official god

Chapter 2070 Xia wants to be the first person

Diplomacy has always been an extension of national strength and the face of a country. Just like whether a person is well-dressed and polite, a country's diplomacy shows a country's self-confidence and mind.

There is also strength.

The so-called eating and dressing to show your family background is the same as diplomacy. How much strength and self-confidence you have, you will have more weight in the world and more words.

Just like the National Economic Conference held by the State Council, after the governors of the provinces came together, the governors of the rich provinces gathered together to point out the country, as if they had to give up who to take. The governors of poor and backward provinces can only sit in a corner, either silent, or listen to the talks of the governors of economically developed provinces, and then ask for advice with an open mind.

In fact, the same is true of the United Nations Conference. Whoever has money and strength has confidence.

There are also special cases, such as Xiaxiang.

Since Xia wanted to take office as governor, he has not participated in the national meeting of governors. But one thing can be believed is that if Xia wants to attend the governor's meeting, no one dares to underestimate him because he is the governor of a poor and backward province, not only because he is young and unmatched, but also because of what he has done in the Western Province, which is unprecedented!

Let's not talk about whether the transformation of the energy economy is successful or not, but just the closure of the Coca-Cola branch. Xia is enough to make all the governors of the country look at it with new eyes!

Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also wanted to talk about the affairs of the Western Province, so Xia wanted to go back rudely.

Will he be afraid of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Just kidding, he, who can safely get out of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs without real power, has no binding on him.

The deputy director was also enraged by Xia Xiang's stiff tone: "Gun Governor Xia, I will report to the State Council your attitude of not cooperating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs..."

Be polite to foreign countries and tough to China, which is in line with the fine traditions of some Chinese people. Xia Xiang would not be polite to the other party: "Your call itself is a mistake. I will call Minister Li directly and protest against the interference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the internal affairs of the Western Province."

"..." The other party was so shocked by Xia Nian that he couldn't say a word. He had never seen such a strong governor.

Yes, this is the youngest governor in China.


Xia wants to say that he will not take the initiative to make a phone call with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although the foreign minister is a Beijing official, he doesn't have to look at him. Even if the minister calls in person, he has to have time to answer.

The most important thing for him now is to continue to ferment the Coca-Cola incident. While the U.S. Secretary of State visits, the oppressing arrogant Coca-Cola must bow its head. Otherwise, the indefinite shutdown will not hesitate.

After Xia wanted to move and ordered the closure of the Coca-Cola West Province branch, the arrogant general manager of the West Province branch finally panicked. Through Tang Tianyun, he released his goodwill and proposed to report to the governor and ask the governor to give foreign-funded enterprises the supernational treatment they deserve.

The branch manager is Chinese and puts on the face of a foreign slave. It's strange that Xia wants to see him. But it's a senior worker in a multinational company. Do you still want to see the governor? What kind of cat and dog can be seen by the governor?

Xia wanted to immediately refused the other party and asked Tang Tianyun to hint and put forward three requirements, one is a public apology from the Coca-Cola company, and the other is to recall the full batch of products and give some consumers a certain degree of compensation. How to deal with this in the United States, and how to deal with it in the Western Province. The third is to thoroughly investigate the source of pollution, investigate the cause of the accident clearly, and report it to the quality supervision department.

The above three points can't meet the requirements. Sorry, I can't start work.

Tang Tianyun conveyed the spirit of Xiaxiang's instructions to Ma Huaiming. Ma Huaiming understood the governor's intention and instructed the environmental protection department and the quality supervision department to strictly enforce the law and never be soft.

After the closure of the Coca-Cola branch, the quality supervision department issued another million fines, which triggered a series of exclamations from the domestic media and was stunned by the toughness of the Western Province.

The propaganda department of the Western Province has also made full efforts to publicize the practice of deliberately delaying and not reporting Coca-Cola, deliberately destroying relevant evidence, only exchanging goods and returning goods without recalling, pointing out that as a multinational enterprise, Coca-Cola has always claimed that the core of the values it adhere to in China is sincere cooperation and quality, and has always The only global standard of implementation, claiming to be the same quality is its long-standing tradition in 206 countries around the world.

But what happened recently in the Western Province does not reflect the values and code of conduct of the Coca-Cola company, and the handling of problems in the domestic market is not as timely and sincere as the problems in the American market. We can't help but ask that Coca-Cola is an international, standardized and century-old reputation. Is it an enterprise?

The Western provincial media cooperated with the strong questioning of the provincial government's actions, which made a deafening voice, triggered the upsurge of hype in the domestic media, and also triggered a wave of discussion among the foreign media. Not only is it because the West Province publicly challenged American companies for the first time and proposed to deal with the problem in accordance with U.S. standards, but also intends to expand the matter during the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State. The officialdom in China is that once an American official visits, the domestic news must be full of singing and dancing, but the West His tough stance is extremely shocking.

is equivalent to directly hitting the U.S. Secretary of State in the face!

The United States was angry, and the Secretary of State protested directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding that the Western Province stop agitation of nationalist ideas. Otherwise, the United States reserves the right to take further action.

Xia wanted to continue to suppress the Coca-Cola Company, won the support of young provincial and ministerial-level senior officials from various provinces in China, or called to express praise, or held an internal meeting to express approval.

Of course, there are also many voices of opposition. Many senior provincial and ministerial officials believe that Xia should not challenge the bottom line of the United States. At least a hundred years later, China dares to stand up in front of the United States and speak loudly. There are also the Shuhe faction or the surrender faction who privately accused Xia of wanting to fool around, which really angered the United States. If the United States is furious, China should not beg for mercy as soon as possible?

The incident of severely punishing Coca-Cola companies in the Western Province not only triggered a clear opposition in the domestic political situation, but also triggered an unprecedented discussion in the army.

The young strong faction of the main battle believes that Governor Xia's move is very gratifying. It is the first province in China in the past hundred years to say no to multinational companies - in fact, it is equivalent to the United States - which shows that the provincial and ministerial leaders of China's new generation are more intelligent, more confident, and more temperate, It's no longer a cowardly wrist that likes to play and sing, but a sonorous man who wants to be unambiguous!

And the surrender faction of the Lord believed that Xia thought was playing with fire. China's current economic strength and military strength are not enough to challenge the authority of the United States. In fact, the subtext is that it is afraid of launching an economic or military war with the United States. In case the United States freezes all their possessions in the United States, including property, wives and children, the communist cause they have fought for all their lives. It's a waste of time - fight with the United States, and stop it quickly, so that everyone has face.

The two factions in the army did not give in to each other and argued endlessly, and even some officers in some military regions almost fought because of the discord. Those who support Xia Xiang and those who oppose Xia Xiang are automatically divided into two camps, hostile to each other and attacking each other, almost rising to the point of drawing guns.

Xia wants to rise rapidly in his prestige in the army. At the same time, the opposition forces against him are also united as never before.

Xia thought did not expect that his one-time suppression of Coca-Cola would make him the focus of the two factions that supported and opposed the local and military, forming an unprecedented united camp. More than that, the domestic news media was also divided into two factions, one supporting Xiaxiang and the other accusing Xiaxiang.

There are also some experts with a fair position and noble conduct who can't wait to jump out and talk on TV. The above five hundred years of knowledge, five hundred years of wisdom like Sister Feng's comments on what Xia wants to do, pointing out that China should not be easily deceived, don't always feel that you are strong, don't recognize To dare to challenge the United States is to be tough. Tough is not on the surface, but after the overall strength is reached, you will naturally stand up straight.

Experts have repeatedly stressed that don't be fooled and don't fire the first shot.

Xia thought didn't want to express his views on the arguments in the local, military and news media, but when he saw well-dressed experts demagogic and boastful on TV, he finally couldn't help commenting: "Patients with rickets with rickets can't sit 10 billion yuan under their buttocks! A traitor who is willing to be a lackey of foreign forces without telling his conscience, your ancestors have lived and stood behind you for 18 generations, and there is only one American father in your eyes!"

If some people hear Xia's comments, they will definitely be so angry that they will vomit blood.

However, even if he was so angry that he vomited blood and died, Xiaxiang would not sympathize with him. Many experts who put on makeup and hid their original intentions, were single-minded to work for foreign forces, but under the guise of fighting for the country and the people, it was a sheep in wolf's clothing,


After Xia wanted to use Ma Huaiming to express his firm position to the Coca-Cola branch, the Coca-Cola branch was still arrogant, did not respond to the official request, and did not take any action, and was unexpectedly silent.

It should be a small move behind the back. Face to face, one behind the back is an American trick.

Sure enough, Xia guessed right - he did not take the initiative to call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs afterwards. Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called again. This time, it was indeed the minister's personal appearance.

Minister Li first said a few words, much more polite than the deputy director last time, and then changed his words: "Gournall Xia, the U.S. Secretary of State protested to the State Department, and at the same time, he made a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, thinking of a visit to the Western Province..."

Want to come to the Western Province to put pressure in person? Sometimes, diplomatic activities are a competition of will between countries, not only strength, but also patience and morale. Xia thought for a moment and answered a sentence that surprised Minister Li.

"Recently, there have been a lot of affairs in the Western Province, and Comrade Zhixue is in the capital again. I'm just going to inspect a project. I'm sorry, it's inconvenient to receive the Secretary of State's visit!"

At this stage, the whole country dares to say no to the U.S. Secretary of State at the level of governor, and Xia wants to be the first person! RO