official god

Chapter 915 Entry Point

Xiaxiang and Xu Xin are in private contact for the first time, and they don't bother to speculate too much about the relationship between Xu Xin and Zhang You. There will be a network everywhere. It's too normal. It's not surprising that Zhang You can ask Chen Jie to come forward.

The only thing that surprised Xia Xiang was that Xu Xin didn't talk much, and he seemed to do things very hard. He was not like the general bureaucratic posture of the general minister of organization, but like a scholar with a little knowledge and independent spirit.

It doesn't mean that the Minister of Organization must be a model. What Xia wants to be a little confused is that Xu Xin's personality and Zhang You are thousands of miles worse. How can they have personal friendship? And come forward for Zhang You again and again?

Xia Xiang no longer thinks about the relationship between Xu Xin and Zhang You. He just wants his first battle in Tianze City. Xu Jin is not allowed to retreat. Compared with the governing policy he wants to implement in Tianze City in the future, the competition between the housing project is just a drizzle. If even a drizzle can wet him, what about the pouring rain in the future?

Zhang You is tactful, but Xia wants to have no ideas about him. He has seen a lot of people in the officialdom. It is not necessarily that people with a slippery appearance can't do practical things, and it is not necessarily that people with a straight face do business. On the contrary, it is not that there are too many obscene people now, but that there are too many sanctimonious people.

When ordering and serving wine, Zhang You asked Xia what kind of wine she wanted to drink. Xia wanted to wave her hand: "I have to go to work in the afternoon, mineral water is fine."

Zhang You looked at Xu Xin with an embarrassed face. Xu Xin did not persuade him, but said, "If you don't drink, don't drink. I'll have a bottle of mineral water."

Zhang You smiled and said, "Both leaders drank white water. Didn't they hit me in the face?"

Xia thought lightly and said, "Sitting and eating together is to get to know each other, talk, and who I eat with is rarely drunk."

Zhang You recognized Mayor Xia's meaning and nodded quickly: "I said that Mayor Xia is indeed of high quality. He often deals with provincial leaders and does things without smoking or drinking. He is a master."

Zhang You's compliments were nondescript. Xia thought that he didn't smile and said indifferently, "I'm not smoking or drinking, but I seldom smoke and drink. It depends on the occasion."

Xu Xin was busy: "Don't be surprised, Mayor Xia, Tianze City is poor and backward." Many people have a conservative concept and believe that tobacco and alcohol are not separated, and the revolution depends on it. Their thoughts are relatively rigid, so they feel that they can't do anything without eating and drinking. Zhang You is the same. I said, it's enough to mention 20% directly. I believe Mayor Xia will also raise his hand.

Xia wanted to be too indifferent to Xu Xin, so he smiled again: "Minister Xu didn't know something. I was first in An County, then in Xiama District, and then to Lang City. I have been responsible for the government's work. I deal with developers and entrepreneurs every day. Most of them are still good, but there are also many Smart people, especially the government's housing projects, cannot be treated as simple projects, and must be cautious. Be cautious and responsible to the country and the people.

When Zhang You saw Xia's face changing, the indifference and smile were quickly and natural. It seemed that there was no need for a transition. "I couldn't help but be secretly shocked. I thought that Mayor Xia was young and easy to deal with. After all, how deep can the city be in the early years? Now sitting together makes him realize a fact that Mayor Xia is really not simple. He sat in a high position at a young age, and it is not all the same as the rumors outside. It is said that it depends on the relationship between the father-in-law of the deputy governor.

As soon as Xu Xin heard it, he knew that Mayor Xia had already known his resume. Indeed, he had been engaged in the work of the Party Committee. He did not have much contact with government affairs. Mayor Xia spoke very well. As soon as he came up, he blocked his mouth and prevented him from opening his mouth for Zhang You. He compared the extent of the relationship with Zhang You and made a decision. He smiled and said, "Deqing Hotel has some specialties of Tianze City, which are very good. You can't eat them anywhere else. You can taste them."

The disappointment in Zhang You's eyes flashed, but he still enthusiastically introduced several places to Xia Xiang: "Although Tianze is poor, there are many rare wild animals. There is a dish called steam pot game Eight Immortals, which is to steam the meat, pheasant, hare, winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms and green peppers It's all original..."

Xia thought he didn't come to eat delicious food, but there was delicious food to eat, and he wouldn't miss it: "I heard that fried bowls are also good?"

"Yes, yes, it's also very delicious. It's made of mango wheat noodles, which is nutritious, sour, spicy and fragrant, smooth and chewy.

" When it comes to eating, Zhang You is also the leader, and he speaks much more elegantly. After all, there are people who have seen the scene, and there are also a few brushes.

A few people began to eat.

After drinking a few glasses of tea instead of wine, Zhang You winned at Xu Xin, but Xu Xin pretended to bow his head and did not respond. Xia Xiang understood that Xu Xin only acted as a middleman and not a lobbyator, and he had a bottom in his heart.

Eating with Zhang You is not a simple meeting, which is equivalent to Xiaxiang's first frontal contact with representatives of local private enterprises. It is said that the confrontation is a little exaggerated, but it is absolutely appropriate. Whether he can make Zhang You give in or not is also the key first step in whether he can be successfully implemented after his future ruling policy is thrown out.

I don't know what hint Zhang You has. After a while, Xu Xin still said a good word for Zhang You: "Zhang You is flexible. In recent years, he has also made some tribute to the economic construction of Tianze City...,..."

Zi thought and said, "Okay, okay, I'm a good comrade."

The vague answer made Zhang You not understand whether Mayor Xia's "good" is to recognize Minister Xu's words, or to make a good deal. Don't talk any more.

The leader's words are always rich in meaning. If you guess wrong, you will not only fail to do things, but also leave a bad impression in the leader's mind. It will be difficult to re-establish a good impression in the future.

Zhang You doesn't want to give in, and it's not that he can't pay 30% in advance, but he doesn't want to set a precedent. Set a precedent, is it strange that he is not scolded to death by the local developer? He became a sinner of all the developers in Tianze City.

Many colleagues have 4 him in private, or to quell the mayor" and adhere to the 10% practice. Or come hard and withdraw from the housing project. If you don't believe that Mayor Xia can really find developers from other places to build. At that time, they will unite and have to run on foreign developers.

If local developers unite to exclude foreigners, Shengli is also a small thing, because foreign developers need to solve a series of problems if they want to undertake projects locally. The first is to recruit workers, the second is to buy construction materials, and the second is to get along well with the relationship with the local residents. All kinds of chores are endless. If there are problems It will definitely make you tired of dealing with it. Even if developers in other places successfully take over the project, not being able to recruit workers is the biggest problem. Even if they recruit workers, they can't start construction without buying building materials.

Another key link is that most foreign developers will not bring equipment." Because many large-scale equipment is too bulky and the transportation cost is too high, it is generally rented locally. But if the rental market is artificially controlled and the equipment cannot be rented, there will be no rice.

Zhang You doesn't want to let go of the housing project - the government's money is easy to make, the money is fast and secure - and he doesn't want to advance 30% of the money, so he has been procrastinating. After a few days of delay, I didn't see Mayor Xia let go, and Chen Shu*'s appearance was not very useful." He knew that Mayor Xia had a skill and was not easy to deal with, so he wanted to wait a few more days to talk about it. Unexpectedly, it was like Sister Ma.

As soon as Sister Ma had an accident, as soon as Bao Daguang fell down, Zhang You immediately felt a chill. He knew that the maintenance and renovation projects of the municipal government were about to be changed to others, and he would definitely be kicked away.

If it's not too painful to lose the annual profit of more than one million yuan of the government renovation project, it's really makes Zhang You jump. The investment of the housing project is more than 100 million yuan. If the cost is well controlled, the net profit can be more than 15 million, which can't be said to be released.

He is now facing two major pressures. Mayor Xia will not let go. All his peers warned him not to break the convention, otherwise he would boycott him. If the precedent is followed in the future, the construction market of Tianze City will knock down the first domino, bringing disaster to many small and medium-sized abandoned dealers!

The last meeting was just in a hurry. Zhang You is far from understanding of Mayor Xia's personality and wrists. Now sitting face to face, and before he gets to the point, he has a strange timidity. He has a lot to deal with government officials, and he can almost deal with it. Is Mayor Xia just oil and salt? The master of immersion, why don't you pull it into the water?

"Mayor Xia, Deqing Hotel also has my shares. The facilities here are also first-class in Tianze City. There are gyms, indoor swimming rooms, and entertainment centers. I have a diamond card here. If you are tired of work, you can relax at any time..." Zhang You took out a card from his bag, put it on the table, and A lot of people came forward, "He Shaowen, the boss of the hotel, also wants to see you. What do you think?"

At Xiaxiang's level, if you go to any hotel for dinner, the boss of the hotel will not wait to come to shoot the horse." But Xiaxiang is not the deputy mayor, let alone the middle-level cadre of the municipal government. No matter how enthusiastic the boss of the hotel is, no matter how eager he wants to know Mayor Xia, he

Xia thought that only glanced at the diamond card, picked up the teacup and drank three sips of tea: "I understand my heart. My usual way of leisure exercise is to run, and I don't pay so much attention to it. Thank you again for Mr. He's kindness. There are many things to do. It will be better next time. He gently put the teacup in front of the diamond card. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. As soon as the cup moved forward, he pushed the diamond card back a few points, "Minister Xu, how old is the child this year?"

Seeing that Mayor Xia directly changed the topic, Zhang You knew that it was the leader who implied that he had too much nonsense. If he didn't say what he said, it would be difficult to guarantee that the leader would not raise his legs and leave.

But now the fire is not enough, and the climate is not harmonious. Zhang You can't help but hesitate to raise the issue of the housing project.

Of course, Xia wants to know Zhang You's purpose of inviting him, but there are some things that the other party doesn't say. As a superior, he can't take the initiative to speak. The initiative must be in his own hands. Besides, to be honest, he does have a choice, but Zhang You doesn't.

"Mayor Xia, I have the strength to give it to you, and I also want to advance 30% of the money in advance, but the problem is not that I can advance if I want to advance. Some people disagree." Zhang Youxin was ruthless. Knowing that businessmen were always weak in front of the government, he simply told the truth. Because he wanted to be opportunistic in front of Mayor Xia, he felt that the possibility of being self-defeating was too big. "If I set a precedent, I would become the target of public criticism..."

Zhang You has also been around for many years. Although he is not well educated, he has also practiced a good eloquence. Speaking of which, he exaggerated his predicament.

Xia wanted to finish listening and drank half a cup of tea. He didn't say anything. The situation is a little more serious than he thought. Local protectionist forces exist not only in the party and government organs, but also in the business community and the people. However, in his expectation, the concept of "conservative state-owned enterprises in Tianze City" private enterprises has failed. The reform of state-owned enterprises is slow, and the development of private enterprises is also slow. The starting point is not to broaden the market and seek benefits from the market, but to find ways to trade power and money, and to undertake government projects.

What about the view...,... In the final analysis, it is still a matter of concept. It is also true that in a conservative and backward city, it is impossible for government agencies to be conservative and traditional, but the market is warm and open. The style of government agencies is mostly affected and restricted by the degree of local economic development, and it has a lot to do with local customs, customs and concepts.

But if you want to break the tradition and make a difference, you must find a breakthrough. At present, the housing project is the best entry point. Without labor pain, it is impossible to break the old ideas and the existing backward economic order. Therefore, it is not that he chose Zhang You, but Zhang You who hit himself into the muzzle.

Xia wanted to say solemnly, "Zhang You, I will also pay the bottom for you. Thirty percent of the advance is not less than one point. It's not negotiable. The repayment of government projects can be guaranteed, and the profit can be guaranteed, but the precedent of the advance payment must be set. Whether you are a leader or not, you can make your own decision. If you take risks, there will be no corresponding reward. There is often only one opportunity..."

Xia thought about it, but he didn't say it deeply. According to his level, he should bring a secretary when he goes out, but first, he can't trust Xu Ziqi 100%. Second, Xu Xin is here today. I'm afraid it's not convenient for the secretary to be present, so he went to the banquet alone.

Of course, there is another point. Xu Ziqi is still far from understanding his political position and governing style, and he can't cover for him in time. The secretary arranged activities for the leader and covered him. He said some inconvenient words for the leader in time. Xia thought that Xu Ziqi was qualified now.

In fact, Xiaxiang's style is still a little unique, and maybe it has something to do with his youth. Generally, when it comes to the department level, you must bring three types of people. Most of the private trips are with secretaries. In addition to the secretary, there will be more reporters. If it is both public and private, there are three types of people, secretaries, journalists and bosses. The secretary is the third image of the leader. He arranges activities for the leader. The reporter records the whereabouts of the leader and uses it for publicity. The boss serves the leader for the leader to prevent the leader from getting tired.

Xia wants to take a secretary, let alone the boss, unless it's business. He doesn't pay attention to support, and he doesn't like to eat and drink, let alone eat and take cards. Therefore, in several terms, there have been no economic problems that have been criticized.

Zhang You's eyesight is very poisonous." It can be seen that Xia can't think of money, but it's hard to say that he is not lustful now. He doesn't dare to arrange it rashly. In case he doesn't shoot the horse on the horse's hoof, it will not be worth the loss. After listening to Mayor Xia's words, he knew that he had encountered the biggest difficulty in his life.

Mayor Xia's words are rich in meaning, and Zhang You also heard something. A mayor has a governing style, especially when Mayor Xia is so young that he must intend to work hard in Tianze City. However, the rigid order of Tianze City is not so easy to break. There must be a lot of benefits when he is the pawn of Mayor Xia. But in case Mayor Xia fails, he can leave and continue to be the mayor in another place. He will not want to be in Tianze anymore.

Xia Xiang's phone suddenly rang, and he did not shy away from Xu Xin and Zhang You, but answered the phone directly.

"Well, well, welcome to invest in Tianze City. Bring your own equipment and bring your own workers? Well, it's bold. That's right. "The capital is actually not far from Tianze City. Large-scale equipment is delivered, that is, more than two hours... That's it. See you later."

After the phone call, Xia wanted to raise his hand and said, "It's getting late. That's all for today?" Without waiting for Zhang You to answer, he turned his head and asked Xu Xin, "Minister Xu" I still have something to talk to you about. Let's go together?"

Xia wants to live in the family building of the Municipal Party Committee compound, and so is Xu Xin, just on the same road.

Zhang You got up enthusiastically to see him off. When he was delivered to the door, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather with a humble smile stood at the door to see him off. Zhang You lost no time in recommending to Xia: "Mayor Xia, this is He Shaowen, the general manager of Deqing Hotel."

He Shaowen held Xiaxiang's hand in both hands and shook it a few times to show his enthusiasm and inner excitement. Xia thought that it was not easy to show his kindness, so he said a few words politely. If the mayor can come to Deqing Hotel, of course, as the general manager, he can't wait to come out and flatt. It's luck. It's a work mistake.

Xia Xiang and Xu Xin took a car back together. On the way, Xia Xiang kept his eyes closed and didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about something.

If Mayor Xia doesn't open his mouth, Xu Xin can't say anything. It was not until he was about to get off the bus in the municipal party committee compound that Xia thought abruptly, "Minister Xu, the candidate for deputy secretary-general, does the Organization Department have any focus?"

Xu Xin thought that Xia wanted to be young, and it would be difficult to convince the public to be the mayor. After all, he was not young enough. With little experience, he lacked enough aura. He didn't want today's contact to make him completely change his opinion. Mayor Xia not only became old and heavy, but also said that he did not The majesty of the mayor is revealed from time to time.

It is said that ginger is still old and spicy, and sometimes it is not the case. Mayor Xia, who is in his early 30s, is very old and spicy.

Unsurprisingly, the dispute over the position of deputy secretary-general will be the first time to face the political position of a member of the Standing Committee after Xia wants to come to Tianze City!