official god

Chapter 1392 Who wants to make a big deal

Chapter 1392 Who wants to make a big deal

Three new cars without license plates, two directly hit Xiaxiang but failed. The third car hit Xiaxiang's special car and finally successfully knocked Xiaxiang down!

Fortunately, the guard held Xia Xiang in time to avoid the tragedy that made Xia Xiang fall into the roadside drainage ditch.

In the night, I couldn't see how many injuries Xia wanted to suffer. I only heard his gloomy and firm voice command: "Detain the other party with the car!"

The guard also woke up and knew that it was not an accidental car accident. Maybe someone did it on purpose and hurriedly detained the other party with the car.

The first two cars have sped away, and the last one has been scrapped. There is only one driver in the car. He has fallen into a coma and is easily controlled by the guards.

The car is a new car, and it is also a good car of more than 500,000 yuan. It is completely scrapped after a collision. It can be seen that the other party's fierceness is to make Xia want to die. Moreover, the other party judged the situation and dealt with it calmly. The first two cars did not succeed, and the last one did not hesitate to fight with death. The attack was fierce and the will was firm, which was very comparable.

If Xia is a little slower, there may be an accident!

When the guard found that Xia's special car was squeezed on the lever and squeezed the hard metal lever out of the arc of more than one meter long, he couldn't help taking a breath. If Xia was squeezed between the car and the lever, he would be disabled even if he didn't die.

The guard was furious, and Zeng Zhuo was extremely angry. Now everyone understands that it is not an ordinary car accident, but a man-made murder!

The other party is extremely hateful. Xia is desperately trying to save people. The other party not only sees death, but also wants to kill Xia. It's really conscienceless.

The guard was so angry that he grabbed the driver who caused the accident and wanted to beat him severely, although the other party was already in a coma...

"It's important to save people first!" Xia thought in a weak voice and said, but finally couldn't stand it. He softened and fell into a coma.

Zeng Zhuo noticed that Xia wanted to be pale and there was a trace of blood on his mouth. Suddenly, blood surged up and he shouted sadly and indignantly, "Xia..."

A group of three cars, leaving a car to save people, a car to protect the scene, a car to escort Xia Xiang, and rushed to the Xiangjiang River!

The Xiangjiang River tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Xiangjiang, Provincial Party Committee Compound, Provincial Party Committee Office.

Although he has got off work, Zheng Sheng's office is still brightly lit, and Zheng Sheng, with a smiling face, is listening to Mei Xiaolin's work report.

Generally, if the mayor wants to report his work to the provincial party committee, he needs to report to the general office of the provincial party committee in advance, then arrange it with the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and then coordinate with Zheng Sheng's secretary Tong Fan before it can it be determined. The procedure is very cumbersome. Generally, it is not

Even if Mei Xiaolin is respected as the mayor of Xiangjiang, if it weren't for the close relationship between her and Zheng Sheng, it would not be so easy to see the provincial party committee.

Mei Xiaolin is the only one of all the mayors in Hunan Province who wants to see the provincial party committee almost at any time.

Recently, there have been a lot of things in Xiangjiang City. Some of the remaining problems left by her predecessors have caused Mei Xiaolin a headache. There are constant petitions and complaints, which is very troublesome, which makes her tired of dealing with it.

is also the reason why she hasn't had much contact with Xia recently.

Of course, the reason why it's hard to say is that she is jealous. Xia wants a group of women to live in Nangong, how can she not know? I can only pretend to turn a blind eye, or what else can I do? She is the mayor of Xiangjiang. She can't let go of the mayor's dignity and take a walk in the South Palace to have a look and show the existence?

As an official, even if you are a woman, even if you are jealous, you have to eat it in your heart.

However, she also always pays attention to Xia's every move. She knows that although Xiaxiang is full of beautiful women around her, he has no nonsense at all. Not only did she not do nonsense, but she continued to work conscientiously, which also impressed her.

Mei Xiaolin thought that he was also tired enough to be troublesome enough to have a headache. She still didn't make trouble for him and let him get through the current difficulties.

What Xia wants to operate and what he is plotting. Mei Xiaolin doesn't dare to say it well, but she also understands a little.

I hope to be a firm and unknown backing behind him, and stand up when he needs it. I believe he can also feel her painstaking efforts.

Thinking like this, Mei Xiaolin is much more open-minded.

In fact, it is not necessary to report the work to Zheng at night. The main reason is that I heard that Xia wants to come back tonight. She thinks that if she happens, she should meet him by chance... I really have something to say to him. My daughter misses him again. I hope he can take time to see his daughter. During the period of time It has been more than in previous years.

It's almost time to report the work. Why haven't you heard from him coming back? Mei Xiaolin was a little in a trance. She guessed that Xia should report to Zheng Sheng as soon as possible after she wanted to come back, and Zheng Sheng specially waited after work today for Xia Xiang.

According to the time, it's time to arrive. Don't make any mistakes on the road... Mei Xiaolin couldn't help thinking nonsense and unconsciously made a rude move - she raised her hand to look at her watch.

Report the work to the leader. Only the leader has the right to raise his hand to read the watch, because the initiative is in the hands of the leader. Fortunately, Zheng Sheng and Mei Xiaolin are familiar with each other, otherwise Mei Xiaolin's unintentional action just now will leave a bad impression on the leader's heart.

"Are you still waiting for Xia to think?" Zheng Sheng nodded with a smile.

"No..." Mei Xiaolin has always been calm. Suddenly, she was a little busy and felt a little gaffe. She quickly smiled and covered it up. "If you can meet it, it happens that the progress of Lin Xiaoyuan's case needs to be connected with him."

"It's time to come back." Zheng Sheng looked at his watch and said, "I guess there is a traffic jam on the road. Why don't I call and ask?"

The provincial party committee usually has no time to call his subordinates to ask when he will arrive. Zheng Sheng not only gives face to Xia, but also for Mei Xiaolin.

"I'll play it well." Mei Xiaolin also knew the rules of officialdom. When she took out the phone and was about to make a call, the phone on Zheng Sheng's desk rang violently.

Zheng Sheng also smiled and said, "I guess it's Xiaxiang..." He picked up the phone and said very easily, "Hello..."

Then, his face was as cold as frost for a moment. After a while, he suddenly dropped the phone with a "pop" and was furious: "Unbridled! Nonsense! You bastard!"

Zheng Sheng, who was furious, cursed rudely in front of Mei Xiaolin as the provincial party committee!

The news of Xia Xiang's car accident was directly connected to Zheng Sheng's private office phone by Zeng Zhuo with Xia Xiang's mobile phone, and directly informed Zheng Sheng without any change of hands.

Zheng Sheng and Xiaxiang have always been a relationship of limited cooperation. To put it bluntly, it is the temporary alliance to make use of each other, and to be honest, Zheng Sheng's prejudice against Xiaxiang is always there. He always thinks that Xia Shang has been raised by General and Gu Qiushi, and he himself is not enough to bear the always eager expectations

But after more than half a year with Xia, Zheng Sheng increasingly found that he really appreciated this young man.

It is true that Xia wants to have maturity and calmness beyond his age, and more superhuman political wisdom and vision. In theory, it should be insidious and cunning, old and treacherous officialdom, but in anti-corruption against Chendong and Huaiyang, and in the tit-for-tat with Ye Tiannan, Zheng Sheng The starting point of the front official is not to win his trust and expect him to take a high look.

But... relying on the enthusiasm of asking for the people, a public will severely punish corruption.

Zheng Sheng has a trace of admiration.

And Huaiyang's anti-corruption, Xia wanted to find another way and successfully countered Ye Tiannan's wrist, so that Ye Tiannan was dumb to eat Huang Lian. If there was a bitterness, Zheng Sheng had an indescribable refreshment in his heart, and he was almost extinct. For the first time in his life,

It's really incredible political wisdom.

Just as Zheng Sheng was looking forward to meeting with Xiaxiang and discuss the next big plan, the news came that Xia thought of a car accident or a man-made car accident, and the anger in Zheng Sheng's heart suddenly burned. For many years, he has tried to be calm and calm, afraid of losing his temper and losing points in the eyes of others. Today, he is furious. After scolding a rude word, he took out the phone on the table and threw it to the ground fiercely to vent his hatred.

"It's the opposite, it's the opposite!"

Mei Xiaolin didn't know what had happened, and she was stunned: "Zheng, what's wrong?"

"Xia thought of a car accident, and now she is unconscious. It was initially found out that it was a man-made accident!"

"Ah?" Mei Xiaolin stood up with a shocked and sad face, "How come? Who...who made the black hand?"

"It's not clear yet." Zheng Sheng, who was furious, even looked a little ferocious, "Who else can there be? It's too much. I'm going to the capital. It's lawless!"

The Hunan Provincial Party Committee, a moment later, the office of all the heavyweights, the phone rang, the provincial party committee compound, which was already quiet. In less than half an hour, there was a mess, cars came and went, and people came and went. The offices of more than a dozen members of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee were

The emergency meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will be held as soon as possible.

After hearing the news, Fu Xianfeng was shocked and immediately called the capital. After talking for a few minutes, his face was cloudy and sunny.

After Ye Tiannan heard this, his face was as usual, and he also made a phone call with the capital. He put down the phone and looked much more serious, but there was still a gloating smile at the corners of his mouth.

As soon as the emergency standing committee was convened, Zheng Sheng sat down with a gloomy face, and his eyes were full of coldness and anger.

As soon as Hu Ding entered the door, he looked at Yang Hengyi. His eyes were full of shock and shock. Instead, Ye Tiannan sat in the No. 3 position, and there was no abnormality at all. It seemed that it was none of his business.

Zheng Sheng saw Ye Tiannan's appearance, and the anger in his eyes became more and more fierce.

Seeing that everyone was here, Zheng Sheng was about to speak. Suddenly, the most personal mobile phone rang. It seemed that the number couldn't help but "buzz" in his mind, and the news came too fast.

hurriedly and respectfully answered the phone: "Okay, I'm in the Standing Committee..." This is intended to remind the general manager of the scale of speaking.

Unexpectedly, the general voice was very loud, and he did not hide his dissatisfaction at all: "Zheng Sheng, how can you be a provincial party committee? It's so incompetent. You can't even look at it alone... Come to the capital immediately!"

Everyone present heard it clearly and was shocked and stunned!

: The sixth update is sent, can I get it? RO