official god

Chapter 1904 Ding

The sky is bright.

It rained and moistened things silently all night. As soon as it clears up, and the morning air is particularly fresh and pleasant. Thinking of the beauty of listening to the spring rain in the small building last night, Xia wanted to stretch out, and her eyes were a little confused.

I'm confused because Fu Xian is sleeping like a baby.

For a long time, Xia thought that Cao Shuxun slept most like a child. She likes to be sleepy. When she is sleepy, her head is a little bit, but she doesn't fall down, which makes him laugh every time. And once he fell asleep, he either curled up or held his arms in both hands. Anyway, he was as pitiful as a helpless little girl.

After being married for many years, in Xiaxiang's eyes, Cao Shuxun is still as pure and petite as a college girl in those years.

Compared with Cao Shuxun, Fu first goes to bed first is like a baby.

Fu Xianxian also curled up to sleep. Her appearance when she squeezed her little mouth was similar to that of a baby sucking a bottle. The funniest thing was that she could also eat her fingers, which made Xia want to see her when she woke up in the middle of the night and almost laughed.

Fortunately, he couldn't help it, otherwise he wouldn't want to sleep soundly if he woke her up.

Xia wanted to get up, and Fu Xianxian also woke up. As soon as she turned over, she kicked the quilt under the bed, revealing her white thighs and pink thin waist. The black silk hu edge of the underwear tightly wrapped around the round part and was about to come out. She still didn't know that when she was half asleep and half awake, she turned over again and lay on ** with a pillow in her arms, showing a thinner waist and round buttocks, which was extremely attractive.

Xia thought and had to cough.

"Ah, hooligan, don't peek." Fu Xianxian was completely awake, blushing with shame, as bright as the morning glow, and pressed his head under the pillow, not daring to look at Xia.

It's not right to think about it. Regardless of the key part of her buttocks, she jumped out of bed, went straight to the bathroom, and then quickly closed the door and closed Xia wanted to the door, as if she could stop her from being shy.

Xia wanted to shake his head and smile. He no longer paid attention to the little woman's mind, but picked up the phone.

Today is Sunday, and he didn't have to go to work, but for him, since he entered the officialdom, there has been no difference between holidays and working days.

I called Tang Tianyun.

Tang Tianyun was very clear that Xia wanted to call and wanted to know what he wanted to know. Before Xia wanted to speak, he made a detailed report: "Yesterday afternoon, after Yangcheng, Pengcheng and Honghuā launched special operations. By last night, the actions of Yangcheng and Pengcheng had begun to bear fruit. In addition, there is news that Mingjiang and Meihua will also fully deploy special operations today. Hao finally broke the dull start in one fell swoop, and Xia wanted to be calm in his heart! If it is understandable for Honghuā to respond to the action of Yangcheng as soon as possible under the promotion of Li Yifeng, then the two cities of Mingjiang and Meihuā also actively responded to the first shot of the special action of Yangcheng, which proves that the special action has completely formed a consensus in various cities in Lingnan.

Yangcheng is the position of the Ji family, Pengcheng is the sphere of influence of the provincial system, and Honghuā is the camp of the broad system, and Meihuā is the base camp of the Ji family. On the surface, Mingjiang is the leader of the people of the province. In fact, it is the territory of the Shuitou system, The positive response is to clearly announce to the outside world that the special action of Xia Xiang's overall responsibility has really been implemented in all major cities in Lingnan.

The prestige of Xiaxiang is a powerful improvement!

"One more thing" Tang Tianyun implicitly mentioned tension after reporting on the progress of work. "After Secretary Zhang left Huā Hakka Restaurant last night, he went directly to Huā Wu Que and appeared again early this morning."

Did Zhang Li live in a lakeside villa at night? Xia thought about the long-reaching relationship between Zhang Li and Ji Rulan. Ji Rulan is unmarried but Zhang Li is married. With Ji Rulan's arrogance, what ambiguous things will happen to a married man?

Xia was too lazy to think about it. He just shook his head and smiled and said to Tang Tianyun, "I'll be at the provincial party committee in a moment. I'll ask Governor Mi first. I have a job to report."

It is necessary to report the incident to Mi Jihuo in person. As respect for the governor, it is also necessary to continue to maintain the personal relationship between him and Mi Jihuo.

Xia wanted to put down the phone. As soon as she turned around, she saw that Fu Xian crept behind her. She was about to scare him. She was scared by him when he suddenly turned around. She screamed, was as light as a swallow, and jumped to **.

Xia wanted to make trouble for her, but the phone rang again. As soon as I saw the call, I held my breath.

Chaofu first reached out and made a silent gesture before he answered the phone: "Dad"

Cao Yongguo called!

If it was Yan Xiao or Gu Yu, he would definitely deliberately scare Xia. Fu Xianxian just spit out his tongue and quietly got into the quilt, covered his head and became a good girl.

"Xiaxiang, your mother has returned to Yanshi. She has cleaned up the old house and is ready to live." Cao Yongguo came up with a mindless sentence.

Xia thought for a moment and didn't understand what it meant. He thought about it and figured out the link: "Dad, isn't it still early?"

"It's not early. At most, there is still more than half a year left. I will prepare in advance. And to be honest, I'm sure I'm a little tired, and it's good to come down. Cao Yongguo was open-minded, not only because of his retreat that he could make way for Xiaxiang's positive path, but also because of his dissipated personality. In addition, he was old and did not have the desire to be competitive.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia wants to be full now, and he can completely let go. Why bother to be in the position?

"After I get home, I will take care of you and Shujun. I will definitely live a few years more than sitting in my current seat." Cao Yongguo smiled very easily.

Xia thought but sighed with emotion.

No one knows the fate of Cao Yongguo better than him. In the last life, Cao Yongguo ended up at the deputy department level. Under the pressure of Gao Chengsong, he worked in the deputy hall until his retirement, and there was no further step.

In this life, Cao Yongguo's life trajectory has changed too much. In the end, it is also a miracle that the official has reached the provincial and ministerial level. But after all, history also has its intractable rules. In fact, Cao Yongguo has not yet passed, and he can work for a few more years, but in order to make way for him in advance, he can only leave early.

Chen Feng also made Xia want to sigh.

After the change of the term of the term, Chen Feng will retire to the second line without any accident. Thinking of several senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels who went out of Yan Province together, the two of them retreated at once. Time was not spared. Xia Xiang couldn't help but feel a little sad, and Song Chaodu continued to stride forward.

Song Chaodu is younger than Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo, and the entry has been largely finalized, and he is also the most promising person in Yan Province to go out.

However, Xia thought again and again. Whether it is his father-in-law or Chen Feng, in fact, he is less than the age to retreat to the end. Chen Feng may seek a seat at the National People's Congress. Does his father-in-law go straight home to take care of his life?

No matter what, you have to go to the National People's Political Consultative Conference or the National People's Congress. After all, at the age of your father-in-law, if you retreat to the end now, it will make people mistakenly think that they have made some political mistakes.

Xia thought made up his mind in an instant. He has never made excessive demands to his superior leaders. For the sake of his father-in-law, he is going to mention it, at least let his father-in-law retreat with deputy national treatment!

The National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are better. Since your father-in-law doesn't want to worry about the affairs, don't go to the National People's Congress. However, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is the territory of the Ji family. If you want to enter the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ji family has to nod.

It can't be completely said that the CPPCC is the territory of the Ji family. To be more precise, it is the territory of the Ji family and the Zheng family. The close relationship between the Ji family and the Zheng family can be traced back to a catastrophe in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Since then, the descendants of the two families have been working closely until today.

Ji Jiaxia thought that after all, it is a big mountain that he can't get around, and he must face it head-on.

After the phone call, he thought that Fu Xian first fell asleep and went over quietly. As soon as he got to the bed, Fu Xianxian suddenly jumped from ** and threw him to the ground...

Although it is Sunday and afternoon, the provincial party committee organs are still people coming and going, which is no different from usual. There are provincial party committee leaders who work overtime, office personnel who work overtime, and secretaries who work overtime.

Zhang Li calmly stepped into the compound of the provincial party committee with a calm face, nodded and responded to every colleague who greeted him with a smiling face. He walked steadily and strutted proudly, and the posture of the second secretary of the provincial party committee was clear at a glance.

It's just that behind the shiny surface, the tension is gray in the heart.

Last night, he did stay in the lakeside villa.

After explaining the cause and effect of the Huāke Restaurant incident to Ji Rulan, Ji Rulan fell into meditation. She held her cheeks in her hand and was speechless. Under the light, she was as addictive as a person in the picture.

The tension is crazy.

The seductive villa by the lake in spring, the night is quiet, lonely men and women. When the spring heart is most exciting, the tension and heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and it is almost uncontrollable. Looking at it, Ji Rulan's slightly clustered eyebrows, tight lips and a distracted look, where is there a trace of beautiful But her thoughtful look, looking from the side, was like a jade man, which made him unable to contain his inner desire anymore.

The tension was tense and his mouth was dry, and he shouted out in pain. "Rulan..." Ji Rulan suddenly felt that she was immersed in her own thoughts. She didn't even look at the tension, but just said "um" slightly.

Tension slowly stood up and suddenly stretched out his hands to hold Ji Rulan's shoulders. It was completely a subconscious habitual action, or he could not hide his inner tension under emotion.

Seeing that Zhang Li's hands were about to fall on Ji Rulan's shoulders, Ji Rulan suddenly woke up and took the opportunity to get the teacup. On one side, she skillfully dodged Zhang Li's hands, turned around again, got up and flashed to one side.

The flame in the tension's eyes was extinguished in an instant.

Ji Rulan came to the window, opened the window, turned around and asked, "Zhang Li, have you ever thought about why Xia wanted to invite you to the Huā Hakka restaurant?"

Tension nodded: "Of course I've thought about it."

Ji Rulan asked again, "Then have you thought about it again? Xia wants you to see the whole thing with your own eyes, just to spread it to my ears through your mouth?"

"Ah?" The Tension is shocking.