official god

Chapter 1988 A Crucial Step

What Xia thought didn't know was that Lei Zhixue only met with the government before talking with him, and urgently negotiated with the government about the details of dealing with Lei Xiaoming's incident, and then met him calmly.

If Xia wants to know that Lei Zhixue has done his homework before he met, he will not admire the calmness and stability of Lei Zhixue again. Lei Zhixue has secretly entrusted others to find out Lei Xiao

The current situation.

Others are not others, they are the government.

Who is Lei Zhixue? He was well aware of the checks and balances in the officialdom, and was more aware of the enmity between Xiaxiang and the government. It is the best way to use the hand of others to exert pressure on Xia Ning, so as to achieve the goal of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

When meeting with Xiaxiang, he mainly wants to have a frontal contact with Xiaxiang. He should have an intuitive impression of Xiaxiang. Hearing is believing. How others describe Xiaxiang as someone else's fact, he only believes in his own vision.

He didn't mention Lei Xiaoming, and Xia thought he didn't mention a word, and Xia thought not only asked Jiang Gang beside him, but also didn't even look at him, which made Lei Zhixue have to admire Xiaxiang's sense of moderation. He was indeed a young man with great potential.

What Lei Zhixue didn't realize was that his direct opponent was Gu Qiushi, but now he lowered his status and equivalent to Xia, which is self-degrading identity. But maybe it was because Lei Xiaoming was imprisoned, or maybe it was because he had heard too many rumors before. Unconsciously, Xia wanted to be raised to an equal position by him.

"Xiao Ming and Jiang An are now in the hands of the military, which is very tricky." Lei Zhixue was very smart and didn't answer the words of the government office. The general account between the government office and Xiaxiang seemed to have nothing to do with him, but in fact it had a big relationship, but he could not say that he could only guide the office to take the initiative to do something.

Yannei shook his head and said, "Xia is really cunning. I'm afraid it's not easy for him to let him go.

Lei [Book], you should be fully prepared.

Lei Zhixue thought that Ya Nei was ready to take action against Xia. Unexpectedly, Ya Nei's tone changed, as if he raised it high and gently put it down, thinking that Ya Nei was also scared by Xia.

"Xiaxiang is not an unreasonable person. When he calms down, he will always let people go. Besides, Xiaoming's business is not a big deal. Can Xia think he keep holding on to it? If he makes trouble again, I will have to ask the chairman to come forward to judge.

The government smiled and said, "It's almost two sessions, and stability overwhelms everything." It seems to be nonsense, but in the next sentence, he clicked on the main topic: "Now that the Wu Xiaoyang incident is not over, some people accuse Xia of thinking that Xia Da [book] had a close contact with the military, and was deceived by Xia Da [book] to escape the difficulties. But if during the Two Sessions, someone suddenly mentions that Xia [book] used the army to capture a rich second generation in Western Province because of jealousy, it would be a good thing. In case of another news media report, the youngest deputy of the provincial party committee [book], rushed to the crown and became a beauty, the police car opened the road, the soldiers went out, and the momentum was great to fight for a woman..."

A small thing can make the government office rise to the height of close contact between local senior officials and the military. The methods of the government office are really smart. Lei Zhixue secretly agreed, but he didn't answer seemed to change the topic: "Please tell the chairman that I will visit him tomorrow."

The government nodded: "What should Jiang Gang do?"

Lei Zhixue smiled and said, "He and you may have a common language in business."

The governmentman smiled understandingly in his heart: "Then thank you Lei [book] first. I heard that Jiang Gang is the richest man in the Western Province. I don't know if there is any water?"

"I don't think so." Lei Zhixue said, "The coal bosses in the Western Province have a lot of money, and they like to make friends with high-ranking officials and dignitaries."

After listening to Lei Zhixue's implicit and strong hints, there is nothing happier than transferring the money in other people's hands to his own hands. He laughed a few times and stood up: "I have a friend who happens to know the head of the unit holding Xiaoming. I'll call later to ask about the specific situation. "

Lei Zhixue nodded slightly, smiling without saying anything. He and the government finally reached a consensus and took what they needed.

Xia Xiang received a phone call on the way and learned that Wei Xin had woken up and was safe and sound. He not only breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted to continue to detain Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming for a few more days, but since Wei Xin had nothing to do, Song Yifan was also in charge, and Lei Zhixue gave him enough face. Everyone raised it, and they always had to return the favors to meet the normal state of officialdom.

Xiaxiang made a phone call: "Let go of Lei Xiaoming first."

Anyway, Lei Xiaoming was also beaten badly enough. I believe that after Lei Zhixue saw it, he didn't recognize it carefully. I don't think he would recognize Lei Xiaoming as his own son. Of course, Lei Xiaoming's treatment is not enough to repay what he has done to Song Yifan. It doesn't matter. Song Chaodu is about to fly to the capital and has a head-on confrontation with Lei Zhixue.

Seeing that the two sessions are coming, all kinds of princes and feudal officials from all over the country will gather in the capital, which will be a real meeting. Xiaxiang has a vague expectation in his heart.

Whether the two will determine major events that affect the political situation, but may announce an event that affects the political landscape.

Back home, he was about to enter the door when he received a phone call from Song Chaodu.

"Xiaxiang, I arrived in the capital in advance. Just now, I had a phone call with Lei Zhixue and will meet him tomorrow." Song Chaodu's voice was much calmer,

regained the self-confidence that everything is under control. "Xiao Fan will ask you for the time being. She listens to you the most. Don't let her run around again."

Xia wants to agree.

Song Chaodu said again, "There are two sessions in two days. I heard that you are going back to Yanshi tomorrow?"

Tomorrow's return to Yanshi is a military gathering arranged by Lao Gu. He wanted to get together again after the Two Sessions, but Xu Guanhua actively promoted it, and Zhao Mingke also completed the deployment in advance. Lao Gu decided to officially hold the first time of the Laogu military force on the eve of the Two Sessions, taking advantage of the favorable conditions that All-round military parade!

"I have to go." Xia wanted to know that it was not surprising that Song Chaodu heard a little news, and he did not intend to hide Song Chaodu.

"It's good to go. Sometimes it's also a good thing to show your teeth, so that some people always feel that they can take advantage of it." Song Chaodu expressed his firm support for Xiaxiang. "I hope you can walk out of a different path. Don't wait until you get to a certain position and turn around to find out how constrained you are without military power."

Song Chaodu's words surprised Xia. Compared with the previous pragmatic and calm style, Song Chaodu now seems to have some subtle changes. Is it because of the sudden change of wind and clouds that Song Chaodu couldn't hold back his inner excitement? It shouldn't be. After experiencing the ups and downs of officialdom, he will basically no longer be happy and angry.

When I returned to Jingpo's home, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and I hadn't slept yet. Obviously, I was still waiting patiently for Xiaxiang's return.

As soon as Xia wanted to enter the door, he was hugged by a small man. It was Xia Dong. It is said that there are changes in each stage of the child's growth. In the previous stage, Xia Dong didn't like to make out with Xia. Now he is a little older, and suddenly he is a little clingy to his father.

"Dad, you're back. I miss you so to death." Xia Dong gained a little weight, and the meat was very cute. Xia wanted to hold Xia Dong's hand and watched the whole family get together. Father-in-law,

His mother-in-law, Cao Shuxun and Cao Shujun and his wife all smiled at him.

is a relative, and a smile is also a true temperament.

Xia thought that she hadn't seen Wang Yufen for a long time. When she came up, she called "mother" and Wang Yufen smiled. Obviously, the more her mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, the more happy she looked.

Xia wanted to say hello to Cao Yongguo and Cao Shujun in turn. After sitting down, he said a gaspe, and then entered the study with Cao Yongguo one after another.

Weng's son-in-law have something important to talk about. Although it's late at night, it's obvious that both of them are talking happily.

Cao Yongguo first talked about his meeting with Wu Caiyang, Gu Qiushi and [Mr.] Li, and then said the expectations of [Mr.] with great interest, and said with satisfaction, "If you retreat, you can let several national leaders enlighten me. I am also gratified." Cao Yongguo does not change his gentle nature. If he is allowed to retreat in advance, he will not take Xia's want to help Zheng as a condition. Wu Caiyang, Gu Qiushi and [Mr.] come forward, I believe he can also accept it. Xia thought clearly that the greatest advantage of his father-in-law's life is kindness, but as an official, if kindness is not used properly, it is the biggest disadvantage.

Anyway, it's good to have all his care. What my father-in-law didn't know was that if he hadn't mastered the work of the Ji family, the Ji family would not have nodded. Even if he agreed to enter the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he might not have been able to enter! However, his father-in-law's life is fine, so he doesn't have to let him know something meaningless.

Xia wanted to see his father-in-law very interested, so he followed his words and said downward. In short, the road ahead was wide and everything went well, which made Cao Yongguo even more comforted.

Xiaxiang also sighed slightly. His father-in-law is so open-minded and open-minded that he will definitely have a happy old age.

In the evening, just as he and Cao Shuxun were about to achieve good deeds, a small man broke in without knocking on the door and couldn't help sleeping in the middle of the two. It was also called sleeping with his father, which was parent-child time.

Xiaxiang had to be speechless. Looking at her son's chubby face, she couldn't help kissing him: "It's time to lose weight, little fat man."

Xia Dong didn't know what he muttered. Anyway, Xia didn't hear it clearly. When he wanted to listen carefully, Xia Dong had fallen asleep. What a bad boy. Xia wanted to shake his head and looked at Cao Shuxun helplessly.

Cao Shuxun wanted to make a face and whispered, "You deserve it. Your son is your nemesis."

... The next day, Xia wanted to say goodbye to her family and drove to Yan City to attend an informal party. Although the party is informal, it is of great significance and is the most important layout in his life. If you succeed, you may be flat ahead, laying the foundation for the overall situation for a long time to come.

Failure may be the loss of all the games falling one by one. But since Lao Gu has made all the arrangements, whether it is a mountain of knives or a sea of fire, he will make a big step.

PS: There are few monthly tickets, which is understandable, and there are few recommended tickets, which is depressing. Brothers are lazy, and Lao He is also slacking off. Why don't we have two updates today?