official god

Chapter 1738 Strong hint

Chapter 1738 Strong hints (please vote!)

It should be said that as a deputy of the provincial party committee, he should be honored to be able to talk about his where he is going in person.

To be fair, Xiaxiang is really honored.

But honor does not mean that he will not tell his thoughts, because for the first time, he is eager to control his own destiny. He had only one idea in his mind. No matter what he always thought, he had to persuade him to convince him to only one point - he stayed in Qi Province, which was absolutely beneficial to the overall situation.

If Qin Kan knew that Xia's idea was so strong and that Xia wanted to stay in Qi Province in order to defeat him in one fell swoop, I don't know how he would feel? Maybe he will smile, maybe he will be calm, and even shake his head contemptuously, expressing incomprehensible and disapprove of what Xia wanted to do.

But no matter what Qin Kan's reaction is, he can't change the fact that he has been completely sentenced to death in Xia's mind!

"The world of Qi Province is vast, and I have only flown half a circle. I hope to continue to work in Qi Province for a period of time and feel the sea and sky of Qi Province more." Xia wanted to answer respectfully and firmly.

He always turned around and took a look at Xia, with surprise in his eyes, but for a short time, he flashed by, and then said, "Haotian really wants you to go to Lingnan, and he also asked for my opinion. My opinion is to fully respect Comrade Xiaxiang's choice. However, I still want to make a small suggestion. Xia thought, it is also a big opportunity for you to go to Lingnan. Do you really don't think about it anymore?

From the general standpoint, he supported Chen Haotian in Xiaxiang's expectation, but what Xiaxiang did not expect was that the general tone was kind, the attitude was cordial, and it was completely negotiative.

I think of Chen Haotian's series of actions - from calling in person, to directly chasing Wu's family, to eating with him in the name of Gu Qiushi, etc. From a political point of view, it seems that I can't wait, but from the political point of view, it is also a kind of politics that makes people feel eager and honor Treat the wrist.

However, Xiaxiang still prefers to be always round and gentle in politics. He asks questions in a family-style meeting and a consultative tone, which is neither ordered nor forced, let alone directly. Just like talking about it inadvertently, it makes people more willing to accept the general arrangement.

In the past, Xia thought that he might agree to the general advice in a tactful tone, but now, he still doesn't change his original intention and is not moved.

"Supon, my work in Qi Province has just opened the situation. I don't want to have a beginning and no end in Qi Province. I hope it will be a good start and a good end." Xia wanted to answer.

"This idea is also very good." Seeing that Xia's attitude was unprecedentedly firm, he exposed the matter in one sentence, "Comrade Haotian's opinion should also be comprehensively considered by the central government. Your opinion will also be an important reference. But..."

When it comes to the turning point, he always smiles with relief, "I guess Haotian will find an opportunity to talk to you. He is very persistent and persistent in doing things."

Chen Haotian seemed to be very low-key and gentle in the eyes of the outside world. For example, during the period in the mountain city, he did not fight against evil. When he came to Lingnan, he also showed humility, and even claimed to the media that he would no longer mention the Lingnan model, but his real side was that during the Lingnan The corruption work is also at the forefront of the provinces in China.

It's just that it hasn't been seen more in the newspapers. In fact, according to the understanding of many parties, and under the initial contact, Xia wants to believe that Chen Haotian and the real Chen Haotian in the eyes of the public are very different people! In fact, he has served as the provincial party committee of the most powerful province in China at the age of 56, and is expected to stand in front of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau at the age of 57. Although Chen Haotian has general support, he is also unfathomable.

"Taiyang is very good. After a while, he will go to the mountain city..." He always said meaningfully, and then took the lead in walking back to the inner room, "Let's go, let's have dinner."

If the previous conversation revolved around the situation of Chen Haotian and Lingnan, the latter sentence refers to Wu Caiyang and Shancheng. It seems that the two have nothing to do with each other, but Xia Xiang immediately realized the strong hint in the general words.

On the eve of the regularization has been put on the agenda, the trip of the Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is definitely a strong political signal, which is basically equivalent to announcing to the outside world that the entry of the mountain city has been recognized by most people, including the general public.

Although Wu Caiyang is not a general department, recently, due to the closer relationship between the family power and the general, and on the basis of several major personnel adjustments, Wu Caiyang and the general's intentions have remained highly consistent. Therefore, Wu Caiyang's trip to the mountain city is equivalent to the front for the general inspection of the mountain city, and it After entering the permanent residence, I voted for it.

As Chen Haotian's biggest competitor of the Shancheng Municipal Committee, what does the general key vote of approval mean? Of course, it's not always unsupporting and distrusting Chen Haotian, or always dissatisfaction with Chen Haotian, but another mystery.

Although it can't be said that the Shancheng Municipal Committee and Chen Haotian can only be two into one. Although they are the biggest competitors, they are not binary opposition, the general words obviously imply that what exactly do they want to express?

Xia thought that he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Back in the room, the plain meal has been set. Xia thought and found that the taste was light, and several meals were a few plain dishes.

During dinner, Xia Xiang finally sat next to Cao Shuqi. Cao Shuqi quietly pulled La Xia's sleeve and whispered to him that Aunt Qi had given her a gift. She didn't want it, but she didn't know what gift was suitable to give back. Let Xia want to help her make an idea.

Xia wants Cao Shuyu not to be in a hurry. Let's talk about it later. There is no reason to return the gift immediately. Besides, there is nothing suitable on hand now.

The total amount of food is not large. I just ate a few bites and didn't eat it. Then I fed Xia Dong on the left and Xiaoling on the right. It was also happy. It was no different from an ordinary old man who enjoyed the joy of family.

Although Aunt Qi was very enthusiastic, her goddaughter was cordial, and even called Xia to say a godd son-in-law, which made Xia a little embarrassed, but she still answered.

From beginning to end, she always ignored Aunt Qi's recognition of her daughter, which was not only a acquiescence, but also a subtle attitude. After the banquet, Cao Shuqi and Xia Dong did not want to go with Xia, but they had to live with Aunt Qi. Finally, they made a joke about this matter.

"Suddenly, I have a goddaughter, which is also a great event. I don't know if Yongguo will blame me for grabbing people's love? So are you, Lao Qi. If you like Shu Yu, you can walk more often. You have to recognize your goddaughter. Shu Yu is not only the daughter of Cao Yongguo, but also Xia Xing's wife and Xia Dong's mother. You have to agree.

Aunt Qi smiled and said, "I agree, I agree. I am a very democratic person, and I have consulted everyone's opinions in advance.

After the general left, Xia wanted to stand alone in place and did not move for a long time. Suddenly, after waking up, he shook his head and smiled again. He always had a deep heart and laid the foreshadowing for going to Lingnan. In the matter of his daughter, he also implied that.

However, it's good to meet with the president today. When I meet Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi again tomorrow, I will have a lot of confidence, and there is no need to worry about Gu Qiushi's plan to meet with the president, because he has had a home-style meeting with the help of Cao Shuyu's wife's diplomacy, The arrangement should be better.

He didn't go back to Wu's house in the evening, so Xia wanted to go directly to Xiao Jia's house.

As the most mysterious and thorough woman hidden behind Xiaxiang, Xiao Jia has been the warmest harbor that Xiaxiang can rest at any time for many years since a rainy night in Yan City. Whether it's windy or stormy outside, whether Xia wants to be gratified or tired, Xiao Jia's door will always be open for him anytime and anywhere.

Because the wedding will be held the day after tomorrow, and because Cong Feng'er has no relatives, Xiao Jia has completely played the role of Cong Feng'er's family. Xia wants to choose to come to Xiao Jia now. In fact, he also came forward as his mother's family to see if there are any unfinished matters for Cong Feng

In order to make Cong Feng'er get married, Xu Guanhua also took a lot of effort, but he was rejected by Cong Feng'er. Cong Feng'er didn't want to be too grand, but Xu Guanhua also refused, so he wanted to do a big deal.

Finally, Xia wanted to speak. He came to arrange the matters of Cong Fenger's mother's family. Xu Guanhua just arranged the matter of welcoming the marriage. Xu Guanhua believed in Xia's ability, and Cong Feng'er listened to Xia's words the most, so she reached a consensus.

But after all, Xia thought it was impossible to do everything by himself, so he entrusted Chen and Yang Wei to do it specifically. Oh, Chen and Yang Wei responded happily and held a beautiful wedding for Cong Fenger with great fanfare.

Cong Fenger was not only moved, but also cried happily, because not only Chen and Yang Wei came forward, but Li Qin and Qi Yannan also made a special trip from Yan City to take a few days to organize Cong Feng's wedding.

Although Cong Fenger did not have a family to accompany her, under the influence of Xiaxiang, she was also full of high friends and happy, which made her really feel the glory of the princess.

When Xia wanted to rush to Xiao Jia's residence, Li Qin and Qi Yanan were also there. Li Qin and Qi Yanan haven't seen Xia for a while. When they saw Xia, Li Qin was more excited than Qi Yanan. However, Qi Yanan was not jealous of Li Qin's performance when he saw Xia Xiang, because he knew that Li Qin's excitement about Xia Xiang was because of the restless business factors in her bones, not out of feelings.

Xiao Jia's home is also newly decorated, full of joy.

Originally, Xiao Jia's room was not small, but today there are too many people, so she seems to support it. As soon as Xia Xiang appeared, he suddenly became the center of the crowd. Everyone said hello one after another. Xia Xiang responded with a smile one by one, swept his eyes, and was stunned - why is Wei Xin also there?

Think again, it's not good, Wei Xin is here, doesn't it mean that Song Yifan is also there? Although Xiao Jia is not his greatest privacy, he has been hiding it from Wei Xin. Is it going to be exposed today? RO