official god

Chapter 1736 The Great Trend

Unconsciously, at noon, the autumn sun is gradually strong, which makes people hot all over. After drinking several cups of tea in a row, sweat gradually soaked into Xiaxiang's forehead.

Wu Caiyang was nothing, and his face was still calm. Mr. Wu calmly did not let Xia want to intervene and poured a cup of tea by himself. Although the tea was light and the water was warm, he still tasted it with relish, as if the aftertaste was light tea.

As a very common sentence, it will also bring shock to people.

Mr. Wu saw through the world, and Chen Haotian also knew where his biggest problem was. Only Xia Xiang was slightly separated by a layer of paper. But after the old man said something, Xia thought was shocked, and then he saw more clearly that Chen Haotian invited him under the surface of Lingnan, hiding deeper intentions.

Not only because he does have the means of centering and coordination, but also because of his youth!

Yes, use his youth to set off Chen Haotian's youth.

Because the biggest problem of Chen Hao's permanent entry is because of his youth!

Chen Haotian has only fallen in age this year. If he enters the permanent year smoothly next year, it will only be the New Year's Eve. The unscripted rule is that 67 years old is generally the red line of permanent entry, but it can't be entered. At the age of 70, you will basically not be a regular. Among the new Politburo members with seniority, it is not ruled out that a dark horse will cross the Politburo member level and directly enter the permanent position as a State Council member, but it is relatively difficult. In addition to the restoration of the generation, Chen Haotian is the youngest one.

Dai Fusheng must be appointed, because as the general secretary, the arrangement of the candidate for Dai Fusheng as the successor of the prime minister has been decided as early as a few years ago. Dai Fusheng and Chen Haotian are in the same year, and Dai Fusheng will enter. As the same faction, Chen Haotian is more dangerous.

Because of Chen Haotian's age, if he wants to enter the permanent residence next year, he may be re-elected for three consecutive terms. The matter is a little complicated, because Chen Haotian is not a successor, and he is too old to be re-elected for three consecutive terms.

And in domestic politics, there has always been a tilt of care. In addition to maintaining a delicate balance and achieving the satisfaction of all factions, it is also reasonable to properly take care of old comrades as a member of the Standing Committee. That is to say, there is a possibility that Chen Haotian will give up one term, serve as the first prime minister in the capital, and then re-in the next term.

However, according to Chen Haotian's performance, and according to the old man's awakening, Xia figured out that there are still many voices to make Chen Haotian give way, but according to Chen Haotian's specific actions to pull him to Lingnan, Chen Haotian doesn't want to give in.

Yes, political courtesy seems to have reached such a moral height since Yao, Shun and Yu.

Xia wants to understand Chen Haotian's thoughts. It's hard to say what the situation will be like for one session and the next one. It's better to sit on the top now. It's difficult to sit down and then come down. But if you can't sit now, will you be able to sit in the next session?

No one can guarantee it.

So if he goes to Lingnan, he can not only help Chen Haotian make great contributions to the periphery, but also borrow the east wind to put out the fire. The east wind is the support of the family forces, the advantage of his youth, and the intricate network between him and all forces.

Not to mention that the discord between the civilian forces and him has reached a certain extent, but the confrontation between the opposition to the First Series and him has obviously shown signs of easing, and there may be a handshake for the time being, because his position in Qi Province is obviously very strong against the First Series.

Coupled with his age advantage, it can be taken by Chen Haotian, which shows that Chen Haotian's unconventional thinking of reusing talents is in line with the recent policy of the central government to vigorously promote young cadres. At the same time, it is also used to secretly create momentum for him.

It's really smart to count in one fell swoop.

Perhaps it was to let Xia want to digest and analyze the future political situation. After throwing out the problem, Mr. Wu drank tea indifferently without saying a word, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked up at the blue sky.

The sky is so blue that it makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the blue makes people feel much better, which also makes people feel much more open.

Wu Caiyang didn't say anything, but he didn't drink tea, just sat silently. The three people sat opposite each other, only listening to the rustling of the wind, through the vicissitudes of time, the breeze that has never stopped for thousands of years, will always be vast between heaven and earth, never care about the hardships of the world and the unevenness of people's hearts, and move freely between history and reality.

Xiaxiang... also shuttles between reality and the future.

After a long time, someone stood in the distance and whispered for instructions. Is it okay to have dinner? Mr. Wu woke up like a dream. He waved his hand and said, "Ten minutes."

Ten minutes is enough for summer to think about a lot of things.

"Secretary Chen's biggest competitor is not someone else, but himself." Xia thought about one of the most critical links, "I went to Lingnan, and the advantage is that I can better train myself. I have had political experience in Lingnan, which is also a very important lesson for the future. But the disadvantage is that if I work too hard in Lingnan, I will inevitably offend other heavyweights who compete with Chen Haotian for the position of standing committee, and the relationship that has just eased slightly with the opposition may also suddenly become nervous.

Coupled with the superficial and tense relationship with the civilian series, he was a little careless. When he went to Lingnan, he would be caught in the suppression against the alliance of the civilian series and the civilian series, which was really a dangerous move. From this, Xia came to a firmer conclusion that he would not go one by one.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go." Wu Caiyang was silent for a long time and finally said, "I think you can come to the capital for a year or two. The State Council just vacated the position of Secretary-General..."

Xia thought couldn't help jumping in his heart. The Secretary-General of the State Council is also at the ministerial level, but it is a virtual work that inherits from the top to the bottom, which is similar to the work of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee in various provinces. Wu Caiyang's proposal is not to make him come to the State Council to serve the Prime Minister, but to serve on behalf of Fusheng.

If he guessed correctly, if he really comes to the State Council to serve as the Secretary-General, he must be the Secretary-General of Fusheng. After the restoration of Fuzheng in the Ming Dynasty, he could also take the opportunity to be promoted to the next level and promoted to the ministerial level.

There are also precedents for the Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council who are treated at the ministerial level.

Xian... Xia thought that this time was unprecedented stubbornness. He did not want to leave Qi Province at this time, because he knew that whether it was Wu Caiyang or Lao Gu, the route arranged for him, no matter how the upward curve was, it had the same implied purpose, which was to avoid the most critical game next year, that is, he did not He made an end to the point of making trouble with civilians because of the last game in Qi Province.

After all, it has to be the same as the light.

"Eat, get ready to eat." The old man waved his hand and said, "Anyway, you take the idea. You must have figured out the advantages and disadvantages. Is there any problem? If not, go to solve the problem of food and clothing.

"Will Minister Wu be the Vice President of the People's Republic of China or the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection next year? Or..." Xia thought that she had always wanted to ask a question in her heart, and finally took this opportunity to ask...

According to the precedent of the promotion of the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee to the Standing Committee in the past, and according to Wu Caiyang's local political experience and qualifications, if he enters the permanent position, the ranking will not be too high. The Standing Secretary of the Secretariat, the Chairman of the State, and the President of the Party School should be

As soon as Xia thought about the problem, the old man and Wu Caiyang looked at each other and smiled. The old man shook his head and said, "Don't say it now. It's not good to say it."

Wu Caiyang also came up with rare interest and asked, "What position do you want me to hold?"

Xiaxiang also smiled and thought slightly, "Of course it's the first one." The first will also serve as the president of the Central Party School, which has a connection with Wu Caiyang's current position as the head of the Central Organization Department, which is also conducive to the forces cultivated by Wu Caiyang in the Central Organization Department for several years to continue to enter the Central Party School for further study.

Wu Caiyang smiled and did not answer. Instead, he threw out another difficult question: "Then tell me, who is the next head of the Feng Organization Department?"

Xia thought about it slightly and said, "The color of the factions of the previous heads of the Central Committee of the Organization Department is too strong. I'm afraid that the next term will dilute the middle force of the color of the factions, because the next Minister of the Central Committee of the Central Committee has a long way to go, and he has to shoulder

"OK, that's good." The old man laughed and said, "Your vision is getting more and more long-term, and you are becoming more and more powerful. I just thought, I have to wait for you to close my eyes after you enter the game, and I have to see for myself the road in the next few years. Do you walk more steadily and boldly?

During the meal, there were no outsiders present, and Wu Caijiang also came forward to accompany him, which was equivalent to a Wu family banquet.

The old man is still not satisfied. It is rare for him to talk about national affairs with Xia. It is rare to talk a lot, and he took the initiative to raise the topic: "As I said, it is hard to say whether the next standing committee will be a nine-person system or a seven-person system. Nine-person system... There are too many checks and balances, which is not conducive to building a harmonious society. As soon as there is too much voice, it will be chaotic. If it is chaotic, it will be noisy. When it's noisy, it's easy to mess up.

The nine-person system is the product of the balance of that year, and it is also a special product of the special political period of that year. It may not be conducive to the progress and development of society, but it will certainly be more restrained than the seven-person system. If the seven-person system is really restored, I'm afraid that Chen Haotian's plan will eventually fail.

Chen Haotian wants to be courteous. After all, he is still young!

At the critical moment, young people have to give way to the elderly. Although they may be helpless, out of the delicate situation of balance and politics, Chen Haotian will definitely find it difficult for Chen Haotian to get a seat in the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the seven people.

In other words, Xia thought that if he went to Lingnan as Chen Haotian wanted, when Chen Haotian failed, but was transferred back to the capital, he would be trapped in Lingnan alone. Not only did he lose all his previous achievements, but he might not have lost an inch of merit.

After a conversation with Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang, Xia Xiang made up his mind not to go to Lingnan and took ten thousand steps back. Even if he really wanted to leave Qi Province and serve as the deputy secretary-general of the State Council for a period of time, it would be a big gamble in Lingnan.

It was just one thing that happened in the afternoon, which once again made Xia want to fall into a dilemma.