official god

Chapter 1814 Further intensification of the situation

Chapter 1814 The situation has further intensified (please recommend votes!)

Two days in a row have passed. Not to mention Ren Chang's unexpected counterattack, even Mr. Wu and Shi Qishun, there was no movement at all. But no movement does not mean that the other party has no action. It only explains that Xia wants to disrupt the deployment of the other party one after another, making the other party in a hurry for a while, and has no energy to fight back for the time being.

With Mr. Wu's temper, it's strange that he is willing to stop. He must be in a hurry now.

In fact, it's not just jumping, it's almost hitting the wall.

Mr. Wu is going to hit the wall, and Ren Chang is going to complain.

Ren Chang wants to tell Xia to the central government.


Behind the Yangcheng Military Region is a large forest with a lake in the forest and a luxurious villa by the lake. The 60 mu around the villa are all private places, with the villa as the center, and the woods, lakes and villas are combined to make a manor.

The name of the manor is also magnificent - the Spring of the South.

The owner of the manor is Wu Xiaoyang.

Wu Xiaoyang was walking around on the floor covered with precious marble, holding a wine glass in his hand, and Louis XIII was in the wine glass. Unlike others who love domestic liquor, he prefers foreign liquor, and he doesn't drink foreign liquor that is more than 10,000 yuan.

While gently shaking the bottle, he pretended to observe the shape of the red wine on the wall of the bottle. He looked up and said to the irritable Mr. Wu, "Xia is in the limelight recently. Don't provoke him anymore. Let's talk about it later."

"Why? Why!"? Mr. Wu also held a wine bottle in his hand and was also pretending to shake around. "Xia wants to ride on my head. What's the matter? I still have to accompany my smiling face and tell him to sprinkle it to his heart's content. You're welcome. My neck is deep. Is it a chamber pot? I can't fucking swallow this breath!"

Speaking of anger, Mr. Wu raised his hand and threw the wine in his hand and the red wine to the ground.

Wu Xiaoyang's eyelids didn't move: "Don't waste anything... As soon as you fell, thousands of yuan will be gone."

"I'm willing to buy one for hundreds of yuan." Mr. Wu roared.

Wu Xiaoyang, the commander of the grand military region and lieutenant general, is usually majestic in front of people. How many people want to see his face and act. Now in front of his son, not to mention a vigorous momentum, he doesn't even have a loud reprimand. The indulgence and doting of Mr. Wu has reached the point

"I asked you to be honest. In the past two days, the ancients may come to Yangcheng. It is said that the head of the general will come with him, and he will come in public. He hasn't been out of the capital for a few years. As soon as he went out, he must have something to do. It's definitely not a one-day trip to Yangcheng. And the generals still don't know who is going to accompany the ancients. No matter is strange no matter. I suspect that it may be a private visit to secretly investigate me..." Wu Xiaoyang took a sip of Louis XIII, recalled for a moment, and said, "Be careful not to make a big mistake. You should also restrain yourself a little. Don' On the muzzle of the gun at home.

"A dying old man, what are you afraid of him? Dad, you are also really, what is the old man now? Without an official or a position, he is just a bad old man. What influence does he have?

"Don't say that, the ancient influence in the army is still amazing. If he doesn't die for a day, I can't relax for a day. No matter what, you have to save him some face. Wu Xiaoyang's face was gloomy, which was the opposite of the sunny weather outside the window.

"It's okay to clean up with the old guy." Mr. Wu is really a fearless master. "Anyway, Xia Xiang not only darkened the Royal Hotel, but also dares to move my visionary international trade company. I won't destroy him. My surname is not Wu! Since the old man is so full that he wants to come to Yangcheng to show off his power, I will take it to the old and the young, so that I don't have to solve too much trouble one by one.

"I warn you not to make trouble again!" Wu Xiaoyang said with a straight face, "The account with Xia Xiang will always be calculated at one time. Now let him be proud for a few days. When the ancient one is gone, I will do it myself. You have been calming down for a few days and find a place to relax and avoid the limelight.

Although Wu Xiaoyang is serious and serious, his severity has no effect in front of Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu simply did not argue with Wu Xiaoyang. He waved his hand and left: "Ok, listen to you. I'll go out to play for a few days, so that in case a group of mad dogs in the municipal bureau go crazy and If I go to investigate, won't I lose all your face? I'm leaving. Don't worry, I've decided to put up with it for a few days. Isn't it too late for a gentleman to take revenge?

In fact, what Mr. Wu thought in his heart was that a gentleman's revenge was ten days late.

Wu Xiaoyang knows Mr. Wu too well. He knows that Mr. Wu said he won't make trouble. In fact, it's just talk, and he must have to toss around behind his back. As soon as Mr. Wu left, he picked up the phone: "Qishun, the prince has been in a bad mood in recent days. Follow him closely and don't let him. The ancients may come. It's hard to say when it will come. Be careful.

"Yes, Commander, I understand." Shi Qishun was approving a purchase in the office. It happened that Wu Xiaoyang called. He hesitated and said, "Commander, when you want military supplies to purchase, go through the formalities from the Royal Hotel..."

Shi Qishun knew that Mr. Wu's success was not enough to do bad things. If he didn't pay attention to what he said, he would definitely say bad things in front of Wu Xiaoyang. Wu Xiaoyang was the most protective of his shortcomings, so Shi Qishun still mentioned it.

"The prince told me this." Wu Xiaoyang pondered, "The Royal Hotel is being investigated by Yangcheng. Let's wait until the wind is over."

Shi Qishun knew that Wu Xiaoyang was acquiesced, so he couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Commander Wu was too indulgent to Mr. Wu, and everything was up to him. The military needs to take such a big thing, and also let Mr. Wu interfere randomly, which really made people have nothing to say.

Although he is dissatisfied with Mr. Wu, Shi Qishun still has a common language with Mr. Wu in dealing with his common opponent Xia Xiang.

Suddenly remembered something, Shi Qishun was shocked: "Commander, in ancient Yangcheng, do you want to operate Xu Guanhua as the political commissar of the Lingnan Military Region? Once Xu Guanhua serves as the political commissar of the Lingnan Military Region, he will definitely enter the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee

Wu Xiaoyang was also shocked: "It's really a little possible. Let me call the Military Commission again and ask. If that's the case, the problem will be complicated.

... The problem is really complicated. The complexity is not only because of the arrival of the ancient, but also because of Mr. Wu's reckless counterattack!


Ren Chang wanted Xia to argue face to face several times, but suppressed the idea several times. In the end, the result of the accumulation of anger and anger was that he wanted to go to Beijing to complain!

If it had been in Qi Province, Xia wanted to squeeze like this, someone would have come directly to the door and quarreled with Xia. Ren Chang had the intention to quarrel, but finally lost his mind, all because of a meeting between him and Lin Shuangpeng.

After Ren Haibao was taken away by the municipal bureau, Ren Chang couldn't sit still and came to the municipal party committee as soon as possible and directly broke into Lin Shuangpeng's office.

Ren Chang ranked higher than Lin Shuangpeng. Although he was a minister and a leader of the provincial party committee, Lin Shuangpeng got up to greet him.

"Minister Ren... Welcome, welcome." Lin Shuangpeng greeted the door warmly.

"Shuangpeng, what's going on?" Ren Chang believes that he has a good relationship with Lin Shuangpeng. He has known each other for many years, and he is also from Lingnan. He speaks much more casually. "Haibao has always been calm. His royal hotel has been the designated hotel of the provincial party committee for three years. If it is not a fixed point, something happened. Don't set up

Lin Shuangpeng originally looked enthusiastic. As soon as Ren Chang finished his words, he quickly restrained his smile and replaced it with a serious look: "Is there really a frame-up? I'll call to ask, there must be no wrongdoing.

The more serious Lin Shuangpeng is, the more disappointed Ren Chang is, because Lin Shuangpeng's business attitude shows a serious problem. He is neutral on the matter of the Royal Hotel.

That is to say, as long as the facts are clear, the municipal party committee will not interfere in the handling of the case of the municipal bureau. But the question is, is there any problem with the Royal Hotel? Ren Chang's heart is like a mirror. He asked Lin Shuangpeng just to unblock it and let Lin Shuangpeng raise his hand.

Lin Shuangpeng made a call conscientiously and responsibly. After the call, he said to Ren Chang word by word: "Minister Ren, I asked Comrade Minxin. Comrade Minxin said that the case is serious. He will personally lead the case and will definitely hear the case fairly and impartially. He used his party spirit to assure me that there would be The situation, please rest assured!"

Xiang Minxin is a member of the Standing Committee of the Yangcheng Municipal Committee, the Political Committee and the director of the Bureau.

Don't worry, bullshit! Ren Chang has never been so disgusted with Lin Shuangpeng's young and energetic smiling face as he is today, because Lin Shuangpeng poses in front of him, warmly welcomes him, and makes phone calls on business. On the surface, he attaches great importance to him. In fact, his attitude is obviously perfunctory, which makes him extremely frustrated and disappointed.

When did Lin Shuangpeng and Xia want to wear a pair of trousers? No, Lin Shuangpeng and Xia thought that they should not have come so close, and they didn't hear that he and Xia wanted to know each other before. Ren Chang was puzzled. No matter how familiar they were, they couldn't ask about some things.

But he still made the last request: "Shuangpeng, you see, we have known each other for a long time, and I haven't opened my mouth to you. Today, I will pull down my old face and beg you for mercy... Can you..."

"Minister, I can understand your feelings, but the case is handled by Minxin. As the municipal party committee, I can't interfere with the handling of the municipal bureau. We should believe in the party spirit of Comrade Minxin and the principle of the police officers of the Municipal Bureau..." Lin Shuangpeng spoke seriously with Ren Chang.

Ren Chang finally couldn't stand it: "Lin, thank you."

Send away Ren Chang, Lin Shuangpeng's secretary Cui Yuxin asked puzzledly, "Leader, you often say, but it's better to stay in the front line to meet in the future. Why don't you leave the front line for Minister Ren?"

Lin Shuangpeng narrowed his eyes and dialed a number while saying, "The provincial party committee just released the news. Lin Kangxin, Qin Rongyou and Qiao Xinfeng were proposed as deputy candidates of the Honghua Municipal Party Committee, which proved that what Xia wanted was not Ren Haibao and a royal hotel, but..."

"What is it?"

"It's the head of some people!"

: Today, there are friends from afar. There is no code word in the morning, so there may be two updates. There are still social activities in the evening, but try to come back early and see if you can come out with another chapter! Please put in one or twenty pieces of oil. As long as there is a little hope, Lao He will not give up the efforts of the third update. Thank you. RO