official god

Chapter 2023 Two Things

When there is a dispute in the Western Province that I don't know how it will end because of the Chen Yan incident,

Two things happened in the capital. On the surface, they have nothing to do with the events in the Western Province, but it is inevitable that people with intentions will not associate anything from it.

First, Wu Caiyang delivered an important speech at an internal meeting of the Central Organization Department, pointing out that for young cadres who are exceptionally promoted, the selection standards should be higher, the scope of publicity should be wider, and the review and control should be stricter. Preventing the abuse of special policies depends on the strong support of the system.

At the same time, Wu Caiyang also stressed that there are many problems in some places on the issue of employment. Some places use those who are degraded, those who are good at hiding and disguise, and even those cadres who have serious economic problems, not only can't promote work,

Gather people's hearts and promote career progress, but cause passive work, confusion and hinder development.

Wu Caiyang also specifically pointed out that the management of cadres in some localities and units is not lenient and soft, and there is a lack of strict and effective supervision of the leaders: the unhealthy trend of selecting and employing people is repeatedly banned, and the task of rectifying corruption among officials is arduous. Although these problems are not mainstream, they seriously affect the credibility of selection and employment. The key to solving the outstanding problems in the current work of cadres and achieving clear governance of officials lies in reform. I hope for reform, and the fundamental way out lies in reform.

Wu Caiyang's speech seemed to be nothing new, but it really pointed out some serious problems in the promotion of cadres at present, especially the "some places" he implied, which easily reminded people of the Chen Yan incident in the Western Province. Although Wu Caiyang did not criticize the organizational work in the Western Province.

Wu Caiyang's speech came out in less than three days after the reporter's internal reference on the Chen Yan incident. Regardless of how the outside world interprets Wu Caiyang's speech, the Western Provincial Party Committee is a voice of discussion. It is very clear that the speech of the Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee seems to point directly to the Western

As soon as the speech reached the Western Province, Mao Shenwen, Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, hurriedly knocked on the door of Lei Zhixue's office.

At the same time, Yang Renhai, Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, also walked in the car and entered Xiaxiang's office calmly.

Just as Yang Renhai and Xia wanted to say a few words, but after mentioning the speech of Minister Wu of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, there was no in-depth exchange, and Dongfang Xiao came uninvited.

Last time Xia Xiang's party with Ma Yu and Yang Renhai, there was nothing to do with Dongfang Xiao. Dongfang Xiao now does not know how many nails Xia Xiang has buried in the provincial party committee in addition to the support of Zhang Weizhao and Zhang Pingshao. Therefore, when she saw Yang Renhai sitting in front of Xia Xiang at a glance .

No wonder Governor Xia confidently took the Chen Yan incident and caused turmoil in the officialdom in the Western Province. It turned out that there was the cooperation of Minister Wu of the Central Organization Department, and the assistant of the Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department. I was afraid that it was all under control!

In fact, Dongfang Xiao misunderstood Xia Xiang. The reason why she rushed to Xia Xiang's office was that she thought that Wu Caiyang's speech was a deliberate hint of the problem in the West Province and the support for Xia wanted to take action. In fact, although Xia Xiang had a good relationship with Wu Caiyang, he did not startle the head of the I specially held a meeting to put pressure on the air.

Of course, the reason why Xia Xiang dared to make a big deal of Chen Yan's incident was not only because he had enough evidence in his hand to take the opportunity to trigger the official earthquake in Western Province, but also due to the close relationship between him and Wu Caiyang. He knew in advance that Wu Caiyang would hold an internal He talked about the content of Wu Caiyang's speech.

The content of Wu Caiyang's speech is a comment on the general situation in China, not specifically referring to the western province. The reason why it gives people the feeling that it specifically refers to the western province is also the right time for the Chen Yan incident.

As soon as Dongfang Xiao arrived at Yang Renhai, he planned to avoid it, but Xia thought with a smile: "Ren Hai doesn't have to avoid it. Minister Dongfang is also an old friend."

Yang Renhai was slightly surprised, his eyes turned around Xiaxiang's body, and fell on Dongfang Xiao's body. In an instant, he remembered that the Chen Yan incident was first detonated on the Internet, and he understood something. He smiled: "The Minister of Dongfang is the general of the provincial party committee. I admire the Minister of Dongfang Who doesn't know that Dongfang Xiao is the most suppressed by Lei Zhixue in the provincial party committee? The implication of Yang Renhai's words is strong.

Dongfang Xiao looked calm: "Comrade Ren Hai is flattered. The Propaganda Department is a department that covers the lid and plugs the mouth. What's so good? It is good to be able to effectively implement the spirit of the leader's instructions.

Yang Renhai had a smile on his face, but he despised Dongfang Xiao's complaint. He suffered in front of the provincial party committee [book]. Don't go to the governor to complain about the subordinates who don't like to complain. What the leader needs is action rather than complaining and dissatisfaction.

It was inconvenient for Xia to directly instruct the work of the Propaganda Department, so he said implicitly, "Just now, Comrade Ren Hai talked about his idea of his speech to Minister Wu. He wants to hold an organizational ministerial meeting in the province to convey the spirit of Minister Wu's instructions. Does the Propaganda Department cooperate with the work of the Organization Department If it's appropriate or not, please report it to Comrade Zhixue for instructions.

Dongfang Xiao nodded: "The governor's suggestion is very feasible, and there is no problem with the Propaganda Department in principle." The meaning of the word is to worry that Yang Renhai can't be the head of the organization department. After all, Yang Renhai is only the executive vice minister.

"There is no problem with the Organization Department." Yang Renhai gave an affirmative answer.

Dongfang Xiao didn't expect Yang Renhai to be so powerful. He thought that Yang Renhai had a deputy function as the head of the organization department. Mao Shenwen could not suppress Yang Renhai? Wei Wei was stunned and said, "Recently, the Propaganda Department has some publicity work on government projects, and we need to ask the governor for instructions."

Xia wants to take over Dongfang Xiao's plan: "Put it down first, I'll take time to have a look." Then he raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Is there anything else?"

Dong Xiao and Yang Renhai said goodbye at the same time. Xia wanted to send the two to the door in person, shook hands with them separately, and said meaningfully, "Recently, you should pay more attention to the trend of [Zhong] Central.

" specially told Dongfang Xiao, "There should be no mistakes in propaganda work, especially recently, there have been a lot of things, and we should strictly guard against the wind and grass on the Internet." Yang Renhai nodded and walked away understandingly. Dongfang Xiao also nodded and had to admire Xia's eyes like a torch. At a glance, she could see her intention to report her work.

In the evening, when Xia thought of receiving Fu Xianxian at the airport and arriving at the hotel first, she turned on the computer and found that the Chen Yan incident was hot again on the Internet. Moreover, the wind direction changed from Chen Yan's empty pay to the deep inside story behind the empty pay, revealing the key role played by the current executive vice governor Wang Qianqian in Chen Yan's incident!

At the same time, there are also insiders on the Internet who revealed that Chen Yan has gone abroad at this time. It is unknown whether she has fled or taken a vacation, but no matter what it is, the public opinion on the Internet has pointed to the inaction of the Organization Department of the Western Provincial Party Committee.

For a while, from Wu Caiyang's speech in the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, to the hot speculation about the Chen Yan incident again on the Internet. In addition, the reporter's internal reference has been submitted. It is not known whether there will be any attention from the leaders of the Central Committee. Because Chen Yan is indeed abroad

In fact, it is not certain that the pressure on the provincial party committee has increased significantly. To be precise, it is the pressure on Lei Zhixue and Mao Shenwen.

Xia wanted to easily close the computer or the super notebook given by Fu Xianxian. He had been with him. He had never been far away and looked back at Fu Xian, who was sitting in a daze: "Come to Jinyang again. Do you really like to eat coal ash?" I like to eat you!" Fu Xian suddenly rushed over, threw himself into Xiaxiang's arms fiercely, and took a bite on Xiaxiang's shoulder, "I hate you so much." Xia was stunned: "Why do you hate me? I didn't steal two, I didn't rob three, and I didn't have an opposition party. What's wrong with you?

"I'm right everywhere. It's that Fu Xianfeng and you are wrong. There are so many things that make me work as a middleman and always run to Jinyang. Jinyang is full of coal ash, which makes my skin dry. Really. When Fu Xian first got angry, she had to cooperate with the movement of akimbo, which showed that she was very bluffing.

In fact, the image of Fu Xianxian's small face and thin waist is really not suitable for the posture of Hedong lion roaring. Instead, it makes her look extremely cute.

Fu came to Jinyang first, or for Fu Xianfeng's intention to get involved in the energy plan of the Western Province.

After receiving Xia Xian's exact reply, Fu Xianfeng was overjoyed. He immediately made a detailed investment plan and a feasibility report on mergers and acquisitions, and asked Fu Xian to go to Jinyang and Xia to contact and negotiate as soon as possible.

Just recently, there have been a lot of things to do. Fu's clothing factory and pharmaceutical factory have troubles that need her to come forward to solve, but Fu Xianfeng asked her to let it go and give priority to the big plan of the western province. Fu Xian first refuted. Wouldn't it be better for Fu Xianfeng to have an interview with Fu Xianfeng said that it was more convenient for her to talk to Xia, and so on, so he made Fu Xiansang angrily scolded Fu Xian for selling his sister for glory.

Fu Xianfeng simply acquiesced to her accusations.

It's really a moment after this. In those years, Fu Xianfeng tried his best to oppose Xiaxiang's dealings with Fu Xianxian, but now it's good. Fu Xianfeng can't wait for Fu Xian to quickly stick to Xiaxiang's side. It's really because of this. The more Fu Xianxian thought about it, the more angry he became. The more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged, and he wanted to vent on Xia.

Xiaxiang used his broad chest to take away Fu Xianxian's sadness.

In fact, it can't be regarded as sadness. It is said that Fu Xianxian's little nature and women's mind are the most appropriate.

In the summer, after the twilight of the wine, there is a dark fragrance first. Don't lose your soul. The curtain rolls the west wind, and it's true that people are thinner than Huanghu. Recently, Fu Xianxian has also lost a little weight. Xia wanted to pinch her thin waist and said, "If you were born in the State of Chu, you would be favored." Fu Xianxian smiled happily again: "Why is it necessary for others to spoil me? If you spoil me alone, I will be satisfied."

When Fu first fell asleep, Xia thought that he was not sleepy at all. He simply picked up Fu Xianfeng's feasibility plan and looked through it. After only a few glances, he stood up from **. He liked a Fu Xianfeng in his heart, with the power of the Fu family, and intended to intervene strongly in the Western Province from both political and economic The war situation will be more exciting.