official god

Chapter 816 Reliance, Continuous Strike

Chapter 816 Reliance, continuous blow (urgently ask for a monthly ticket!)

Ai Chengwen looked suspicious, but when he saw that Xia wanted to be sure, he smiled: "There will be two days to go to Xiangguo's meeting. In two days, many things will happen. But don't blame me for not reminding you. I heard that Tu Yun seemed to be going back to work in the municipal party committee. She mentioned it to me. I suggested that she rest for a while. Her attitude was very resolute, so I couldn't stop her anymore.

Is Tu Yun in a hurry? Aren't you afraid to go to work with a basin of dirty water? I guess it was also her own actions in all aspects that touched her interests and made her restless. Compared with being exposed, the face problem is indeed a small problem.

Ai Chengwen didn't stop him at all? What does Xia want to feel about Ai Chengwen's behavior? Disappointed? A little bit. Helpless, there is also a little bit. At first, Ai Chengwen wanted to directly remove Tu Yun's attitude, but failed, so he returned to his previous stand-by-side position and wanted to enjoy his success. Ai Chengwen could not be allowed to enjoy the fruits of victory without paying at all. Xia Xiang reported to him on today's thorough examination of the accounts, and finally stressed: "My principle is that the municipal government cannot bear 30 million non-performing loans. It must find out the where the money has gone and show the fair and credible position of the municipal government, so that So that Vision Group no longer has doubts about the credibility of the government.

Ai Chengwen made a sloppy look: "I can't intervene directly in government affairs. You can discuss with Xiang Guo to see what to do. I have no objection."

It's impossible not to make a statement. Xia thought that he had to force Ai Chengwen to make a statement, otherwise Ai Chengwen would not give him enough support at the critical moment. He was under great pressure alone, which was unfair: "Secretary Ai, there is one more thing to report to you. The loan of 30 million yuan was personally approved by Mayor Li Li, the president of the branch, made a loan. Li Li didn't agree. Mayor Tu exerted pressure several times, and President Li had no choice but to lend illegally.

Ai Chengwen finally changed his face: "Is this really the case?"

"It's true that President Li personally revealed the matter to me, and he also kept the relevant evidence. The question now is not whether Mayor Tu has pressured President Li to lend illegally, but whether Mayor Tu has received any benefits from the 30 million illegal loans? Xiaxiang and Ai Chengwen were in the same car. The two sat in the back seat without avoiding the driver and secretary in the front seat.

The driver focused on driving, and his secretary Zhang Yao listened carefully and did not look back.

It is obvious that Xia thought did not avoid the intention of the two people, that is, everything can be put on the surface, not private, releasing goodwill, which is also a hint of limited cooperation.

Ai Chengwen was silent. He put his hand behind his head and touched his head for a long time: "So, is it necessary to dig deep?"

"If Secretary Ai supports it, he can just trace it in the name of investment, kill two birds with one stone, and finally find out the whereing of the loan, and you can also attract investment. Of course, if you don't think it's necessary, I won't force it. Anyway, at the municipal government meeting, I will not agree to equalate the loan of 30 million yuan. If I don't agree to equalate, Yuanjing Group's investment will not fall into the university town project. Xia wanted to directly state the stakes. Anyway, he is determined to find out the whole. Whether there is Ai Chengwen's support or not, he will use the leverage of funds to create momentum, and he has sufficient evidence in his hand. Sooner or later, it will come to light.

Ai Cheng's meaning of Bai Xiaxiang, if he supports Xiaxiang, he can also get the reward of Xiaxiang in the future. If you don't make a statement now, you should still stand idly by. With the evidence and funds in Xia's hands, you can really leverage the interests of all sides, and you may be able to achieve the goal in the end, even if you encounter more difficulties and resistance.

But in this way, he won't have any benefits. Not only did he lose Xiaxiang an ally, but he may not be able to get more benefits and achievements in a huge investment. In a word, if you pay, you will be rewarded. If you don't pay, I'm sorry. It's not known whether the university town project can come back to life.

Xia Xiang, Xia Xiang, really saw him through. Ai Chengwen looked at Xia Xiang meaningfully for a while, and then took the initiative to stretch out his right hand: "Comrade Xia Xiang has come to Lang City for a long time. It seems that I haven't welcomed him in my own name. Today, I just sat together, and I just said The work of Langshi, your arrival has injected new vitality into Langshi, and also brought new feelings to me.

Ai Chengwen agreed. Xia was overjoyed. Ai Chengwen still had a vision and took a firm step at the critical moment. Being backed by the municipal party committee is a prerequisite for him to carry out all kinds of work.

It can be said that more than a month after coming to Langshi, Xia Xiang finally had enough cards to bargain with Ai Chengwen. Ai Chengwen's recognition of him is also equivalent to recognizing his position as a force in the Langshi Municipal Party Committee, and he has fully the confidence and strength to challenge Gu Xiangguo.

It's not easy, it's quite not easy, Xiaxiang also sighed secretly.

Ai Chengwen admitted Xiaxiang's status as an emerging force, and also sighed in his heart. It was too fast and too fast. Xiaxiang, as the youngest member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, first arrived. In just a month, he opened up the situation, and united several members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and touched It's terrible.

Ai Chengwen sighed and suddenly remembered that Tu Yun was in a hurry to go to work, and said, "Mayor Tu is in a hurry to go back to the municipal party committee to work, but he still doesn't want to be too far away from the power center... It's not appropriate not to let her come. After coming, it's troublesome again.

Xia wanted to laugh and had a deeper understanding of Ai Chengwen's cunning. At the beginning, Ai Chengwen did not want Tu Yun to return to the municipal party committee. Now that he heard that the hole had been dug, he wanted to see Tu Yun jump down with his own eyes, so he followed his words and said down, "Secretary Ai It can't damp the enthusiasm of comrades for work.

What Ai Chengwen wanted was Xia to say this sentence, and also smiled: "That's it, that's it. After Comrade Tu Yun comes, I will talk to her once, so that she usually pay more attention to the proper rules and don't sit in other people's seats." Then the topic changed and fell on Lu Hongzhan again, "What wonderful drama will there be about the old road?"

Xia wanted to deliberately sell a pass: "Let's not talk about it, anyway, you can see it clearly when the good play is staged."

Ai Chengwen laughed: "No wonder Xu Feng said that Xiaxiang can be a terrible enemy, but he can also be an interesting friend. I really understood it today."

Back to the municipal party committee, Xia wanted to hold a meeting of the municipal government again to conduct research on the capital flow and unclear creditor's rights of the university town project, stressing that Vision Group does not accept loans of 30 million yuan of unknown origin, and stressed that the municipal government should not be a foreign investment company in Beijing. To pay for non-performing loans, it is necessary to thoroughly check the where the loan is going, and return a fair atmosphere to the university town project, indicating the fair position of the municipal government.

As soon as Xia thought about it, Shao Ding couldn't wait to speak: "Mayor Gu is not here, and Mayor Tu is also resting at home. It's better to wait for them to come back before making a decision. After all, it's a big deal."

It seems that Shao Ding has also received instructions to stop Xia from doing whatever he wants in the municipal government, because Xia's series of actions have really touched the bottom line of the other party, and the other party has also realized what Xia has really pointed out.

It's a good thing for Shao Ding to come forward to stop it. At least let Xia figure it out. First, Tu Yun was eager to come back to work, and then Shao Dingyin couldn't help but object, proving that his direction was right, which not only made Gu Xiangguo feel pain, but also made Tu Yun panic.

"Mayor Tu won't talk about it for now..." Xia wanted to kick Tu Yun away directly without giving face, which means that Tu Yun's ranking was not as good as him. Now there is another problem of life style that has not been explained. She doesn't have much say, and then he waved his hand again, "The original university town project It was stuffed into my hands. I tried my best to find an investment. Mayor Shao not only did not welcome it, but also said that he would wait for Mayor Gu and Mayor Tu. Mayor Gu and Mayor Tu had time, and the developer did not have time."

Xia wanted to suddenly pat the table: "If Mayor Shao thinks that the university town project can be postponed indefinitely, just drag it down. Anyway, with my ability, I can only attract investment from the Vision Group to see hope. If Mayor Shao thinks that he has the ability to bring the university town project back to life, you can take it back, and I will I'm too lazy to care about a mess"

It was equivalent to a slap directly on Shao Ding's face. Shao Ding suddenly blushed and stood up, angry: "Mayor Xia, I can't accept your criticism. It's too arbitrary."

Xia wants to know that if he wants to establish power in the municipal government team and let his executive deputy mayor's reputation and power be attributed, he must dare to suppress Shao Ding's momentum, who pretended to be a tiger's power, because although several other deputy mayors are also obedient to Gu Xiangguo's words, they are not loyal. Shao Ding Tu Yun was the vanguard of Gu Xiangguo in the Standing Committee. Shao Ding was a nail of Gu Xiangguo in the government team, staring at the movements of several deputy mayors.

Shao Ding's arrogance must be completely extinguished, so that he can sweep the ground in front of several deputy mayors, so that Xia can establish his own authority.

"Is it arbitrary?" Xia thought instead smiled and waved his hand, "Let's sit down and speak. It's not reasonable to be loud, and the strength is not to be tall. If you are loud, will you be righteous? If you stand up, can you stand tall? Besides, I just stated the facts and didn't criticize. What's your hurry? This kind of impatient style is not allowed at work.

Shao Ding was made to stand or sit by Xia's half-joking and half-serious attitude. Finally, he saw several deputy mayors looking at him gloatingly, so he had to sit down resocifully: "My opinion remains unchanged, that is, I have to wait for Mayor Gu and Mayor Tu to come before making a conclusion."

Xia wanted to stand up and said: "Okay, the university town project is under your control. Since you insist, you can take it back. How long do you like to drag it?"

After saying that, Xia wanted to leave, leaving several deputy mayors and looked at each other in consteries. I don't know why Mayor Xia was so angry. However, when their eyes fell on Shao Ding, whose face was blue and blue veins were exposed, they suddenly realized that what Mayor Xia wanted was to attack Shao Ding's prestige.

Who let Shao Ding be the pawn of the ancient country?

In the afternoon, Tu Yun returned to Lang City from the capital. He first talked to Ai Chengwen, and then wanted to meet Xia. Tu Yun looked haggard and his momentum was greatly reduced. He Xia didn't say anything. He just nodded, simply touched his head and turned around and left.

In the evening, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Gu Zeng. The reporter's incident is still in a stalemate. Gu Zeng hoped that Xia would come out to solve it. Xia thought neither agreed nor shied, but replied ambiguly: "President Gu, in fact, from two aspects, it is a bad thing to be caught by a reporter. On the contrary, it may also be a good thing. I believe that the matter is being solved. Don't worry. Reporter Luo can't suffer losses in the municipal bureau. If you eat well, drink well and treat it, just take a vacation.

Gu Zeng heard that there was a hint in Xia's words, and smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen the director of the Public Security Bureau who dared to suppress the reporter of China News Agency. I also write it when I have time, and I don't know where Comrade Lu Hongzhan got his confidence."

"Secretary Lu's dealings with journalists has risen to a theoretical level." Xia Xiang gently kicked the ball over. "I heard that Secretary Lu is going to report his theoretical experience to the director of the provincial department. President Gu can pay attention to it in time. Maybe he can learn a lot of fresh terms and theories from it."

Gu Zeng understood something and laughed: "Okay, I will study hard."

Xia wanted to laugh. Gu Zeng took action, and he couldn't help but startle the senior management.

The night was getting dark, and Xia wanted to call her parents again. When my parents learned that he was coming to Langshi, they had nothing to tell him, just to let him pay attention to his health. I have been in Lang City for more than a month, and Xiaxiang really doesn't have much contact with her parents.

He reported peace to his parents. When he learned that the old man had been in good health, he was relieved. He was very gratified to hear that Xia An's work was becoming more and more stable. Xia An is expected to mention the deputy department next year and endure for another two years. When Wang Xiaomin leaves office, he will definitely be released. It is estimated that he will at least be a member of the Standing Committee and the deputy county magistrate.

After talking to my parents, I called the girl again.

Xia thought that in fact, he also wants to pick up the girl and son to Lang City. If Lang City does not have Chen, no matter how sinister the political struggle is and the pressure is, it is not a big problem. But because Chen's evil forces are too arrogant, just in case, he still doesn't consider letting the girl and her son come to Lang City for the time being. Besides, Xiaxiang also considered the problem of his son going to kindergarten, and he still thinks it's better in Yan City.

The girl doesn't know much about Xia Xiang's dangerous situation in Lang City, but she knows a little from Lian Ruohan's mouth, and she is always worried: "If you want to transfer to the capital, Director Chen's Development and Reform Commission and Minister Yi's Ministry of Commerce, can't arrange you? The place in Lang City is too complicated. If you do it well, you may not do it well. If you don't do it well, you will definitely take the blame.

Xia wants to laugh. The girl also cares about politics for him. He comforted her: "How can he retreat after taking office for more than a month? Besides, it is impossible for a person to always have a smooth sailing. If it is too smooth, there will be no far-sightedness.

"Men's minds are always fighting, so they can't do things well? I can't figure it out." Seeing that she couldn't persuade Xia, she didn't force it. She has always been more submissive, and she wants to be tolerant and accommodating to Xia. "Well, you have time to go home a few more times. Your son always talks about you. How old is your father is long and short every day, as if he is closer to you. I don't know why you are so blessed to make your son like you so much.

Not to mention, Xiaxiang is really blessed. Several children are very close to him, which makes him feel his father's happiness and responsibility.

Recently, I haven't had much contact with Gu Yu. I heard that Gu Yu went to Myanmar to pick jade some time ago. Before leaving, he and Xia wanted to talk on the phone, but later there was no news. I guess he also went to gamble on jade. Yan Xiao also has not been contacted much. The building materials factory still has broad prospects, and the supply of new building materials is in short supply. It can be said that Yan Xiao's profit has soared.

As for her and Mei Xiaomu, it is said that there is still no progress between her and Mei Xiaomu, and Xiaxiang is too lazy to worry about it.

When she was about to fall asleep, she was suddenly woken up by the phone. Xia thought that it was the number of the capital. She was very strange. She was wondering who made the impolite phone call in the middle of the night. She hesitated for a moment and answered. A clear female voice came from it: "Mayor Xia, Brother Xia, But it doesn't matter if you disturb me. Anyway, you were woken up, didn't you? I want to go to Langshi recently. Are you welcome? But it doesn't matter whether you are welcome or not. Anyway, I will definitely go.

Xia thought that she was awakened by her tongue twister, and a lively, strange and careless image of a girl suddenly appeared in his mind - Fu Xianxian.

"Fu Xianxian, why is it you?" After Xiaxiang's mobile phone arrived in Langshi, he changed the number. Not many people knew about the new number. Fu Xianxian could also call his mobile phone directly, and he had to admire her ability to inquire, "Are you coming to Langshi for sightseeing or something business?"

"For me, business is sightseeing tourism, and sightseeing tourism is business." Fu Xianxian still hasn't changed at all. He speaks quickly and casually, "I just ask you, welcome or not? Anyway, I don't know anyone else in Lang City, so I just want to go to you. You have to take care of your food and accommodation.

Just take care of the food, just take care of it... Xia just wanted to say something, but Fu first hung up the phone: "No, I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Bye."

Xia wanted to laugh hoarsely. If he had nothing to do, he couldn't call tomorrow. He had to call now, so he didn't sleep well.

As soon as I went to work the next day, at Tu Yun's suggestion, a government work conference was held again to study the investment of the university town project. After a night's rest, Tu Yun regained her energy, looked much better, and was full of momentum. As soon as she came up, she firmly opposed Xia wanted to thoroughly investigate the project in the university town.

"Mayor Xia, the university town project is an investment drawn by the ancient mayor himself. After that of me and Mayor Shao, there are countless links and twists and turns in the middle, involving an amount of more than 500 million yuan, of which 30 million loans are unknown. It is also normal in the project. Why do we have to pursue it endlessly? The municipal government just needs to be leveled by the bank. It has to delay the investment of 1 billion yuan because of the loan of 30 million yuan. What's more important? Mayor Xia, don't make a fuss? Tu Yun was aggressive again, challenging Xia Xiang's authority.

Xia Xiang didn't have time to refute Tu Yun, but the phone accidentally rang. He waved his hand to Tu Yun, and then answered the phone. Xiao Wu's excited voice came from the phone: "Leader, Yang Bin opened his mouth"

P: Urgently ask for a monthly ticket, anxious, anxious, anxious, brothers, save me... The second update, before midnight, after midnight, the first update will be delivered on Monday, ask for tomorrow's recommended ticket in advance, please continue to support, next week, wonderful reappearance E