official god

Chapter 1054 A few mines were planted

"It's not that I'm not used to living abroad, and I heard that Chen Ah is sick. They want to come back to visit their father... They are very pitiful. In fact, they have wanted to come back for a long time, but I'm afraid you won't agree."

While talking, Fu Xianxian stared at Xiaxiang with resentment. His eyes were very complicated and contained countless information. I'm afraid there is sympathy and pity, as well as jealousy and helplessness.

Jin Yin Mo lì wants to return to China, but Xia wants no reason to stop it. Now, oh, Chen's matter has basically passed, and Jin Yin Mo lì has almost been forgotten by some people...

"How can I not agree with them returning to China? If you want to come back, just come back. I'm still welcome.

"I knew you couldn't wait for them to come back, so I hugged them left and right, Jinwu Zangjiao, didn't I?" Fu Xianxian changed his face again and accused Xia thinking aggressively, "A man with no conscience, you are the worst man in the world. You are not greedy, thinking differently, three knives on both sides, bull-headed and horse face..."

What's the same? Fu Xianxian brought out a lot of idioms to scold him. It was just that the donkey's lips were not right. He smiled: "After I asked them to return to China, they will come to your work in Fu's traditional Chinese medicine. How about it? Are you relieved?"

"Well..." Fu Xian blinked his eyes quickly a few times, "It's your knowledgeable, you're smart, that's it." She was happy again. She hugged Xia's arm and leaned against her body.

Fu Xianxian wore shorts and a T-shirt on his upper body. She was simple and pure. Her body was bulging, beautiful and sexy. As soon as she approached, Xia wanted to feel the amazing vitality and heat of her youthful and beautiful body. Seeing her pink neck like snow, with thin beads of sweat on it, she almost fell.

Fortunately, the phone rang in time and relieved him.

To his surprise, the call was made by An Xingyi.

When Xiaxiang first came to Tianze, An Xingyi had a relationship with him. Somehow, An Xingyi was very indifferent to him." The two of them didn't even say a few words. Xia thought about it at that time. They were all from Governor Song, and they may not get close.

Although An Xingyi's call was a little unexpected, Xia thought about the meaning of his call in an instant.

Xia wanted to answer the phone, but Fu Xianxian was very reluctant to run aside and kicked the stone, which was full of the image of a little girl.

He shook his head and smiled, ignored her, and answered the call.

An Xingyi's voice is a little low: "Mayor Xia, I'm An Xingyi. I take the liberty to call you. Excuse me, is it convenient for you now?"

Xia wanted to pause and asked indifferently, "How are you, Mayor An?"

Xia Xiang's lukewarm attitude is also expected by An Xingyi. Although he thinks that Xia Xiang is a little arrogant in front of him, and he is also a little jealous of the close personal relationship between Governor Song and Xia Xiang, now he has to ask for Yu Xia Xiang and has to bow his head: "There is one thing, I want to ask Mayor Look at Song..."

Xia wanted to interrupt An Xingyi's words directly: "If you have something to say, I'm listening."

An Xingyi understood something. He was bored when he met with Governor Song in Xia. He was also a trusted relative of Governor Song. He was far less trusted by Governor Song than Xia. At the same time, he also knew that he was not qualified to face Governor Song in Xia, and it was not wise to meet with Governor Song in the banner of Song.

An Xingyi secretly blamed himself, and he was also panicked. Usually he was not so stupid!

"The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came to talk to me, but in fact, it still wants to be unfavorable to Governor Song..."

Xia wants to be very angry." An Xing Yilian said a few words that should not be said. It really shouldn't be. Investigating him is the face of the Song Dynasty from the periphery. Everyone knows it." But it's enough to know it in your heart. You don't have to say it. As soon as you say it, you will be subordinated.

"It's our call now. Don't involve others!" Xia thought that he interrupted An Xingyi's words again in a very bad tone.

An Xingyi was interrupted by Xia Xin twice in a row. He was very unhappy, but when he thought about it again, he understood Xia's worry, so he had to suppress his anger and explained, "My phone call will not be monitored by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and I have nothing to do with me. I am innocent and have a clear conscience. Someone I want to ask Mayor Xia to tell Governor Song that I won't shame him or be caught.

Song Chaodu recently did not keep in touch with An Xingyi in order to avoid suspicion. However, according to Xia's speculation, it is estimated that Song Chaodu was dissatisfied with An Xingyi, so after An Xingyi lost the contact channel with Song Chaodu, it was also helpless to ask him to send a message. At the same time, he should

Although he was slightly dissatisfied with An Xingyi's ability and performance, Xia Sang could not be saved. What's more, he did not save An Xingyi, but to save the face of the Song Dynasty. In addition, with the tacit understanding between him and Song Chaodu, Song Chaodu chose to cut off the contact with An Xingyi at this time, which did not mean to let him take action to attract An Xingyi.

Langshi is the place where he has tossed the wind and waves, and he has a lot of details.

An Xingyi said it well. Xia doesn't have to think about it and knows that there must be something wrong with him. Regardless of the size of the matter, he must not have let the Commission for Discipline Inspection catch the key evidence, otherwise he can't get out. Talking to him also proves that the reporting materials provided by the people behind the scenes are very informative, but they have not grasped the point, so there is only talk and no measures.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection asked An Xingyi to talk to him, which was confidential and did not disclose anything to the outside world. Only a few people knew that to the outside world, An Xingyi was in the name of going to the provincial party committee for a meeting. But there is no impermeable wall in the world. If the fire is not put out in time, the matter will spread sooner or later, which will affect An Xingyi's image and prestige, and his work in Lang City will not be easy to carry out.

will also lose points politically.

Li Yanhong presided over the work of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and always had a clear position. As long as he was involved in serious economic problems and the evidence was conclusive, he would basically deal with it seriously. Xia Xiang's relationship with him was not far away, but he always respected him. Li Yanhong talked to An Xingyi, not for the political purpose of the Song Dynasty, but according to the principles.

But again, because of Li Yanhong's strong principle, as long as An Xingyi really has a handle and is caught, he will not care about the face of the Song Dynasty, and will definitely deal with An Xingyi. For the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is not surprising to win several department-level cadres in a year. Some provinces have won nearly in a year, and there are relatively few senior officials at the Ming department level and Yan Province.

So, things are still very tricky.

"Do you know who is behind the black season?" Xia wanted to ask An Xingyi if there was anything wrong at all. What he wanted was to cut off the black hands of the characters behind him.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm checking."

Xia wants to be angry. An Xingyi is too incompetent. He has been reported. He doesn't know who the opponent is. Is he too arrogant, or is he too self-righteous to think that there is no opponent? In the officialdom, even if there is no intention to harm others, you should always be defensive. Officialdom is a field of fame and fortune. No matter how fair you think you are, as long as you sit in a high position, it will unconsciously affect the fate of many people and offend many people.

"Okay, I'll bring it for you... I hope you can take care of yourself." Xia wanted to persuade An Xingyi to do it carefully, but when he swallowed the words, it was better to say less. If he said too much, An Xingyi might think that he was condescending to teach him.

"Thank you, Mayor Xia." An Xingyi solemnly thanked Xiaxiang.

... Xiaxiang was slightly disappointed. An Xingyi was reported and did not give in. In a way, he was too arrogant! At the same time, Xia can also guess who reported An Xingyi. I'm afraid Governor Song already knows it, but if he doesn't specify, there is also An Xingyi's dissatisfaction.

Xia wanted to look back at Fu Xianxian. Fu Xian smiled sweetly: "It doesn't matter. You have to be busy in advance. Anyway, I'm close to you and can find you at any time."

When the little witch was also obedient, Xia wanted to nod and beat the abandonment.

Sitting in the car back to Tianze, Xia thought that his mood was chaotic, and things were endless one after another. It goes without saying that Jin Yinmo returned to China, and it was appropriate to settle it. He didn't have to worry too much. It's just that he hasn't solved his own problems yet. The problem of An Xingyi also He is too lazy to care about the life and death of An Xingyi.

But it doesn't work at the moment. Xia wanted to take a look at Xiao Wu. Suddenly, he remembered a person and said, "Xiao Wu, you put me in the tourism and cultural city later, and then go to Lang City immediately."

"Who are you looking for?" Xiao Wu's work is reliable, but his ability to understand is not good. He must directly point out what he should do.

"Go to the deputy mayor of Lang City, Zhu Ruile." When he was in Langshi, Zhu Ruile and Xia wanted to get closer. He was calm, reliable and trustworthy. "Take a box of tea and send it to him, and say that you will bring tea for me."

"Good!" Xiao Wu didn't ask much and agreed. Not to mention that Xia wants him to run hundreds of kilometers to get a box of tea, even to let him send a goose feather, he has nothing to say.

"By the way, meet Li Caiyuan." Xia wanted to say another word, then leaned against the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Today's harvest is not small. After planting a few mines, it should be able to blow up a world. But for the sake of safety, another one needs to be buried.

Originally, Xia thought about talking to Lian Ruohan about the sub-credit crisis in the United States first, but An Xingyi's phone call made him change his mind temporarily and decided to talk to Yan Xiao first.

When he arrived at the Tourism and Culture City, he got out of the car, and Xiao Wu sped away. If there was no accident, he could arrive in Lang City in the afternoon, and there would be news in the evening.

After a period of word-of-mouth and advertising campaign, the tourism culture city has surged. In addition, it is just in the golden season of tourism in Tianze. Tourists are crowded and lively. It is one of the first projects to be introduced in summer.

I just entered the door and was about to call Yan Xiao. The phone rang first. It was Peng Yunfeng's phone.

"Mayor Xia, I'm on my way to Paoma County now, and I'll arrive in more than an hour." Peng Yunfeng is Peng Yunfeng. He can fully understand Xia's intention, and his words are not wordy.

"Hmm!" Xia wanted to answer softly, and felt the need to add another sentence, and said, "Details, the key is the details."

PS: The third update, ask for a monthly ticket. The fourth update, hard work in the book...