official god

Chapter 1304 Fighting

The emergency meeting was held as soon as possible.

Zheng Sheng, Fu Xianfeng, Ye Tiannan, Xiaxiang and Zheng Haiqi attended the meeting. The small-scale meeting of the five people was full of smoke from the beginning.

First of all, Zheng Sheng was very dissatisfied with the geology and asked Xia why he did not inform the provincial party committee in advance before the double regulation of Shen Heyang. Shen Heyang is a senior official at the deputy department level. He is double-regulated. According to the usual practice, it should be discussed by the secretary's office meeting.

Xia thought's attitude was very sincere. First, he went to the provincial party committee to admit that the mistake was a mistake, not a mistake. The word difference showed that Xia thought's position was very tough. Then he explained that the incident happened suddenly. In order to prevent leakage, in addition, Shen Heyang heard the news in advance and made some movements. In Measures were taken in a timely manner in an urgent manner.

Zheng Sheng and Xia wanted to ask and answer. It seemed that Zheng Sheng was very angry. Xia wanted to have a correct attitude, but Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan had a good idea. I'm afraid that Xia Xiang had already secretly greeted Zheng Sheng. Zheng Sheng also had an acquiescence. The two of them were red-faced and white-faced

Ye Tiannan is fine. His self-restraint skills are absolutely good. He is quiet and always has a deep expression, and there is a faint anger on Fu Xianfeng's face. In fact, politicians, whether they are calm or happy or angry, are all manifestations of personality, and there are traces of performance, which can't be seriously. But Fu Xianfeng was indeed very unhappy." First, Xia wanted to do it fast enough and cruelly enough. He had just heard a little news the day before yesterday, and he was ready to introduce Shen Heyang to Xia to know last night, so that Xia wanted to know his position and hinted that Xia wanted to slow down. I don't want Xia to think about it and don't give me any face." With lightning speed, he doubled Shen Heyang the next day.

Fu Xianfeng heard that Xia thought that he might take measures against Shen Heyang in the near future. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he didn't report the [book] office meeting at all. He took action in time the day after meeting him, not only did he lose face, but also directly lost his face.

Fu Xianfeng was furious. The distance between Xiaxiang and him in his eyes suddenly quickly larged, and even made him think of Yanshi in an instant, and even thought of the Xiama District and the Xiama River!

In fact, although Xia's reason is a little far-fetched, to be fair, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has a deputy department-level cadre, and there is no regulation that stipulates that it must be first reported to the [book] office for approval. On the contrary, according to the regulations, the Commission for Discipline Inspection can completely put aside the

Of course, the regulation is the regulation, and the reality is the reality. Under the premise of the Party's leadership, the work of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection cannot be carried out without being in line with the Provincial Party Committee.

Xia thought that if he didn't have this political mind, how could he achieve the high position of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection? Therefore, he and Zheng Sheng's answer, no one in the audience believed.

I don't believe that I don't believe in the people in the officialdom. I'm acting every day, and it's the same both inside and outside the play. Therefore, after Zheng Sheng and Xia Xiang's dialogue, Fu Xianfeng made a speech: "Xia [Book] Remember that I should not interfere with the work of the Commission for Xia wanted to look at Fu Xianfeng's calm but uncontrollable anger. He knew that between him and Fu Xianfeng finally stood in a hostile position again in Shen Heyang's affairs. But Xia thought that Xia thought that he would not change anything because of Fu Xianfeng's position, and he never single-mindedly determined how close he and Fu Xianfeng would be!

"The Commission for Discipline Inspection has mastered Shen Heyang's conclusive evidence. He has two rules on him, which is in line with the spirit of the management regulations of party members and cadres. Later, I will report Shen Heyang's criminal facts to the leaders in detail." Xia wants to directly use the conclusion of the criminal facts All of them can kill Shen Heyang.

Fu Xianfeng didn't say anything. He also knew that although Xia Xiang sometimes his means were more radical, he never had no purpose in doing things. I'm afraid that the double regulation of Shen Heyang was only the first step. Controlling Shen Heyang and pulling out the big fish of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge was the real purpose of Xia Xiang.

A very sharp means, broken from the side, and hit with one blow, Fu Xianfeng's eyes flashed. "I don't know what to do in my heart.

Ye Tiannan has been silent and finally said, "I want to talk about some personal opinions, just two points. First, I hope that the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will be more standardized in the future" is more reasonable. Second, the Provincial Highway Administration belongs to the provincial government department. The specific trial process of Shen Heyang is best started by the comrades of the Supervision Department." The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Department work together to implement the system of "one set of working institutions and two organs", and perform the two functions of party discipline inspection and government administrative supervision. Generally speaking, the Commission for Discipline Inspection focuses on duty crimes in the party committee system, and the Supervision Office focuses on duty crimes in the government system.

Speaking well, in fact, he still expressed strong dissatisfaction with Xia Xiang, which is equivalent to directly putting pressure on Xia Xiang as the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, asking Xia to report everything to the provincial party committee in the future, and proposing to let the Supervision Department try Shen Heyang is a reflection of direct interference in the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection It is no exaggeration to say that the fall of almost any deputy department-level official will be accompanied by fierce political struggle behind it, because at the deputy department level, there will be a backstage above the vice-provincial level behind it.

Today's [book] office meeting, it's going to be a condemnation meeting of Xia Xiang. Xia Xiang still doesn't change his face. He said: ... Ye [book], I think the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been very standardized." Comrades are very strict and conscientious, and there is no non-standard and unreasonable situation. In general, he said softly. Although Xia's expression was not very serious, he also looked solemn. Obviously, he did not intend to give much face to Ye Tiannan: "As for the trial of Shen Heyang, the Commission for Discipline Inspection has arranged special staff to carry out the next interrogation work." They have rich experience in interrogation, and the Commission for They think they are fully competent for the trial. Shen Heming is the director of the Highway Administration, but he is also a member of the party group of the Administration Bureau." Ye Tiannan's two accusations were all coldly pushed back by Xiaxiang, which means that Xiaxiang did not give face to the No. 3 figure of the Provincial Party Committee at all!

No matter how self-restraint Ye Tiannan is, he can't hang on his face." His face was a little angry.

However, again, Zheng Sheng is the only one who has the most binding force on Xia Xiang in the whole Hunan Provincial Party Committee. Although Xia Xiang ranks fourth, in fact, the governor and the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee do not have the power to directly interfere in the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Although Xia's words are a little stiff, they are not too much.

Zheng Sheng looked cold, but his heart was full of joy. Seeing that Xia wanted to fight against the vanguard and Ye Tiannan alone, he was not only not afraid at all, but also calm and calmly appreciated Xia more in his heart.

A person who is an official, if he has been in the upper position for a long time, he will have aura and will make his subordinates involuntarily submit. In front of the governor and the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang is full of confidence. It is indeed related to his firm mind, as well as his political ideas and the affairs of the National People's Congress.

With Xia's help, the situation in Hunan Province is very calm. In addition to his joy, Zheng Sheng also has a faint expectation, hoping that Zheng Haiqi can grow up faster.

Xia wants to be a sharp sword again, which always makes people feel uneasy" because he is a double-edged sword.

Zheng Haiqi did not interrupt as Zheng Sheng wanted, because after all, he is only the secretary-general of the provincial party committee. In front of the governor, deputy [book] of the provincial party committee and the [book] of the provincial commission for discipline inspection, he is just a small generation, and the weight of his speech is too light.

In the end, the office meeting did not reach any consensus. Although Zheng Sheng pretended to be imposing and asked Xiaxiang a few words at the beginning, he then remained silent and took an impartial attitude towards the direct confrontation between Xiaxiang, Fu Xianfeng and Ye Tiannan.

However, in the end, Zheng Sheng made a concluding speech, criticizing and affirming Shen Heyang of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, he also put forward three suggestions for the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and placed higher expectations.

People with discerning eyes have seen it. "In the matter of Shuanggui Shen Heyang, Zheng Sheng and Xiaxiang have reached an unprecedented agreement.

The only consensus of the office meeting this time is to nominate He Jianghai, the deputy director of the Highway Administration, as the director.

He Jianghai was nominated by Zheng Sheng. Needless to say, Zheng [Shu] took this incident to start a new round of personnel rotation.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to go back to the office. As soon as he sat down, Zeng Zhuo pushed the door and came in to change the tea. While changing the tea, he reported a situation: "Ye [Shu] Ji just entered Governor Fu's office..." Interesting, Shen Heyang's double rules were indeed the first card, and

As a result, Xiang Province, which has been in chaos on several sides, quickly divided the two factions of "Xia Xiang and Zheng Sheng join hands" because of a Shen Heyang, and Fu Xianfeng finally put down his prejudice and joined hands with Ye Tiannan.

The big play in the future is very good.

Xia wants to sit in the office and look at the increasingly bright sunshine outside the window. The summer of the Xiangjiang River has come. The summer in the south is hot and humid. Can he live in peace in summer?

After work in the afternoon, Xia wanted to visit the hospital together with Mei Xiaolin and Fu Xian.

Yan Xiao had a high fever and kept talking nonsense. Mei Xiaolin and Fu Xianxian were women after all. They were soft-hearted. At the sight of Yan Xiao's miserable situation, they immediately shed tears of sympathy.

However, Mei Xiaolin was the executive vice mayor, and she took a gesture to comfort Yan's parents.

Yan Xiao's parents were all dressed as intellectuals, thin and oak, especially her father. He seemed to have no sense of sadness, only a face of regret and regret. Xia wanted to see that the old man was angry with Yan Xiao.

What Xia wants to do is that since the situation in the province has set the pattern, the next competition will fall on Chen Gongfang and Shen Heyang, that is to say, the contradictions are all concentrated on the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, or more precisely, the whole fulcrum falls on him.

Within the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, how many people are credible and how many people are not credible. Xiaxiang is not very confident. In fact, according to his idea, it is not too late to take action at least when he has full control of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, but... the time waits for no one.

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang. As soon as he saw that it was the phone of the municipal party committee, Xia wondered who would call him. After answering, there was a happy voice: "Report Xia [Book] Remember a good news, Tang Jia Shao... caught!"

A major turning point is coming!