official god

Chapter 1739 The Vast Wind

In fact, Wei Xin appeared at Xiao Jia's home, which was purely an accident.

Wei Xin is a careful woman, but she is never very careful and not suspicious. She will not think about anything. She only wants to be stable for a lifetime, and she is also very indifferent in money and power.

The woman who is least jealous is Wei Xin.

But Wei Xin didn't care too much and didn't mean that she didn't care. She also knows that if there are few women around Yixia, it will be abnormal. The world has never been fair. Throughout the ages, men have dominated the position, and one person can have countless women. Today, although polygamy has been abolished, there are still many men around countless women.

If Xiaxiang doesn't have a few beautiful and outstanding women around him, Wei Xin will think it's Xiaxiang's failure.

Despite this, Wei Xin did not realize the relationship between Xiao Jia and Xia Xiang. The reason why she came was that she had a good relationship with Li Qin. Li Qin mentioned Cong Fenger's wedding, because at the last team meeting in Yan City, she met Cong Fenger, and because she was from Yan City, Wei Xin came.

After coming, I knew that there was a Xiao Jia, who was also from Yan City.

The appearance of Xiaxiang was also expected by Wei Xin, because Wei Xin noticed that all the people present were familiar with Xiaxiang, and she knew that behind Cong Fenger's wedding was Xia's influence.

Fortunately, Wei Xin did not come with Song Yifan. Song Yifan went to reunite with the Song Dynasty.

Fortunately, Song Yifan didn't come, otherwise I don't know how she would make trouble. Of course, it's not a trouble, but with her temper, she will definitely look around, and it will definitely be very lively.

Xia wanted to exchange eyes with Wei Xin and didn't say anything. Xiao Jia was also very knowledgeable, and she didn't want to talk more with Xia. She just used teasing eyes to make a few naughty eyes.

Xia thought that he had to pretend to be the most innocent person. He said a few words to Cong Fenger and asked her if she had any other requirements. Cong Feng'er looked happy and moved, and she didn't even say anything.

It's true that although Xia Shang is now the senior secretary of the provincial party committee, she has thought of almost everything in her wedding arrangement. Although she has nothing to do, the arranged her hand makes her feel the real warmth. It's rare for Xia to think of the current high position and care for her so much.

Almost everything was arranged properly, and he did not treat Cong Fenger badly. Xia was relieved and asked some detailed questions, such as arranging the motorcade, florist and the route, etc. When he learned that Yang Wei had dealt with the matter, he was even more determined.

Yang Wei is more careful. He does everything and won't make any mistakes. In fact, with Xia's idea, even if you don't organize a team of wedding cars that attract more eyes, you have to be good at it. To put it big, in the capital, although he is not as powerful as the government now, it is not difficult to organize a grand wedding.

Above, it is not regarded as the identity of Aunt Qi's goddaughter, nor is it under the premise of shocking the Wu family or Lao Gu. Xia wants to do things or be pragmatic. He is not a person who likes publicity.

Basically, after feeling that Cong Fenger's wedding was safe, Xia wanted to see that there were too many people in Xiao Jia's house, so she proposed to find a place to sit outside.

Xiao Jia, Cong Fenger and Wei Xin were not with each other. Li Qin, Qi Yanan, Oh, Chen and Yang Wei were behind Xia Xiang. Several people came to a cafe outside the community, found a secluded elegant room and sat down separately.

is equivalent to a small-scale economic meeting, and the main topic is the annexation plan in the government.

The annexation plan of Xiaojia's industry has not stopped, but because of two injuries in the government, the plan was blocked and the progress has been greatly slowed down. But now, after returning to Beijing in the government, the plan has been accelerated again.

Under the careful layout of Chen and Yang Wei, under the deployment and response of Xiao Jia, the situation has now entered a stalemate stage, and they do not give in to each other. However, under the deliberate arrangement, Xiao Jia's side showed signs of weakness.

Oh, Chen's plan is to start a surprise counterattack after the National Day, break through the offensive in the government in one fell swoop, and let the previous efforts in the government be put into practice.

Yang Wei did not agree with Chen's plan. He thought that Chen's counterattack was too fierce, and it was easy to withdraw the funds in the early stage of the government. He should slowly increase the counterattack in the way of boiling frogs in warm water, creating the illusion that the government could be achieved with a little more efforts, so as to attract more

Yang Wei has a bigger appetite than Chen.

But what I don't know is that Xia's appetite is bigger than Yang Wei's.

"After the National Day, continue to retreat, but in the process of retreat, he said that there is a follow-up capital injection, with a monthly increase of 50 million yuan, attracting the government office to dare not let go, nor can not let go. If he does not add funds, the previous funds will be swallowed up. I believe that he does not have I believe he will not realize the danger. When the funds in the government have reached a critical point, they will defeat him in one fell swoop. But before that, he not only showed signs of unwillingness to admit defeat, but also showed helplessness of gritting his teeth.

Oh, Chen and Yang Wei looked at each other. Secretary Xia's appetite was not just to defeat the government, but to dig a big pit to let the government to jump in. Did he want to take a bite back and annex the industry in the government?

No matter how much the government is, it is still the government. His money is not so easy to earn.

Xia wanted to see the doubts of Chen and Yang Wei and smiled, "You don't have to worry about political affairs. Just continue to compete with the government within a reasonable range in terms of economy. As long as the government uses political power, someone will come forward to solve it. You don't have to worry.

Without Chen Zhichen, oh, Chen and Yang Wei are both fearless, so they promised: "Don't worry, Secretary Xia. As long as Secretary Xia speaks, you won't be afraid of how much you play."

Oh, Chen and Yang Wei are not afraid, but Xia Shang is a little afraid, but politics has always been like walking on thin ice. What's the use of being afraid? Moreover, what he wants to annex is not the industry in the government, but a long-term chess game with a far-reaching political purpose.

Li Qin has been a little idle recently, so he asked Xia, "Secretary Xia, when there will be another good project, remember to call me."

After the last economic team meeting, Xiaxiang's economic team was deployed everywhere and blossomed everywhere in China, and now it has achieved initial results. It has been more than a year now, and the speed of expansion has not decreased. It is not mentioned that Sun Xianwei and Qi Yanan have firmly established a firm foothold outside the province. Even the Jiangshan real estate under the name of Xiao Wu has also gone out of Yan Province and initially have a place in the capital.

Xiaxiang has completely escaped from Jiangshan Real Estate, and no one can find out that he has anything to do with Jiangshan Real Estate. Of course, the irreversible relationship between him and Xiao Wu is not counted, and no one will regard any public search as Xiaxiang's industry because of the close relationship between the boss and Xiaxiang

Basically, it can be said that after several years of efforts, Xia wants to intervene in a series of economic development in the early stage of the officialdom. Now he has washed his hands and has no economic loopholes to check. Because at Xiaxiang's current level, he wants to bring him down, unless there is a major economic case. And it is the best choice to find out from the place where he started. It is a key point that any opponent will think of, and Xia will also think of it.

That is to say, if anyone has to take Xiaxiang's economic problems, Jiangshan real estate is the only flint. Now the assets of Jiangshan Real Estate have exceeded the 10 billion mark. It is a veritable real estate giant in Yan Province. It has developed into such a model in just over a decade. If no one supports it, no one will believe it.

is also the concern that Xia Xiang rarely points out to the economic team about the direction of economic development in recent years. Although he does not handle it directly, because his current identity is different, once he speaks, someone will take it seriously. In case someone runs the project under his banner, in the end, the trouble will still fall to him. On the body.

"I'm a dizzy secretary. I'm in charge of personnel and the party group. I pay little attention to economic affairs." Xia Xiang's answer is not an official voice, but to tell Li Qin that he may not interfere too much in economic affairs in the future. "Good projects and development opportunities in the future will depend on you to strive for and create them."

Li Qin understood something and nodded and said, "I understand. When Secretary Xia becomes Governor Xia, we will pay and contribute to open the way for Governor Xia."

Xia wanted to laugh: "The governor is only responsible for macro-making administrative decisions, but not for specific investment promotion projects. In the future, Li Qin will be responsible for the recuperation trend of the economic team, how to expand and how to rectify the team. But I'm going to say something ugly. Your official doesn't admit it, and there is no salary.

Li Qin was happy: "I don't take any points, and I don't want to fight for power and profit. I just serve the people."

In fact, Li Qin's idea is also very understandable. She is an idle person with ideas. She is willing to let all kinds of ideas generated in her economic mind that can be transformed into actual productivity come true, and finally create value, which is her greatest wish.

Li Qin also reported to Xia Xiang that after the economic team meeting in the past year, the companies have gained from the expansion plan of the whole country based on Yan Province. The rectification and rest situation is very gratifying. The landing of several provinces in China has progressed very smoothly, especially in Hunan Province, and among Hunan Province, the city where Peng Yong is located is .

If a number is summarized in general, the strength of the recuperation has increased by about 50%. According to conservative estimates, if it expands at this rate, the commercial empire attached to Xiaxiang is expected to have more than hundreds of billions of dollars in the next five years!

In other words, if all of them unconditionally obey the command of Xia wants to be alone, hundreds of billions of wealth can be concentrated in a certain field, which can create a financial storm. Of course, it is not a small fight such as "bean you play", "garlic you are cruel" or hype mahogany furniture, but a vast The wind is strong.