official god

Chapter 1813 Step by step, step by step

Of course, Xia is not crazy. He is more sober than anyone else.

The mood at the beginning of going to Qi Province is completely different. Xia wants to have a clear understanding before coming to Lingnan. Lingnan's dangerous journey is a trip to break the situation. It can no longer be done step by step as Qi Province. You must seize the opportunity and take the initiative to attack!

If you lay out step by step and wait for everything to be complete before you fight with the other party, I'm afraid that you will be hit by the other party before you set up your position.

Because in Qi Province, he clearly knows who the opponent is and knows where the contradictions are concentrated, but in Lingnan, the opponent is extremely hidden. He can't see the depth of the opponent at a glance, and what is more difficult to care about is that there are powerful military forces among the opponents.

The hidden local forces make people unable to defend, and the hostile forces of the military on the surface know who the other party is, but they can't take the initiative to attack. The national conditions are like this. The military has always been more arrogant than the local, the military vehicles running red lights everywhere, the army that dares to smash the bathing center,

In the local area, for the title of double support, they generally give in to the military.

Xia Xiang's experience in Hunan Province shows that once the military power gets out of control, it will lead to serious consequences. Of course, Xiaxiang is not afraid of the military forces in Yangcheng, but to always hold the rhythm and take the initiative in the competition. The most important thing is to be reasonable and well-founded. Even if the lawsuit hits the center of [in the middle] and the military commission, he can still stand upright, and let the other party can't help him, which is

However, he can't be tied up because he is afraid of the arrogance of the military. Mr. Wu dares to provoke in public. Xia Xiang came and went without being rude and directly moved his cake.

As the Provincial Party Committee [Book] and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book], Chen Haotian is not in the Provincial Party Committee at this time. He is equivalent to the power to preside over the daily work of the Provincial Party Committee, and he can definitely turn up the clouds!

Besides, Xiaxiang still has Shang Fang's sword in hand, which is Chen Haotian's unconditional support.

The style of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and the Qi Provincial Party Committee is completely different. If the above-mentioned incident of the Qi Provincial Party Committee occurs, the provincial party committee will definitely fry the pot. Even if it is not a mess, there will be different opinions and tell each other.

However, the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee is different. On the surface, it is still calm and not many people have publicly discussed this matter.

But Xiaxiang saw it clearly. In the calm wind and waves on the surface, there are countless tides and whirlpools, and there are even people secretly connecting, brewing a wave of opposition.

Attack is the best defense. Xiaxiang is not afraid of the opponent's counterattack. If he doesn't counterattack, it is not a political struggle. Xia Xiang also knows that with Mr. Wu's mad dog character, he will definitely not give up, and he will look for trouble again and again. He will not stop, and he will fight to the blame first.

Xia's action was really sharp. Not only did he fight fiercely, but he also made many people complain that they would not choose...

At noon, Lin Kangxin, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, knocked on the door and reported on his work.

, "Xia [Book]" Lin Kangxin's attitude is very respectful, and there is a trace of hidden dissatisfaction. "I have always been responsible for screening the designated hotel of the provincial party committee. After passing the preliminary examination, I will report to the general office of the provincial party committee. Secretary-General Liu directly cancelled the designated qualification of the Royal Hotel without saying a greeting in advance, which made the provincial party committee very passive, because the provincial party committee and the Royal Hotel had an agreement and unilaterally terminated the agreement, which made it difficult for me to do, and also affected the image of the provincial party committee.

Xia wanted to stop talking, but just looked at Lin Kangxin quietly.

It is abnormal for Lin Kangxin to dare to sue Liu Jinnan in front of him. Generally, it is normal to be dissatisfied with the official position, but the faint position usually does not make a complaint unless the relationship with each other is very close. Xia Shang and Lin Kangxin have a close relationship, not to mention that they can't even understand each other. It's just a simple and estranged relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Moreover, with Lin Kang's new political wisdom, he can't guess that behind Liu Jinnan's announcement is Chen Haotian's acquiescence? Besides, the last time I made a scene at the Royal Hotel, although no one in the provincial party committee publicized it, it was no secret. Basically, everyone knows that as a counterpart, the dizzy secretary-general will not know?

Knowing all of the above, Lin Kangxin dares to question it face to face. Behind him, there is not one person standing, but at least three people!

Whether Lin Kangxin is a test or has another purpose, Xiaxiang will not let him get what he wants.

He was silent for a full minute, and the atmosphere was depressing for a moment. Lin Kangxin was quite uncomfortable under the pressure of Xiaxiang's silence, but he still refused to give in, but he didn't leave.

Full of confidence, Xia wanted to sneer, picked up the teacup and slowly took a sip of tea, and then said, "Kangxin, how many years have you been in the provincial party committee?"

If you ask the leader a question, the leader avoids it and shifts to other topics, it proves that the leader has a problem with you. And if the leader immediately asks about your resume, then congratulations, the leader has a big opinion on you.

In case of a leader who can decide your fate in a word, you'd better reflect on yourself quickly, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

Xia thought's voice was not loud and faint, just like the sunshine through the window at noon, gentle and slightly hot, and there was not much heat, but when Lin Kangxin heard it, he was shocked all over, and an idea flashed in his heart like a strong wind. Yixia [book] remembered to kick him away.

No way, just because of an inappropriate question, Xia [book] was cut off with a big knife? It's too fascist.

It's false that Lin Kangxin said that he was not nervous. Thinking of Xia [Shu]'s thunderous means when he took down the Royal Hotel and the hard-handed approach of daring to take the vision of the international trade company, he knew that Xia [Shu] Ji really wanted to touch him, and I'm afraid it could really

Lin Kangxin regrets in his heart. Why did he come to Xia [Shu] on impulse to ask clearly in front of him. How did he forget the truth of shooting the first bird?

After secretly wiping a cold sweat, Lin Kangxin said, "It has been almost ten years, and I have been serving the leaders in the provincial party committee."

Xia wanted to put down the teacup, perhaps inadvertently "pop" sounded, which scared Lin Kangxin and trembled.

, "Kang Xin, have you ever thought about going to the place to practice forging?" Xiaxiang's tone was half formal and half relaxed and casual.

Lin Kangxin's heart tightened. What's the matter, Xia [Shu] remembered not to kick him away, but to promote him? How is that possible? Isn't he a close relative of Xia's [book]? Is it to arrange him to take an idle job in the place?

Lin Kangxin's heart beat faster, and he could hardly control the strong emotions in his heart. He said what he wanted to say.

Xia wanted to have a panoramic view of Lin Kangxin's expression and smiled secretly in his heart. Since he dared to be a pawn, he should be prepared to become cannon fodder at any time. How can the power of the provincial party committee be despised? The power of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book] is also inviolable!

"The Organization Department has just reported the candidate of the Red Huā Municipal Party Committee Lei [Book]. I looked at it and was not very satisfied." Xia said casually, "I just came to Lingnan. I don't know much about some of the situation of the provincial party committee, but it is precisely because I don't See, increase your understanding. However, the people around me are you and Tianyun. Tianyun is still young. I hope he will stay with me and practice for a while..."

Walking out of Xiaxiang's office, Lin Kangxin was still a little dizzy and couldn't believe Xiaxiang's hint. Although Xia [Shu] Ji is implicit and pleasant to hear, he also knows that he is only closer to Xia [Shu] because of his work, which is far from being trusted by Xia [Shu], and the throne of Honghuā Municipal Party Committee Brother [Shu] implied by Xia [Shu] is golden but far away to him.

But as a person in the officialdom, you may have to make a hundred percent effort to fight for it. Lin Kangxin is the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee. He is 48 years old this year. Today, when advocating the rejuvenation of cadres, he can't go down to the local government to hold important positions before the age of 50, and he will be like this all his life.

Suddenly, the throne of a deputy [Book] of the Municipal Party Committee fell from the sky. Although it was far away from him, it seemed to be very close. As long as he nodded, he would sit down. How could he not be moved? Lei [Book] of the Municipal Party Committee, although it is flat compared with his current level, as the No. 3 figure of the Municipal Party Committee, he is only one step away from the mayor's throne!

If you really serve as the deputy of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee, it is not a dream to get a mine-level treatment before retreating.

But if you miss the current opportunity, it's good to get a hall-level treatment when you step down. The main hall and the brother's department, the difference between heaven and earth.

Lin Kangxin's heart is like a huge wave. He also understands that Xia [Shu]'s proposal is **, which is also a trap. If he is really nominated by Xia [Shu], then he must pretend to be the person who remembers Xia [Shu] in the future, and must follow the pace of Xia [Shu] Book], also the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [book], can lift people to the top, or pull people off the horse.

It's really a big problem. "Lin Kangxin never thought that his behavior led to a major choice that was difficult for him.

After Lin Kangxin left, Tang Tianyun took the opportunity of Xia to follow the water and whispered: "Two peaches kill three scholars, Xia [book], I will provide two more candidates for the deputy [book] of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee"

Xia thought that he is becoming more and more interested in his secretary, who is usually taciturn, but once he opens his mouth, he must have an idea, so he said, "Tay it and listen."

, "Qin Rongyou and Qiao Xinfeng." Tang Tianyun smiled quietly. Although he smiled implicitly, Xia thought that there was a sinister smell in his smile.

Who are Qin Rongyou and Qiao Xinfeng? Xia thought has no impression at all, and it's no wonder that Xia thought doesn't know who he is. With the honor of his deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, Qin Rongyou and Qiao Xinfeng are indeed unknown.

When Tang Tianyun said the [true] identity of Qin Rongyou and Qiao Xinfeng, Xia thought was more firm in his opinion. The sinister meaning and good intentions in Tang Tianyun's plan won his heart.

, "Qin Rongyou is the head of the Blue Sky District of Yangcheng. He used to serve as the secretary of Mou [Book]. Qiao Xinfeng is the secretary-general of the provincial government and the governor of Kang.

"Tang Tianyun's personality is the opposite of Wu Tianxiao's. He speaks concisely and never says a word.

After Tang Tianyun sat back in his seat, the smile on Xiaxiang's face had not been withdrawn. In addition to the silence, Tang Tianyun's scheming and insight into the situation made Xiaxiang appreciate it from the bottom of his heart.

OK, that's it! Xia wanted to pick up the phone. He wanted to grab Mr. Wu's backhand, set up another game, and then go to the next city.