official god

Chapter 917 Position, Interest

Xu Xin can't stand without saying anything. "He didn't look up at anyone and turned over the frozen material in his hand: "There is also a dispute between Longmin and Fu Hongmei in the Organization Department. In my personal opinion, Comrade Longmin is more competent..." He paused for a moment." He said another sentence that made Chen Jieshi was I think it's better to submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion.

It means that although Xu Xin favored Longmin's update, he also went to Wu Mingyi to show his goodwill, which was very meaningful, which made Chen Jie indescribable and uncomfortable.

The opportunity is coming. I immediately seconded: "Okay, just submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion and ask for everyone's opinions. It just so happens that I also have a topic to submit."

Chen Jie changed and Wu Mingyi looked at each other. They both saw the consterience from the other party's eyes: How is it possible for Mayor Xia and Minister Xu to join hands?!

Wu Mingyi secretly looked at Xia and thought a few times. He thought that Mayor Xia really had the means. He really can't judge heroes by age. Who would have thought that young people in the early days of FO were not only comfortable in the middle of a group of old officialdom, but also able to grasp the rhythm. At the beginning, he also felt that the Wu family thought too much about Xia, and thought that it was just a preference for Xia. Now it seems that it is not that the Wu family prefers Xia, but that Xia Xiang himself has enough strength to let the Wu family take a high look.

But even so, "He is also puzzled by the harmony of Xiaxiang and Xu Xin." Xu Xinming listened to Chen Jie's instructions in the past!

Chen Jie was also surprised!

In her opinion, since Xu Xin served as the organization department, she has been futted. Maybe it's really because of her older age. Or maybe it's because of her personality. Xu Xin asked her for instructions on small matters. She never made a decision on major matters and completely obeyed her command, which made her believe that Xu Xin had followed her pace She also vented with Xu Xin in advance at today's office meeting. Xu Xin also indicated that she would support Long Min's attitude, "but support is support." First, it is not strong enough, and second, it is obviously paving the way for Xia, and has made a preliminary foreshadowing for submission to the Standing Committee for discussion.

When did Mayor Fu approach Xu Xin? Chen Jiezhi suddenly felt a chill on his back, because he thought that since he took office, he had been very pragmatic and down-to-earth. He did not implement the new policy as drasticly as in Lang City, nor did he put forward any governing ideas. He did not even show the intention of competing for power and profit, that is, he was familiar with the work And the involvement of Bao Daguang is also Wu Mingyi's handwriting. Mayor Xia seems to have always been out of the matter.

In addition to sticking to the issue of the housing project, "other things" have always been treated gently. Why did he suddenly secretly reach a tacit understanding with Xu Xin?

Unable to understand, Chen Jieshi also understands political things. The wind and clouds have changed. The interests can make the two approach, and can also make the two turn against each other. The current situation is that "she can only accept it.

Because Wu Mingyi also took the opportunity to say, "I also agree to submit it to the Standing Committee for discussion."

Chen Jie changed his mind: "It is tentatively scheduled to convene a standing committee tomorrow morning to discuss the candidate for the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government." She asked Xia again, "What other topics does Mayor Xia have to submit together?"

Xia wants to smile: "I'll report to you separately after I sort it out."

After the meeting, Xia Xiang was about to go downstairs. Wu Mingyi followed from above and laughed: "Mayor Xia" has time to sit down together?"

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say." Xia wanted to smile and saw the question in Wu Mingyi's eyes, and did not wait for him to ask again, "I still have a job on hand. I just came to Tianze City, and I really have a lot of ideas.

Wu Mingyi didn't say much, but answered, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. After it is straightened out, the problem will be solved. However, I still agree with Mayor Xia's statement about the heavy use of female cadres.

He nodded and said, "Uh-huh": "I'll talk to you later."

Looking at Xia's back that wants to go downstairs, Wu Mingyi shook his head helplessly. "Mayor Xia's position is really cloudy and foggy, which makes people unable to see clearly. But finally, there was a hint that most of them still supported Fu Hongmei.

The question is, does Xu Xin only support Mayor Xia in one matter, or will he follow Mayor Xia in the future? Wu Mingyi's mind was more puzzled and guessed about Xia.

Back to the office, as soon as Xia wanted to sit down, Xu Ziqi came to ask for instructions: "The Secretary-General is here."

Because of his close relationship with Peng Yunfeng, Xu Ziqi's secretary-general without surname refers to Peng Yunfeng rather than Chen Tianyu, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee. The purpose of Peng Yun's arrival here "Xia also guessed the approximate" felt that the fire was almost over, and nodded to let him in.

Peng Yunfeng looked sincere. First, he reported Bao Daguang's handling opinions. He was expelled from public office and party membership, and no longer investigated for criminal responsibility. He has formed an opinion and is ready to report it to the municipal party committee. Please take a look at the mayor first. Then he recommended the candidate for deputy secretary-general and made self-criticism, saying that he had insufficient understanding of the situation. He did not understand the spirit of the instructions of the leaders of the municipal party committee. He hoped that Mayor Xia could criticize and educate him, so that he could make better progress.

Mayor Xia listened carefully and patiently to Peng Yunfeng's words and knew that he had indeed realized his mistake. To be fair, "Xia wants to be lenient to others" is not very strict with his subordinates, but now it's different. If he wants to cultivate his own team, he must strictly require candidates who hope to enter his team. If he doesn't think that Peng Yunfeng is a material that can be made, he will not deliberately beat him.

Knocking is to more closely observe whether Peng Yunfeng has a political **, whether he can pass the psychological barrier, and whether he can realize where he has made a mistake. If you can't pass, you will let it go in the future, go with him, and won't be in his sight again. If you can pass the test, it proves that there is still a possibility that it can be further tempered.

Xia thought couldn't take his eyes off Peng Yunfeng and said earnestly, "Yunfeng, it's impossible for people not to make any mistakes in their lives. It's good comrades to correct small mistakes in time. But after correction, you must learn from experience. If you do it again, it will be a rotten tree. Don't underestimate small mistakes. There will be no accumulation of small mistakes. There will be no big mistakes.

If you make a big mistake, there will be no chance..."

Peng Yunfeng was sweating profusely. Mayor Fu's tone was very gentle, and his words were very tactful and not sharp at all, but he listened to it in his ear, but only knew that Mayor Xia knew his careful thoughts. "He played tricks in front of Mayor Xia, which was completely the flea on the bald man's In fact, it has been clearly seen for a long time.

At the same time, he also knew that although Mayor Xia criticized him, he still meant to accept him. Otherwise, even the words criticizing him would be owed, and he would directly play the official's voice.

Peng Yunfeng stood up straight and bowed slightly to Xia: "Thank you for Mayor Xia's teaching." In the future, I will be strict with myself, do my duty, and unite around Mayor Xia to do my job well..."

Xia wanted to wave his hand to interrupt Peng Yunfeng's loyalty. He didn't listen to beautiful words and only looked at the actual actions: "Arrange an inspection activity to Kelong Business, and contact the reporters of the municipal TV station and the municipal newspaper to accompany him." You and the chess... go then."

Peng Yunfeng immediately understood that Mayor Xia had accepted him again, and was immediately overjoyed: "I wrote it down and will do it immediately."

MM Peng Yunfeng's ability and alertness are still there. "Sometimes he likes to pretend to be smart." Let's see if he can do this matter this time." Whether he can understand his intention to inspect Kelong's business is obviously to build momentum for Zhang You, indicating the position of the municipal government's support for private enterprises. According to the announcement of private enterprises in Tianze City, the new mayor's position of supporting and suppressing private enterprises depends on how the private enterprises choose.

The meeting of the Standing Committee was held as scheduled in the office of the Standing Committee on the fifth floor of the Municipal Party Committee Building.

Since Xia Shang took office, there have been two meetings of the Standing Committee, but it is not a stake-see event. There is a sound of harmony at the meeting, and the position and tendency of the Standing Committee can not be seen at all. Today's Standing Committee has two major topics: "One is the candidate for the deputy secretary of the municipal government" and the other is the topic "Several Suggestions on the Strict control of the Municipal Government's Investment Projects" submitted by Xia. Chen Jiewen presided over the meeting.

"Let's ask Mayor Xia to make a speech on the issue of government investment projects." Although Xiaxiang's topic was mentioned later, after all, it was the mayor's proposal, and it was much more important than the appointment of the deputy secretary-general, which should be ranked first." After Chen Jiejiao finished his routine speech, he gave Xiaxiang the right to say, "Comrades!" Xiaxiang! Serious face, "His governing idea is to start with controlling government investment projects, gradually break the incorrect idea that the inherent development and growth of private enterprises can only rely on power and money transactions, and control the profits of government investment projects at a slightly lower level than projects in the normal market." After all, government-invested projects have the guarantee of repayment. "It is equivalent to making a steady profit without losing money, and the profit point of the project is low" is in line with the law of the market. "In order to further standardize the management of government investment projects, establish and improve the decision-making procedures and organizational implementation procedures of scientific and private government investment projects to ensure the quality of the project" to control the cost of the The decision on the reform of the investment system (the national development "zm" force number) and the relevant provisions of the investment project management of the provincial government, combined with the actual situation of the city. After research and discussion at the executive meeting of the government, the following management methods have been formulated, please review..."

Xia wants to simply drag the regulations and say, "Because the relevant documents have been sent to everyone, there is no need for him to read them again according to the book, which is a waste of time.

After the speech, Xia wanted to signal to Chen Jieshi: "Chen Shu*, it takes time for comrades to deliberate." Next, let's proceed with the second topic first?" It was a light rhetorical tone, which not only showed respect for the opinion of the municipal party secretary, but also showed his firm tone.

Chen Jieyan must also respect the mayor's opinion, so he nodded: "Next, Comrade Xu Xin, please submit the views of the Organization Department on the candidate of the Deputy Secretary-General."

Although the office meeting did not reach a full consensus, at least two nominations have been eliminated. Xu Xin only reported to Longmin Geng and Fu Hongmei, and also gave a little bit of the advantages and disadvantages of the two. "The Standing Committee was invited to express his opinion: "Comrade Longmin is more stable, and Comrade Fu Hongmei is more It's a female cadre again. Comrades, please speak freely and express your opinions.

Xu Xin's Mandarin is not standard, with a strong dialect. "He said Longmin Geng several times in his speech." It sounds like a migrant worker, and his voice has just finished." Chang Xin, the Minister of Public Affairs, couldn't help laughing.

"I really didn't notice that the name of Comrade Longmin Geng was very prophetic before. As early as before the blade, it had pointed out the current phenomenon of migrant workers. It's amazing." As soon as he finished speaking, the Standing Committee was full of laughter.

Xia thought that he didn't laugh. His eyes slowly swept over the face of the standing committee present, and he could see everyone's expressions.

Needless to say, Chen Jie is still calm, as if everything is under control. Wu Mingyi didn't smile either. He was writing and drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil. He worked very hard. The book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection * The name of the book is very strange" and the name of Pi Rixiu, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, is only one # difference. However, he studied science and it is said that he has no literary cells one by one. He is very happy. "He often laughs" but his eyes fell on Wu Mingyi.

Executive Vice Mayor Yang Jian said, "He is more serious than anyone else and is concentrating on the topic Xia wants to submit." In fact, he has read it in advance, and now he still looks like he is studying seriously. Obviously, he intends to show it to others.

Chen Tianyu, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, looked at the ceiling with indifferent eyes. Although there was a smile on his face, he knew at a glance that he was just a smile. There was a smile but no smile.

Xu Fanhua, Vice Mayor of the Standing Committee, looked coldly and turned his eyes a few times. After quickly completing a eye contact with Chen Jietang, he nodded slightly to Wu Mingyi, which surprised Xia Xiang slightly.

Political and Legal Affairs Commission * Ji Pei Yifeng Shisui, the director of the Public Security Bureau, has a lot of majesty on his face with "wide shoulders" in all directions. He smiled at Xia's eyes and nodded slightly, with a good attitude.

Leng Yang, the commander of the military sub-district, looks as indifferent as his name, but strangely, "people are very sunny-looking. Although they are old, compared with a movie star who is now known as a young woman killer, it is even more masculine and sunny." He and Chen Tianyu looked at the ceiling in the opposite way, looking down at the ground.

Lei Daizheng, Minister of United Front Work, grinned and laughed as if the usual joke was a big joke. Among all the members of the Standing Committee, he laughed the happiest.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Dongqiao District Party Committee * Hu Yongchao, as the only high-level district party committee member in the 11 districts and counties of Tianze City * He is 42 years old this year, only two years older than Changchang. He is in the Tianze Municipal Party Committee team. Xia wanted to have the least contact with him "because he is usually not in the municipal party committee", but Hu Yongchao still left a deep impression on him, because Hu Yongchao's voice was extremely loud when he spoke. No matter who he talked to, he seemed to steal the limelight. In fact, it's not that he doesn't understand etiquette, or maybe he is born to speak in a gentle tone.

Hu Yongchao is also laughing" and his voice is the loudest and buzzing.

Today, I have reviewed all the members of the Standing Committee. Xia thought clearly that the situation has just begun. The members of the Standing Committee of Tianze City are complicated. Compared with Lang City, most of them are outsiders. Their positions are very clear. Their positions are... changeable. Among the people here, there are many people who are not very principled. "may swing at any time" is not only affected by the local intricate network, but also easy to be influenced by superiors. There are also a few people who are about to rise because they are almost old, and they don't care about to rise anyway. Not to mention their political positions and Law.

But after just a glance, he still found some clues. For example, he thought that Xu Fanhua was a firm supporter of Chen Jie, but there was also a eye contact between Xu Fanhua and Wu Mingyi just now, indicating that Xu Fanhua may also have a friendship with Wu Mingyi.

Lei Dai is still detached and easy. Last time he used alcohol to make trouble, he didn't think he was instructed by others, but his personality.

Everyone smiled. Chen Jiewen was ashamed, because Long Min was the candidate she proposed. She turned pale: "Don't make fun of other people's names casually. Now we are in a meeting. Let's be serious."

It's not clear whether Chang grievance is really unclear that Longmin is not the nomination of Chen Jiesura's intention to laugh, or whether he deliberately adds chaos in his heart. Anyway, after Chen Jie changed his words, Chang grievance immediately said: "Longmin's name is too indecent, and it is easy to make More female comrades should be promoted to important positions.

After Chang complained, his fingers moved slightly on the table twice. "And Wu Mingyi also flicked his finger on the table accordingly. Xia Xiang immediately understood that Chang Yuan had a shallow relationship with Wu Mingyi.

As soon as Chang Yan's supportive opinions were finished, Hu Yongchao said in his unique loud voice: "The Deputy Secretary-General of the Government is a key position", or the old comrades are more experienced. Comrade Fu Hongmei is still a little younger. "In case of lack of experience, it is not conducive to her growth" also makes the work difficult " " "

The Book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection * kept smiling: "1 Comrade Yongchao is reasonable. It is better for old comrades to check important jobs, and it is also out of the starting point of loving young comrades. Besides, Fu Hongmei is also a female comrade..." Before he finished speaking, he realized that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly Before he could talk about the topic, he was robbed by Lei.

11 Lao Pi, you are not young. You have been in the party for decades. Why don't you talk about the party spirit? According to you, female comrades and young comrades can't carry heavy burdens. Can't they hold important positions? Do you mean that Chen Shu*ji and Mayor Xia can't lead Tianze City well?" Everyone understands some things in the officialdom, but it's okay if you don't say it. Once it's clear, it's a slap in the face in public. Lei Yi said what many people knew in their hearts just now but did not dare to say. Therefore, as soon as his words came out, the whole venue was suddenly silent, and the atmosphere could form ice solemnly!

His face changed greatly, and he rose up, and a war of words was imminent!