official god

Chapter 1971 The situation becomes more and more delicate

Xiaxiang is actually not a big problem.

At that time, a mouthful of blood spewed out, one was anger, and the other was because of the death of tension, which made him sad and indignant, and accumulated too much displeasure and anger in his chest.

Although tension is also wrong first, his last tragic jump at the cost of his life is enough to offset all his previous mistakes. In addition to his feelings, Xia wants to have a deep sadness about him. It's a rare human being. Unfortunately, he took the wrong step, the wrong step by step, and finally gave his life. The price, who can blame him again?

Xia Xiang wanted to save his life. Wu Xiaoyang didn't die, so Zhang Li didn't have to pay for his life.

Before Zhang Li went to assassinate Wu Xiaoyang with a fruit knife, he was determined to die. He prepared all the communication with Wu Xiaoyang in advance. There were text records, audio and video materials, which were uploaded to foreign servers. The time was finalized. As soon as the time arrived, the address was automatically sent to Xia Xiang. Na box.

When Xia wanted to receive it, it was the day he prepared almost all the information. The supplementary information of tension drew a big end to Wu Xiaoyang's last fate.

The tragic ending of tension was the most tragic scene Xiaxiang had experienced since he came to politics, which made him sigh with emotion.

A mouthful of blood sprayed at that time was also the residual injury attack that he accumulated after the shock wave last time. It was also a sad scene in front of several reporters. As for his blood-stained demeanor, he moved the reporter and wrote an article that made people cry, which was an unexpected gain.

When he was admitted to the hospital, he was basically fine. After the accumulated blood spewed out, he was relieved.

Not long after Xia Xiang was admitted to the hospital, he learned about Wu Xiaoyang's death through specific channels.

Hearing that Wu Xiaoyang finally died and no longer harmed the world, he did not feel relaxed at all, because at this time, he did not want Wu Xiaoyang to die.

Death, it's cheaper for Wu Xiaoyang, cheaper for a gang of behind-the-scenes gangs!

The spring is bright and the birds are fragrant. The spring in the capital is getting brighter and brighter. Xia wants to lie on the hospital bed. In fact, she is to enjoy the blessings of Qi people. On the left, Cao Shuyi feeds oranges, and on the right side even Ruohan feeds apples. He is good. He is accompanied by two

Cao Shuyi quietly made a wink at Lian Ruohan. Lian Ruohan immediately understood that she and Cao Shuxun were too familiar with each other. One look and one gesture could understand what the other party was thinking and smiled, and said for Cao Shuxun what she wanted to say but did not dare to say.

"Hey, bad guy, are you thinking about the beauty who bravely saved the hero in Yangcheng? In the past, you were always a hero to save the beauty, but now it is rare for a beauty to save the hero. If you move your mind to be included in the harem, to tell the truth, Shuyi and I will personally go to Yangcheng to check for you. As long as she is not too bad-looking and worthy of your identity, Shuyi and I will agree. Xia thought that a piece of apple choked in his mouth and couldn't eat it out. He was so angry that he reached out and hit Lian Ruohan's head: "Can you think of something profound, important and realistic?" Even Ruohan was wronged: "The woman who can worry about the harem for you is a blessing you have cultivated, and you don't even know how to cherish it."

Xia thought and smiled helplessly: "I'm thinking, if I really want to shuffle the cards again, how many people will be washed into a river?"

Lian Ruohan pouted at Cao Shuyi, which was a mockery of Xia wanted to change the topic. In fact, Lian Ruohan really misunderstood Xia thought. Xia thought was indeed in the hospital bed, and his heart was in the society.

"What kind of blood flows into a river? The foreword doesn't match, which shows that you are really absent-minded. Lian Ruohan smiled and teased Xia, "Economic war is not a military war. How can people die? I really don't know what you think?"

Xia wanted to laugh hoarsely. Lian Ruohan really quarreled with him. What he thought was about the reshuffle in the army. Even Ruohan took the reshuffle of the food industry. Why did the bloody words of the generals and the women listen to it? He followed Lian Ruohan's words and said down, "The blood By the way, I was just about to ask you, how is the acquisition of several food companies going?

Lian Ruohan smiled quietly: "Do you still need to worry about this little thing? Eight or nine are inseparable from ten. However, in order to minimize the risk, we still need to wait a little longer, wait until the other party's stock price is minimized, and the maximum benefit can be obtained at the lowest cost.

In Shangyan's nose, Lian Ruohan's words are reasonable. If it is changed to another enterprise, Xia thought may be soft-hearted for a while and let the other party go, but when it comes to food safety, it is not taken the health of the people seriously. It is good not to directly hit the other party to death for the sake of .

The acquisition is to better borrow chickens to lay eggs, and it is also the idea of Lian Ruohan and Li Qin. In fact, according to Xia's idea, directly use the dual means of policy and the market to make the other party go bankrupt.

Cao Shuyi was beside him, laughing and saying nothing. He was neither jealous nor careful about the interaction between Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan. She and Lian Ruohan have been sisters for many years, and they have long been the most important person in her life, just like Lian Ruohan and Xia Shen.

Cao Shuyi has no idea that Cao Yongguo is about to step down. She is originally a loose-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te She is not arrogant. She is like the tree of Zhilan, noble but not pretending to be noble.

As long as the family is together, it's good to be happy. Cao Shuyi doesn't care what Xiaxiang and Lian Ruohan's economic plan is. It's enough for her to support them silently.

"Akay, okay, I don't worry about it." Xia wanted to listen to Lian Ruohan's confident words and was very gratified. Lian Ruohan, who had been recuperating abroad for nearly a year, returned to China under his advice. When she returned to China, she kept helping him complete the big plan. If it weren't for him, she could live a leisurely life. Why should she be

Cao Shuyi's virtuousness and gentleness, and even Ruohan's refinement and enthusiasm are the greatest wealth in his life.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

The news that Xia wants to be hospitalized has not been officially announced to the public. The main reason is that he doesn't want to disturb too many people, otherwise he will not be at peace just to deal with visitors every day. However, there are still some important people who can't be turned away, so who is coming now?

Cao Shuyi went to open the door, opened the door, and was stunned: "Ah, Aunt Qi is here.

As soon as Xia wanted to hear it, his wife came to visit him, which was warmer and more meaningful than his appearance in person. General [book] is a public-style political signal. General [book] will not be reported in a word in the news media, but in the eyes of all those who are interested, this move is a sign that General [book] and Xiaxiang are about to establish a family!

To everyone's surprise, Xia wanted to be seriously ill and hospitalized. [Shu] did not come forward to visit Mr. Yi [Shu]. Mrs. Ji came forward to visit, and it was already known to everyone in the circle ~ [General] Li did not come forward to visit, but behind the unknown, [General] Li had asked Ye Tian He will personally entertain Xiaxiang. The only [Zhongzhong] central leader who directly visited Xiaxiang was actually the chairman.

The chairman's visit to Xia Xiang is a formal public visit, accompanied by the news media, relevant staff to arrange the schedule and deployment, etc., which is equivalent to the outside world's announcement of the chairman's care and love for Xia Xiang. At the same time, the other unknown meaning is that the chairman's move is to solemnly show the matter Piece, draw a clear position.

The situation is becoming more and more delicate.

After the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee officially submitted opinions on several issues of the Military Commission to the Central Committee, as the first case that the conflict between the local government and the military region has risen to an irreconcilable level, in fact, not many people in the outside world know the inside story, and the news media will naturally not have a trace of report, but its Far away, perhaps for the general [book] Before the change of office, it is no more appropriate to take the opportunity to take advantage of the army's master and the surrender faction or the mountain faction.

The problem of the army has a long history, and there are many problems, and the resentment of the young party and the faction is getting deeper and deeper. Not only because the main peace faction holds the power of promotion in the army, but also because the main peace faction is used to shrinking turtles, and does not want the young Zhuang to send a hand to punish the small country in the South China Sea. Why? Just because I don't want the young people to reward them in the war, and then rise step by step.

The timid master and the promotion of the general, the lieutenant general and the lieutenant general, is regarded as a shortcut to maximize wealth. The price is clearly marked, and the money is not recognized. The money is in place, and the ranks of major general and lieutenant general are in place. The money is not in place. No matter how big you are, no matter how high your level is, I'm sorry, please stand aside.

Now the army's atmosphere is very bad. If we don't deal with it ruthlessly, it will become a big trouble.

At the beginning, many people did not understand why Xia wanted to fight with Wu Xiaoyang to the end, and why he flew to the capital from Yangcheng, and went to the Military Commission to make it clear in person. After the news of the establishment of the audit team came out, many people suddenly realized that Xia Xiang, who would not only take advantage of the situation, Build momentum for the general [book] and Guan Yuanqu.

Because whether it is the general [book] or Guan Yuanqu, I hate the unhealthy trend in the army. I have long wanted to rectify the army's atmosphere and rectified the army's style, but there has been a good time to take action.

Now the time is not good. It has confirmed the fact that Wu Xiaoyang, as the commander of the military region, intends to murder senior local officials, and the former governor's secretary jumped off a building and died in the military commission. In addition, the articles of internal ginseng reporters have contributed to the flames. If the competition between Xia Xiang and the In what form should Dongfeng's plan to rectify the army stage a vigorous shuffle?

The reshuffle drama was staged, and everyone was not allowed to wait for a long time. Three days later, the news came from the Yangcheng Military Region that Xu Guanhua took action.

Xu Guanhua's action was ordered by whom, and it was not clear for the time being, but Xu Guanhua's ruthlessness and speed still shocked many people.