official god

Chapter 1305 Confrontation and Turnover

The situation in Hunan Province is far more complicated than Xia Xiangxiang imagined, and the speed of Fu Xianfeng's fall to Xiang Province Road Bridge is also much faster than he expected. It is also because of this that the confrontation at this stage is full of variables and mysteries.

Basically, all the contradictions are concentrated in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection." That is to say, the main focus of leveraging the overall situation falls on Chen Gongfang and Shen Heyang. Yes, Tang Jia Shao is also an opportunity that can be greatly exploited.

Although Xia wanted to use the authority of a leader to hand over the important task of judging Chen Gongfang and Shen Heyang to his trusted Li Congdong and Shangjiang, he was not sure whether the following staff was credible and whether they could keep secrets confidential.

At least based on his judgment, Lin Huajian's control over the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is quite strong, and a considerable part of the middle-level cadres are his cronies.

And Li Congdong and Shang Jiang's influence is probably not as good as Lin Huajian's. In the case of instability and great variables, the layout had no choice but to open up the momentum of confrontation. Xia thought to himself that he was afraid that when he had reached the extraordinary time, he would have to use extraordinary means.

The phone number is from Ning Haishen from the Xiangjiang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Ning Haishen reported the progress of Tang Jia Shao's case to Xia Xiang for the first time, which was more or less beyond his expectation, but it also indirectly shows that Ning Haishen is not simple, and the relationship with the public security system of Xiangjiang City is not ordinary.

Judging from Ning Haishen's eagerness and reporting the situation at the first time, he is a usable person. Xiaxiang also understands that not all people can become cronies, but he also knows that no matter where he goes, what he needs most is a large number of subordinates like Ning Haishen.

"Comrade Haishen, thank you for your hard work." Xia wanted to give full affirmation to Ning Haishen's enthusiastic performance in time. "I want to thank you for your enthusiastic work, and at the same time," please tell Director Chen of the Municipal Bureau on my behalf to thank them for their hard work."

Let Ning Haishen convey his condolences to the provincial leaders, which is obviously a great affirmation of Ning Haishen, and also sold Ning Haishen's big face today. Ning Haishen immediately heard that Xia wanted to recognize him, and was even happier: "It's not hard" It's not hard! Thank you, Xia [Shu], for your support. I have one more thing to report to Xia [Shu] in person..."

Xia thought that he was moved. He probably guessed what he was and said, "Wait for me in the municipal party committee. I have something to do in a minute."

After talking to Ning Haishen, Mei Xiaolin's phone rang. After answering, she immediately looked happy: " Director Chen reported that Tang Jia was caught."

In the end, Fu Xian insisted on accompanying Yan Xiao's bed for a summer to see it. On the surface, the little witch was capricious and let go. In fact, Xia Xiang didn't say much about it. He said goodbye to Yan Xiao's parents and rushed to the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee with Mei Xiaolin.

Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Li Yang, Director of the Public Security Bureau Chen Ximing, Discipline Inspection Commission [Book] Ning Haishen gathered in the mayor's office and held a meeting. The formation was large and the scale was so high. People who did not know thought that they had captured the murderer demon who killed more than a dozen people, The case.

In fact, the strict hour case, not to mention a sensation in the whole country, even few people in the city know about it, and it is strictly controlled within a certain range.

Tang Jia Shao is the chairman and general manager of Hunan Daoqiao. According to common sense, even if he is the female host of the TV station, he can use money and power to settle the prosperous city. Under the bright sun, there is too much sin and darkness. But the problem is that Tang Jia Shao hit the wrong person. Yan Xiao has no reputation in Xiangjiang, and he is even an ordinary girl who can no longer be ordinary. However, because of the pressure from above, Xia wants to come forward in person, and the small matter of beating people has become a political event.

Of course, the more critical point is that the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge is involved.

One more thing, although Tang Jia Shao absconded in fear of crime, he is still the chairman of the provincial road bridge in Hunan Province, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hunan Province did not remove him from his post.

It must be admitted that the situation is still very serious.

When he arrived at the mayor's office, Xia thought he learned more detailed information. Tang Jia Shao was not arrested, but turned himself in.

Needless to say, Tang Jia Shao has some advice behind his back, and his surrender has changed from passive to active, and things will have greater variables." In the end, he will only be criminally detained and fined. Tang Jia Shao may even be able to keep the position of the chairman of the Xiang Provincial Road Bridge!

Xiaxiang must also admit that the opponents he faces are not only unprecedentedly calm, but also unprecedentedly powerful, and have a very large network of power.

The only thing that makes him feel happy is that the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Gu Jianxuan is Zheng Sheng's department, and Mei Xiaolin is absolutely credible. As for others, such as Chen Ximing, Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Ning Haishen. Needless to say, there Within the controllable range.

As for Mayor Li Yang, the transfer is imminent, and he will basically not express any more inclined opinions. He can only agree with everyone's opinions, and he will leave with a good person.

Chen Ximing, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, did not smile, "with a cold face, questions and answers" but rarely took the initiative to speak. Xia wants to have no opinion of him, and sometimes people with straightforward personalities are better to deal with.

Tang Jia Shao has now been controlled by the Municipal Bureau and detained in the detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. That is to say, whether Tang Jia Shao's problem is serious or not depends on the strength and position of the Municipal Bureau.

If the municipal bureau turns Tang Jia Shao's affairs into small things under the pressure of the forces behind the Hunan Provincial Road Bridge, the final trial result may be biased towards Tang Jia Shao, and it will even be an endless ending. You should know that Yang Hengyi, the director of the Department of Public Security and the Provincial Political Law [Book] and the director of the Public Security Department, is the father of Yang Yaoer, one of the four young children in Hunan Province.

Although Chen Ximing doesn't talk much, he seems to be a little cold to people, but he is also a smart person. Otherwise, no matter how capable he is, he can't be the head of the municipal bureau. After simply reporting the case, he simply expressed his position.

"Here, I made a statement to Xia [Book], Mayor Li and Mayor Mei, and Tang Jia Shao was arrested." The municipal bureau received a favor call, and I refused all of them. My attitude is consistent. I deal with it in accordance with the law. I don't handle human affairs cases, and I'm not afraid of individual leaders' interference.

"When Chen Ximing spoke, no one looked at him, as if he was talking to the air, but that's why he seemed to have a great personality.

Xiaxiang affirmed Chen Ximing's statement and praised a few words. Without saying too much about how the municipal bureau will make further instructions on how to try, it will become an interference with the work of the municipal bureau, and he will not fall into the handle.

In fact, several leaders meet, and there is not much to talk about, but in order to show that they attach importance to the case, they must make a look. The meeting lasted for more than ten minutes. After Xia Xiang shook hands with Li Yang and Chen Ximing, he came to Mei Xiaolin's office. As expected, Ning Haishen also followed.

Ning Haishen is not like a discipline inspection commission [book], but more like the role of the secretary-general of the municipal party committee.

Xia wanted to know that Ning Haishen had something to report, so he didn't talk to Mei Xiaolin. He just briefly said a few words, and then followed Ning Haishen to the office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Ning Haishen enthusiastically poured tea for Xiaxiang. Xiaxiang was not polite. He picked it up and took a sip: "I'm really thirsty. Haishen's tea is really timely rain."

With a pun, Ning Hai smiled more eagerly. After closing the door mysteriously, he reported to Xia that after his contact with the relevant personnel of Xiangjiang Road and Bridge, he came to the conclusion after investigation...

Xia wanted to listen to Ning Haishen's story in silence, always with a faint smile on his face, as if encouraging and admiring, giving Ning Haishen great confidence.

"Comrade Haishen, on behalf of me, I personally thank you for your strong support for the work of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection." Xia wanted to reach out and shake hands with Ning Haishen, and his words contained rich information. "I will contact you again when I need it, and I also hope you can further implement the relevant evidence to be reasonable and well-founded."

It is said to represent the individual rather than the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, which is to establish personal authority in front of Ning Haishen. Of course, the meaning is to let Ning Haishen follow his pace in the future.

Ning Haishen doesn't mind? I was almost overjoyed. I held Xia's hand tightly with both hands and shook it affectionately: "It's what I should do, Xia [Shu] Remember, you're too polite. I will do the next step according to the spirit of your instructions."

"The work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a certain speciality" Comrade Haishen, I won't say anything superfluous. Xia Xiang patted Ning Haishen on the shoulder, "I heard that there are many beautiful scenery in Xiangjiang City. When you have time, find a guide to take a look around and relax."

The smile on Ning Haishen's face is almost as bright as huā. The hint of Xia [Shu] is too strong, that is to let him always report his movements and experience to Xia [Shu]. Then pay attention to when Xia wants to be in the mood to turn to Xiangjiang City. Such a good opportunity to establish friendship with If you miss it again, you will have been in officialdom for more than ten years.

One night Tang Jia was arrested, the night in Xiangjiang City was as "prosperous and cold" as usual, but what was hidden behind the prosperity was that many people stayed up all night, and there were several power zones with bright lights. Many people gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

The next day, Zuo Jinpeng, director of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, came to the provincial government to ask Fu Xianfeng for advice on the handling of Tang Jia Shao. Fu Xianfeng's instructions were that "the vice president will preside over the daily work first, and the problem of Comrade Tang Jia Shao is not serious." There It is not too late to study everything after the case is characterized by the public security organ.

In fact, Governor Fu's statement is a kind of maintenance for Tang Jia Shao. Tang Jiashao's appointment power is in the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission does not dismiss Tang Jiashao's position, which is equivalent to a public announcement. It means that the SASAC supports and maintains the position of Comrade Tang Jiashao.

Invisibly, it will bring a lot of pressure and difficulty to the Municipal Bureau to hear the Tang Jia Shao's case. First of all, Tang Jia Shao is a party member. Secondly, he still has a position, and his interrogation of him will be tied up.

Unlike the double rules of the Commission for Discipline Inspection on party members and cadres, the action of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is much stronger than the public security system, and it is more deadly.

Many people are speculating that it is difficult for the municipal bureau to try Tang Jia Shao.

Just as everyone was looking at the progress of Tang Jia Shao's case, there was another unexpected turnaround, and Chen Gongfang re-offed.