official god

Chapter 1391 Who fired the first shot

There is no sign of the occurrence of the incident in advance.

After dealing with all the remaining problems in Huaiyang, Xia Xiang was ready to leave to return to Xiangjiang in the afternoon. When he returned to Xiangjiang, it must be in the evening. Zeng Zhuo suggested that he leave early tomorrow morning, but Xia Xiang insisted on leaving immediately.

Time is not waiting, things are already imminent.

The South China Sea rises again. Although Xia thought it was expected, it was much more serious than he expected, which also showed that the army was compared with the local. The political struggle is more cruel and fierce, and it is also more vivid.

The South China Sea is really not a sea of peace. Xia can't figure out the specific details of how many typhoons have occurred and how many major events have occurred. But I still heard something. It is said that the scene of confrontation at that time was very thrilling. Both sides were soldiers with live ammunition. I don't know whether they wiped the gun or someone deliberately. Anyway, in the chaos, I don't know who fired the first shot.

So, the melee began.

For the sake of face, or for profit. They are all bold figures, especially the smuggling ship. Obviously, there is a mistake first. It's okay if you don't bow your head. How dare you ignore the lives of countless soldiers and shoot fiercely? At their feet. But it's full of oil!

In the event of an accident, a ship of oil explodes, but dozens of living lives are a shocking event.

Of course, even if the oil tanker explodes, there will be no words in the domestic news. The incident will definitely be controlled within a certain range, and no one will know. But Xia wants to know, because whether it is the Yangcheng Military Region or the Xiang Provincial Military Region, he has familiar friends. In addition, at his level, he can also have access to a certain level of secrets.

Although Xia wants to have no influence on Chen Faquan. I don't have the right to talk about things in the army. But he was still furious after hearing the news. Whether it's for the sake of face or for one's own selfishness, it's really outrageous to be so bold.

Not only that. Xia also heard that Chen Faquan, after the incident, the villain sued first, shouting to sue the Central Military Commission, asking some people to pay a painful price.

Someone must pay a painful price, because the death of more than a dozen soldiers has made a big deal. Not to mention the increasingly fierce Lingnan Incident. Ye Tiannan has also stepped up the layout recently. He first went to the cities below to inspect for two days and went to three cities. He winned people's hearts and made a speech. After returning to the Xiangjiang River. One or two leaders of several prefectures and cities came to the provincial party committee to report to him.

Ye Tiannan is demonstrating his overall influence in Hunan Province, aiming to demonstrate to Zheng Sheng.

Sure enough, four or five cities in Hunan Province held economic conferences one after another, publicly saying that in the current economic environment, all economic development-centered routes will not waver, adhere to the economic route, and some small problems and shortcomings in the process of economic development should be face up to, but they should not be amplified. It should be treated dialectically.

At a time when the anti-corruption storm in Huaiyang is in full swing, the [words] theory in the above cities is tantamount to secretly fighting against the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is equivalent to Ye Tiannan using another way. He silently declared war on Zheng Sheng and Xia. It is to tell the two of them clearly. Ye Tiannan not only has a weight in the provincial party committee in Hunan Province, but also has many supporters in the cities below.

Although the municipal party committee [book] is under the jurisdiction of the provincial party committee [book], the disobedient municipal party committee [book] accounts for half. The Provincial Party Committee [Book] is also a failure. Where is the authority of the Provincial Party Committee [Book]? Not only in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, not only in the Organization Department, but also in the following cities understand and implement his ideas and instructions.

After all, each city is the cornerstone of a province, just like the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council. No matter how important the authority is, after the order is issued, the decree will not come out of Zhongnanhai. If there is an order in each province, the power will not be greatly reduced, but will not be implemented at all.

Power is not power, it's just empty words.

It can be said that Ye Tiannan's move has dealt a great blow to Zheng Sheng's prestige, and at the same time, he also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the intensification of the anti-corruption storm in Huaiyang.

At the same time, the statement that Ye Tiannan is about to be promoted to governor of Yan Province is once again very arrogant. It seems to have become a foreminus, which has doubled the aura of Ye Tiannan. In addition, he and Fu Xianfeng are getting closer and closer, which strengthens his position in the Hunan Provincial Party Committee again.

The above is not what makes Xia think most worried, because he knows how Ye Tiannan's counterattack, and understands that Ye Tiannan is just a bluff. For Huaiyang's anti-corruption storm, it has no impact on the plan he has been secretly carrying out.

This time, I sat in Huaiyang for three days and gained a lot. I further confirmed that Ye Dibei and Hu Junyu intervened in the construction process of Huaiyang Bridge and made a lot of money, but most of the evidence pointed to Hu Junyu. There is no fatal blow to Ye Dibei.

Ye Dibei, like Ye Tiannan, is cunning and sophisticated, and leaves no trace of everything. Now it is not enough to knock him down with a stick and implicate Ye Tiannan.

If you want to successfully prevent Ye Tiannan from taking office as governor of Yan Province, you should not only operate from top to bottom, but also have a bottom-up layout in Hunan Province, after all. Ye Tiannan is in Hunan Province, so it's better to let him rot in Hunan Province.

A little more optimistic, it is estimated that the four-person alliance in Hunan Province, now Lin Huajian has fallen, and Hu Ding has swayed. And there is a handle in his hands. Ye Tiannan still wants to toss up the wind and waves in Hunan Province. Maybe the residual power is still there, but it will be difficult to turn into a big wind and a big wave.

For three days, I still haven't been in touch with Lian Ruohan. Gu Yu and Fu Xianxian even shut down the phone or didn't answer his phone, which made him very helpless. Women don't know what they are going to play.

It is said that there are three women in one play, and now there are six women. If the two plays sing together, will it be too messy to beat the gong and drums at the same time? What's more, there is also Cao Shuxun watching the hustle and bustle at home, and Mei Xiaolin in the municipal government who is watching coldly.

Speaking of Mei Xiaolin, Xia Xiang is also a little strange. Recently, Mei Xiaolin's state is not right, and there is nothing to contact with him. Last time he had something to do with her, he called her and actually transferred to the secretary to pick her up... It seems that since the official establishment of Nangong, of course, Lian Ruohan The women in Xiangjiang, where Nangong exists, have become much more strange.

It's okay to be weird, as long as you don't make trouble to him again.

Xia thought he was afraid of them. He even heard that Li Qin had made a careful and frightening plan. For the listed industry under the name of the opposition force, a series of sniper plans have been formulated. If necessary, once launched, it can make many people go bankrupt and go bankrupt, and even lose their trousers.

It's really a financial maniac. Xia Xiang is also speechless to Li Qin.

Among women, the most reassuring one is Wei Xin. Wei Xin is weak and weak. I don't think he will do anything too out of line.

The most uneasy thing is Fu Xianxian. Fu Xianxian is a little witch's character. She can accept and let go. When she is wild, she can scare people. When you converge, you are like a lady's dignified.

But the biggest variable is Lian Ruohan. Um, in those years, even Ruohan's wildness and waywardness were Fu Xianxian, Yan Xiao and Gu Yu, which could not be compared with several people. In case Lian Ruohan wanted to make trouble, it was also a big trouble.

It's really worry-free. There are too many things to worry about a group of women. Xia wants to rub his temples. It's better to have an idea as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is also worrying.

Out of the car window, it was already dark at this time. Xia wants to see the time. There is almost an hour to get to Xiangjiang. After going back, I will sort out the work summary of Huaiyang, go to the [book] office meeting for discussion, and then there will be the nomination of vacant candidates in Chendong and Huaiyang, which should also be submitted to the final battle of the Standing Committee.

Again, you must go to Nangong. Meet Lian Ruohan and others. Be sure to let them stop a little and stop making trouble. It's okay now. It's best to keep it when it's good.

There is another point. I heard that the expanded meeting of the Politburo is being proposed and will be put on the agenda in the future. It is related to Gu Qiushi's major events, and it is finally going to open up the situation of Zhenya.

Only after Gu Qiushi's game is finalized, he enters the game and enters Beijing, and the position of Heliao Provincial Party Committee [book] is vacant, and the following chess eyebrows can be revitalized. About Cao Yongguo's entry into the land of Baishan and Black Water, and Ye Tian's north and south Shangyan Province will

The speed suddenly slowed down, and a firelight appeared in front of it.

What happened? It's on the highway now. Before Xia thought about the question, the driver had already had a double flash. Slow down to the side.

, "Xia [Book]. There was a car accident ahead. The car is burning...

Xia wants to hear it. Immediately ordered: "Stop the car quickly and help put out the fire...

The car stopped. Xia thought that he didn't wait for the secretary to open the door. Push the door, get out of the car, and take the flamethrower in the trunk to put out the fire.

There was a miserable situation in front of me, and the two cars collided. There were wolves everywhere, and one of the fires was surging, as if there were still people rolling in the car. The situation is at a very current situation.

Xia wanted to pick up the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. However, the fire was too big, and the power of a fire extinguisher was limited. He picked up the fire extinguisher to put out the fire in three cars, which could not stop the raging flames.

Xia was so anxious, but he couldn't go back to the sky. Seeing that the people in the car stopped moving, he turned around and took a look, and three more cars came behind him. It's a new car without a license plate." He didn't think much about it, so he reached out to stop the car and asked to put out the fire together.

Unexpectedly, the car did not slow down, but rushed straight at him, with no intention of stopping at all. Xia wanted to be furious. He flashed aside and was about to angrily scold the other party not only for his death, but also almost bumped into people. But I saw a car behind him crashing straight into him again.

At the moment of urgency, Zeng Zhuo shouted, "Xia [Book], get out of the way."

Xiaxiang's guard also flew to save him, but he was a step late. Xiaxiang's action was faster than them, and he jumped behind his car. At this time, he didn't realize that the other party was deliberately trying to kill him. Because it is dangerous to stop the car on the highway.

But when he was hiding behind the car, the third car crashed into his car as if it were out of control. The huge impact force made the car suddenly accelerate and rush forward. Xia wanted to dodge and was hit!