official god

Chapter 1650 Fisherman Xiaxiang

Xia wants to have a lot of dreams all night.

I dreamed of the tricks of the capital and the government, dreamed that Zhou Hongji caused a fire, dreamed of climbing Mount Tai with Gu Yu, and even dreamed of Gong Xiaojing...

Gong Xiaojing is really a powerful bomb. Many people in Qi Province are looking forward to her death. Now the news has come out. Gong Xiaojing is not in the car of the highway accident, which proves that the person behind her did not know about another car accident in Yan City in advance, and thought that Gong Xiaojing was looking for the next round in the car. The craze of looking for Gong Xiaojing is about to rise.

Fortunately, Xia wants to have a fluorid heart so that everyone can't find Gong Xiaojing, whether it's Zhou Hongji or others.

Zhou Hongji didn't know that when he found Gong Xiaojing, it was the day of Gong Xiaojing's death. What he didn't know was that the situation had reached a critical point.

Xia wanted to know.

The reason why Xiaxiang is more far-term than Zhou Hongji is not because he stands higher than Zhou Hongji, but that he can look at the problem from a fair standpoint, abandoning preconism and start from the overall situation.

Zhou Hongji also has a view of the overall situation, but when it comes to a certain thing, and then to someone, he slowly falls into it. Compared with Jianghai, at the beginning, he wanted to cooperate with He Jianghai. He Jianghai adopted a half-rejected attitude and wanted to take the initiative. After several contacts, Zhou Hongji buried the impression that He Jianghai was untrusted in his heart.

In the future, he has been influenced by the first impression left by He Jianghai. It is difficult to change the view. It is difficult to re-analyze He Jianghai's human and political background from a fair perspective. In this way, Zhou Hongji made a wrong judgment.

In addition, Xiaxiang must also admit that Zhou Hongji's other limitations are that not everyone has the same strong independence and autonomy as him. He can occasionally violate the will of the family forces and decide that Zhou Hongji must obey the overall arrangement against the first series. Although he has stronger independence than chopping Ximin, he still Being opposed by a series of judgment.

Or, the injury in the government will affect the judgment.

Xia thought about Zhou Hongji as soon as he got up. After cleaning up, he laughed dumbly. What's wrong with him? Why did he care so much about Zhou Hongji's affairs? Thinking about it again, in fact, he still doesn't want to be in chaos in Qi Province." From the perspective of standing at the height of the overall situation and not doing unnecessary political struggles all the time, he is still in front of Zhou Hongji.

Forget it, let Zhou Hongji worry about it, as long as it doesn't develop to the point where it can't be cleaned up. Xia wanted to go downstairs and saw that the driver and Wu Tianxiao were already waiting downstairs. He thought about it and asked Wu Tianxiao to go back to the provincial committee first. If he had something to do, let Wu Tianxiao deal with it first.

Xia wanted to take a bus to the hospital.

He Jianghai's ward is still fresh. Judging from the number and grade of fresh hu, the number of people visiting him has increased significantly recently. From a political perspective, it proves that after a period of recuperation, He Jianghai's weight did not drop but rose.

This also illustrates a deeper inside story. The local forces in the middle class of Qi Province interact frequently and strengthen the connection, and He Jianghai's ward has obviously become a stronghold.

That is to say, He Jianghai is still the core figure of the local forces in Qi Province. If Zhou Hongji didn't even notice this detail when he came to the ward yesterday, it would have been a failure.

Xia Xiang really guessed right. Zhou Hongji really didn't notice the phenomenon of Xianhuā increasing. As the old saying is, he still stays on the first level of seeing the mountain.

Xia wants to appear again" made He Jianghai slightly surprised, but after being surprised, he immediately came forward enthusiastically: "Xia [Book] Thank you." Thank you, thank you, needless to say, everything is in silence.

Xia didn't want to accept He Jianghai's words of gratitude. "He [Book], Pan Baohua's position, you see, "Who can take over to carry out the work better?"

He Jianghai was slightly stunned again, and then understood something. Xia [Book] "This question" is obviously an instice to come, not only for him to recommend candidates, but also for the full support of the local forces he represents. That is to say, no matter who he nominates, whether it is this province or another province, after the appointment of the Central Committee, the local forces in Qi Province must cooperate with the work. If someone else comes forward, He Jianghai may be reserved, but if Xia wants to come, he has no reason to take it. Not only because he wants to beg Xia now, but also because Xia wants to be the only one who can be trusted in all the camps in Qi Province except for the local forces.

is also the only one who really wants to help him solve the crisis. Although he also knew that Xia wanted to be selfish, he sincerely thanked Xia for his efforts.

The candidate for deputy governor was nominated by him, and He Jianghai was keenly aware of the subtle change of the Yang's position on the provincial issue, and knew that his opportunity had come.

It is not only an opportunity, but also a major opportunity, indicating that he may avoid a disaster.

But at the same time, the nominee is also a major transaction between him and Xia Xiang. If he works properly, the nominee is suitable and can be a gift for him to repay Xia Xiang.

And it's a great gift.

His mind only turned around quickly a few times, and He Jianghai nominated a candidate that Xia didn't even think of... After leaving He Jianghai's ward, Xia wanted to laugh unknowingly on the way back to the provincial party committee. He Jianghai was really a wonderful person. How could he think of nominating a candidate that he didn't

But I have to admit that it is indeed a big gift. From another perspective, it can also be said that Hongji and He Jianghaihe competed with each other, but Xia Xiang benefited from it.

However, Xia wanted to comfort himself very much. He really didn't expect to get it from it. He only came out of a public heart and thought about the overall situation in Qi Province.

At the same time, it also proves that he has been guessing about He Jianghai. Although he is straightforward on the surface, although he is irritable, in terms of political strategy and tactics, He Jianghai is not in vain, and he also has his own advantages and disadvantages.

To vote for a peach is to report to Li. Xia thought about it and thought that it was time to give He Jianghai a reassurance. At the same time, it was also to implicitly warn Zhou Hongji that his position was not so firm in the joint dealing with He Jianghai, so that Zhou Hongji would not go further and further on the road

When he arrived at the provincial party committee, Wu Tianxiao immediately came to report his work.

The death of Director Niu and the matter of the hero saving the beauty caused trouble all over the city. Zhou Hongji was a little tired to deal with it. He entrusted Mu Zhengyi to explain and appease his family. He heard that he had promised a large pension and strictly ordered no one to make rumors again, so he reluctantly suppressed the incident.

Externally, it was barely calmed down, but within the Commission for Discipline Inspection, many people were quite dissatisfied with the handling of the incident, believing that Niu's death was unclear. There were a lot of doubts in private about Zhou Hongji's decision to go to Yan City to investigate the case.

The purpose of cracking down on Zhou Hongji's prestige and shaking Zhou Hongji's authority within the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been achieved!

It must be admitted that "He Jianghai's wrist is also very good. The key is that in countless places in Lu City and Qi Province, there are He Jianghai's people everywhere, and Zhou Hongji can't be prevented.

It is very simple to stop when it's time to stop. Everyone understands it, but everyone is often confused. It is difficult to do.

I hope that after this matter, Zhou Hongji can grow wisdom, plus another thing that he is about to carry his hand. "I hope Zhou Hongji can wake up a little.

"Tianxiao, you and Zixuan said, "If you can collect the network", you can collect the network as soon as possible." Xia wanted to give an order.

Wu Tianxiao was stunned and asked an in surprise, "Leader, it's not the best time yet, is it?" Xia Xiang did not criticize Wu Tianxiao for asking this question, but said, "You don't have to stop when it's time to stop. You don't have to wait until the current benefits are maximized, Li."

"I see." Wu Tianxiao turned around and immediately went to Wen Zixuan's office.

Xia wanted to sit alone for a moment and made a phone call.

"Mr. Chen, can the things in the capital be postponed for a day or two?" "No problem, it is now in the stalemate stage. The political pressure of the other party has been scared off by General Xu. The listing plan has also been reported and is under approval." Oh, Chen probably guessed what Xia wanted to find him for, and there was a little [excitement] in his heart, because if the plan went well, he would be able to make a come back to life again. "The other party has increased the capital investment" On the surface, the capital flow is very scary. In fact, it is a bluff and wants

Xia wanted to rest assured: "Let Xiao Jia and Cong Fenger continue to release water and open the net. You and Yang Wei, come to Lu City immediately."

Just put down Chen's phone, but Zhou Hongji accidentally came to his office.

Xia remembered to greet each other: "Zhou [Book] is coming."

It's no wonder that Zhou Hongji's face is not very good. He was a little disgraced by the car accident. He fell in popularity within the Commission for Discipline Inspection and said directly, "Xia [Book], can the case of Zhao Mudan and Zhu Zhenbo continue to be promoted?" It turned out that he didn't give up Staggish, but think about it, Zhou Hongji now believes that he is standing at the highest point of morality. How can he admit defeat? Besides, it is estimated that his chest is already full of anger. He just wants to kill He Jianghai as soon as possible. How can he think about the consequences?

What surprised Xia more was that Zhou Hongji said another inside story that he didn't know: "Well, it is necessary to inform Xia [Book]. Tang Shicheng recently confessed the economic relationship between him and He Jianghai, and confessed that He Jianghai's involvement in the corruption case of the Salt Bureau is as high as more than 10 million. I Reported to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Cui [Book]..."

Xia thought that he wanted to gently persuade Zhou Hongji. As soon as he heard Zhou Hongji's words, he knew that it was useless to say anything more. Zhou Hongji was determined to fight hard and had no way out at all!

Since it's useless to say more, he can only speak with facts. Xia Shen nod his head slightly: "The case of Zhao Mudan and Zhu Zhenbo has indeed dragged on long enough." I also remembered Cui [Shu], who was newly appointed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Somehow, he suddenly remembered the heavy rain of the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and said, "I can't say more about the problem of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Since Zhou [Shu] has decided," that's it."

Zhou Hongji did lose enough judgment in anger, because he did not hear that there was a faint sense of alienation in Xia's words!

The state of affairs has further intensified.