official god

Chapter 1989 Preliminary Power Accumulation

In March in Beijing, the sun is finally shining and the spring is in full bloom.

The grand event is about to be held, and there is an endless stream of high-ranking officials from all over the country who come to Beijing every day. There are many people who arrive a few days as early as Xia wants, such as Gao Jin Zhou in Yan Province, such as Ye Tiannan in Lingnan.

Gao Jinzhou came first, which is a good reason. He was originally the direct line of the Wu family. He went to Beijing to meet with the Wu family in advance, which was also the meaning of the question. Ye Tiannan is just a marginal figure who ranks very low in the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, but he also entered Beijing in advance. What he is trying to do is nothing more than his next step.

Although Xia thought about it. The head promised that he would ask from it, but he didn't have the naive idea of entrusting his life to others. It's better to be relieved to do big things.

Ye Tiannan wanted to go to Beijing a few hours later than Xia. After Xia wanted to go to Beijing, there were unexpected things to drag him down. And because of Lei Xiaoming's affairs, he sat with Lei Zhixue, so he didn't have time to meet Wu Caiyang to talk about his affairs.

Ye Tiannan also learned that Xia wanted to deal with his affairs. He couldn't help but be anxious and wanted to talk to Xia, but he was afraid that he would be too anxious to make Xia want to unhappy, so he had to put up with it. He himself was not idle. He first used the relationship between all parties and inquired about who would take over the post of Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Lingnan Province. No consensus has been reached for the time being. Several vice ministers nominated him and reported to Wu Caiyang. Wu Caiyang suppressed him down.

And the Political Bureau did not formally discuss this matter, so he was somewhat relieved. It's much easier to get stuck in Wu Caiyang. As long as Xia wants to help him sincerely, Wu Caiyang will definitely mai Xia's face.

Ye Tiannan met the president again.

The general reason asked him to be patient and wait, saying that Wu Caiyang suppressed his nomination, which may not have any opinion of him, but out of the needs of political governance. The general reason is not clear about the specific needs of politics and governance, but Ye Tiannan guessed that it was probably related to Xiaxiang's next step.

To be honest, when he learned that Xiaxiang was very likely to step into the main gate, Ye Tiannan's heart was full of bitterness. When he was in Hunan Province, he was the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang was the secretary of the provincial discipline inspection committee, and Xia Xiang ranked after him. In Lingnan, Xiaxiang is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but he is the Minister of United Front Work and is almost excluded from the core.

Now, when he is working hard to get close to the core, Xia wants to go further. With a young age a few years younger than him and an amazing promotion speed several years earlier than him, he stepped into the door of the main department, so that he once regarded the idea of Xia as the biggest competitor!

Now, not to mention that Xiaxiang is his biggest competitor, he is now far from the same level as Xiaxiang. Perhaps when Xia wants to sit at the high position of the provincial party secretary, it will be good for him to approach the door of the main department again.

Even if you can successfully serve as the secretary of the provincial discipline inspection committee this time, the next step is to serve as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and then the governor, at least five or six years.

Sad "Ye Tiannan felt like a pedestrian on foot. Looking at Xia, he wanted to fly away in the dust. In addition to despair and powerlessness, he was deeply helpless.

In addition to Ye Tiannan's feeling of helplessness, on the eve of the upcoming bipartite meeting, among all kinds of people who came to Beijing and feudal officials from all over the country, there was another person who came to the capital city. What he thought in his heart was not about the scenery of interviewing countless reporters on the bipartite meeting,

It's just that the matter is a foreminative and irreparable.

What is not known to the outside world is that before the upcoming bi-Cit-Conference, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a secret meeting to formally characterize the Wu Xiaoyang issue. At the meeting, the General Secretary pointed out very seriously that the nature of Wu Xiaoyang's case was very bad, which was a challenge to the party's policy of absolute leadership of the army, and demanded that Wu Xiaoyang's case be characterized as treason, removed from all positions, and expelled from the party.

In the voting, it was passed with an absolute advantage of eight to one.

The meeting also decided to officially announce Wu Xiaoyang's case after the two meetings, and fully affirmed Xia Xiang's decisive role in Wu Xiaoyang's case, believing that Comrade Xia Xiang, as a victim of Wu Xiaoyang's case, should be treated fairly and fairly.

Finally, the meeting also adopted a major resolution related to the political and chautical pattern. In the final vote, the General Secretary, with Wu Xiaoyang's power, firmly grasped the initiative. In addition, he added righteously, and finally passed the vote with an absolute advantage of eight to one.

The last obstacles before the Two-Cic Conference have been completely cleared, and the domestic political governance pattern after the Two-Cic Conference will usher in a new situation.

After the meeting, the General Secretary and the General Li met specially and exchanged views on the matter of Cao Yongguo. They agreed that solving the deputy state level of Comrade Cao Yongguo was not taken care of, but the treatment that Comrade Cao Yongguo deserved. Finally, the General Secretary and General Li reached a consensus, which laid the tone for cooperation in the future.

Wu Xiaoyang's case is not an isolated matter, but a case in which some forces in the army intend to show their strength and existence before the change of power. The reason why Fu Yuan has been pushing behind for a long time and has not been able to take Wu Xiaoyang, it shows that many people are trying to protect Wu Xiaoyang.

Even after Wu Xiaoyang's accident, there were still people in the Military Commission who turned black and white upside down and tried to use this matter to attack Xia Xiang. His heart can be killed. How can the General Secretary and the Chief Li know it?

In fact, since the General Secretary came to power, his governing style has been moderate, tougher to the outside world, and gentler to the inside. He has been unwilling to spend too much energy on internal strife. The purpose of the party's leadership cannot be changed. The army is the army of the party, not someone else's army.

The general secretary and the general reason sat together rarely and exchanged views on many issues, but I don't know whether the general secretary forgot too many things for a moment or deliberately missed it. In short, Ye Tiannan's general reason did not ask the general secretary's opinion in person.

If Comrade Ye Tiannan knew, would he feel very sad?


The city of Beijing is less than 300 kilometers away from Yanshi. Xia wanted to drive the Volvo XC60 all the way south, maintaining a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. Three hours later, he arrived at the venue of the party - the Dihao Building on the banks of the Shimoma River.

The Emgrand Building is the industry of Zia'an.

In fact, Lao Gu still has a lot of feelings for Yan City. There are many military academies and more troops in Yan City. Lao Gu has considerable influence in the Yan Provincial Military Region. The most important thing is that Lao Gu and Xia Xiang met in Yan City. Since then, the two have become friends. To this day, it has been ten years in a blink of an eye.

Ten years ago, Xiaxiang was still a director. Ten years later, Xiaxiang was already the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Time went by, and personnel changed greatly. What remained unchanged was Lao Gu's love for Xiaxiang.

There are as many as 40 or 50 officers from all over the country who came to the party.

Such a large-scale party was unimaginable in the past. After all, most of the officers who came are in the rank of lieutenant colonel, and they are very influential people from all over the world. Gathering together in one place is easy to trigger discussion and speculation from the outside world, and will also fall. Real.

However, under the careful deployment of Zhao Mingke, he came to Yanshi in batches. Some people came to Yanshi in the name of a business trip to Beijing, some people on the grounds of participating in the two meetings, some people on the grounds of visiting the Yan City Army Academy, and even some people on the grounds of family visit, such as, etc. Together, we won't let people with intentions find abnormalities.

Not to mention, Zhao Mingke is indeed a talent. Under his careful arrangement and planning, the whole party was able to set the date and place in a short time, and it was almost hidden from everyone, which was not simple.

Even Xiaxiang secretly praised Zhao Mingke for his thoughtfulness. He is much more careful than Xu Guanhua and is a staff-type talent.

On the banks of the Shimoma River, spring returns to the earth, the blue waves are rippling, and the sun is bright. In the spring, Xiaxiang also ushered in the first spring in life.

Of course, there are many spring things that Xia wants to experience, but this year's spring has never impressed him, and it has had a great impact on his life. Until many years later, in several dangerous things, he still benefited from today's grand event.

Lao Gu's help to him is indescribable. It can be said that without Lao Gu's selfless help, Xia Xiang would not have stepped up to the peak of his life in advance.

It is precisely because of today's grand event promoted by Lao Gu that Xia wants to walk out of a road that is different from everyone since the founding of the country, a new and unique road of promotion. If described in the comments of historians - since the beginning of Xiaxiang, the State of the Middle Kingdom has finally surpassed the prosperous times of the Han and Tang

Now Xiaxiang has no awareness of shouldering a major historical mission. He got out of the car, strolled on the bank of the Xiama River, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Xiama River closely as a traveler. He couldn't help sighing.

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the floods and hot scenes of the Lower Ma River in those years are suddenly like yesterday. Xiaxiang is not a person who likes to remember bitterness and sweetness, but when he revisits his hometown today, it is inevitable that he will be excited and lose his mind for a while.

"Secretary Xia, since you are here, please join the club. Gu and Guan Hua have been waiting for a long time. A person's voice sounded behind him.

Xia wanted to look back. There was a man standing not far behind him. He was about 45 years old, shrewd and capable. What jumped in his eyes was respect and look up. He didn't know this person, but he suddenly remembered a name - Zhao Mingke.

Xia thought naturally would not predict the future. At this time, he did not know that Zhao Mingke in front of him would become the most loyal among the many capable generals who followed him in his life. He made great contributions to his big plan several times.

However, at this time, Xiaxiang and Zhao Mingke first met, and his first impression of Zhao Mingke was also good. After shaking hands, he said a few words and entered the building.

In the middle of talking and laughing, no one knows that fate will closely connect the two.

"In the words of historians - ten years ago, the Xiama River was flooded. In front of the workers' brothers and ordinary people, the image of Xiaxiang charging forward to fight against the flood has achieved Xiaxiang's official name. Ten years later, on the banks of the Lower Horse River before the Two-Year Conference, a meeting destined to be recorded in history made another team of Xiaxiang, so that Xiaxiang finally completed the initial accumulation of strength.