official god

Chapter 1649 Long night, more dreams

Xia thought didn't know how Zhou Hongji would fight back, and he didn't want to know, because after meeting with the government, he suddenly changed his mind.

In the past, I wanted to remind Zhou Hongji to stop in time and retreat appropriately to ensure that the situation in Qi Province was stable and orderly. However, after hearing the government's talk and the domestic economic situation, Xia wanted to realize that in many cases, it doesn't make sense to reason with people, because he will stubbornly think that he is absolutely Come on.

More often, only failure and hitting a wall can make a person really wake up or admit defeat.

It is the same in the government, and so is Zhou Hongji.

The red-top businessman who is too greedy and politically helpful in the government has always been like this. He thinks that if he wants it, others have to give it to him. When talking, Xia Xiang once again experienced the superman's self-confidence in the government.

From the government office, Xia thought also understood Zhou Hongji's current behavior. Although Zhou Hongji showed a sincere and eager side in the previous period of cooperation, it does not mean that Zhou Hongji's attitude in cooperation is led by him. On the contrary, Zhou Hongji believes that cooperation is an equal and fair cooperation, regardless of height. Next.

Since there is no difference between high and low, what reason does he have to wake up Zhou Hongji with Zige? I guess no matter what he says, Zhou Hongji will not listen to him. Maybe he will think that he is nosy and that he wants to manipulate him.

Forget it, he is still not a bad person and not to create misunderstandings. As long as he responds in the center and secretly leads the development of the situation to a benign direction. Anyway, he is not biased against the confrontation between Zhou Hongji and the local forces in Qi Province.

He is worthy of heaven and earth, praises and criticizes whether others believe it or not, and it's up to others. He will not take the opportunity to trample He Jianghai to death, nor will he take advantage of the chaos to let Zhou Hongji take the blame. He is already a great good man.

[Day] Since the Ming Dynasty, I have always thought that a small projectile country can occupy the [Zhong] country. I have coveted [Zhongzhong] for more than 200 years, and have also fought for more than 200 years. I have lost countless results until today, [Day] I am still a thief.

Are you reasonable?

Even Hitler thought he could rule the world. If someone told him that there was no chance of victory based on his weight, do you think he would believe it?

Especially when Xia wanted to receive a text message from Wu Tianxiao to confirm that Zhou Hongji actually went to the hospital to meet with He Jianghai. Then Xia wanted to receive another mysterious text message, saying that the negotiations between He Jianghai and Zhou Hongji broke down and broke up unhappily. At this time, Xia wanted to fully confirm that it was useless for .

Zhou Hongji has drilled into the tip of the horn and walked into the dead end. He did not hit the south wall and did not look back. Especially in the current situation, I'm afraid that whatever he says will have the opposite effect.

It's better to be silent.

Xia thought that he was still calm on the surface, talking and laughing with Cheng Dacai and the government.

Seeing the tricks of Cheng Dacai and the government, Xia wanted to interrupt from time to time and silence from time to time. He appreciated Cheng Dacai's wit and wit, and secretly sighed that Cheng Dacai's BMW was not old.

also reassured Xia Xi Dawei that although he has a strong political background, he is not the same level opponent with Cheng Dacai in terms of roundness and dealing with people.

During dinner, the government proposed to find a few winemaids. Xia thought that she had not refused Cheng Da before she opened her mouth, so she waved her hand and said, "Next time you young people gather alone, don't play huā tricks when you sit with me. Are you really angry, don't you?"

The government office smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, your body is very good. Besides, the old people nowadays are old-fashioned."

Cheng Dacai laughed and said, "What does it mean that people are not old? It's all deceptive advertisements. Can people be old when they are old? Your body can't be hot, cold can't be, can't be hungry, can't be full, can't be served a little careless at all, what does it mean? It shows that no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the magic of time. When you are old, your body will have no vitality, and your mentality will be old.

The government's eyes turned and looked at Xia and thought: "Fu [book], you have to say something. Mr. Cheng leans on the old and sells the old in front of us. Cheng Xin is to remind us to respect the old and love the young."

How can Xia think that he can't understand Cheng Dacai's mind? Cheng Dacai uses the old to talk about things, which shows that his mentality is not as positive and enterprising as before. The government wants to use the old to explore the way and figure out whether Cheng Dacai still has the power to fight with him.

Weida shows weakness, which is to confuse the government. Yanai didn't believe it very much, so he asked Xia again.

Xia wanted to wave his hand and smiled, "Okay, Mr. Gao, we really have to believe in Mr. Cheng. I have known Mr. Cheng for a long time. In the past, Mr. Cheng often went out and was busy everywhere. In the past three or five years, Mr. Cheng has not gone out easily. I came to Lu City specially today, but you still have a big face.

Xia's words were very organic. The implicit place made it clear that Cheng Dacai's body was indeed not as good as a year. He raised the government office again. There was no trace in the two places, so Cheng Dacai listened to it and nodded secretly. He thought that Xia thought that he was still the transparent young man in those years.

He secretly glanced at the government, and couldn't help laughing. There was indeed something extraordinary in the government. For example, although there was the arrogance and emptiness that the prince party used to do, it was well covered up. Although he has the ambition to annex everything, he is very skillful and can be regarded as the leader of a group of princes in Beijing.

The government office was so busy that he picked up the wine glass: "Sincere Mr. Cheng's love, come on, I'll show the respect in my heart. To be honest, Mr. Cheng has been my idol for more than ten years.

Cheng Dacai seems to be very useful: "Mr. Gao, you're welcome. I, Cheng Dacai, am an ordinary person, but I have walked one step earlier than others to have today. I'm just good luck."

Then, Xiaxiang also praised Cheng Dacai and Yanai a few words, and the meeting received the expected results.

Basically, during the whole meeting, only 3 billion yuan was mentioned, and the government only said one sentence: "3 billion is ready."

Cheng Dacai also replied with only one sentence: "Well, Lichun can go to the capital to meet Qianjiang Group at any time."

is equivalent to the two leaders of Qianjiang Group and Dacai Group, which determines the universe with one word, which determines a major cooperation of historical significance between Qianjiang Group and Dacai Group.

In the view of the government, Cheng Dacai's fork means that he has successfully taken the first step of annexing the Dacai Group. As far as Cheng Dacai is concerned, the government can't wait to jump into the pit, which is the concrete manifestation of the lack of greed. However, as far as Xiaxiang is concerned, he vaguely feels that perhaps inadvertently, a huge change has taken place.

After breaking up with Yanai, Xia wanted to send Cheng Dacai back to the hotel. On the way, Xia wanted to talk with Cheng Dacai about the performance of Yannai and smiled. Then the two couldn't help talking about the situation in the capital.

In the capital, the economic sniper war in the government has reached the second stage of Zhangwang.

In fact, at this stage, the network can be completely closed, but in order to cooperate with the plan of Dacai Group to achieve the effect of making the head and tail of the government, the capital will continue to open the network port a little larger. After more human and material resources are invested in the government, and after the 3 billion funds in the government has arrived,

"The government is a figure." Cheng Dacai sighed and said, "I have come into contact with a lot of princelings, and many people can't compare with him. Either they lack foresight than him, or there is a gap between him in dealing with others. If there is less greed and more patience in the government, it will be a big deal.

Xia wanted to laugh jokingly: "The government's patience is limited, whether it is real estate or cars, as long as it is beyond the scope of control, contraction measures must be taken. After research, whether it is all the macro-control or fine-tuning introduced in recent years, in fact, there is only one means to charge.

"Haha." Cheng Dacai was amused by Xia Xiang's humor, "You are a senior cadre of the country, and you have to speak to the country."

"Yes, I should always establish a principle, whether to speak for the Party or for the people." Xia thought he made another joke before waving goodbye to Cheng Dacai.

It was already 10 p.m. when he got home. Cao Shuxun was still in the capital and didn't come back, so the house was a little deserted. Xia wanted to be sleepy. He turned on the computer to surf the Internet and chatted with Cao Shuxun. Cao Shuxun will come back in a few days. Now Xia Dong is pestering people, and she is reluctant to leave the child. And it's mainly because Xia Dong just moved in with Aunt Qi to have an adaptation period.

It's also good for Xia to think about it. It's also a good thing to let Cao Shuxun and Aunt Qi deepen their understanding and enhance communication.

When he was about to go offline, he found that Gu Yu was also there.

Gu Yu usually doesn't surf the Internet very much, and even seldom chats. It's rare that she is here, so Xia wants to take the initiative to speak.

Gu Yu wanted to chat with Xia for a while, and then mentioned Mount Tai, saying that he would go to Qi Province again in the near future, and asked Xia to accompany her to climb Mount Tai. After thinking about it, Xia thought and agreed.

The work can never be finished, and proper rest is also necessary. Besides, climbing Mount Tai may be open-minded and make his vision suddenly bright.

In ancient times, Confucius climbed Mount Tai and the world was small. Today, there is a summer when I want to take the United States to climb Mount Tai and visit Qi Province. It's interesting to think about it.

With a trace of relaxed dream, Comrade Xiaxiang fell asleep peacefully.

He fell asleep, but Comrade Zhou Hongji didn't sleep almost all night, because Zhou [book] was angry.

He Jianghai's anger is the inducement. The main reason is to encircle the gate of the provincial party committee compound and make him lose his reputation, because Zhou Da [book] cares about fame very much!

What made him even more angry was that Director Niu protected Ms. Yang. How could he know if there was any trick in the middle, or if there was any personal relationship between the two? Besides, he won't care about some messy things. How can it be spread around that he deliberately arranged for the two of them to go on vacation? What nonsense! ! Zhou Hongji knew very well that someone deliberately did something behind his back, in order to destroy his innocence and to damage his reputation. Otherwise, the family members don't go through serious channels, and they have to go to the provincial party committee to make trouble and make trouble? Tong Hongji was so angry that he couldn't even eat dinner.

When Zhou Hongji received a phone call from the government office and learned that the meeting with Xiaxiang and Cheng Dacai was going well, he finally breathed out, which was the only good news he heard.

Zhou Hongji turned the world upside down, and finally fell asleep... But when the night is long, he will have more dreams. PS doesn't have a monthly ticket. How many more recommended tickets should be cast?