official god

Chapter 2069 Unprecedented Rise

Xia thought to order that the wind and clouds in Western Province changed color for the first time.

As a backward inland province in China, the Western Province has rarely occupied an important page in domestic news. On top of international news, it will be mentioned unless there is a major safety accident, and it is rare to appear in the future.

But since Xia wanted to be the governor, the Western Province has obviously appeared more often in the domestic and foreign media.

First of all, Xiaxiang, as the youngest governor in China, triggered discussions in domestic and foreign media. Later, the popularity passed, and the Western Province fell into silence again. The aura of Xiaxiang's youngest governor was gradually replaced by other news events.

However, the Coca-Cola incident once again attracted the attention of Chinese and foreign media in the Western Province, and made Xiaxiang become the focus again.

Some domestic local governments that have always been worshipped as gods of American enterprises rarely punish American enterprises that violate domestic laws and regulations. Even after the incident is big, it is a small thunder and a few shouts. It has never happened that the Coca-Cola Company has been directly ordered to be shut down by the provincial government like the Western Province. The major event of the production line.

You should know that Coca-Cola, like American blockbusters, is a symbol of the cultural and economic erosion of the United States around the world. Coca-Cola is not a strange carbonated drink, but a representative of American culture and a concrete manifestation of universal values in the United States. Where there is Coca-Cola, there are followers of American culture. Like KFC and McDonald's, it is a symbol of the American economy and culture that has penetrated all over the world.

I heard that the order to shut down the Coca-Cola production line came directly from the governor's mouth in an uproar in China.

In the United States, it was even more thunderous. He exclaimed that the strong young governor wanted to use American enterprises. It was the first time to show his young vitality and strong muscles to the United States!

After an hour of emergency consultation, the U.S. government decided to send the Secretary of State to China to coordinate the matter, and protested to the Chinese government that the Coca-Cola branch was forcibly shut down by the Western Province.

Shutting down the production line of a Coca-Cola branch will not have much impact on Coca-Cola's global layout, nor will it cause any heavy damage to Coca-Cola's sales, but it is of great symbolic significance. As soon as the precedent is opened, it means that the era of American enterprises are rampant in the country is gone forever.

Thinking of the situation in the South China Sea, Xia Xiang's status as the youngest governor, and Xia Xiang's future as a reserve force, Xia Xiang's move is equivalent to declaring war on all pro-American forces abroad. In order to prevent a strong figure who is not very pro-American from taking office, the United States is bound to launch all the all-round offensive against Xiangxia in China, so as not to let Xia want to come to power smoothly.

After learning about the emergency in the Western Province, the small country in the South China Sea heard that the U.S. Secretary of State was going to visit China, and couldn't help gritting his teeth at Xia. In the South China Sea, China has been disgusted for nearly a month. In addition to the empty and weak diplomatic language of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China has not made any substantive confrontational action, so it has let the small countries in the South China Sea flatter the South China Sea, thinking that China is just a paper tiger who can do it, not say anything, and dare

The country is like this, and the provinces are also immersed in making money and don't even fight with soy sauce. There is a giant dragon in the East, which is completely a plate of scattered caterpillars.

As a result..., the rich coastal provinces in the South China Sea did not move at all. The West Province, an inland province far away from the South China Sea, suddenly took a disaster and took a surprisingly accurate move, directly hitting the master's life! The small country in the South China Sea hated Xia to the bone. It firmly remembered Xia's name and realized that it was a little decisive. After all, there were still successors.

The closure of the Coca-Cola branch in the Western Province, not to mention the foreign discussion for the time being, but the domestic one is full of cheers!

Jiang Gang's attitude can't get into Xia Xiang's ears for the time being. Xia wants to clean up Jiang Gang while hitting the American face.

Face, it's really good. Although the small country in the South China Sea has not completely stopped, the American master behind the scenes can't sit still. He is anxious to visit China, which is nothing more than pressure and bargaining.

Unfortunately, Xiaxiang is not good enough to talk to the Secretary of State of the United States. If he is good enough, he will definitely make that woman return in no success.

Chen Haotian's phone was the first to call after the shutdown incident.

"The method is good. I even think that if you go to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you must be very good." Chen Haotian is very happy that Xia wants to have such a skillful promotion, which coincides with the country's foreign policy. It can be said that Xia wants to have fully understand the country's foreign policy. He is not cruel or high-profile, but he will not let go of all the interests he should get.

In fact, many people misunderstand the country's foreign policy and think that the country is too weak. In fact, the country is like a mediocre middle-aged man, with old-fashioned and good-fashioned appearance. In fact, the means behind it are very spicy and miserable.

Of course, it is also possible to admit that the country has many mistakes, such as the lack of precautions against the United States, the misjudgment of the world situation, and being too optimistic about the hostile forces, which also leads to the country going through a detour. During the period of the engineer's rule of the country, she is immersed in the Empress

It was not until the embassy was bombed that the dream of self-intoxication ended.

China needs too much of a young, ** and skillful future leader like Xia.

"If I didn't see you enough in the past, Governor Xia, from now on, I really realize that you are angry." Chen Haotian did not hesitate to praise Xia, and he was indeed determined to make up his mind. After he became a regular, he must try his best to ensure that Xia wanted to win the top smoothly during his reign.

"Outside, the unrealistic illusion of having a savior must be broken. In this way, we must break the misconception that the happiness of the people is a gift from the Party and the government, so that the country can truly move towards the road of prosperity.

Chen Haotian's phone call touched Xiaxiang a lot, not because of Chen Haotian's praise for him, but because Chen Haotian, as the first person in the political reform pilot, can say that "breaking the people's happiness is a gift of the party and the government", which is more beneficial to the people's luck than singing 10,000 red songs Blessing.

Chen Feng's call, the second one came in.

"Xia think, you are in front of everyone again. I sincerely admire you." Chen Feng sighed a lot. He really applauded Xiaxiang's action. He has always been willing to call Xia Chang's name directly. He also feels that for many years, Xiaxiang has never had no original intention. After more than ten years of ups and downs in officialdom, he can still have such a pure feelings, which is valuable. "In the Later, having you in Yan Province is a blessing for Yan Province. I hope that one day I will be gratified that the country has you, which is the blessing of the country!"

Chen Feng's words are earnest exhortations and blessings. Xia wants to think about it in his heart and said, "Secretary Chen, the country also needs a high-minded official like you."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I... I don't want to do it. In the position of governor and secretary of the provincial party committee, I sharpened my edge. In retrospect, it was still the years when I was mayor of Yan City, which was the most ** burning."

In a word, Xia wanted to return to the days when he spent several years of wind, frost, snow and rain in the city of Yan City. In a flash, more than ten years have passed. Up to now, he has grown a lot and the country has grown a lot.

He can already fight back calmly in the competition with his opponent, but the country rarely roars angrily.

And Chen Feng has indeed been grinded with many edges and corners, especially when he has been tortured several times because of his uncertain future.

"Secretary Chen, saying something you shouldn't say, in fact, whether you have entered the game or not can't deny your life's achievements. In my opinion, you are one of the few doers.

After listening to Xia's conclusion, Chen Feng's mood seemed to leak out, and he was also sure that he was facing the critical juncture of retreating or entering the National People's Congress. It is inevitable that he will suffer from gains and losses. In the situation, no one can avoid vulgarity. But there is always one person in the world who can understand his heart and comfort him, and only Xia thinks of one person.

And he knew better that Xia wanted to say a word, mostly after reviewing the situation, he came to a definite conclusion. Although he is now the secretary of the provincial party committee, on the grasp of the overall situation and the analysis of the current situation, he is far less ambitious than Xiaxiang.

Chu Province, it is impossible to have two Politburo members at the same time. First Mei Shengping, and then him, it proves that he is destined to play a supporting role. Chen Feng sighed slightly: "Whether it's me or after promotion, whoever enters the game will be your strongest backing. I hope to see a face-to-face battle with Americans in my lifetime.

After Chen Feng's phone call, Xia wanted to be quiet for a long time, and the past came to his mind together. He knew very well that Chen Feng could break through his own limitations and completely get out of the historical inertia of the fate of his previous life. It was not easy, and it was not easy for him to have achieved now after correcting However, the strong inertia of history still exists. Chen Feng entered the game, and with his cognition, there is basically no hope.

The subsequent phone call was that the forces of Xiaxiang's military came in.

Xu Guanhua, Mu Feng, Zhao Mingke and others all admire Xiaxiang's wrists, and are full of confidence that Xiaxiang can lead mortals to the peak.

After this incident, the prestige of Xiaxiang's military forces is unprecedentedly high. In the past, many of the ancient direct lines that designated Xiaxiang as the leader of Lao Gu were originally dissatisfied with Xiaxiang's youth and low status. Now he is finally convinced. He believes that if Xiaxiang won the top, he can definitely be tough to the outside world and It should have the demeanor of a great country, not the timidity of being afraid of wolves and tigers.

The problem is that if you are afraid of the wolf and the tiger, the wolf tiger will still be fierce, and will not pity you and let you go because of your weakness.

What Xia didn't expect was that in the Coca-Cola incident, he did not wait for Jiang Gang's response to the next step. He would focus on a fixed-point attack on Jiang Gang, but first waited for the call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The phone call was made by the North American Oceanian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The other party claimed to be the deputy director. The first sentence was a diplomatic rhetoric that lengthen the tone: "Gourer Xia, Sino-US relations are the most important part of China's foreign policy. Now Sino-US relations are developing well, and bilateral trade is P>

Xia wants to interrupt the other party rudely: "If you have something to say directly, it's all Chinese. Don't say that there is no wrong nonsense."

The other party was stunned. He didn't expect the dignified governor to speak so carelessly: "Guntain Xia, please cooperate with the country's foreign policy..."

The county wants to interrupt the other party coldly again: "One of your deputy directors is not qualified to talk to me. If there is a problem, let the minister call!" ( To be continued)