official god

Chapter 1906 Step by Step

Beye by the lake, in the boudoir upstairs, Ji Rulan walked around the ground barefoot.

Because of practicing yoga all year round, Ji Rulan's body is very soft. For her, many difficult movements can be completed like running clouds and flowing water.

Ji Rulan twisted her waist, turned around, jumped more than half a meter high in the air, rolled over in the air, and fell firmly on the ground. Her face was not red and she couldn't breathe.

She stood still, leaned back, bent her bow in the opposite direction, and slowly put her hands on the ground. At this time, she is like a full bow, waiting for an unworldly hero to hold her in his hand...

With a perfect waist, a soft curvature, and the flexibility of the body that ordinary women can't achieve, Ji Rulan is definitely the perfect dream lover in the minds of countless men.

After finishing a set of actions, Ji Rulan went to take a shower. When the hot water ran smoothly along her full and curved body, she looked at a perfect body faintly visible in the steamed mirror, and inexplicably, she had a trace of sadness.

Woman, do you have to have a man to have a complete life? Why!?

Why can't women be self-reliant!

However, when I saw the smooth skin, flat lower abdomen and tight thighs, Ji Rulan inevitably showed my pity. Youth is easy to pass away, and Shaohua is no longer. A woman's youth and beauty are only a few years old. If she is not convinced and admit defeat, she can only sigh. She is indeed an old girl now.

After getting dressed, Ji Rulan came to the study again, picked up a photo on the table, looked at it carefully, and gently threw it aside. She sneered: "Xia, you have been pretending to be serious. In fact, you are just an ordinary stinky man."

In the photo, it is a picture of Xiaxiang and Fu Xianxian together, but the two of them walked side by side without any intimate behavior. But the sun hit Fu Xianxian's face, slightly blowing her hair, and it was also the effect of blurting the background of the telephoto lens, showing that Fu Xianxian's youthful and beautiful face was particularly touching.

also made Ji Rulan feel a little sad.

At the same time, it also made her realize the fact that Xiaxiang is a rare and excellent man after all, and there will definitely be no shortage of beautiful women around him.

Thinking of Yan Xiao's charm, and compared with Fu Xian's brightness, Ji Rulan can no longer be reserved. Shuo Ying's self-pity is not one point less than Yan Xiao and Fu Xian. Not only is his appearance, but his wisdom is also superior to them.

However, no one listened to her voice.

The phone rang.

Ji Rulan answered the phone upsetly: "Hello?"

"Miss Ji, I'm Kang Xiao." Kang Xiao's enthusiastic and attentive voice came from the phone.

Somehow, Ji Rulan suddenly remembered the warning of tension. There was no reason for a chill. Kang Xiao's annoying smile and Xia wanted to float an elegant smile appeared in her mind. Her heart beat faster and she quickly shook her head to dispel the nonsense in her heart.

"Gun Governor Kang, welcome to Hua Wuque's guest." Ji Rulan politely and gracefully extended the invitation.

" OK, if it's convenient, I'll be there in half an hour." Kang Xiao's laughter beat like a spring breeze.

Ji Rulan really didn't like Kang Xiao's vague laughter, but for the sake of a common goal, she endured: "I'm waiting for Governor Kang."

Ji Rulan put down the phone, packed up, put on formal clothes, and ordered people to prepare tea. Although Kang Xiao is the executive vice governor, he is not qualified to make tea by herself.

Suddenly, a trace of uneasiness flashed in Ji Rulan's heart. Is it right or wrong to meet Kang Xiao? Why does she continue to want to go against Xia, just for her own desire to win, for the sake of victory, or for the benefit of the Ji family?

What Ji Rulan didn't expect was that when Kang Xiao talked to her, he was still in the southern spring.

Yes, Kang Xiao made a phone call with Ji Rulan when he was ready to leave the South China Spring after talking with Shi Qishun and Wu Xiaoyang. Ji Rulan thought that Kang Xiao attached great importance to cooperation with her. She was wrong. Kang Xiao just regarded her as an alternative.

The talks between Kang Xiao, Shi Qishun and Wu Xiaoyang were very pleasant, and the talks reached a broad consensus in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

Wu Xiaoyang attached great importance to Kang Xiao's visit and greeted him outside the door in person, giving Kang Xiao a courtesy. It is not easy for Kang Xiao to take a key step. As a high-ranking executive vice governor, he must take into account the serious political consequences in every move, especially contact with the military, which is a taboo for senior local officials.

Even if Chen Haotian is a member of the Politburo, he will not easily have a close contact with the senior military, let alone inspect the military region as a member of the Politburo.

In the capacity of Kang Xiao, crossing the border with the Lingnan Military Region, not to mention the Yangcheng Military Region? Therefore, Wu Xiaoyang is full of sincerity and fully affirmed the key step taken by Kang Xiao.

If it hadn't been forced by Xia Xiang, Wu Xiaoyang believed that Kang Xiao would not have taken this step.

Of course, Kang Xiao's close contact with the military is a taboo, but for him, it is not a taboo to interact too closely with local officials? What's more, it's on the limelight of his investigation! However, after all, the army is not as good as the local, at least there are constraints and supervision. There are relatively few constraints in the army, and there is almost no supervision.

So far, he can confirm that Fu Yuan has made no progress on promoting his investigation for the time being, that is to say, he can still rest assured for a short time.

The above is the political premise that he can shake hands with Kang Xiao, and Mr. Wu, who has not been discharged from the hospital after breaking his arm, and Kang Zhi, who was caught in the municipal bureau, are the personal premise that he and Kang Xiao have a common opponent. In public and private, Xia Xiang is honored to become a public enemy.

Wu Xiaoyang is not lacking in political wisdom, but he still can't understand why Xia wants to take Kangzhi's original intention. Is it just because Kang Zhi shielded the sand bag and forced the young girl to sell **? How big is it? As the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, do you have to offend the executive vice governor who holds heavy power for selling **s that you don't know?

In the past, Wu Xiaoyang admired Xia Xiang's political skills, but in this matter, he looked down on Xia Xiang's naive sense of justice. In his opinion, unless it is a stakeholder political alliance, and unless it is a relative whose blood is thicker than water, the life or death of others is none of his business?

Since Wu Xiaoyang did not understand Xia Xiang's justice, he thought that it was just Xia Xiang's clumsy political skill, which was nothing more than acting and seeking greater political interests.

The gap between people is indeed huge, and the gap between officials is also very huge. As Guan Yuanqu solemnly pointed out in an article just published on the internal reference, "Now some people join the Party and become cadres, not because they believe in Marxism, not because they are determined to socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Communist Party. The cause of propertyism strives for life, but believes that joining the party and being a cadre can bring benefits to oneself, and taking joining the party and being a cadre as the political capital for individuals or families and relatives to obtain benefits.

As Wu Xiaoyang, who is only seeking self-interest for himself, he can never understand Xia Xiang's feelings for the people.

If he had carefully studied Xiaxiang's experience, he would know how Xiaxiang stood with the common people in the huge flood of the Xiama River in those years, and his life was in danger!

Not only Wu Xiaoyang can't understand Xia Xiang's mind, but Kang Xiao can't understand.

Kang Xiao hated Xia Xiang to the bone. He was determined that behind Xia Xiang's awe-inspiring righteousness was the insidiousness of pretending to help selfishness. He took Kang Zhi in order to hit his prestige, because he had taken the lead in vetoing Xia Xiang's nomination of Li Yifeng!

welcomed Kang Kang into the spring of the South, and Wu Xiaoyang walked side by side with Kang Xiao very enthusiastically.

Kang Xiao's eyes are straight.

He is well-informed and has been psychologically prepared for the luxury of the Southern Spring, but he was still surprised at first sight. Countless precious trees and flowers and plants are worth more than one million at a glance. No, it's more than a million. Just a few big trees, rockery and ponds in the yard, plus the grassland, I'm afraid it can't be beaten by tens of millions.

It is said that the army is richer and happier than the locals. He didn't believe it before, but today when he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help sighing secretly. Wu Xiaoyang is really bold. Even Chen Haotian, as a member of the Political Bureau, dares not make any extravagant behavior in Lingnan. Fortunately, under Chen Haotian's eyes, he built a southern spring comparable to a palace!

Don't think about it, Wu Xiaoyang must have a strong backstage in the Military Commission.

So... Is it right to come today? Kang Xiao was much more sure. He took great political risks to have private contact with Wu Xiaoyang, but he didn't want to fail. Because if you only want to compete with Xia, if you lose, you will admit defeat, and it is impossible to lose your position. But if you join hands with Wu Xiaoyang, it's okay to win. If you lose, it's not easy to lose your official, maybe you will pass...

He didn't dare to think about it any more... Fortunately, seeing the legendary Southern Spring is more luxurious and high-profile than the legend, Kang Xiao finally took a dangerous step, and finally fell into practice.

Wu Xiaoyang obviously saw Kang Xiao's concerns. He also has high hopes for the cooperation with Kang Xiao. As the executive vice governor, Kang Xiao has great power in the provincial party committee. Now Mi Jihuo is a weak governor. Chen Haotian is not as good as the provincial government. As the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang is also the It is an absolutely good move, which is far more promising than cooperating with Si Ying.

Kang Xiao almost controlled all the affairs of the provincial government.

There is no way to choose Si Ying before. Xia came up with a dizzy trick and pushed Kang Xiao directly in front of him. How could he not take such a big opportunity in time? In order to strengthen Kang Xiao's confidence, Wu Xiaoyang had already prepared a surprise.

After welcoming him into the villa, Wu Xiaoyang didn't wait for Kang Xiao to sit down and said, "Gang Governor Kang, there are two things to inform you. Both of them are good for us, but for Xia Xiang, they are all great bad things. I believe that after listening to it, you will be inspired by the historic step taken today.

Kang Xiao suddenly came to his spirit: "What's good?"