official god

Chapter 1905 When it is broken, it will be broken

When Zhang Li received Tang Tianyun's notice, a strong thought flashed in his heart. The reason why Secretary Xia invited him to the scene against common sense was that he wanted him to see the situation clearly. In other words, he thought that Secretary Xia still had expectations for him and hoped that he would return to the right path.

Tension is also clear that Secretary Xia already knows his role in central coordination in the Mufeng incident. Well, from all kinds of contacts with Secretary Xia in the capital, compared with his current position in the provincial party committee, he can also understand Secretary Xia's complex and dissatisfaction with him.

In fact, to be fair, Zhang Li wanted to get close to Xia at the beginning, and was willing to act as a pioneer for Xia to open the road and build a bridge in Lingnan. As early as the moment he decided that he wanted to become Xia Xiang's secretary, he thought that he should serve Xia Xiang wholeheartedly, which was also the reason why One.

Unexpectedly, he failed to become Xiaxiang's secretary as he wanted, but eventually became the secretary of Mi Jihuo, which made him more or less disappointed. He doesn't like Mi Jihuo's too dull character, and he also knows that Mi Jihuo's Lingnan's appointment. He doesn't seek merit but no blame, and will show others with a low-key and weak governor.

But he still did his job as a secretary, and everything reached the satisfaction of Mi Jihuo.

After all, there are too many restless factors in the tension personality, and Mi Jihuo's old maturity makes him deeply painful, thinking that following Mi Jihuo makes his hero useless.

At this time, the fight between Ji Rulan and Xiaxiang made him keenly find the entry point. In fact, he intended to ease the contradiction between Ji Rulan and Xia, and he didn't want them to make trouble to the point of control - Xia thought is his most respected provincial party leader, and Ji Rulan is his most unforgettable woman. For him, it is an unbearable weight in his life.

Zhang Li originally wanted to stick to the centered position and not favor either side, but under the call of Ji Rulan's phone call, he only insisted for half a minute and compromised - the political position and principles were lost to his first love!

In other words, reason is defeated by emotion.

As a politician, the most important thing is to be judged by emotions! Zhang Li knew that Ji Rulan had used his mind, but he could not be hard on Ji Rulan, although Ji Rulan once hurt him like a knife.

Tonight, the beauty is like a dream, the spring rain is like wine, the wine is not intoxicated, and the tension is full of Ji Rulan's smile. How can it be tolerated to think about deeper political issues? Moreover, in front of Ji Rulan, his perspective is always too narrow. Perhaps it was he who could not be calm in front of Ji Rulan that made Ji Rulan look down on him and finally did not fall into his arms.

Tension was awakened by Ji Rulan's words. After a little thought, he understood the twists and turns and couldn't help laughing at himself: "It was designed by Secretary Xia again. Why is it so stupid?"

"It's not calculated by him. It's not you, it's me." Ji Rulan got angry as soon as she mentioned Xia, and her angry appearance was very feminine, which reminded Zhang Li of the once beautiful first love time again, and he was a little distracted.

Ji Rulan has changed too much. When she was in her first love, she was innocent and beautiful, but after coming into contact with politics, she was competitive and refused to give up in everything. As a woman, she always wanted to be stronger than a man. Why did women make it difficult for herself? Zhang Li could only shake his head with a wry smile, because since he was dumped by Ji Rulan, he became more and more unable to see through her.

"I don't think Secretary Xia has any malice to the Ji family, let alone rise to you... Tension tries to make his voice more stable, so as not to change the tone because of emotional fluctuations. "The matter has come to an end, don't interfere."

"Do you want me to take care of it?" Ji Rulan, as before, gave a blank look of tension with extreme dissatisfaction, "Be addition, the depth and breadth of the problem are not as good as mine. Why should I listen to you?"

Zhang Li's heart is bitter. In front of Ji Rulan, he can never hold his head high like a man, and Ji Rulan doesn't like weak men, so he can only bow his head forever in front of Ji Rulan.

"Well, I won't talk to you. It doesn't matter whether you help me or not in the provincial party committee in the future. I believe I will find a more powerful partner." Ji Rulan blinked her big smart eyes. If she is talking about lingering love words now, she is definitely a goblin who is fascinated by life. Unfortunately, she is inseparable from politics, which greatly reduces the charm of her woman.

What did Zhang Li guess: "Kang Xiao?"

Ji Rulan doesn't speak, and if she doesn't speak, it means the default.

"How can you cooperate with him?" Tension was a little impatient. He stepped forward and almost reached out and grabbed Ji Rulan's arm. "Kang Xiao came out of the famous old man!"

"What's the matter to you?" Ji Rulan snorted angrily, turned one sideways again, and dodged the tension again. "Don't think about the relationship between men and women. You are too superficial! Politics is politics, just based on pure interest cooperation. You really disappoint me.

After Ji Rulan finished speaking, she turned upstairs and threw down a cold sentence: "It's raining, Lu Qing, there is a room downstairs, you can do it yourself."

Tension really wanted to leave, but... he hadn't set foot in the end and stayed overnight. Although he also knew that maybe he could turn around and leave without hesitation to let Ji Rulan take a high look at him.

Early in the morning, Zhang Li left Hua Wuqi - from Ji Rulan went upstairs last night to the morning, he never saw Ji Rulan again, not even her voice. When a woman refused, she was more cruel than a man, and he was sad.

I didn't receive any notice all morning. The tension is a little anxious. If it is too quiet, it is abnormal. If it is abnormal, there is a problem, because he is not an idle person. He is the second secretary of the provincial party committee.

As the governor, no matter how low-key he is, no matter how weak he is, it is impossible for him to have nothing to do on Saturday and Sunday. Governor Mi is not idle, but as the governor's secretary, he is idle, which is enough to explain the problem!

Tension came to the provincial party committee in a hurry. Whether there is something to do or not, let's make a look first.

When I arrived at the governor's office, the door was closed, and there was a faint voice inside. Zhang Li pushed the door in and listened to it. Xia wanted to talk to Mi Jihuo. He didn't think much about it, so he deliberately made a little noise to remind Mi Jihuo that he was in place.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the room was silent. Mi Jihuo still didn't call him. Tension was restless, so he poured two cups of tea and knocked on the door of the governor's office.

"Come in." Mickey answered faintly. He answered faintly.

Zhang Li sent the tea respectfully. Seeing that Xiaxiang and Mi Jihuo did not sit down, but stood and talked. The angle of the two stood was a little strange, and the distance was a little far away, because..." There was a pot of begonia in the middle of the two.

Tension was surprised for a moment: "This pot of begonia... seems to be the one in Secretary Xia's office."

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Li knew that he had lost his words. In a moment of panic, his usual cleverness was completely missing, and he couldn't even speak.

Mi Jihuo frowned slightly: "Tension, you avoid it."

Tension sweated out in an instant. As a secretary, he had no eyesight, and the leader had to remind him to avoid it. It was a failure. He was so depressed that he didn't know how to exit the room and how to close the door. After sitting in his seat, his heart turned upside down, and his back was sweating coldly. He regretted to death, and then he was scared to death.

Why did you blurt out the begonia? After Xia thought of being appointed, he had not been to Xiaxiang's office. How could he know that there was a begonia in Xiaxiang's office? And I recognized it at a glance that it was the one in Xiaxiang's office?

Mistakes, low-level mistakes that should not be made!

Thinking of Mi Jihuo's indifferent attitude towards him, Zhang Li was even more up and down. Could it be that Secretary Xia said something bad to him in front of Governor Mi? It was because of his joint trip with Shi Qishun that Xia wanted to let Mi Jihuo take him away?

The secretary who was left idle by the governor is equivalent to saying goodbye to the political stage. If Mi Jihuo stays in Lingnan until the expiration of the year, if Mi Jihuo stays in Lingnan for a day, he will always be shrouded in the shadow of Mi Jihuo and will never be reactivated.

Thinking of the serious consequences, Zhang Li's usual self-confidence and intelligence flew out of the sky. In a panic, he ran to the corridor and took out his mobile phone to call Lin Shuangpeng.

The tension is too underestimated by Xiaxiang.

Is Xia the person who speaks ill of others behind his back? In addition, at his level, it's really not true that Xia wants to comment in front of Mi Jihuo. Xia wanted to meet with Mi Jihuo. One was to send begonia to Mi Jihuo, and the other was to report yesterday's events.

Mi Jihuo was very satisfied with the begonia and liked it very much, so he laughed at Xiaxiang's kindness. Mi Jihuo did not comment on Xia's move to carry out a special action with Kangzhi, but only said that he would do the work with Kang Xiao.

"Comrade Kang Xiao will definitely have an idea. I'll do his work.

"Mi Jihuo does not want to intervene too much in the special operation. Chen Haotian is the commander-in-chief of the special operation, and Xia is the general manager. He just needs to watch and cheer.

Xia wanted to understand Mi Jihuo's position. Although Mi Jihuo came forward to do the work of Kang Xiao, although it may not be useful, it was better than nothing, and at least he showed his attitude.

Back to the office, I saw that the room was much empty, and Xia's mood was also wider. It turned out that Qiu Haitang was a tense handwriting!

He once suspected Lin Kangxin or Tang Tianyun six times, but it turned out to be tension - today's delivery of begonia to Mi Jihuo was really the right one.

Tension-... Ye Tiannan, Xia Xiang walked more than a dozen times in the room, and his mind became clearer and clearer.

Around the afternoon, Xia wanted to prepare to go home. It was Sunday, and there was nothing to do. Before she went out, someone knocked on the door.

"Secretary Xia, shall we sit together in the evening? Not to mention that I don't have time, I made a special trip to come back slowly from the plum blossoms..." In the first sentence, Ye Tiannan showed a kind posture, which was full of the joy of the reunion of old friends.

As soon as he took office, he went straight to the plum blossom without stopping for a moment. When the plum blossom arrived at the door of the Ji family, he could not enter the door, and quickly turned back. He enthusiastically proposed to talk to him about Japan. Ye Tiannan's political skills were as before, as before, without

Ye Tiannan, who used to be in Xiang Province, came back. Xia Xiang also held Ye Tiannan's hand without hesitation: "Brother Tiannan, my door is always open for you."

"It's good to say that since Secretary Xia doesn't forget his old feelings, I also have a good news to send!"