official god

Chapter 815 True or False, Expansion of Things

The visit of the reporter of China News Agency was also surprised by Xia. Of course, what surprised him more was Lu Hongzhan's extreme reaction. He actually arrested the reporter. I don't know what he thought. He was dizzy for a moment or thought that he could do whatever he wanted in one mu of land in Lang City.

However, the matter has nothing to do with him for the time being, so he no longer cares about it. Unexpectedly, after making the phone call, Ai Chengwen asked with a questioning face, "Mayor Xia, the matter is a little difficult. It seems that he is a reporter of Huaxin News Agency in Yan Province. After the other party was arrested, he had notified the headquarters of Yan Province. President Gu called the Propaganda Department and asked to release him immediately.

"Renah, of course, you should let him go. The reporter of China News Agency can't afford to offend him." Xia wanted to push the boat along the water and said.

"The problem is that at first, Lu Hongzhan did not agree to let him go. He was very tough. Later, he promised to let him go, but he refused to leave. He had to let Lu Hongzhan apologize to him. Lu Hongzhan couldn't lose face, and now he is deadlocked."

The stalemate is good. It's not his trouble. Xia wants to intervene in this matter. Although Ai Chengwen carried out Gu Zeng, he probably knows that he has a good relationship with Gu Zeng, but Ai Chengwen said that it was not Lu Hongzhan. There was no need for him to take the initiative to solve the trouble for Lu I made an appointment. Now I will go to the university town project to thoroughly check the funds. I guess the investors are already waiting..."

Seeing that Xia wanted to come forward inadvertently, Ai Chengwen said reluctantly, "Okay, you do your business first. I'll see how to deal with the problem. This old way, I'm impatient when I do things, and I can't do it without criticism.

Xia wanted to laugh and didn't say anything. Ai Chengwen was really angry, or he asked the secretary to criticize Lu Hongzhan. Whoever let Lu Hongzhan not catch the person, and the person who didn't catch him would be caught randomly.

Xia Xiang then came with Li Caiyuan and Tang Hua to make an appointment with Li Li and the vice president of the capital of Yuanjing Group, plus several municipal government staff, and more than a dozen people went to the university town.

The reason why Li Li was called with him was that Xia thought that he should positively show that he would create pressure on Tu Yun, who was recuperating at home. Gu Xiangguo is not here, Yang Bin is missing, and Tu Yun is now like a frightened bird. Under great pressure, she may not be able to bear it and make an unusual move.

As long as she has something wrong, it's time not to be self-recommotion.

Of course, the deeper idea is that the last time he met Li Li, Xia Xiang had preliminarily grasped the evidence of Tu Yun's cooperation with Chang Guoqing to defraud loans, but the evidence was not very conclusive, and it may not be able to attract the enemy. He discussed with Li Li Li and did not move for the time being

Since Li Li has defected to Xia Xiang, he has only thought of Ma Shou Shizhan. He listened to Xia Xiang's arrangement, hid the evidence, and waited for Xia Xiang's order to throw it out at any time.

On the way, Xia wanted to receive another call from Yang Wei. Yang Wei proposed that there are important situations to reflect, and he hopes to meet with Mayor Xia. Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment and asked him to go to the university town. Yang Wei happily agreed.

The university town is located in Dong'an District, Lang City, covering an area of more than 2,000 mu. It is an open courtyard building. At a glance, it is quite imposing. The front door is an imitation of the Arc de Triomphe, which is still magnificent, but it is really uncomfortable to see that half of the buildings under construction are closed.

If the whole complex is completed, the university town will be connected, which is really a scene of Lang City. Unfortunately, half of it is completed and half of the ruins are broken, silently announcing the lesson of the failure of blind investment to the world.

In blind investment, there are not only high-quality factors that leaders are greedy for political achievements, but also caused by layer-by-layer exploitation or eating cards in the middle of construction. Behind every failed investment, there is basically a bunch of worms.

Or, there is a blood-sucking interest gang.

Yang Wei's speed was very fast. As soon as Xia Xian and others arrived at the university town, he arrived. As soon as he saw Xia Xiang, Yang Wei leaned forward and whispered, "Mayor Xia, I have something to report."

Xia wanted to see his mysterious face, so he took a few steps away with him, kept a certain distance from the crowd, and smiled and said, "It's very mysterious. What's the situation?"

"Mayor Xia must be investigating the capital investment outside the capital. I have a piece of news that may be valuable for reference." Yang Wei smiled heartily, "Beijing Foreign Enterprise Investment Co., Ltd. invested in the university city. Although it ended in failure, after the foreign investment application for bankruptcy, Chang Guoqing changed and re-registered and established the Capital Foreign Investment Co., Ltd. in the capital. Now it has undertaken many major projects in the capital, including transportation projects and construction projects. It was personally approved by Mayor Ma..."

Xia wanted to take a look at Yang Wei with interest. He had long seen that Yang Wei was alert and not entirely Zhao Xiaofeng's spokesperson. Today, it was obvious at first sight. What he said just now was not only useful, but also very useful.

If Yang Bin is the thread of a key line and the role of a fuse, as soon as he opens his mouth, it is equivalent to lighting a gunpowder barrel, then the evidence in Li Li's hand is the second wave of bombs, which can have the effect of adding fuel to the fire, and the clue provided by Yang Wei can be deton The third wave of bombs can also be damaged in the backstage of Yun's capital.

Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to be secretly surprised. Unexpectedly, Yang Wei provided a key clue in time. He originally thought that Yang Wei's conclusion was useful was obviously correct.

Xia thought for a moment and smiled: "Yes, the news is very timely and useful. If you can check more in the capital, you can add a lot of power at the critical moment."

Yang Wei immediately understood Xia's hint, nodded and said, "The construction of the organic base in Langshi, please ask Mayor Xia to deal with it. I will go back to the capital now to see if I can dig some clues. When Mayor Xia found something in the university town, the capital will cooperate in time.

A little bit. Yang Wei is a little more witty than Xia thought. Xia wanted to be overjoyed: "Okay, it's much safer for you to go back to the capital. Say hello to Mr. Zhao for me."

Yang Wei said something very meaningful: "In fact, Mr. Zhao and I also have a cooperative relationship. In contrast, I prefer Mayor Xia's style and character."

Did you deliberately get close to him? Xia thought that he didn't say anything, but nodded with a smile. Yang Wei also responded with a smile and turned away. Looking at his unstinating behavior, Xia wanted to secretly appreciate that there were too few people around him. If Yang Wei could use it, it would be a great help.

Xia wants to lead everyone to the university town project department - although the university town has been suspended for a long time, the project department set up by the municipal government is still operating normally, and the arrival of the executive vice mayor has made the whole project department busy.

In fact, there are no important personnel in the project department. Only a few busy staff come to work every day, answer the phone, clean up and so on. Several staff are also young girls in their early 20s, and two of them are quite beautiful. I guess they are all relatives of the head of the municipal party committee.

Xiaxiang did not come up with any inspection style. He directly asked people to take out the accounts, and the entourage checked the accounts. Although he also knew that it was impossible to find any problems from the accounts, it was estimated that it had been flattened a long time ago, but he still had to do it.

The heating of the project department was insufficient, and the warm air was turned on for heating. Xia wanted to sit in it and talked to Li Li for a long time. Tang Hualai found the record of 30 million loans from the accounts according to the key parts pointed out by Li Li.

After the audit, Shanlian, as the representative of Vision Group, put forward his views on the unclear project, the unclear flow of many funds and the chaotic situation of creditor's rights, and raised doubts about the 30 million loan. The condition is that only the debts owed wages and materials owed to migrant workers in the university town project are recognized. For loans The payment and some debts with unclear creditor's rights will not be accepted, and the government will be required to bear it by itself, otherwise Vision Group will not invest.

The conditions of Vision Group are not harsh. From a commercial point of view, when any developer accepts unfinished projects, he hopes that the government will bear most of the debt. Of course, the less foreign debt, the better. However, Vision Group did not accept the proposal of a loan of 30 million yuan. Xia wanted to say that he could not accept it, because the loan debt was clear and was completely used on infrastructure construction, and it could not be used as a debt with unclear creditor's rights.

Shanlian continued to raise objections, saying that the loan of 30 million yuan was successful after the university town project had applied for bankruptcy, and no one cent was invested in infrastructure construction, and the flow of funds was unknown, and there was the possibility of being embezzled. It was simply indicated that the wages of migrant workers were repaid, but there was no relevant It should be included in the unknown debt.

The two sides argued and did not reach an agreement on who would bear the 30 million loan. Xia thought was not reluctant. He proposed to return to the municipal government to continue the meeting to study, thoroughly investigate the final flow of the 30 million loan, and then gave Yuanjing Group an explain, and Shanlian agreed.

There were many entourage of the municipal government present. They all witnessed the scene of Xiaxiang and Shanlian's struggle just now. No one doubted that Xia wanted to stand on the position of the municipal government and strive for the most of interests for the sake of the government.

Li Caiyuan and Tang Hualai are clear that the play is enough. That is to say, Yuanjing Group and the municipal government have basically reached an agreement. Yuanjing Group agreed in principle to invest in the university city with an investment of up to 1 billion yuan, but refused to accept the creditor's rights of the loan of 30 million yuan.

With a huge investment of 1 billion yuan to let the municipal government bear 30 million non-performing loans, it is foreseeable that Gu Xiangguo will definitely agree. But what Li Caiyuan and Tang Hualai know more clearly is that Xia Xiang will definitely not agree.

It is another desperate plan. Mayor Xia's political wisdom is really powerful. Presumably, a huge investment of 1 billion yuan will definitely have a big impact on the municipal government. The key is that it is not known whether the investment is really in place, but the focus is completely on the loan of 30 million yuan.

Li Caiyuan and Tang Hua looked at each other, but what they thought was the same. Finally, they followed the right person, and they would not worry about not having a position in Lang City in the future. When Mayor Xia completely opens up the situation in Lang City, they will also rise with the water.

Xia wanted to see that what had been done, so she was ready to leave for the municipal party committee. As soon as she got on the bus, she received a phone call from Ai Chengwen. Ai Chengwen's tone was very short: "Mayor Xia, you'd better come to the municipal bureau immediately. Something went wrong

Xia wants to turn around and tell Li Caiyuan and Tang Hua: "You two go back to the municipal party committee first and sort out today's summary of the situation. Do you know where the focus is?"

"It's clear, of course it's clear." Li Caiyuan and Tang Hualai both understand where the focus of coming to the university town today is. If they don't understand this, they are not Xia Xiang's cronies.

Xia nodded with satisfaction and said to the driver, "Go to the city bureau."

Ai Chengwen's tone was very anxious. There must have been an uncontrollable situation. Xia thought it was still necessary to show up. In order not to relieve Lu Hong, he also wanted to give Ai Chengwen face. After all, there was a reporter being arrested on the territory of Lang City, and it was the leader who had no face.

As soon as I entered the gate of the municipal bureau, as soon as I went upstairs, I heard Ai Chengwen slapped the table: "Old road, I'll say it again, your attitude is not good"

Lu Hongzhan's voice is very stubborn. Although it is not as strong as Ai Chengwen's voice, he has an unconvinced attitude: "Secretary Ai, if the reporter doesn't sign, he can't let it go. If he reports about Mayor Tu after he goes out, he will smear Lang Shi's face, and you will be shameless.

"You caught the reporter of Huaxin News Agency, and Lang City is no longer on the face. Just now, President Gu of the Yan Provincial Branch has called me in person. If you don't let people go, you can directly contact the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee. If the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee can't solve it, you can report it directly to the headquarters of Huaxin News Agency. You have to think about the consequences.

"I have thought of all the consequences, Secretary Ai, please listen to me, you can't let it go without signing..." Lu Hong's tone was respectful, but there was still no sign of concession.

Xia wanted to hear the clue. Regardless of the context of the matter, Lu Hongzhan was really tough. He dared to resist the pressure of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and resolutely refused to let go of the reporter of Huaxin News Agency. It was not that he was crazy, or that he deliberately had a bad time with Ai Chengwen,

The reporter of Huaxin News Agency interviewed Tu Yun's life style. The deputy mayor has a life style problem. All localities must cover the lid and not allow any journalists to interview. The reporter of Huaxin News Agency learned through what channel that there is no need to investigate first, but after letting the reporter of Huaxin News Agency know the situation, the manuscript is no longer an internal incident, because the Tu Yun incident will certainly not be allowed to be reported by any news media until the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection comes to a conclusion and the Provincial Party Committee decides to punish her The privilege is that it can be written as an internal reference.

The internal reference is not only for the leaders of the provincial party committee to consult, but also for the central leaders to have a look through the screening. In case of accidentally let any central leader see it, after an instruction, Tu Yun's incident can only be taken seriously even if it is fake.

Lu Hongzhan agreed to release people, but asked the reporter to sign a non-disclosure agreement and promised not to write an internal reference or press release, otherwise it would be caught by mistake. Do you believe that a reporter can still resist the democratic dictatorship?

Lu Hongzhan's attitude was very resolute. Even at Ai Chengwen's request, he refused to agree, which made Ai Chengwen very angry. In desperation, he had to let Xia want to come and see if he could solve the deadlock.

Secretary Ai still can't control the overall situation. After Xia wanted to come, he learned the beginning and end of the matter and couldn't help sighing in his heart. With the support of Gu Xiangguo and the support of Chen, Lu Hongzhan is not afraid of Ai Chengwen, who has a soft personality.

Xia wants to know that the reporter of Huaxin News Agency is Luo Badao. He is very famous and domineering, but he is very young, but he has a sense of arrogance. He sits in a chair and does not squint, and has no intention of retreat at all.

Xia thought just observed a few times and did not talk to Luo Badao, so he went to the office with Ai Chengwen and Lu Hongzhan to discuss how to deal with it.

In fact, to be fair, Xia doesn't want to get involved in any reporter's interview. His affairs are proceeding step by step. When the time is ripe, it is most important to establish prestige in the municipal party committee first. He really doesn't want to be distracted by a small matter. Unexpectedly, when he listened to Lu Hong's high- Social events can also be made a big deal

Lu Hongzhan made a reporting posture and had a very correct attitude: "How to deal with journalists? According to my many years of work experience in the public security system, I have summarized a set of guidelines called 'double rise' - which means that all news media distorts the truth and attacks the municipal party committee and municipal government or public security organs and police. In the name of the unit, the newspaper and the reporter themselves will be prosecuted. If the report mentions the individual police officer and causes consequences, the police take the evidence to the court to prosecute the reporter, and the relevant departments and the unit where the police are located should support and assist... This is called 'double rise'"

"We are not journalists. We don't know how to write articles in reverse, but we don't understand politics. We can use political means to deal with journalists. Because we don't have the power to control politics, but if we turn politics into the rule of law, it is our strength. What we need to do is to turn ordinary problems into legal issues and legal issues into cases. We have been working on cases over the years. Can he be a journalist? In journalism, the public security organs have no initiative. In politics, the public security organs only have half of the initiative. But as long as we enter the legal track, we have all the initiative to turn the incident into a case. Not only does he not have the initiative, he is the audience.

What a "double rise" theory. Xia didn't expect that Lu Hongzhan really had a way. He actually rose to the theoretical height of dealing with news reporters, and he didn't know how to reverse right and wrong? His means of reversing right and wrong and manipulating politics are first-class

Xia Xiang was calm on the surface, but he praised Lu Hongzhan's theory: "Secretary Lu's theory is very smart, which makes me suddenly enlightened. This double theory is not only suitable for promotion in the whole city, but it is estimated that the director of the provincial department will also appreciate it very much. Maybe after hearing it, the director of Unified promotion..."

Lu Hongzhan thought that Xia wanted to try his best to oppose it, but he didn't expect that it was a favorable attitude, which made him overjoyed. However, on second thought about it, he was a little doubtful of Xia's intention: "Mayor Xia and Director Ma are also familiar with it?"

"I'm not too familiar with it, but I've had several relationships. When Director Ma used to be the deputy director, one year when he was about to be promoted to director, he was exposed by a former case by a news reporter. He was involved, and it took another two years to raise it up. Until Xia thought about it, I believe that Lu Hongzhan can hear that the meaning of his words is that Director Ma does not have a good impression on the news media.

On the way back to the Municipal Party Committee, Ai Chengwen asked Xia in puzzledly, "Xia, I wanted to find you to relieve the siege, because you knew President Gu, but I didn't expect that you were still helping the old road. What does it mean?"

Xia wants to recognize the situation in Langshi now, and knows that it is the best choice to join hands with Ai Chengwen at this stage, so he did not hide it: "Secretary Ai, you just wait to see a good play, and I guarantee it will be wonderful"