official god

Chapter 1055 The Complete Plan

, I see. Leader, please rest assured, if I can't even do this little thing. It's not worth the leader to help me. Although Peng Yunfeng is exquisite, he is also a flesh-and-blood person. Knowing that Mayor Xia sincerely helps him, he is also very moved. "Mayor Xia, thank you sincerely. You are my lifelong benefactor."

"See you outside, Yunfeng." Xia wanted to say only one sentence and hung up the phone without waiting for Peng Yunfeng to say anything.

With his understanding of Peng Yunfeng, after this incident, Peng Yunfeng will become his most determined direct lineage.

Cultivating one's own power is a necessary means for every official, but it is easy to cultivate power. It is extremely difficult to cultivate a group of forces that are both capable and loyal. It can even be said that it is as difficult as reaching the sky. There are too many ** above the officialdom. Many people are talented, but their position is not firm enough. Many people are firm, but their talents are not enough. There are very few talented and firm people, and it is not easy to be included in the system.

Therefore, if Peng Yunfeng can be completely loyal, it is not in his effort.

The higher a person goes, the more he needs a person around him who can fully understand his intentions like Peng Yunfeng, and can implement and solve the trouble in time, because at a certain level, many things can't be seen or done by himself.

Cultivating power is also a very risky thing. If you don't do it well, you will be overturned by your own men. There are countless examples. Many senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels were implicated by their greedy subordinates and were bitten out after the incident. Therefore, Xia wants to be particularly cautious on the issue of cultivating power, holding the principle that it is better to lack than to abuse.

When she met Yan Shi, she was discussing with Yang Wei to increase investment and further expand the scale of the tourism and cultural city.

Yang Wei hasn't been to Tianze for a while. I heard that his new girlfriend is in love. As soon as he saw Xia, he was happy to talk about the benefits of his new girlfriend, such as being as beautiful as huā, being gentle and quiet, and for example, for example, the little bird moved his feelings at a glance. Xia wanted to laugh at him: "I guess I'm going to be trapped this time."

Yang Wei nodded and looked at Yan Xiao with regret: "Actually, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with most is Mr. Yan."

Yan Xiaoxiao covered his mouth and smiled: "Don't talk too much. I'm not suitable for you. Don't be confused by your own feelings. We are not the same people."

Yang Wei said with infinite emotion, "The main reason is that I met you too late, and I hate to meet you when I'm not married."

Yan Xiao quit: "What nonsense, I'm not married yet, okay?"

"Your heart belongs to it. It doesn't matter whether you marry or not. The important thing is that your heart has married." Yang Wei glanced at Yan Xiao jokingly and frowned at Xia.

Yan Xiao suddenly blushed and looked at Xiaxiang quickly. Seeing that Xia wanted to be indifferent, her thoughtful expression immediately dimmed. Thinking about it again, she knew that Xia wanted to have something to do, so she said, "Yang Wei, you go and be responsible for arranging lunch. Mayor Xia must not eaten yet."

Yang Wei didn't notice the abnormality of Xia's thinking, so he said with a smile, "No problem. I'll leave right away. It's not a light bulb."

As soon as Yang Wei left, Xia wanted to sit down: "When I was a child, I want to go back to China. If they don't have a place to go, is it convenient for them to come here to work?"

Yan Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect that Xia wanted to open his mouth. After thinking about it, he joked and said, "No problem, as long as you can rest assured, I didn't say anything."

Xiaxiang was not in the mood to make fun of the ambiguity between his sister Huā and him when he was young, and the topic changed again: "Have you heard about Yunfeng? To be honest, in the process of the specific implementation of the Tourism and Culture City, did Yunfeng ask you for bribes and gambling?

Xia wants to believe in Peng Yunfeng, but he always needs to ask clearly to feel at ease.

"No, how is it possible?" Yan Xiao also heard about Peng Yunfeng's investigation. "Secretary-General Peng is very decent. We have sent a lot of gifts to many leaders, including him. He took the inconspicuous one, and didn't take anything too expensive. He made suggestions for the Cultural City. After running, we also wanted to give him a little thought. He refused, and finally accepted several invitations... It was pure nonsense to say that he accepted bribes from the Cultural City.

Xia's heart fell into practice and smiled: "Fan [Shu] is also very concerned about the tourism and cultural city, isn't it?"

"It's okay. Sometimes when I think of it, I will ask occasionally. In the Cultural City, there are not many shares of Fan Zheng, but if it develops at the current rate, it can also make Fan Zheng's eyes bright. Yan Xiao looked at Xiaxiang with a puzzled face, and suddenly blinked, "Are you thinking about me?"

I nodded and defaulted.

Yan Xiao is smart enough to find the way out of his words. It's not simple. Thinking about Yan Xiao, he has known him for five or six years, and he is actually an old friend.

Among the many women Xia wanted to know, Yan Xiao was the most politically-minded and the most scheming one, but after he had been with her for a long time, she blindly fell in love with him and never played tricks on him, which made him ignore her shrewd side.

"Do you want to use me again?" Yan Xiao blinked his eyes cunningly, as if he remembered the past, "You used to use me a lot before, but then I had no use value, so you kicked me away. Xia wants the mayor of Xia, and he can't be ruthless.

"Cough..." Xia thought had to cough a few times, "This can't be blamed for me. Sometimes the situation can't be helped. Besides, I helped you later, and I also paid off the debt.

"The human debt has been paid off, the emotional debt has been paid off, and there is still a lot of debt!" Yan Xiao suddenly said coquettishly, and his eyes were filled with water mist. He looked directly at Xia with bold and warm eyes and thought, "For so many years, will you not understand my thoughts?"

"I understand." Xia thought that there was no way back to retreat. He was supposed to talk about business with Yan Xiao, but he was forced to ask emotional questions by Yan Xiao, and he knew that he could no longer escape. "I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about? Don't make excuses. You even dare to cheat the daughter of the Wu family, and are you afraid of cheating the nephew of the daughter of the provincial party committee? What's more, it's still the provincial party committee [book] I remember my beloved nephew. Yan Xiao didn't give Xia a chance to swing, and continued to ask, "Today I just want to make it clear. Do you want me?"

"..." Xiaxiang is also in love for a long time, and there are not many women around him. It is the first time to face such a bold and warm question. He was stunned and really didn't know how to answer. After thinking about it again, he replied ambiguably, "Think about it again and follow me. There is no tomorrow, and If you are angry, maybe one day you will be found by Xun and Ruohan, and they will not necessarily humiliate you.

"I'm not afraid, I'll risk it anyway." Yan Xiao suddenly smiled again, "The East Palace and the West Palace are full. I'm from the south, so I'll live in the South Palace. I'm very generous. When will Beigong come to my sister? I will take care of her and not be jealous with her.

Xia wanted to sweat a lot. Why did Lian Ruohan's words reach Yan Shi's ears?

"If you don't promise me, I won't do anything for you from now on!" Yan Xiao squeezed his lips and tried to say with a serious face.

Xia wanted to retreat. It was not that he was intimidated by the threat pretended by Yan Xiao, but that he was moved by Yan Xiao's unchanging emotions for several years, so he found a step for himself: "If there is another opportunity to be in the hotel in the capital, I will definitely..."

"It's not easy to get a chance. I'll give it to you now." Yan Xiao didn't know why she was infatuated today. Maybe it was also a burst of feelings for many years, or maybe it was just to flirt with Xia. Anyway, she reached out and took off her clothes. "Come on, let's see if you have the courage."

Yan Shi's office is spacious and comfortable, and the sofa can be used as a bed. As she took off her clothes, she reached out and pushed Xia.

Xia wanted to see that he was about to be pushed back. There was a knock on the door outside, and Yang Wei's voice came: "Mayor Xia, it's time to eat... Well, Mr. Yan, can I come in?"

A spring dream was destroyed. When he was young, he woke up and blushed. He didn't dare to look at Xia for a long time.

Xia thought it was okay, but he regained his composure in a moment and had dinner with Yan Xiao and Yang Wei. During the meal, Yang Wei understood what he had come to and offered to secretly investigate the naughty question for Xia, but Xia wanted to refuse.

What Xia wants is not a frontal conflict with the skin, but to start from the periphery, push the boat along the water, and make an unexpected move. Not only should he be beaten to the skin, but also to make him hurt for a lifetime.

Some people, if you take a step back, he will take two steps. You put the overall situation first, and you think you are weak and can be bullied. When the wind blew, he thought you would lose power, so he wanted to take the opportunity to step on your head.

At the epoch that Xia wanted to leave, there were still people who gave him eye drops. He was not upright and didn't give the other party any color to see. Did the other party really think he was a soft persimmon?

Try to pinch him!

After dinner, Xia wanted to go back to the municipal party committee. When he was a strict child, he sent it out of the door. He quietly pinched Xia's hand when he was not paying attention and whispered, "In two or three days, I will do it, and I can throw it out as a grenade at any time."

Her little hands are smooth and sweet. Xia wanted to smile and waved goodbye to Yan Xiao.

When I went back to the municipal party committee, in fact, my mind was still in huā Haiyuan, and I was still on Lian Ruohan. After thinking about it, I still informed Li Qin by phone and asked Li Qin to rush to the gate of huā Haiyuan to meet him.

Li Qin majored in finance in the United States. His understanding of the U.S. financial market is more detailed and professional than Lian Ruohan's. Xia wants to need her to provide more detailed ideas, but Li Qin is Xiao Jia's person, which makes him somewhat a little uneasy. However, after thinking about it again, he knew that Li Qin was a woman who was rigorous and not interested in personal affairs, so he made up his mind.

I met Li Qin at the gate of Huā Haiyuan. Li Qin, who is almost the same professional women's clothing, cleaned up a little today, and it smelled a little radiant. As soon as Xia wanted to see her, he probably revealed the relationship between him and Lian Ruohan first.

Li Qin opened her eyes wide: "Mayor Xia, I don't care about how many women you have. What I care about is that you let me come. What's the big thing to do?"

Xia Xiang was speechless. Li Qin wanted to do great things every day. It may not be a blessing for Qi Yanan to marry her in the future.

What Xia didn't expect was that he let Li Qin and Lian Ruohan meet, but there was still an accident...

PS: The fourth update! Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, thank you!