official god

Chapter 975 The Magic Pen of the Prime Minister

Qiu Renli came forward and put on a high profile. On the one hand, he was not afraid that Xia wanted to thoroughly investigate the problem of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine, and on the other hand, he implicitly revealed the internal connection between Tianze traditional Chinese medicine and his father-in-law as governor, and his skills were not very smart.

No wonder my father-in-law is angry. I'm afraid that in his eyes, the Qiu family is a good friend, and the matter of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine is not big. If you open one eye and close one eye, it will be over. Why do you have to investigate it? It not only offended the Qiu family, but also may involve his father-in-law's future.

Other people's injustice, Xia wants to ignore it, but his father-in-law's dissatisfaction must be released.

"Dad, the problem of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine is really serious, but I'm not investigating, it's Mayor Yang investigating. The report of the investigation team has been submitted to the municipal party committee. I didn't express my opinion, but it was temporarily suppressed by Chen Shu*..." Xia thought that he could only use a slow plan. "If there is a problem, you can't turn a blind eye to it." But how to deal with it, the municipal party committee has not yet reached a consensus..."

Cao Yongguo has never been strong in front of Xiaxiang. It's not that he doesn't have a strong side. Instead, he has developed a gentle habit in front of Xiaxiang. After listening to Xiaxiang's explanation, he lost most of his anger. There's nothing we can do. Everyone has a soft side. He just can't say coldly to Xia Xi: "I don't criticize you, and I also know that what Qiu Shu* said is just an expression of meaning. It's not a matter of a sentence or two to decide the position of a governor." He doesn't threaten anything, but The relationship between the Qiu family and you has always been good. There is no need to have conflicts because of something that is not a principled position." The words are very subtle, but there is still obvious pressure.

Xia doesn't want to talk too deeply with his father-in-law." He doesn't want to discuss in depth the intricate interest entanglement of Tianze City. On the surface, Tianze City is at the bottom of the water, and he doesn't know which vortex is caused by whom, which makes people more defenseless to prevent The problem of traditional Chinese medicine said, "I know, the problem is more complicated. It is estimated that it will be delayed for a period of time, and there may be changes." You don't have to worry too much, take a good rest..."

Cao Yongguo said that he had been recuperating for half a month. Now he has only rested for a week and plans to go back to work in the Western Province. Xia can't persuade him. He has been in the officialdom for a lifetime. He is really not used to letting his father-in-law take a rest.

... Qiu Renli was so powerful that he directly grabbed his weakness. Although it may not really be exchanged for his father-in-law's future, he put forward at least one possibility, which made his father-in-law immediately worry about gains and losses. No matter how high a person sits, every step forward is an important life opportunity, and no one wants to miss it.

After thinking about it, Xia wanted to get through Song Chaodu's soap words again.

"Goverall Governor Song" asked a question that may not be asked, "When does the province's steel resources of the province plan to start to implement?" "What is not to ask, the idea is still yours, you ask..." Song Chaodu rarely laughed, said half-jokingly, and said in a heavy tone, "Of course, the faster The better, it is estimated that the promotion will start within a month, and the integration will be completed in half a year.

The faster the time, the smaller the tax loss." It is absolutely in the interest of Yan Province to drive Baosteel away as soon as possible. As for whether it is in the interests of Baosteel, who will consider it? What's more, when Baosteel came over, he opened his mouth to eat and drink, and he looked very ugly. The integration of the steel resources of Yan Province is related to the foundation of Governor Song in Yan Province. If the integration is successful, he will sit firmly in Yan Province. If the integration fails, it is really possible to be removed.

Xia wants to know it in his heart. A month is very fast. If there is time, he wants to suppress the problem of Paoma County again as Qiu Jia and Chen Jishi wish.

When thinking like this, "I didn't expect" Qiu Xufeng called again.

"Xia think, my father just called me." He said that he didn't figure it out for a moment and called Governor Cao that he shouldn't have called you and asked me to apologize to you. "Don't let Governor Cao misunderstand." With the honest Lu Weishu * Ji Zhizun, he apologized. For ordinary people, he really felt And he may be flattered, but Xiaxiang is very clear about Qiu Renli's means. It's not that I didn't figure it out before I made a phone call. It's clear that calling Cao Yongguo is the fore-hand, and now Qiu Xufeng's calling him is the back-hand, and he is skillful.

Xia Chang didn't break it." He smiled and said, "Uncle Qiu is too polite." For my father-in-law, he is a leader. For me, he is an elder, and even the criticism is reasonable. Criticism is also for better progress. I should thank Uncle Qiu for his concern..." Calling Uncle Qiu directly instead of Qiu Shu * Ji, not to get closer, but to remind Qiu Xufeng that he should be Qiu Renli as an elder, instead of the provincial party committee * Ji, and I don't want to talk about the topic just now.

Qiu Xufeng understood what Xia thought meant and hesitated for a moment: "Xia thought, you and I have been friends for many years. It's better to say something. Let me put it bluntly, Tianze traditional Chinese medicine is very important to the Qiu family. It is not that it can bring much profit to the Ye family, but it is very important to the next layout of the Qiu family. "You just need to know it in your mind. It's not convenient for me to say it in depth. Although Yang Jian has given up, I know your character. The most important thing is that the interests of the farmers will be harmed. I have to admit that the Qiu family has done something inconsiderate. "I think Tianze traditional Chinese medicine can return the occupied land" and give the farmers a certain amount of economic compensation..." The Qiu family's concessions are not small, Economic interests have always been the top priority. No one wants to let go. No matter how big the family is, they have to make money. Whoever blocks the other party's financial path is the enemy of the other party. He thought that the Qiu family would be tough to the end, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly take the initiative to give in at the end of the event. "Which link has changed?"

Even so, it is necessary for Xiaxiang to remind Qiu Xufeng again: "Xufeng, how much interest entanglement is there between Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing?"

Xia wanted to ask Qiu Xufeng and immediately understood that Mou Youshui and Zhang Hexing may not be in safety. It is inconvenient for him to say it too bluntly, or implicitly: "The entanglement of local interests is always very complicated, especially in the county." The county party committee * remembers the local emperor......"

Xia wanted to be silent for a while: "After May Day, the things in Paoma County will always give the people an answer..."

Qiu Xufeng immediately understood, "Xia wanted to give him a month's buffer time, so he accepted Xia Xiang's favor: "A month is enough to sort out many things..." He paused for a moment and revealed a message to Xia, "Jiang Xuesong may move up, the situation in the western province will be clear, and Governor Choose..."

The news of the Qiu family is still one step ahead of others, and the attitude has changed greatly. It turns out that the situation has changed!

Jiang Xuesong moved up. Whether he was transferred to the capital or to other provinces, the throne of the secretary of the provincial party committee of the western province was given up, and Xing Duantai would naturally take over the letter, and Cao Yongguo might sit on the ground to help.

Compared with going to Qi Province to reopen the situation, Cao Yongguo must be more willing to sit on the ground to help, which is more conducive to the further development of the work... He didn't hear the wind in advance, and the ears of the Qiu family are really bright." He heard the wind early, and it is estimated that Qiu Yongguo's idea is related.

Political interests are often involved in the whole body, but who has leveraged the interests of the Western Province?

Do you mean...

As soon as the idea came up, the phone rang again in time. As soon as I looked at the phone number, it was unexpectedly a call from the capital.

"Xiaxiang, Gu Yu will be back in May. Remember to pick her up at the airport. She said, if you don't pick her up, she will ignore you..." Lao Gu mentioned Ziguyu as soon as he came up, and his voice was quite bright and laughed loudly, "Is Cao Yongguo recovered? He is not old, so he must pay attention to his health. If you are in good health, Shou can bear the heavy burden." There is something in the old saying, Xia Xiang directly ignored Gu Yu." He asked, "Lao Gu, has the situation in the West Province changed?" "You reacted very quickly, yes." The Prime Minister intends to adjust the team of the Western Province. Now the opportunity is just right. Cao Yongguo caught up He is also a member of the officialdom, but after all, he is a soldier and has retired for many years." He doesn't pay attention to the transition, especially in the face of Xia Xiang, he has something to say directly, "The Prime Minister means that Cao Yongguo sits on the ground to help Zheng, and Xing Duantai is transferred to the governor of Qi P>

Xia thought for a moment and thought of a person: "Yi Xiangshi?" "I guessed right again, you are really clever..." Lao Gu smiled again, "It's also the result that all parties need.

Of course, the most important thing is that the timing is very accurate, and Qiu Renli is going to miscalculate again..."

Qiu Renli not only miscalculated, but also will definitely be very disappointed!

Qiu Renli tried his best to transfer Cao Yongguo to Qi Province to work with him, not only to win over himself and tie his father-in-law to his chariot, but also valued his father-in-law's honest and gentle character, so that he could be a good deputy. But some people just don't let him do what he wants. "He will transfer Xing Duantai to cooperate with his work. He is not only depressed" but also very unhappy.

Xing Duantai has a strong personality and a very clear position. He is much more difficult to deal with than Cao Yongguo. If Xing Duantai went over, Qiu Renli's plan to kill two birds with one stone was completely failed, which was equivalent to being found by the Prime Minister and set up fiercely.

Xia can imagine that in order to transfer Cao Yongguo to Qi Province, the Qiu family must have done a lot of work behind it." But with a loss of success, the feeling in his heart must be uncomfortable. No wonder Qiu Xufeng became more modest and took the initiative to make great concessions.

I have always thought that although the Prime Minister is the leader of the civilian forces, he has always refused to take action to let others die by themselves. Now I understand that with the wisdom of the Prime Minister, what he pursues is not a small fight, but a single blow!

Yi Xiangshi was also transferred to a leader in the Western Province, the vacancy of the Minister of Commerce, and the reorganization of power after the departure of the minister, a large number of official resources have been revitalized. Yi Xiangshi is the direct line of the Wu family in a broad sense. The Prime Minister's decision must have been secretly supported by the Wu family. It is no exaggeration to say that this move is a divine move.