official god

Chapter 957 Ups and Downs

Xia wants to take a deep breath. The problem of Paoma County is expected to trigger another violent collision between him and ***. From the last time Chen Jiewen tried to protect Bian Youshui, you can come to the conclusion that Bian Youshui is deeply trusted by her.

and Paoma County is the largest county in Tianze City, with the gross domestic product ranking first in the city, and the first and second hands have always been written by books. Now there is a blue sky wind farm, and the status of Paoma County in all counties in the city is unmatched.

Tay the truth: "Who is the leader of Paoma County proves who has a higher status in the municipal party committee. Chen Jiewen will definitely spare no effort to maintain Happy County. Even if something happens, she will try to cover it up.

Yang Shi's phone call told me to think of a real running horse county.

Paoma County not only has the pillar industry of Tianze City, Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also has the most unique convenient wind resources in the city. The Blue Sky Wind Farm is only one of several wind farms in Paoma County. Long before the Blue Sky Wind Farm, at least three wind farms have settled in Paoma County and have created great economic value.

Although Paoma County can't collect much tax from Tianze traditional Chinese medicine and wind farm, the annual cost of land use alone, as well as a variety of other charging items, and solving a large number of employment problems for the local area, etc., have increased the GDP of Paoma County by a few percentage points. It is no exaggeration to say that Paoma County is the richest county in the city, although Paoma County has always been wearing the hat of a national poverty-stricken county.

But then again, national-level poverty-stricken counties can enjoy many preferential policies, tax reductions, and so on. The 11 districts and counties in Tianze City are almost all national or provincial poverty-stricken counties, which is also a great spectacle.

Because of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine and several wind farms in Paoma County, it has gradually driven the development of the local economy, which has also promoted the prosperity of the real estate industry. In order to generate income, the county government circled the farmland and forcibly expropriated it at a low price in the name of government land, and then sold it to the blue sky wind farm and Tianze traditional Chinese medicine at a high price. Later, when Tianze traditional Chinese medicine needed to expand the scale and build residential buildings, it once again concocted the land of hundreds Sell and earn a high price difference from it. The government is not like the government, and it looks like an illegal profiteer.

"Preliminary investigation" There are problems such as illegal transfer of land, illegal change of the purpose of land use, illegal occupation of land in Paoma County, etc., which violate the relevant policies and regulations of rural land transfer and utilization, disrupt the order of land management, and infringe on the interests of farmers..." Yang Ke finally concluded angrily, " Go back to the municipal party committee, and then submit the specific materials to Mayor Xia for a look..."

Xia wanted to answer Yang Jian's phone call, and his mood was a little heavy. It is not easy for farmers to be treated unfairly by the city, but also by the county government. It is really difficult for people's livelihood.

Unexpectedly, just as he was thinking about how to deal with the problem of Paengma County, the phone suddenly rang again. When he saw that the call was the phone of the provincial party committee, he couldn't help but be shocked. After coming to Tianze City, he rarely received calls from the provincial party committee, especially from Song Chaodu.

"Hello, Governor Song." Xia wanted to say hello enthusiastically.

"Xiaxiang, when do you have time recently" come back? We didn't get together during the Spring Festival. Xiao Fan always talks about you. Song Chaodu's voice was a little tired. This year's Spring Festival did not leave a deep impression in the memory of recollection.

At that time, it was the middle of the key, and everything in Tianze City was chaotic. He first went back to the capital to see Mr. Wu and Lian Ruohan, and then returned to Yan City to reunite with his family. He had a deep conversation with Cao Yongguo. It is also inevitable to go back to Shancheng to meet my parents. Xia An has become a father and gave birth to a son, but his father is very happy.

Jingcheng, Yanshi and Shancheng, the three places, the shortest stay time in Yanshi, and during the Spring Festival this year, many people are not in Yanshi. Most of the provincial leaders returned to the capital or their hometown, and Chen Feng did not have time to come back. Li Dingshan only stayed in Yanshi for two days. However, he

Fang Jinjiang's municipal party committee's letter * record is very good, but listening to his tone, I'm afraid it's difficult to go up. It's time to the end. In two years, he will retire to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference or the National People's Congress at most. The blue socks are much plump, and the square is still in love. The square is still the same, and I don't know what he is like in front of outsiders." Anyway, in front of Xia Xiang, his hippie smiling face was not in shape, which made the river shake his head repeatedly, and even said that the square had no room for improvement.

During the conversation, he talked about Chen Feng, and Xia thought that Chen Feng's son Chen Gong got a full scholarship to Keqiao University. Fang Jinjiang couldn't help sighing, saying that Chen Shu* remembered a thought in those years to make Chen Gong think with Xia. Now it seems that his children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

For the rethinking, Fang Jinjiang is even more emotional. His section-level cadres in those years have now become the mayor, and they are on an equal footing with him. Can he not let him sigh that the opportunities in life are very different? He used to expect Fang Ge to make great strides in his official career, but now he is dead, as long as Fang Ge is safe and happy.

There was no *** Chaodu before the New Year, because it happened that the time was not good. Song Chaodu and Song Yifan went to ****. When Xia wanted to come back from Shancheng, it was good to meet Song Chaodu in Yan City, but the time was short, there was no in-depth conversation, and Song Yifan had not seen yet.

... Although Song Chaodu also had a precedent of meeting him in the name of Song Yifan in the past, today Xia thought that he heard that it was not Song Yifan who wanted to see him, but Song Chaodu himself.

Some words were inconvenient to say on the phone, so Xia wanted to promise, "I'll go back tomorrow." Song Chaodu didn't say anything, so he hung up the phone and intuitively told him that Governor Song was in trouble. No matter how many things he has at hand, the governor must respond as soon as possible.

Some time ago, there was a rumor that Governor Song was going to move. It didn't seem to be groundless. At least Governor Song had felt pressure, and Xia thought that he couldn't help but be vaguely worried.

If it were normal, he could leave for Yanshi that night, but now there are a lot of things in Paoma County in front of him, and he can't deal with it. We can meet in the wilderness two days later, but Liu Yijiu has made an appointment to meet in the evening.

Liu Yijiu may be a breakthrough in Paoma County: Paoma County may be a breakthrough in other things, which must be paid attention to. Besides, it is related to the practical interests of farmers. The national economy and people's livelihood are not a trivial matter.

When he got off work in the afternoon, Peng Yunfeng appeared in the office in time." Xia thought for a moment and called Xu Ziqi. Indeed, as a real secretary, Xu Ziqi is not as close as Peng Yunfeng and him, and it doesn't make sense.

In fact, Xia doesn't want to go out to socialize much, and he refuses many food invitations. He doesn't want to have too much contact with local enterprises. It's nothing to eat and treat. The main reason is that people's hearts are different. Before figuring out the details of the other party But even for a few social activities, he rarely brings a secretary, which is actually related to his youth and lack of attention to the assignment.

Xu Ziqi was very happy to hear that Mayor Xia was going to take him with him. He was also distressed by the relationship between himself and Mayor Fu. He also knows that as a secretary, it's not a good thing if the leader doesn't let you know everything. The more you know about the leader's personal affairs, the more trust the leader is in you. On the contrary, it is a sign of alienation.

Xu Ziqi is busy to call a car. In fact, he can make the driver wait downstairs with one phone call, but sometimes running more errands will make the leader think that you will do things. That's what it means before and after running. The leader sits and commands, and you also sit down and call to command, then you are not the secretary or the second leader.

It's no wonder that the leader likes you.

Xiaxiang and several people came to the mouth of Yunxiao Pavilion. Liu Yijiu seemed to have a unique love for Yunxiao Pavilion. On the way, Peng Yunfeng revealed a secret. Liu Yijiu probably fell in love with Yunxiao, the boss of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Last time, I wanted to have dinner in the sky. It was very low-key. No one knew that the mayor was coming, otherwise it would be a mess.

It is still the last private room, but unexpectedly there is one more person, a graceful woman, about 35 years old, wearing a cheongsam, light and elegant makeup, not how beautiful it is, but it has an intoxicating temperament. A woman who has experienced the world and is calm in her heart, the charm she exudes all over her body is not comparable to that of a little girl.

Liu Yijiu smiled very ambiguously and introduced to several people: "Mayor Xia, this is Yunxiao, the boss of Yunxiao Pavilion. When she heard that you were coming, she insisted on seeing you, so I made up my mind to let her show up. You are unhappy. If you want to beat and scold, come to me. Anyway, I'm rough and thick-skinned, and I'm not afraid." Xia wanted to smile. Of course, he saw that Liu Yijiu was carrying him There will be a sudden attack. I told him last time that he came and went like the wind and was a lonely hero. Being a hero is a good thing, but don't be a lonely hero. There is a good saying that Yingya is short-tempered, children's love is long, and the hero of children's love makes people feel real..." Liu Yijiu knew that Mayor Xia praised him and was so happy that he scratched his ears and cheeks. Yunxiao smiled gracefully: "Mayor Xia is really young" is admirable. To be honest, I really can't believe that there is such a young mayor. He said that our mayor is young and handsome. I said I have seen it on TV... I didn't expect to see a real person, so I wanted to give a suggestion to the city director and quickly fired the photographer." Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was quite good.

Yunxiao was also knowledgeable. He only said a few words and left. As soon as she left, there were no outsiders in the room. Liu Yijiu began to toast: "Mayor Xia, my temper can't be changed. Don't blame me. Anyway, I don't know my mind if I don't drink. I'll report to you when I drink some wine. It must be more wonderful than when I don't drink..."

Everyone laughed again.

Sure enough, after three rounds of drinking, Liu Yijiu's tongue was big, and his eyes lit up: "Mayor Xia, my experience in Paoma County can be described as a danger in four words!",