first batch of pilot cities!

Whether it was the Prime Minister's hint or someone else deliberately arranged for him to go to Lang City, it was well-intentioned. And what worries Xia more is that Ai Chengwen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Lang City, is said to be from the Qiu family, and the mayor's background is unknown to the ancient country, but he can be sure that the backstage is also in the capital!

Another thing that makes it difficult for Xia to guess the high-level intention is that the central government still mentions the transfer of Lang City to the capital when borrowing the economic circle of the capital?

The complex political environment, the mixed geographical location, the uncertain urban positioning, the capital and the political atmosphere of Yan Province, Lang City is really a place that makes people confused. Someone asked him to go to Lang City. I'm afraid he didn't want him to survive the transition period of two or three years, but to let him profit from the chaos? Or let him light the fire or put out the fire? Only the people behind the scenes know it themselves.

At the beginning, Xia Xiang also imagined countless possibilities about where he was going. In the end, he probably guessed that he might be far away from Yan City, but he did not go to the general direction of Yan Province, and even made the worst plan to stay in the two poverty-stricken cities in Yan Province for two years. Of course, the better result In the end, he didn't expect to let him go to Lang City.

Why is it Langshi?

Xia thought that she rarely smiled bitterly, but she had to shake her head and smile bitterly. There is really something smart about high-level people. He went to Lang City. Whether it was lighting a fire or extinguishing the fire, he would never live in peace and would not make him live a comfortable life. It is much more dangerous than in the Xiama District, because the Xiama District is in Yan City, and Yan City is also the provincial capital. Under the eyes of the leaders at the provincial and municipal levels, even if it is tossed, it will be carefully controlled within a reasonable range. Lang City is different. Not to mention being far away from Yan City, it is psychologically close to Beijing and Tianjin. At the same time, because of walking too much with Beijing and Tianjin, it has always despised the status of Yan City's provincial capital. Lang City, which can't be said to be Longtan Tiger Cave, is at least a place of continuous right and

What Xia didn't expect was that when he really arrived at Langshi, he found that the situation in Langshi was so complicated and there were so many right and wrong, which was even more amazing than he thought!

Just hearing the news of the transfer, Xia thought that it would take two days for the organization department to talk. He didn't want to move quickly. The next day, the organization minister invited him to have tea.

When Xia wanted to come to the municipal party committee, he just entered the courtyard of the municipal party committee, and it was Su Gongchen who came in front of him. Su Gongchen seemed to be about to go out. As soon as he saw Xia, he stopped and smiled: "Secretary Xia, what a coincidence. I heard that you are going to Langshi. Congratulations, congratulations. By the way, I have a few words to say. Is it convenient now?

Xia thought clearly that Su Gongchen did not inadvertently walk face to face with him, but deliberately waited here for Guo Lu's business.

To be fair, Xia Xiang really didn't want to deal with Su Gongchen, but he had to deal with one or two, because Su Gongchen not only had a key vote in the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, but also his relationship with Ye Shisheng was average. In the nomination of the Municipal Party Committee, he was close to opposing Li Han's

Although Guo Lu and Li Han were close, I don't know why Su Gongchen never looked down on Li Han. Guo Lu and Li Han had no choice but to do it, because he did not accept Guo Lu.

Xia wanted to see Su Gongchen's smile, more or less revealing a few sincerity, so he endured and said, "Secretary Su, Guo Lu's youth is an advantage, but if you think that you can be frivolous when you are young, you can be arrogant. That is, you don't understand the meaning of youth, and youth has

In Xia's words, Su Gongchen's face changed slightly, and then with a helpless face, he pulled Xia to aside and whispered, "I also know Guo Lu's problem, but I can't put it on the shelf. I always want to be superior. I criticized him many times, but he didn't listen. That is to say the truth in front of me, and to tell the truth is to really love him... No, Secretary Xia, if you promise me to find a trustworthy person to take Guo Lu for me in Xiama District, I will say a few more words for Jiang Tian at the Standing Committee.

Do Su Gongchen have an ambush? Xia wanted to see the flashing meaning in Su Gongchen's eyes, because he knew that saying a few good words for Jiang Tian may not change the fact that Li Han might take over smoothly, but Su Gongchen was sure that he still had any bargaining chips.

No matter what consideration Su Gongchen is so dedicated to Guo Lu, Xia can't really think of Guo Lu's advantages. It's not that he doesn't want to help Guo Lu, nor does he want to kill Guo Lu with a stick, but that he really doesn't like Guo Lu's personality and ability.

"Guo Lu also has advantages. Secretary Xia doesn't know much about him, and he knows more. In fact, he also has an open-minded learning side..." Su Gongchen looked at his face and saw Xia's doubts. He knew very well that even if Li Han took over as the secretary of the district party committee, Xia Xiang's team was also on the big trend in the disema area. With his observation, Li Han could not control the disema area.

Let Guo Lu get close to Li Han, and there will be no future. The main reason is that Li Han's ability is limited. He relies on people's support, and he is not hard and can't go far.

Su Gongchen appreciates Chen Tianyu's ability very much. He believes that Chen Tianyu will take over as the district chief sooner or later, so he intends to let Guo Lu and Chen Tianyu learn more for a period of time. However, Chen Tianyu and Xia want to have a relationship, and only when Xia wants to open his mouth can Chen Tianyu accept Guo Lu.

"..." Xia wants to meditate for a moment. Sometimes political matters must also cooperate with some people who see the wind and helm the rudder. The officialdom is a big dyeing tank, and there are all kinds of people. It is the long-term way to learn to deal with all kinds of people. "Let Guo Lu first spend a period of It will definitely be of great help to Guo Lu's future work. When Hong Kong will say that Guo Lu is really down-to-earth, let Guo Lu follow Tianyu again. If he can learn something from Tianyu, I believe that his future road will be wider..."

Su Gongchen thought for a moment and nodded and smiled: "Congratulations to Secretary Jiang Tianjiang for me... In addition, Chen Yuli, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection of Lang City is my old friend. I'll introduce him to you when I have time."

Xia wanted to smile, shook hands with Su Gongchen, and went upstairs. What he wondered was that Su Gongchen meant that Jiang Tian's position as the secretary of the district party committee was stable. Why did Su Gongchen decide that all the standing committees would support Jiang Tian without giving face to the provincial party secretary?

When Xia wanted to go upstairs, he met an acquaintance in the municipal party committee. Everyone greeted him with a smile and took the initiative to say hello from afar, as if he was afraid that it would be impolite if he would be a little late, which puzzled him. He didn't step into the main hall when he went to Langshi. It can only be regarded as a flat tone, and compared with the leader in the lower horse area, he is actually worse. How come the people of the municipal party committee have a good attitude towards him, as if his transfer is a promotion?

When he got upstairs, Xia thought that he suddenly realized that although he had not stepped into the main hall, he was the two major organizational ministers of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee to talk to him. The key is that they are still full-time, so it is difficult for him not to become the focus of the public.

Even if he went to the city to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee, the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee may not come forward in person. Mei Shengping did not give everyone's face. However, then again, Mei Shengping has always not come forward according to the routine. He personally came to the municipal party committee to find Xia to talk. He not only shocked Hu Zengzhou, but also had to come forward to greet him, making the whole municipal party committee fluctuate and have no intention to work.

Mei Shengping didn't care, so he ignored other people's guesses and comments. He wanted to come, even if many people in the provincial party committee had a problem with him. Because he felt that Xia wanted to go to Langshi and suffer losses, he had to come to make a trip for Xia.

Mei Shengping came. Qiu Xufeng was under the greatest pressure, but he had to greet him with a smile. Generally, at the level of Xiaxiang, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has a lot of face at most an ordinary deputy minister. The standing deputy minister comes forward, which is a great face, but now the Minister of Organization comes forward in person, so he doesn't know what to say.

It's not jealous of how good the relationship between Xia wants to be and Mei Shengping, but to make it difficult for him to do things. In fact, Xia wants to transfer is still under the jurisdiction of the municipal party committee. The organization department of the provincial party committee just coordinated and walked through the motions. Mei Shengping came in person and made him laugh and

What made Qiu Xufeng more embarrassed was that before waiting for Xia to think of it, Mei Shengping sat in his office without saying a word, as if he didn't want to talk to him, so he didn't let him sit or stand, and he didn't dare to pretend to read the documents - reading the documents is a special way for the leader to It's the leader.

Fortunately, I came in time in summer.

As soon as Xia wanted to enter the door, the expressions of the two people who were embarrassed in the room immediately became vivid.

After shaking hands separately, Mei Shengping patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder, and the expression on his face was a little complicated: "Xiaxiang, do you have any grievances when you go to Langshi to serve as a deputy?"

Generally, when the organization minister asks someone to talk to you, he will tell you the result directly, and then listen to your loyalty and obey the organizational arrangement. Where can you ask if there is any wronged organization minister? Xiaxiang was also used to Mei Shengping's surprise. He smiled and said, "I safely obey the arrangement of the organization."

"Oced, there are no outsiders here. Qiu Xufeng is half an outsider to me, and he is not an outsider to you." Mei Shengping waved his hand and ignored Qiu Xufeng's embarrassment. He also said, "The executive vice mayor of Lang City, it's okay, it's better than the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. Some people take care of you, but they don't fully implement it. I really want you to do a big job and move Gu Xiangguo directly. It would be great if you could be the mayor.

This is not what the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee should say. Qiu Xufeng couldn't help coughing a few times.

Xia thought also guessed that he must have been flat, because the secretary and mayor of Lang City had just taken office, and the situation was at least very stable on the surface, and neither of them had the qualifications to rise. Therefore, in the past, it was possible that he was either the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, the executive deputy mayor, or the deputy secretary Not big.

Of course, he also thought about the possibility of a general deputy mayor. Later, he thought that it would be too stingy for those who wanted him to go to light the fire or put out the fire, even the Standing Committee would not let him in. A general deputy mayor, in Lang City, whose eyes are higher than the provincial party committee and only focus on the capital, is only at the bottom, and has no right to speak or execute.

Executive Vice Mayor... It's okay, it's okay, it's not high or low, it's not down, it's a position that can be advanced and retreated, which also confirms someone's painstaking efforts. Whether it is his training or a test for him, anyway, he is sandwiched between the secretary of the municipal party committee, the deputy secretary and the mayor, which is a key point that can get closer to the secretary or be single-minded with the mayor.

It can not only become the leader of the mayor who tightly controls the government team, but also become the pawn of the secretary of the municipal party committee to decoher the authority of the mayor. No one pointed out where to go and how to stand in line. It's all up to his own wise eyes to explain the direction.

It is said that safety obeys the organizational arrangement. In fact, who doesn't have any complaints and ideas? However, even if there is, it can't be shown. Even if Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng don't care about him out of a personal relationship, he should be cautious. After all, the two people in front of him now represent the two-level organization department.

Fortunately, Qiu Xufeng relieved the siege in time: "It's good to go to Lang City, Secretary Ai's side, so that we can talk."

It's okay not to mention Ai Chengwen. When he mentions Ai Chengwen, Mei Shengping is not angry: "You don't know what Ai Chengwen is. It's strange that he can get along with Xiaxiang..."

Qiu Xufeng shook his head helplessly: "Don't mention it, don't mention it. With Xia's ability, when it comes to Lang City, he will definitely be able to open the situation smoothly and show his hands and feet in Lang City."

"It's a useless cliché. We can't see the current situation of Lang City from afar, but we also know a little rumor... Ai Chengwen and Gu Xiangguo's eyes are above the top, 12 members of the Standing Committee, everyone has a background in the capital, and it's not a good place to be calm." Mei Shengping waved his hand and rudely refuted Qiu Xufeng, "I just said it bluntly. Someone sent Xia to go to Lang City, but in fact, he asked him to stir up the situation. Of course, they also have a good saying, which is polishing. If you don't think about jade, you can't become a weapon. But I didn't make any promises to Xia. It's too boring.

For Mei Shengping's injustice for him, Xia thought just laughed it off. He couldn't say any complaints in his heart, but it was also clear that sometimes he couldn't experience the beauty of the willow dark flowers until the mountains and rivers were exhausted. Moreover, the political power is sometimes bright and sometimes dark. Before he becomes a member of the party in charge, proper training is also of great benefit.

Throughout the audience's resumes of many officials, there are times when they are alone to turn the tide.

And as a real training for yourself, as an official, sometimes you have to have a cruel side. If you are not cruel to yourself, it is difficult to be cruel to your opponent. Not being cruel to your opponent is irresponsible to yourself. Because the real competition in the officialdom is not always gentle and drizzling. Fu Xianfeng also has a civilized side. Maybe some opponents are naked rudeness and threats, but they can still get to a high position in the officialdom. What can you do with him?

Control violence with violence, tit for tat or it is the last resort.

Lang City is not a Longtan Tiger Cave, but it is definitely a place of right and wrong. A prefecture-level city in Yan Province devotes its eyes to the capital every day. It often violates the instructions of the provincial party committee, but it always walks across the provincial party committee to the capital. It is strange that it can be a sunny place!

Then, Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng walked through the motions as usual, and the conversation was over.

After walking through the scene, Mei Shengping remembered something and asked with an expression that had never been serious, "Xia Think, let me ask you one thing. You tell me the truth - is there anything behind the incident of the Siniu Group?"

This question is really difficult to answer, but Xiaxiang also knows that he has moved the foundation of the Fu family's interests and touched the most taboo place of the family. Whether it is Mei Shengping or Qiu Xufeng, it is inevitable to be wary of him.

However, even if he has a good relationship with the two of them, he will definitely not tell the truth. He shook his head and smiled: "I am the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee. I am the farthest away from Yan City. I often wander on both sides of the Xiama River, and it is 104,000 miles away from the United States

The explanation was decent, but Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping looked at each other, and both of them had doubts in their eyes.

Mei Shengping still said the worry in his heart: "Some thunder pools can't be crossed. Xia thought, you have to know it in your heart. No matter how good the friendship is, it is not a great benefit.

Mei Shengping's words were very realistic and practical. Xia wanted to move his heart and knew that what Mei Shengping said represented not only the position of the Mei family, but also the position of the Qiu family. It was a reminder and a wake-up call to warn him not to cross the boundary. Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship is, there will be

The sky is big, and the interests are the greatest. Xiaxiang is also very clear in his heart that he has a good relationship with Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng, and they have been getting along well, because they do not involve their respective fundamental interests. As long as there is a conflict of interest, no matter how big or small, there will be no scene of

The fundamental interests of the family cannot be touched. As soon as he moves, he may be suppressed by the four major families. At that time, his situation will be really dangerous. If the four families work together, with his current foundation, it will basically be destroyed in one round.

However, Mei Shengping also came to an end. He didn't say more. Then, he said some gossip. Before leaving, Mei Shengping said something that surprised Xia, "When you go to Langshi, I'll take you there."

Xia wanted to open his mouth in surprise and wanted to say something, but was blocked by Mei Shengping: "It doesn't matter what you say. You have to obey the decision of your superiors. Besides, I'm not a special sender to see you off. It's just a matter of passing by, going to visit an old friend of the Langshi Municipal Party Committee, and then going back to the capital to see you off.

Even so, a deputy department-level cadre took office and was personally accompanied by the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee. Not to mention the shock of the Lang Municipal Committee, the Yan Provincial Party Committee would also cause a sensation, and even Ye Shisheng would come forward to stop it on the grounds of non-compliance with the rules

PS: Update 5000 first, and there are 5,000 words before midnight. Thank you for your support. To be honest, if it hadn't been for the support of the brothers' monthly tickets, the official god would not have been able to hold on to the daily update for so long. Thank you for your support. Recently, there have been few official recommendations of Guanshen, and I am very depressed. If the brothers hadn't put the Guanshen on the list, they might have been discouraged. It's still the brothers' strength. Lao He held his fists and bowed deeply to every brother who cast monthly tickets and rewards at the critical moment. Thank you, from the bottom