official god

Chapter 2024 Deep Promotion

Among the four families of Wu, Mei, Qiu and Fu, none of them is more convenient than the Fu family to intervene in the situation in the Western Province.

It's not that the Fu family is stronger than the other three. On the contrary, the Fu family is the weakest among the four. But the biggest advantage of the Fu family is that the Fu family has a Fu vanguard.

The identity of the Wu family and Wu Caiyang is no longer suitable to interfere in any economic affairs. Mei Shengping of the Mei family has no economic mind. It seems that she has never been involved in the economic affairs of the Mei family. In addition, the economic empire of the Mei family has always been low-key and has made a fortune in some unknown fields.

Whether it is Qiu Renli or Qiu Xufeng, the Qiu family is not good at economic layout. Only Fu Vanguard has both political skills and economic minds, and his political skills are superb. He does everything is extreme and does not play cards according to common sense. In addition, he also has unique opinions on the economy. Although sometimes his skills are not very open and upright But imagine how many people are innocent in the history of the media boss in the Western Province?

If Fu Xianfeng can stage a battle for resources in the Western Province, he will borrow Fu Bo's deputy [General Manager] for more than half a year of his term of office, and then use a certain financial advantage. In addition, Xia wants to promote it in the dark. I believe that whether it is to let Fu Xianfeng eat the black, or the sword Catching a mouse is a good cat.

Fu Xianfeng's plan does not hide his huge appetite - the Fu family is ready to take out 20 billion yuan to enter the western province and join the energy battle.

There are many energy groups of hundreds of billions in the West Province. Although there are not many 20 billion yuan, under the promotion of Xia Xiang's skillful hands, under the pressure of Fu Boju's deputy [General] power of reason, coupled with Li Qin's open action to stir up the stocks of listed media companies in the West Province, and at I believe that a big plan can be done!

By the way, Lian Ruohan's funds have always referred to the US dollar rather than the RMB.

It was because of this that Xia thought he was immediately excited. Now he read Fu Xianfeng's plan in detail, regardless of the dark night, and talked to Fu Xianfeng on the phone.

"Vanguard, I've read your plan. It's very good." Xia said bluntly, "But there are still some details and specific steps to promote, which need to be promoted."

"No problem." Fu Xianfeng was hostile to his friends in Hunan Province, and then after the death of Mr. Fu, he told the Fu family and Xia Xiang to keep the same pace. Now he has regarded Xia Xiang as the most reliable alliance. "If you say I listen, I will modify it immediately."

Fu Xianfeng's attitude is surprisingly good, and his posture is very low.

Xia wanted to look up and accidentally saw that Fu Xianxian kicked the quilt without image, revealing his smooth body. Suddenly, he felt a little embarrassed. After all, Fu Xianxian was Fu Xianfeng and his sister. Fortunately, Fu Xian was woken up by Xiaxiang's phone. He opened his confused eyes. Seeing that Xia wanted to be on the phone, he spit out his tongue. Then he found that his spring light was exposed. He couldn't help blushing and hurriedly covered the quilt.

Xia thought that he felt much more relaxed and discussed many details with Fu Xianfeng.

The next day, the Provincial Party Committee held an emergency meeting to discuss the seriousness of the incident of the Internet's hot speculation on Chen Yan again. At the meeting, Lei Zhixue criticized the Propaganda Department's inaction in public, and Dongfang Xiao was also abnormal. Without a word of defense, he frankly admitted his mistake and made a self- It is said that the things reflected on the Internet are basically true.

Dong Xiao also said that she immediately left to Beijing in person and asked to release the news of Chen Yan's incident to delete the post from the root. I believe that the Central Propaganda Department will soon calm down the news on the Internet.

Xia Xiang expressed his opinion after Dongfang Xiao's self-criticism.

"Comrade Zhixue, I don't think the Chen Yan incident can be taken any more measures to cover the lid. The more people's mouth is better than the Sichuan. The more they cover, the more curious the people are, and the more people will ask the bottom of it. It's better for the provincial party committee to generously admit the mistakes in the use of people, give the public an explain, and give a statement to the [middle]. When Xia wanted to speak, the afterglow of his eyes noticed Wang's very dissatisfied glance at him.

"I agree with Comrade Xiaxiang." Mao Shenwen made a statement.

Everyone was shocked. Did Mao Shenwen, who had always kept up with the pace of Lei Zhixue, also thought to Xia?

Of course not... Xia thought clearly that Mao Shenwen's statement was to pick himself out. After Chen Yan went abroad, the Organization Department had contacted Chen Yan, who was abroad. Chen Yan clearly replied to the Organization Department that she would return to China. Going abroad was just to handle personal affairs, but when to come back, it was unclear - in Wu Caiyang After the speech, Mao Shenwen was under a lot of pressure, and he couldn't stand it.

Public opinion on the Internet has splashed water on the Organization Department. There was nothing wrong with Mao Shenwen in the Chen Yan incident, but according to the current situation, maybe he, the head of the organization, will also bear certain responsibilities. At this time, there is nothing more wise than being wise.

Lei Zhixue took a meaningful look at Mao Shenwen. Mao Shenwen's attitude was in his expectation. Shortly after Wu Caiyang's speech, Mao Shenwen reported to him, proposing that it was time for the provincial party committee to make a statement.

Lei Zhixue doesn't want to make a statement. He now also knows the lethality of public opinion. The Internet has been mercilessly attacking the Chen Yan incident without responding to the Western Province. In addition, the article of the internal reference reporter has been submitted to the senior management. In the end, whether there is a high-level questioning is still It's right to take the right posture.

But now it is difficult to get down. If you admit the mistake of Chen Yan's incident, you have to admit the disgraceful role played by Wang Qianqian in it. This matter was not big, but under the promotion of the behind-the-scenes figures, Chen Yan has become a small role, and the promotion of Chen Yan's provincial party leader has become the target of public criticism.

With the skillful method of transferring firepower, Lei Zhixue looked at Xiaxiang quietly, and then thought of Chen Yan's going abroad. Was it also Xia who wanted to do it deliberately to communicate with Chen Yan and play a double reed? As soon as Chen Yan left, all the attacks on the Internet fell on Wang Qianqian.

Lei Zhixue is really difficult. Since he came to politics, he has never been as difficult to make a decision as he is today. Whether it is the oboe played by Xiaxiang and Chen Yan or not, anyway, things are much more difficult than he thought. If the root cause of Chen Yan's incident is to Wang Qianqian, Wang Qianqian will not be exempted from punishment, and he will also make a review to the provincial party committee.

As soon as Wang Qianqian's self-criticism, his prestige will be greatly reduced, and his voice in the political team will be greatly reduced. Thinking of Wang Qianqian's weight in the political team, Lei Zhixue knows it well. Xia thought that to open up the situation in the western province, first of all, he should stand firm in the political team and achieve the order prohibition before the administrative order can be pushed. Wang Qianqian is the biggest roadblock for Xia Xiang in the provincial capital. It is completely reasonable for Xia Xiang to take Wang Qianqian's knife.

"What do Comrade Qianqian think?" Lei Zhixue asked Wang Qianqian. He was almost determined to make necessary sacrifices. Of course, he would not sacrifice Wang Qianqian, but others.

As soon as Wang Qianqian opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he was robbed first. It was Zhang Weizhao.

"I'm sorry, it seems that it's my turn to speak." The most annoying thing about Zhang Weizhao is that he grabs words, interrupts other people's thoughts, and seems to have no intention to do it. He always has a smile on his face, "I'll talk about my opinion."

Lei Zhixue is the leader, and he can't help but let the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee make a speech, so he had to acquiesce in Zhang Weizhao's speech.

"Comrade Qianqian has a certain responsibility on Chen Yan's issue. From beginning to end, Comrade Qianqian did not make a clear statement, let alone self-criticize the provincial party committee. I think Comrade Qianqian has lost official morality."

When Zhang Weizhao said the above words, he still had a smiling expression, but the words under the smile were like sharp arrows, hitting the king's chest and weakness. Jiang Qianqian's face changed greatly.

Zhang Weizhao is not a [book] or a governor, but a deputy [book] of the provincial party committee, but criticized and educated him in a condescending tone. No wonder Wang Qianqian can bear it. He and Zhang Weizhao are on an equal footing. Although Zhang Weizhao ranks higher than him, he cannot criticize

Wang Qianqian immediately retorted: "I can't accept Comrade Wei Zhao's accusation against me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was robbed by Xia: "I hope Comrade Weizhao will talk about the matter, not the matter."

"Comrade Xia is right. What I said is right, not the right thing, not the other person." Zhang Weizhao was very clear that Xia Xiang's intervention actually eased Wang Qianqian's offensive against him. He turned his head and looked at Wang Qianqian, "Comrade Qianqian, the fact that you promoted Chen Yan in violation of regulations in those years is conclusive. As a senior cadre of the party, you should have the courage to bear the mistake Today, there seems to be something wrong with Zhang Weizhao, that is, he deliberately working against Wang Qianqian. Wang Qianqian couldn't stand it and said, "Who can promote cadres to ensure that the promoted cadres will not be embezzled or bribed? According to Comrade Wei's logic, if the cadres you pull out with the premise have committed any serious problems, will you take the blame and resign?

Wang Qianqian thought that he could ask Zhang Weizhao in one sentence, but Zhang Weizhao nodded calmly: "If Chen Yan is the cadre I promoted, I will take the initiative to admit my mistake to the provincial party committee and make a profound self-criticism. If Comrade Qian can find out which cadre I promoted before has a major problem, I will not escape.

""Wang Xiangqian didn't expect that Zhang Weizhao forced him to the corner of the wall. He was speechless and had nothing to say. In officialdom, he was afraid of the people who were also cruel to him. Zhang Weizhao was serious about him by forcing himself to a dead end. He really couldn't say cruel words.

Wang was stunned, and someone relieved him. It was Liu parallel.

When the Standing Committee discussed the Chen Yan incident last time, Liu parallel did not make a statement. Xia thought that he was not clear about his position. Today, Liu parallel finally proved his tendency with practical actions.

Liu's parallel speech was very slow. Word by word, it seemed that every word had to go through careful consideration: "Although the former comrades promoted Chen Yan in those years, in the past many years, Chen Yan's subsequent transformation cannot be attributed to Comrade Qianqian. It is unreasonable and unfair. I would like to make a suggestion to give an excuse to public opinion, but not by the provincial party committee, but by the Jinyang Municipal party committee. After all, Comrade Chen Yan is a cadre of the municipal party committee..."

The disaster leads to the east, and Liu parallel's move is to make the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee take responsibility, which is equivalent to letting Zhang Ping take the blame!

Zhang Pingshao sneered.

PS: Roar, recommend tickets!