official god

Chapter 958 Insider>

**In the 19th, I stayed in Paoma County for a total of one month and 20 days, and it is still in the deep mountains and old forests of ***. Not to mention the cold climate of Paoma County is more than 100 kilometers north of Tianze City, that is, it has been squatting in the deep mountains for more than a month

What's more, Liu Yijiu is still the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. He can lead by example and go to the front line in person, which really makes Xia want to admire him.

Paoma County is located in the northernmost part of Tianze City, bordering Inner Mongolia in the northwest, and bordering Liao Province in the northeast, forming a triangle. Although it is not as famous as the famous Golden Triangle, it is also a paradise in the eyes of some drug smugglers.

There are large grasslands and uninhabited mountain forests in Paoma County, and some people illegally grow opium poppy, but the area is not large enough to form a climate. However, it seems that it almost caused a major event in one year. Fortunately, it was discovered early. Otherwise, it may really become a drug base. If it can't be planted, many people sell drugs from Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Province. Because it is a three-way zone, and there are very vast grasslands and forests, drug dealers are like a small boat hiding in the sea, and it is difficult to be caught.

Several times, he clearly received the exact message, saying that it was an incarn of a drug transaction. As a result, it was empty several times. Liu Yijiu suspected that there was an insider of the Laoma County Public Security Bureau, so he personally led the team to squatting. It took more than a month. Everyone was impressed by

What Liu Yijiu wants is not to investigate. As soon as he investigates, he has to find out the truth, because the drug smuggling in Paoma County has always been an incurable cancer. It has been named by the provincial department for several consecutive years. "But it reignites every year, and the scale is larger than before." There is a trend of I vowed not to pull out the poisonous teeth.

That is, Liu Yijiu, changed to someone else. "No one dares to joke about his body and dares to squat in the ice and snow for more than a month. Do you want to die? The police officers who followed Liu Yijiu changed one after another. They couldn't stand it. Only Liu Yijiu persisted from beginning to end.

Therefore, there is no reason for Liu Yijiu to be admired in the municipal bureau. He was respected by his hard work.

Hard work pays off" After more than a month of persistence, Liu Yijiu finally arrested a major criminal suspect, Lu Sheng, who had been on the line and had not been brought to justice. Lu Sheng is 40 years old and cruel. He is nicknamed Lu Fox Wolf, which means that he is as cunning as a fox.

After Lu Sheng was arrested, he pleaded not guilty and did not cooperate with the interrogation, because according to the number of his drug trafficking, a hundred deaths are enough. Anyway, it is a death, why implicate others?

The turning point of the matter happened after Lai Guangming's accidental death.

As soon as Lai Guangming died, Lu Sheng somehow panicked and offered an exchange. He wanted to confess. "But Liu Yijiu must promise him one thing, that is, to leave a sum of money for his family, not too much, as long as tens of thousands of yuan is enough for his son to go to school.

Lu Sheng has a wife and children. His son is old and is in primary school.

Liu Yijiu realized that there were major clues, so he agreed first. Lu Sheng told an amazing fact that all drug smugglers had to pay Lai Guangming, because Lai Guangming was the biggest drug head in Paoma County!

Drug smuggling is rampant in Paoma County, and it has something to do with Lai Guangming's behind-the-scenes. According to Lu Sheng, all the dirty money smuggled by drugs is first kept by Lai Guangming, and then settled with him regularly. No one can be safe without his hands. In the past, some people did not listen to him. As a result, when smuggling, he was found by the police. "He was killed on the spot without escaping. When he reported, he said that he not only tried to escape" but also threatened the life safety of the police.

Since then, whoever wants to make money by smuggling drugs must obey Lai Guangming's unified management, otherwise, not to mention making money, even his life will be lost. Not to mention that whoever joins Lai Guangming's management will always be safe.

Liu Yijiu went down and squatted. Everyone knew the drug traffickers in Paoma County, and no one dared to take risks anymore. Everyone thought that Liu Yijiu would close the team after squatting for ten days and eight days, but he didn't expect that there was no sign of retreating for a month. Lu Sheng couldn't wait." Because his wife was seriously ill in bed and urgently needed a medical expense, he had to sell drugs again to have money for treatment, so he took the risk.

Unfortunately, it's still the same.

"The public security system of Paoma County has been rotten from the root!" Liu Yijiu slapped the table, "I said something disgly. From the director to the captain below, all the shootings may be one or two wronged. Half of the shootings, there are definitely a lot of omissions." He drank too much again, blushed and had a thick neck, and was angry.

"Mayor Xia, I'm not suing, but just talking about the matter. The problem of the public security system of Paoma County is not a day or two, but the whole Paoma County is under the control of Bian Youshui. Everything has been suppressed by him. It is useless for anyone to complain in the city. As soon as he arrives in It's because Bian Youshui is the person remembered by Chen Shu*! Bian Youshui covers the sky in Paoma County, which is also the root cause of the current drug flood in Paoma County. I don't believe that the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau personally participated in the pre-poisoning, or the biggest poison. Bian Youshui will not know at all?

It's always not good to talk about the municipal party committee behind the scenes. What's more, Xiaxiang is still lucky that there are no outsiders, otherwise the words will reach Chen Jiewen's ears, and it's not good ****

However, to Xia Xiangwei's surprise, Liu Yijiu seemed to be too righteous indignant, not the mood of handling the case, but like walking out of righteous indignation.

It's true that Liu Yijiu also makes sense." There is a big problem with the county bureau. If the county party committee secretary and the county magistrate don't know anything about it, it's a lie. Since Bian Youshui can cover the sky with one hand in Paoma County, will he not know the little Jiujiu of everyone below? If he doesn't know, it is impossible for him to fully control the situation in Pakuma County.

This has also led to many paradoxes. No matter which book * is in power, but often after a major accident, either the deputy county magistrate is removed from office or the county magistrate is punished. The book * is often not mentioned, as if it does not exist. Why is the book * always ranked first when there is a political achievement, but the book * is always ranked last when there is a problem? Book * Note: Since he presides over the overall work, he can dictate anyone's work, but whose work has made a major mistake, and he has become an outsider?

The official standard, the boss's priority system is the rules in the officialdom. If you don't understand it, you can only force it to understand. Anyway, the leader is good, with many benefits and few disadvantages, which makes everyone flock to it. It's not the leader. The benefits of a leader are too obvious. Take the benefits yourself and take the blame for others.

When the rule of law is sound and the system is standardized, and the accountability system of the leader can be implemented, the leader will always raise the alarm and no longer let the power have no supervision mechanism.

"It's not that I'm talking nonsense. I dare to say that He Zelin, the director of the Public Security Bureau of Paoma County, also has a share. His deputy director sells drugs. He is the director who doesn't know anything about it. He believes it. There are several deputy directors in the municipal bureau, who is Xiaojiu and Pei Yifeng very clear. The following county bureau is smaller, and almost everyone knows it. Who doesn't know who?

The more Liu Yijiu said, the more he went deeper. Peng Yuntuo felt that it was not tasty, so he hurriedly said, "Nineteen, you drink less and talk less, eat more vegetables. Come on, come on, more wine hurts your body. You have been squatting in the deep mountains Cold, if it doesn't work, you can stay in the hospital for a period of time.

"I'm taking a break. I can't wait to kill a group of grandchildren in Paoma County with my hand!" Liu Yijiu cursed and suddenly cried bitterly, "Lu Sheng can't live. I caught him with my own hands. But I can't catch him. He is the number one drug dealer in Paoma County. Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng, you said you were a good police officer, why did you go to drug trafficking? You're fucking selling drugs. Why do you have to go to Paoma County, don't you force me to arrest you?

Is there a story? Xia wanted to see Liu Yijiu crying heartily. He knew that he was really uncomfortable and didn't persuade him. When he was sad, he would definitely take the initiative to open his mouth.

"Mayor Xia, I still have something to report. It's about Ji Fengsheng. I also found a clue that he drank with Xu Xin on the night of his suicide." Liu Yijiu wiped away his tears like a child. "I also did something for you. I hope you can also do me a favor."

Liu Yijiu really can't speak, as if he wants to bargain with Xia. You should know that Xiaxiang is the mayor, a superior leader, who can slam the door and leave at any time. Above the officialdom, the most taboo is to go to the leader to ask for credit and talk about the conditions.

Peng Yunfeng changed his face and quickly explained, "Mayor Fu, if you drink too much in September 1, you will be unscrupulous. In fact, he said that he wanted to ask you to help him." Then he blamed Liu Yijiu, "JiJi, how did you talk to Mayor Xia? You have to get over drinking in the future!"

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "It doesn't matter, Yun Feng, don't blame him. He is a temperamental person, which is understandable. You blame it, but you just feel that I don't have the capacity.

As soon as he said this, Peng Yunfeng knew that Mayor Xia was really not angry and hurriedly laughed with him: "I said something wrong, and I will punish myself for three cups."

Xu Ziqi also said, "I will accompany the Secretary-General for three cups."

Xiaxiang also smiled. Xu Ziqi will find a step for Peng Yunfeng, and he has made great progress.

"Mayor Xia, I know that Lu Sheng can't live. He is extremely guilty, but he is also forced. I don't ask you to put pressure on the court, but I hope you can let him die. He said that even if he dies, he will die in my hands. When it came to Lu Sheng, Liu Yijiu cried bitterly again.

What's wrong with Liu Yijiu? Why do you feel sorry and cry for a drug dealer again and again? Xiaxiang's face darkened: "A big man, don't cry. I have something to say. What problem can crying solve? If crying works, the Chinese people will be the first in the world if they cry collectively for three days, and they will not be bullied? Is the water island back?

One sentence made Liu Yijiu laugh and cry." He hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, Mayor Fu, you don't know that Lu Sheng is my comrade-in-arms and my savior! He was originally the captain of the county drug brigade. He made countless contributions and personally arrested dozens of drug dealers, but he was such a drug hero. Because he was unfairly treated, he was forced to go to the road of drug trafficking... "..."

After listening to Lu Sheng's deeds, Xia wanted to be furious and got up!