official god

Chapter 1735 Three Difficult Problems

The capital is located outside the intersection of the Yanshan Mountains and the Dahang Mountains. Although there are four distinct seasons, due to the serious soil erosion in recent years, the climate is getting worse and worse. There are sandstorms in spring, gloomy weather in autumn, and dry and cold in winter. There are not many really pleasant times in a year.

It's rare that today is a cool autumn day. The breeze is warm. Under the autumn sun near noon, there is a different mood. It makes people feel very comfortable, but they don't feel restless.

A leaf fell leisurely and fluttered to Xia Xiang's shoulder. Xia Xiang stretched out his hand to take it off and took it in his hand. Seeing that the leaves were slightly yellow and the veins were clear, he thought that the red leaves of Xiangshan should look good.

My mind occasionally drifted away for a moment, but immediately returned to reality, because with many years of wisdom and his observation of the situation, Mr. Wu wanted to use Chen Haotian's affairs to analyze the general trend after next year's change.

The positions of Guan Yuanqu and Dai Fusheng are the most stable, and there should be no variables. They are the positions of No. 1 and No. 3 respectively. In addition to the above two, there are still seven members of the Standing Committee.

Wu Caiyang is also one of them. As long as Mr. Wu is alive, as long as the family power does not collapse overnight, Wu Caiyang has almost no suspense. And the family power collapsed overnight, unless there is chaos in the world, so "Wu Caiyang must become a permanent member."

Another advantage of Wu Caiyang is that he is the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee. Although he and the general [book] score belong to different camps, after all, he is in charge of the central organization department, and has a close relationship with the general [book], and is also deeply trusted by the general [book], especially under the premise that the current general [book] is getting closer and the family power.

Therefore, as far as Xia Xiang's cognition is concerned, Wu Caiyang's entry into the game is also a certainty. Moreover, the family's power is trying to grow. What's more, it is also about Yuanqu's rise to power.

But it's hard to guess what position Wu Caiyang will hold after entering the permanent position. According to Xia Xiang's preliminary speculation, it may be the deputy [main] of the country.

It can be said that Xia has wanted to know Mr. Wu for more than ten years. On top of the major events related to the change of the Central Committee, the old man has never revealed anything about it, nor has he really talked to him face to face about this matter. Today, because of Chen Haotian's reason, we are finally going to officially put the most important problems we are about to face in China.

We must also face up to the major events of the change of office. "Because it is related to the domestic political situation in the next ten years" will also be closely related to Xia's vital interests. There is also a point that it is also related to Xia's long-term plan in the future.

"I didn't want to go to Lingnan in the first place" and I didn't think I could help Chen [book] solve the problem. My original intention is to stay in Qi Province..." Xia also knew that the old man said this, not to blame him for anything, but took the opportunity to cause a topic.

Mr. Wu nodded slightly: "At the beginning, I also thought that you could make a great achievement if you went to Lingnan. After establishing a relationship with Chen Haotian, as soon as he became a regular member, you had another supporter among the Standing Committee. Because of this matter, Lao Gu called again and again, and even ran to meet me for a long time. I was almost moved by him..." Can Lao Gu talk to Mr. Wu? Xia thought that he didn't believe it. The old man said, "It's just to give Lao Gu a face.

"But on another thought, in the next session, about Yuanqu, talented, and Dai Fusheng seem to have a good impression of you." The three standing committees support you, which is enough. What else do you want?"

Xia wanted to laugh. He really didn't think about anything. Do you still want half of the Standing Committee of the Ninth Standing Committee to support him? Arabian Nights! Even if the power of the general [book] wants to be more than half of the members of the Standing Committee, it is almost unlikely, unless... unless the general [book] remembers to withdraw to the end in exchange for a seat in the standing committee.

Xia wanted to listen attentively and didn't say anything, because he knew that with his current level and vision, his analysis and understanding of the current situation was far worse than that of the old man. Who is the old man? "A lifetime of officialdom" was once one of the members of the Standing Committee, and now he is in charge of the family power. He is much more thorough and long-term than him in the direction of the country.

"The three problems faced by Chen Haotian" are not easy. He knows very well that "Let you go to Lingnan to solve the first two problems for him." It is rare for the old man to talk about national affairs and let Wu Caiyang present, which has a meaningful taste. "The first problem is that Lingnan is now at war. There is a fire everywhere. If you go, the first problem is to be a fire extinguisher.

The role of "acting as a fire extinguisher" is already familiar to Xiaxiang, but in the past, he only saved the little

Fire, it's a big fire now, and it's easy to set yourself on fire. Because in the past, the fire was limited to the rattling below the vice province, but now, it is directly related to the common plan. Whoever is in the way, the other party will definitely not give up. When I was in Hunan Province, someone dared to order the killing, so in Lingnan, there is no need to think about it, and there is no mercy for killing.

"The second problem is that the local officials in Lingnan are very grouped."

The local officials in Lingnan are equivalent to the local forces of Qi Province, which is equivalent to the huge local forces. In fact, Xiaxiang also knows more about the situation in Lingnan. Compared with the strange phenomenon of Qi people governing Qi in Qi Province, although it is not very obvious in Lingnan, there are also many thought-provoking arrangements. For example, [Zhong] Yang never appoint Lingnan people as the provincial party committee, but generally appoint Lingnan people as governors.

Coupled with the customs and habits of Lingnan people and many historical reasons that are inconvenient to explain, the sense of independence is very strong. The problem of Lingnan dialect alone has become a political problem, and the Lingnan people are not more straightforward than the people of Qi Province. They are implicit and introverted. Although they are grouped, they are low- Big, so it is better to deal with than the local forces in Qi Province.

It is estimated that Chen Haotian also took a fancy to the dual relationship between him and the local forces in Qi Province, which can both dialogue and balance, so he decided that he could show his hands when he went to Lingnan. Admittedly, Xiaxiang is not arrogant. If he really goes to Lingnan, he can also have a good relationship with local officials, and he will definitely make a difference.

But he still can't go to Lingnan.

Because the people of Qi Province and the people of Yan Province have similarities, they are both northern personalities and easy to get along with, and even Hunan Province is considered Jiangnan, but the people of Hunan Province also have a straightforward side. Lingnan people are different. Lingnan people are typical southerners. One side of the water and soil nourishes the other side of the people. The temperament and way of doing things are very different from those in the north. Even [Zhongzhong] is not easy to solve the problem of Lingnan. If we move forward, Lingnan has had independent requirements in history.

Xia thinks that if he goes to Lingnan, he can indeed alleviate the above two problems for Chen Haotian to a certain extent, but the problem is that he has to devote all his energy and certain political risks, and the harvest... may not be as he wants, or it may not be the result he wants.

Maybe the harvest will be very rich, but it is not necessarily the result he wants, so he still doesn't want to go to Lingnan.

The group of Lingnan officials is also one of the biggest problems Chen Haotian is currently facing in Lingnan.

It was also because of the group of Lingnan officials that Chen Haotian was tired of dealing with the gourd in Lingnan, which was on fire everywhere.

And the relationship between the current deputy [book] of the provincial party committee and Chen Haotian seems to be ordinary. As for the relationship between the governor and Chen Haotian, Xia can't figure out. But next, Mr. Wu's words made him more enlightened.

"The governor of Lingnan is going to move, but Chen Haotian is obviously not satisfied. He also wants to change a deputy [book] memory. After all, in dealing with some fire incidents, the deputy [book] record plays a greater role in appeasing the people's hearts and conveying policies. It is impossible for the governor to come forward everywhere. A Coping with external pressure. Therefore, he urgently needs a young and promising deputy.

In order to maintain Chen Haotian, [Zhongzhong] Yang really made a lot of efforts, and even the governor had to change to pave the way for him. However, it is also true that the current governor is about to age, and the reason for the change is just right.

And external pressure refers to both other provinces and other competitors.

At present, in the local political bureau members, in addition to Chen Haotian, there are also the Beijing Municipal Committee [book], Xiajiang Municipal Party Committee [book], Shancheng Municipal Committee [book] and Tianjin City Committee [book], all of which have the strength to enter the regular level. Among them, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee [Book] remembers that when the age has reached the red line of permanent entry, the possibility of permanent entry is negligible, which can be basically excluded.

And the Shancheng City Committee [Book] Although the importance of the mountain city is still much worse than that of Lingnan in the domestic political situation, the Shancheng City Committee [Book] remembers to dare to do it. It has made steady progress in politics and economic good dramas, making Shancheng a dazzling city in China, and he has also become a political star

Before that, five members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo have visited the mountain city, which is equivalent to voting for the Shancheng City Committee [book]!

Xiajiang Municipal Party Committee [Book] Needless to say, as the most influential municipality directly under the Central Government in China, Xiajiang City has always been the most important in the eyes of the Central Committee, which is more important than Lingnan, and the political climate of Xiajiang is also more complicated than Lingnan, but the age of the Xiajiang Municipal Party Committee [ The possibility of entering the line is also greatly reduced.

In fact, the Jincheng Municipal Committee [Shu], which has been low-key, is a popular candidate to enter the regular position, because not only the Jincheng Municipal Committee [Shu] is not only an important pillar against the first series, but also pragmatic and capable. In recent years, it seems to be a corner in Jincheng, which does not make In recent years, in the domestic news, it is also almost unknown. But behind the unknown, this year, [China] Central high-level officials have visited Tianjin intensively.

It is of great political significance for high-level inspections in any province and city. It is political affirmation and economic support, whether or not, whether it is seen in newspapers and news, has great significance.

It is not easy for Chen Haotian to break out of the siege among several heavyweight Politburo members in the local area.

However, Mr. Wu has a better vision than Xia Xiang, pointing out the biggest of the three problems faced by Chen Haotian.

"Chen Haotian's biggest problem is age!"