official god

Chapter 1972 The Price of Incomparable Pain

Xia wanted to stay in the capital for three days.

During the three days, he enjoyed a rare leisure time, accompanied by two be beautiful things, Xia Dong, Xiaoling's playfulness, and Lian Xia's mischievousness, which made him deeply immersed in the long-lost family happiness. He couldn't help sigh in the bottom of his heart that life was so busy that he forgot what happiness was

What is happiness? Reunion with his family is to make him feel at ease when he loves and loves him.

In the way, as a politician, Xiaxiang's happiness has the happiness of the small self and the happiness of the big self. The happiness of the little me is the happiness of the family, and the happiness of the big me is the well-being of the people.

Defeating the opponent is not the purpose. The purpose is to return to the normal track of the out-of-control distribution of social wealth, the distribution of social resources and social value by defeating the opponent and controlling power and social resources.

Although Xia figured out that his dream may not be realized because it is too big, he has the confidence to move forward step by step. He hopes that one day in his life, under the blue sky and white clouds, people can laugh to their heart's content, don't have to worry about the runaway privileged car crashing, don't have to worry about If you eat toxic food, you don't have to stare at the mouth of the men of the National Development and Reform Commission every day, lest they mention the price increase that affects their mood and appetite...

Fortunately, although the goal is far away and the road is long, Xiaxiang finally took the first step firmly!

After the behind-the-scenes operation and the promotion of strong political means, and then through the operation of a strong capital force, Lian Ruohan successfully acquired two food enterprises at a low cost, obtained a controlling stake, and decided to reorganize the two food enterprises. Even if it operates at a small profit, it will lead all domestic food enterprises. , produce formal, safe and reassuring food.

At the same time, in order to play a good role in restraint, Lian Ruohan decided to invest 10 billion yuan to build a large-scale food processing factory in Yan Province. The market needs leaders and strong capital to formulate rules. Lian Ruohan has the ability, strength and obligation to act as the first person to formulate the rules.

Real patriotism is not to run away because of the problems of the country, but to start from every little thing around you, work hard, and work hard for a better tomorrow. How many senior officials who have been educated by the Party for many years and have been raised fat and fat by the people have made enough money, and have left without seeking happiness for the people, but only for the welfare of their families.

I believe that Lian Ruohan's strong capital strength can put wings on Xiaxiang's dream and let Xiaxiang realize the beautiful blueprint in his heart step by step.

However, Xiaxiang is not blindly optimistic. Now it is only the first step of the Long March. The future road will still be full of difficulties and obstacles, because conservative forces have been deployed in China for many years. Although they are already representatives of backward productivity, like all backward forces in history who refuse to withdraw from the historical stage, they will He protected his vested interests, fought back vigorously and did not hesitate to fight.

The local competition is usually at the end. The so-called look up and don't look down. Even if you slap the table and scold the mother, after scolding, you have to pretend to shake hands enthusiastically, as if nothing has happened.

But not in the army.

The factions in the army are more rigorous and organized than the local ones. They are not scattered because of the fall of the faction figures. In other words, they are loyal.

Yuan Wanming and others were detained by Chen Haotian in the Armed Police Corps. Although the treatment is good, it is neither in custody nor officially imprisoned, it is similar to house arrest. It is delicious, delicious and well received, but it also makes people feel very aggrieved!

What's more, Chen Haotian gave an order, and two officers from the Yangcheng Military Region died. How to calculate this account?

Yuan Wanming hoped that Wu Xiaoyang would recover as soon as possible and return to the Yangcheng Military Region to preside over the overall situation, so that he could ask Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and Xiangxia for justice.

According to Yuan Wanming's understanding, Wu Xiaoyang will be blessed if he doesn't die in a disaster. He can definitely regain power. Maybe he can get blessings because of misfortune, and take another step forward. Nothing else, just because Wu Xiaoyang's backstage is too tough, and Wu Xiaoyang is too rich.

The current situation in the army is that if you have money, you have everything. When Wu Xiaoyang was promoted from major general to lieutenant general, he should not have been promoted according to his qualifications, but Wu Xiaoyang made hundreds of millions of dollars, and as a result, he replaced another person.

During his tenure as the leader of the military region in Xiajiang City, Wu Xiaoyang once sold a piece of land.

At that time, the buying price was tens of millions of yuan per mu, but the selling price was hundreds of millions per mu. As soon as he changed hands, Wu Xiaoyang made billions of dollars. According to the regulations, the profit should be paid, but he put it all in his pocket.

For part of Wu Xiaoyang's history, Yuan Wanming knows a little about it. His rank of major general is also bought by Wu Xiaoyang's hands. He hopes that Wu Xiaoyang can regain power with Wu Xiaoyang. With Wu Xiaoyang, he has a destiny, a future and money.

But a total of more than a dozen officers, including him, showed no sign of release after being detained by the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee for several days, and were isolated from the outside world. They knew nothing about what happened in the capital. The longer it takes, the more irritable Yuan Wanming will be. Is it true that Commander Wu is really defeated?

How is that possible? With the network of Commander Wu in the Military Commission, and with the pride of Commander Wu's spending a lot of money. How can no one protect him at the critical moment? Impossible!

Yuan Wanming is anxious. Although Wu Xiaoyang is not his own father, now he is more close than his own father in his eyes.

If Wu Xiaoyang really has something to do, he will be a hundred times more uncomfortable if he really wants to have a funeral.

After another two days in the painful nose, there was finally a movement.

It's a movement, not a message, that is to say, it is still unknown what's going on with Wu Xiaoyang now. Fortunately, he and more than a dozen officers have been released. After being imprisoned for nearly a week, Yuan Wanming was finally able to see the sun again. Yuan Wanming was still very excited.

But when he saw the people who came to pick him up, his excitement was all gone, replaced by tension and depression.

That's right, the person standing in front of him is Xu Guanhua with a faint smile.

Xu Guanhua appeared, does it really mean that Commander Wu was defeated? Strong uneasiness flashed in Yuan Wanming's heart.

Xu Guanhua did not answer any questions from Yuan Wanming. He just shook hands with Yuan Wanming lightly and asked Yuan Wanming to get into his car. The rest of the people got on the accompanying vehicle.

Yuan Wanming noticed a detail, which made his eyelids jump and the rest of the officers except him. Basically, every two people have a car, and each car is specially accompanied by two people. It's not a courtesy reception, but like surveillance!

Could it be said that he couldn't help asking Xu Guanhua coldly, "General Xu, I don't know what the order you received is. I would like to ask why we are under surveillance?"

Xu Guanhua still smiled indifferently: "Wanming, you are so careful. It's not surveillance, it's just routine." As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and asked, "Please get in the car. I still have a question to talk to you about." Yuan Wanming's heart beat faster, and Xu Guanhua's determined and confident expression was by no means a good thing for him. Something must have happened to his side!

After getting on the car, Yuan Wanming felt a little dry and asked Xu Guanhua for water to drink. As a result, Xu Guanhua may have intended to dry it, but he didn't even have water, and he didn't even answer his words. He directly got to the point: "Comrade Yuan Wanming, I'm talking to you ."

Yuan Wanming's brain buzzed. What does it mean to strive for leniency? Has the Military Commission ordered the necessary measures to be taken against him? He felt smoke in his throat and did not answer Xu Guanhua's question directly. He asked for water to drink: "Please give me a bottle of water."

Xu Guanhua replied coldly, "Comrade Yuan Wanming, please be serious and don't be so worthless. Next, please honestly explain Wu Xiaoyang's corruption, as well as Wu Xiaoyang's behind-the-scenes figures and network, and strive for meritorious service. I will ask the leaders of the Military Commission for instructions and deal with you with it.

Yuan Wanming fully understood something at this time. Seeing that the car had started, he was caught in the middle, with Xu Guanhua on the right and the guard on the left. The guard looked cold, and it seemed that as long as he made a slight move, he would take him down.

Yuan Wanming was scared: "I want to see Commander Wu.,...

Xu Guanhua sneered: "Is that how you want to die?" The answer to this sentence was very clever, which immediately made Yuan Wanming's heart cold. Is Commander Wu dead?

"Time is precious." Xu Guanhua raised his hand and looked at his watch, "You only have ten minutes." Ten minutes later, the convoy drove into a hidden place and did not return to the Yangcheng Military Region. Except for Yuan Wanming, the rest of the officers were driven out of the car and gathered together. Driven by the soldiers, they were forced to get into an impenetrable truck. Judging from the soldier's rude attitude and pushing and waving movements, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Yuan Wanming was in a mess and confused. Xu Guanhua raised his hand to look at his watch again and casually looked at him: "Yuan Wanming, it's the last chance. If you don't say it again, please get out of the car"

What's the good thing about getting off the bus? Yuan Wanming shook his head repeatedly: "I won't get out of the car. I want to see the leaders of the Military Commission. I want to see the political commissar."

Xu Guanhua lost his patience. With a wave of his hand, the guard directly pulled Yuan Wanming out of the car. Yuan Wanming, a dignified major general, pulled the door of the car with his hands like a scoundrel, and almost howled: "I said, I..."

Xu Guanhua smiled triumphantly. With a wave of his hand, Yuan Wanming was taken to the car again.

After Xu Guanhua's car disappeared, nearly 20 officers who stayed in place were all blindfolded and then pushed into an abandoned warehouse.

Maybe the gunshots were too loud, or maybe the car was not far enough. The moment the dense gunshots came into the car, Yuan Wanming's face turned pale in an instant! What a bloody cleaning, what a big shuffle after autumn.

More than a dozen majors, lieuins and even major generals became ghosts under the gun in a blink of an eye, and announced Wu Xiaoyang's death and the upcoming top-down changes in the army with bloody facts.

What Yuan Wanming doesn't know is that it's just the beginning! Wu Xiaoyang cultivated his power and murdered senior local officials, and paid an extremely painful price!