official god

Chapter 916 tacitly

Personnel issues have always been**. Although the mayor doesn't come to arrest personnel. However, the mayor has the right to intervene as a member of the government team of the secretary-general of the municipal government. Xu Xin pondered for a moment: "Mayor Li and Peng Yunfeng have both made suggestions to the Organization Department. The Organization Department has not yet had a comprehensive assessment. I heard that Secretary Wu has also been nominated...

Although the position of Deputy Secretary-General is not a particularly critical position, because he is in charge of the administrative department, he knows that there is enough oil and water in the administrative department, so he keeps a close eye on the vacancy after Bao Daguang stepped down. The appointment of the Deputy Secretary-General can be large or small," the secretary's office can be passed. If it is large, it has to be discussed by the Standing Committee.

Sure enough, Xia Xiang didn't guess that the deputy secretary-general candidate "Secretary Wu has nominated, Mayor Li and Peng Yun also submitted to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Organization Department also has candidates. The most dazzling thing is that the Organization Department has not yet decided to nominate the candidate." Chen Jiewen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Long Min, the head of the personnel department of the office, is more suitable to serve as the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government.

The candidate nominated by Secretary Wu is Fu Hongmei, Director of the Secretariat of the Government Office. Li Xiaomin and Peng Yunfeng proposed the same person, Gao Fei, Director of the Information Department of the Government Office.

There are three or four people competing for the position of deputy secretary-general. Although it is the deputy secretary, it is a rare promotion. Especially for many people who have been stuck in the class for more than ten years or even for most of their lives, it may be the only chance to be promoted.

It is inevitable to break the head and even fight for the blood." In the face of promotion, no one is modest, let alone give in.

Mayor Xia, one of the most critical mentions, has become an outsider. Not only did he not have no nominees, but he does not seem to care about who is the deputy secretary-general at all. Accompanied by Secretary Xu Ziqi, he accompanied the developer who came to the capital to inspect the housing project.

The developer who came to Beijing is a well-known and powerful construction company, Dawan Real Estate. Chen Pengcheng, deputy general manager of Dawan Real Estate, has a very personality. He is bald and has a big nose and looks very happy, like a comedian, but the smile on his face is rarely always serious.

Chen Pengcheng is a friend of Yang Wei. This time, he came to Tianze City to inspect the construction market of Jiaze City. Because of the launch of the economic circle of the capital city, Tianze City wants to build a new city in Jingbei. Although the project has not been officially established, because Yang Wei knows Xia Xiang, Dawan Real Estate decided to Second, he is also very interested in the Anju project. Although the profit of the Anju project is relatively low, the repayment is guaranteed, which is conducive to improving the corporate image and starting the first shot.

Generally speaking, developers in other places can rarely win the housing project, which is basically divided by local enterprises. But now taking advantage of the new appointment of Mayor Xia, Chen Pengcheng was moved by Yang Wei's brief words and immediately decided to come to Tianze City to have a look.

In fact, as Chen Pengcheng, there is no need for Xia to accompany him in person. Just let a deputy mayor come forward casually, but Xia wants to give Yang Wei a little face. After all, Yang Wei has always been very enthusiastic. Second, he also intends to take the opportunity to personally inspect the real estate market in Tianze City. After all, after I didn't really come to the crowd to have a look.

Hearing is false, and seeing is believing.

In the process of accompanying Chen Pengcheng's investigation, Xiaxiang also gained a lot. Tianze City is much poorer and more backward than he thought." In addition to the common characteristics of tourist cities, the main streets are clean and tidy. Generally, the streets are crowded and very dilapidated, that is to say, all places that tourists can see must be beautiful. The place that can't be seen is allowed to be dirty, and the good steel is used on the blade. In fact, it is rude to say that the whole city does not have vigorous upward selling power, giving people a feeling of dusk.

Xia's mood is a little heavy.

But he can also understand that as a city of Tianze, which is neither an ancient city nor an emerging city, there is no glorious history of the past to boast about, and no advantage that emerging cities can move forward lightly. It not only moves forward with heavy burden, but also without the support of provincial policies. In addition, the rigid ideas are conservative, the spirit of A true portrayal of the spirit of the citizens. Tianze City is not as good as the advantages of the young and provincial capital of Yan City. It is also not as good as the geographical advantages of Lang City. In addition, it is backed by the mountains facing the capital, and it has a big dream of autumn in the idea of a corner of peace.

If you want to market the city, you have to be ruthless. If you make great efforts, you have to introduce external forces to impact. Of course, it also needs his pioneering spirit for the mayor's governance thinking. How to better attract investment without guiding the government's work style is the most important thing he should do at this stage. .

Of course, he also knows that Tianze City and Lang City are completely different. In Lang City, strong medicine can be used, but Tianze City can't. Tianze City is like an old man. Excessive use of medicine is easy to cause death. But you can do it hard, but you have to find the right place, otherwise you may also get the opposite effect.

It is precisely because Tianze City is like a beach of sta-sed water, but there are also surging under the water, so Xiaxiang changed his mind. He did not directly intervene by political means, but used economic means to leverage the interests of all parties, and did not take the personnel problem as the entry point. "It is necessary to use market adjustment means

Although Tianze City is peaceful on the surface, in fact, if it really carries out its work, it is more difficult than Lang Mou's, and it requires higher political wisdom and more meticulous patience.

Only half of Xiaxiang's inspection work was carried out, and he received a call from the municipal party committee, asking him to return to the municipal party committee as soon as possible, because he had to hold a secretary's office meeting to discuss the selection of the deputy secretary-general.

The call was made by Peng Yun. After receiving the notice from the municipal party committee, he hurried to Xiaxiang's office to find Mayor Xia. It turned out that Mayor Xia and his secretary were not there and he didn't know where he had gone.

Peng Yunfeng was stunned on the spot and didn't move for a long time. He felt uncomfortable. He is the secretary-general of the municipal government. The mayor's major actions have always been "coordinated and coordinated by him" after unified research arrangements. But now he has no idea where the mayor has gone. It is not his dereliction of duty, but the mayor's deliberate neglect.

The Secretary-General did not know that the mayor was going to inspect the work, and did not know what the mayor was doing. The uneasiness and loss in his heart could be conceived. Thinking of Mayor Xia's attitude towards him in recent days, Peng Yunfeng knew that if he did not adjust his working methods in time and could not fully adapt to Mayor Xia's style, he would face the possibility of being idle.

He broke out in a cold sweat.

Xia wants to go back to the municipal party committee. When he arrived at the office, he just wanted to take a sip of water and went to the meeting. It happened that the phone rang, and after answering, it turned out to be Xu Xin calling.

"Mayor Xia, what spirit of your instructions for the nomination of the deputy secretary?"

Xu Xin asked for his opinion in advance, which is also a kind of proper respect for the family to communicate in advance, which is also in line with the procedure. Xia thought it was impossible not to have a tendency, so he implicitly said, "The provincial leaders once praised Lang City at a meeting, and Lang City was at the forefront of the province in the appointment

Xu Xin understood that Xia wanted to favor Fu Hongmei, the candidate nominated by Secretary Wu, because she was the only woman among several candidates. Xu Xin didn't say much, but changed the topic wisely: "Zhang Youto, let me tell you." He will raise all the funds within three days. This"

Before Zhang You agreed, Xia wanted to laugh with his heart. He was a little impressed by Zhang You's eyes and had no courage. He agreed to pay 30% in advance, which is equivalent to opening the precedent of the advance payment for the construction industry in Tianze City, breaking the conventional rules and opening up a wider road for the conservative and backward private economy of Tianze City.

What Xia wants is the power of role models. He believes that if Zhang You is smart enough to keep up with his ideas, Zhang You can't be bigger and stronger in Tianze City.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Comrade Yang Wu is responsible for the housing project. It is true that Yang Wu is the executive deputy mayor and is also the specific person in charge of the housing project, but Xiaxiang is the mayor to preside over the overall work. The meaning of hosting the overall work is that if you want to interfere with anyone's work, you can intervene. After interfering, you can give it to you to continue.

Of course, Xu Xin understood that Xia wanted to acquiesce to Zhang You's performance," so he said, "See you later.

When Xia wanted to come to the secretary's office, the people were almost there, and he was not as last as Xu Xin. When Xiaxiang and Xu Xin came in the day before, Chen Jiewen's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt.

Xu Xin's phone call was very timely. "I didn't communicate with him in advance, and it was also a reward for his face last time. Although Xia Xiang didn't give up at all," in fact, he also hinted to Zhang You that many families had firm confidence in Zhang You.

Many times, people have to face choices. It is left to right. You must choose a road and stand in line. The opportunity is just around the corner. Mayor Xia has clearly given a multiple-choice question with only two answers, so there are many choices.

Anyway, Mayor Xia's attitude is very clear. If you want to keep up with him, you must follow his ideas in the first step, otherwise you don't have to talk about everything. Zhang You said it was a compromise or a wise choice. Anyway, he decided to move closer to Mayor Xia. Even if it was a dangerous one-way road, he would come to the dark. Zhang You also risked his life. It's rare to fight once in your life, so you can bet again.

Xia thought that he would not pay attention to what Zhang You thought. He only gave a choice. How can the road be someone else's business? He just needs to firmly grasp the initiative. If Zhang You is not a leader, there will be others. Li You and Wang You, there must be many latecomers. Zhang You decided to get closer at the last moment because he was smart.

A total of four proposals participated in the secretary's office: Chen Jiewen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Xia Xiang, Mayor, Wu Mingyi, Deputy Secretary, and Xu Xin, Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee.

"Convene a meeting of comrades today" is to discuss the nomination of the Deputy Secretary-General of the Government. Chen Jie changed to notice that when Xia thought that Xu Xin entered the door, there was a short eye contact and she was unhappy. Although the relationship between Xu Xin and her is not particularly close, it is basically following her instructions. The secretary of the municipal party committee must control the organization department, otherwise he will lose the initiative in personnel. It is very incompetent. Performance, "Comrade Xu Xin will speak on behalf of the Organization Department first."

Xu Xin also noticed Chen Jiewen's eyes. His greatest ability is to pretend not to be seen. After working hours in the Organization Department for a long time, he has the ability to turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear. He bowed his head and said, "According to the layers of checks and strict assessment of the Organization Department, the following comrades Comrade Long Mingeng, Director of the Office, Comrade Fu Hongmei, Director of the Secretariat of the Government Office, Comrade Gao Fei, Director of the Information Department of the Government Office, and Comrade Mu Feng, Director of the Secretariat of the Municipal Party Committee Office.

Xu Xin is not biased. All the nominations have been submitted. One of them is not missing. It's really a good old man.

Chen Jiewen didn't say anything and frowned slightly: "What are the assessment opinions of the Organization Department?" Longmin is her nomination. Xu Xin ranked first, which also respects the authority of the secretary of her municipal party committee, but the ranking at the time of nomination is uncountable, mainly depending on the assessment ranking of the Organization Department.

"After careful assessment and comparison and research, the Organization Department believes that the two comrades, Longmin Geng and Fu Hongmei, have stronger business ability, and their work style is more focused on recommending the above two comrades to invite the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee to study and make a decision. Although the Organization Department is known as the first in the world, If it is not a high-level match, the minister's level is not even comparable to that of an ordinary deputy mayor, but because of the high-level member of the Standing Committee, he was forcibly promoted to half a grid. However, without Chen Jiewen and Xia Xiang's comparison with Wu Mingyi, Xu Xin still did not have enough weight to speak.

Needless to say, the municipal party secretary and the mayor are the highest leaders of the city's party and government, that is, Wu Mingyi, as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, is also more powerful than Xu Xin. Of course, when Mei Shengping was the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, he could compete with Cui Xiangjia, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and said, "Because Mei Shengping is the Mei family" could not be used as usual.

Long Min did not have Fu Hongmei's nomination of Chen Jiewen and Wu Mingyi respectively. It was a contest between two secretaries. Xu Xin did not offend anyone and submitted a discussion, and directly took the two candidates nominated by Li Xiaomin and the Organization Department, which was also the result of judging the situation. Under the collision of the secretary and deputy secretary, the nomination of an ordinary deputy mayor and the Organization Department is basically negligible, and there is no need to use it as cannon fodder.

Because Xu Xin didn't want to breathe in advance, he was more or less confident. Chen Jiewen and Wu Mingyi guessed, who did Mayor Xia support? It can be said that the opinion of Xiaxiang in the current situation will be inclined to which side the balance will be tilted. Of course, there may also be a two-to-two antagonism. If no one gives in at that time, it can only be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion o

"Long Min is more senior, older and more stable, and should be more suitable to serve as deputy secretary-general." Chen Jiewen did not take a detour. When she came up, she directly said her opinion. The first step is the advantage. She is the first secretary's right to speak.

"Lao Long is indeed qualified enough, and people are also old and important. However, if he is too rigid and serves as the deputy secretary-general, I'm afraid it will be difficult to coordinate the work, especially the mayor of Xia, who is rich and powerful. He hopes to use new people and young people more boldly. The courtyard of the Municipal Party Light." Wu Mingyi did not show weakness. He caught the shortcomings of Longmin being too old. "Lao Long has passed his age this year. Originally, the staff in the municipal party committee were old, and some citizens joked that our municipal party committee was a nursing home. If the deputy secretary-general is also over q years old, I'm afraid he can't keep

Wu Mingyi directly moved out of Xia Xiang's youth to talk about things, compared with Longmin's older age." Chen Jiewen became more self-restraint, and it was inevitable that she would not look good. Among the people here, "She is the oldest, more powerful than Xia, and older than Wu Mingyi." Isn't even she sarcastic?

It's really sarcastic to return to the nursing home, which means that she is the dean of the nursing home?

In the past, I didn't think that the party and government leaders in Tianze City were older. After Xia Xiang came, the contrast was indeed strong. Now Wu Mingyi highlights the age of the municipal party committee, mayor and major party and government leaders in other cities, which is indeed younger and older than the average age of Tianze City. It is said that the The nursing home is really unyielding!

But the problem is that there are some things that everyone knows, but there is no need to say it. This is the face in the officialdom. You have to learn the ability to turn a blind eye, and what you pay attention to is tacitly.

Wu Mingyi said it directly. Chen Jiewen, it's no wonder he's not angry!

Xia Xiang was not happy. Wu Mingyi directly talked to him, and also wanted him to carry the pole. He originally leaned towards Fu Hongmei's position, but he did not need to be forced, so he waved his hand and said, "Lao Wu is not all right. Old comrades have the benefits of old comrades. Old comrades are Sea navigation depends on the helmsman. We still need old comrades to lead the way for us, so that our work will not be biased.

Wu Mingyi was stunned and faintly heard the unhappiness in Xia Xiang's tone, and he was puzzled. "Will Mayor Xia support Chen Jiewen?

Chen Jiewen's eyes flashed a few times. What a Xia thought, and a "old Wu" shouted directly, indicating that he did not agree with Wu Mingyi's theory of age and had aura. As a young person who is just in his early years old, it is rare not to be proud of his youth.

But appreciation and appreciation. Chen Jiewen knew that Xia wanted to refute Wu Mingyi, which did not mean that he was holding her nomination. She was not naive enough to think that Xia Xiang would be angry because she disapproved of Wu Mingyi's point of view.

"However, there are no more old comrades in the municipal party committee, but the proportion of female cadres is too small, which is not in line with the spirit of the instructions repeatedly emphasized by the central government to promote female cadres to important positions. There are many old comrades in the Tianze Municipal Party Committee. If female cadres are very rare, the impression on the It is too old-fashioned and not conducive to the development of economic work in the future. The deputy secretary-general of the municipal party committee is all men, and there is a female cadre, which can also reflect the bold and innovative spirit of the municipal party committee.

Sure enough, as soon as Xia changed the topic, he showed his support for Fu Hongmei.

Chen Jiewen had nothing to say. She raised her eyelids gently and glanced at Xu Xin.

What no one expected was that Xu Xin's statement made the next situation take a sharp turn, which surprised Chen Jiewen and Wu Mingyi.