official god

Chapter 974 Layout is fully completed

Liu Fengsheng and Pi's endless discord, Liu Fengsheng is 10 younger than Pi's endless. A few years old, in his early 40s this year, is the period of wealth and strength. He is also the executive deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is said that he should have made a lot of achievements, but under the suppression of the skin, everything is restrained. Several cases he investigated and handled were originally full of solid evidence, but under the endless authority, Watch the corrupt officials go unpunished.

Liu Fengsheng is relatively upright and upright, although he also knows that there can be no real Bao Qingtian-like figure in the officialdom. Under the current system, although the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a certain independence, the Commission for Discipline Inspection is still the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Party Committee. In fact, he still has to be 100% ordered by the Secretary The Commission for Discipline Inspection has great influence. Some cases * after nodding, the mayor can't investigate without nodding, but he still believes that a group of corrupt officials can be punished within the limited rules and regulations.

The reality disappointed him again and again.

In fact, he doesn't look like a ball, but his personality and smooth means are too much like a ball. He rolls on which side where the wind is strong, and he listens to which side he is powerful. In officialdom, he can't be slippery, but he should also talk about the principle of righteousness and the overall situation, but the

The arrival of Mayor Xia made Liu Fengsheng secretly rejoice for a long time. He even regretted that Mayor Xia was just a mayor, not a book, and there was no way to form a direct restriction on the skin.

After the outbreak of the endless network events, Liu Fengsheng suddenly realized the power of the network. He didn't dare to guess whether it was Mayor Xia's work, but he also admired the means of the person behind the scenes. He was so depressed that there was no way to take a week off to avoid the limelight.

A week is enough for him to retry a case that has been backlogging for half a year! The case is related to Fan Mingwei, the secretary of the Party Committee of Lantian Township, Paoma County.

Six months ago, "Li Wei, deputy head of Lantian Township, reported Fan Mingwei's corruption and bribery with his real name, and maintained an improper relationship between men and women with his female subordinates for a long time" and also listed very detailed evidence. After the report arrived at the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Fengsheng was furious. When he was ready to file a case, he was suppressed by the skin.

The non-conventional attitude is very clear. First, Li Wei's report is beyond the level, which itself does not conform to the rules. Second, Fan Mingwei is a cadre of Paoma County. It is not good for the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to take over directly. It is too disrespectful for the Paoma County Party Committee and the County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Liu Fengsheng did not agree with the strong request of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to file a case, and he suppressed it endlessly. Liu Fengsheng refused to accept it, but he did not dare to disobey the order. In the officialdom, there is a leader's responsibility system, and the leader is the sky. What he denies. Even if the people below make a big noise again, even if Fan Mingwei can be found to have a problem, he has also violated the official taboo. "No The subordinates.

Shortly after the incident, Li Wei was removed from office by the Paoma County Party Committee for the same reason as Li Wei's reason for reporting Fan Mingwei. Now that he is on vacation, Fan Mingwei has died, and Li Wei is detained in a mental hospital. After being removed from his post, Li Wei has been continuously petitioned. Finally, he was arrested by Paoma County and imprisoned in a mental hospital on the grounds of mental illness.

Liu Fengsheng decided to go to Lema County in person to reverse the case for Li Wei. The current situation of Happy Valley County is much worse than Xia thought.

Not to mention that the severity of the illegal encroachment of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine on farmers' land is beyond imagination, how many shady people have handled it." Yang Jian has not yet investigated it clearly, but the truth of the initial contact is shocking enough. Bian has the courage to act, and Tianze traditional Chinese medicine is also a dragonfly.

There must be a senior management of Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the matter has really involved the interests of the Qiu family.

This is the first aspect of Xia's worries.

The second aspect" Chen Jiesui suppressed the illegal land problem in Paoma County, and Yang Jian was warned by Mei Shengping not to touch Tianze traditional Chinese medicine again. It seemed that both roads were blocked.

The third aspect is whether to continue to start with illegal land or start with Lai Guangming's drug trafficking first. Xia Think has not made up his mind. Illegal land will inevitably touch the core interests of the Qiu family, and the Qiu family will definitely find ways to stop it. Does it mean that he and the Qiu family really want to turn against each other because of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine? But in fact, no matter where to start, the fire will eventually burn to the illegal land. Based on his principle, he will not let go of the problem of illegal land in any case. His parents were also farmers. They knew the hardships and difficulties of farmers. The encroachment on farmers' land is no different from cutting off their lives. The nature is very bad, and the means are very poor. The same topic is, how determined is the Qiu family to maintain Tianze traditional Chinese medicine?

For a long time, he has been dealing with several major families. In addition to confronting the Fu family, even if he has conflicts with the other three families, he has rarely had a positive confrontation." All of them have been resolved or eased by means of curves. However, the illegal land problem is really impossible to be resolved unless the Qiu family gives way.

can even be regarded as a conflict of interest between civilian interests and family interests in disguise.

The position of the Qiu family will definitely be expressed through a certain channel. The last time Ye Xufeng said harsh words to him and he was returned, there was no more follow-up. He also knew that no matter how dissatisfied the Qiu family was with him, it was estimated that there would be no direct conflict for the time being. Not to mention that it is easy to cause an uncontrollable situation, even the Wu family behind him, the Qiu family can't afford to provoke, not to mention that after the recent provincial and ministerial adjustment, the Qiu family has lost a big defeat. However, in Tianze City, the hidden dangers are far more than the Qiu family.

At this time, the Wu family may still stand behind him, but after the provincial government's plan to integrate steel resources is put on, "he may cause the Wu family's dissatisfaction" is not a big trouble. Mr. Wu is tolerant to him, but tolerance is not equivalent to accommodation. In the face of real core interests, Mr. Wu is also "Wu Caiyang" and has enough means to pressure him.

The biggest reliance at this stage is that "Song Chaodu was in Yan Province for a day. Whether it was the Wu family or the Qiu family, he could not beat Song Chaodu if he wanted to suppress him. But in case the Song Dynasty was really transferred from Yan Province, he would be one foot suspended in the air, and there was only one way to go, either to the family forces in an all-round way, wholeheartedly working for the family forces, or alone fighting alone, and finally being completely beaten by the family forces. Expecting the Prime Minister to pull him at the critical moment, Xia wants to shake his head, or not to have extravagant expectations. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Governor Song almost relies on his own ability to open up the situation in Yan Province. The governor is not worth the prime minister's action, not to mention that he is a small mayor?

It's really a dangerous steel wire road. Is it worth it? Xia thought and even asked himself, but there was no clear answer after all. It is said that whether it is a defect in his character or his civilian feelings, he can't face the pain of the peasants and can't sit idly by and ignore the harm of the peasants.

He also hates the behavior of playing with power and turning black and white upside down.

Lu Sheng is now under the strict control of Liu Yijiu, and no one else can contact him, and Lu Sheng does not trust anyone except Liu Yijiu. Lu Sheng is the fuse, but now is not the time to detonate. According to the clues provided by Lu Sheng, Liu Yijiu went to Paoma County to continue to catch drug dealers, ready to catch Du Busan, the second drug dealer in Paoma County. If Du Bulsan was arrested, according to Lu Sheng's remark, Du Bousan has direct evidence to He Zelin, the current director of the public security bureau of Paoma County.

All the pieces have been buried, the wilderness is still abroad, and he will not come back for the time being. He still has another important task. Basically, it can be said that Xiaxiang's layout has been completed, and it will be fully detonated at the right time.

The reason why it has been introduced but not sent out is still to worry about the printer.

It can be said that since Xia wanted to go to politics, he has never hesitated like this time.

He has had countless years of friendship with the Qiu family, and he is also a rare good friend with Qiu Xufeng, and he also has a good impression of Qiu Renli. He really didn't want to turn against the Qiu family, but the reality made him have no choice.

Xiaxiang is also a person, and he also has seven emotions and six desires, and he has never had any conflicts with the Qiu family. Ye Renli also loves him very much. When he visited the Qiu family several times, Qiu Renli had to accompany him, which was very courteous to him. Now that he is the mayor, he will take the Qiu family's property. The Ye family will not be happy. What will outsiders think?

Qiu Xufeng and he have been good friends for many years. After starting from An County, they have had several experiences of teaming up to deal with the family. He and Ye Xufeng have never even quarreled...,...

Xia wanted to push open the window of the office and put in fresh air. In the sky in April, there is a smell of spring in the air, which makes people feel refreshed. Spring will not only usher in the ** of construction, but also the ** of struggle.

The struggle has always been caused by the conflict of economic interests. Even at the top, the so-called struggle for the concept of governance, to put it bluntly, is actually a struggle for the different footholds of their respective interests. In short, it is the battle between the civilian line and the family power line. No matter which line, there are interest groups that serve.

Without interest, there is no motivation to intrigue. People, chasing interests is no different from moth throwing fire.

Still didn't make up her mind. Xia wanted to sit back in the chair. She couldn't help but feel so tired. Suddenly, the phone suddenly rang. As soon as he saw that it was the number of Yan City, he immediately answered the phone.

"Xiaoxia, when you have to let go of some things, why do you have to care too much?" Cao Yongguo's voice was a little angry and dissatisfied. "I received a phone call from Qiu Shu*. He said that if there is any violation of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine, you can check it as you want. Don't worry about the face of the Qiu family."

Qiu Renli must have said more than his father-in-law's, because Xia wanted to hear it, and his father-in-law was angry. It must be something that Ye Renli had pointed out. Unexpectedly, it should be that his father-in-law's pace towards the ministerial level has slowed down!