official god

Chapter 2114 is to set a precedent

Cao Shuyu has been in Jinyang for a while, accompanying Xiaxiang, giving her a good feeling of reappearing in the past.

From the first acquaintance with Xia Xiang to marrying him, to today, more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. She has been with him and has never been estranged, and the couple's life for many years has also developed a tacit understanding of one eye and one action.

Marrying Xiaxiang, Cao Shuyu feels happiness and satisfaction. If she chooses again, she will still fall in love with Xiaxiang when he is penniless.

A woman with vision will not choose to marry a man who has become famous. Behind any successful man, she has experienced the training of countless women. She will not enjoy the man chosen by other women. She wants her man to succeed step by step under her warmth and comfort.

A good woman should be her own man and a child, give him strength, give him hope, grow up with the glory of his motherhood, comfort his heart when he is frustrated, accompany him to laugh at the wind and clouds when he is proud, and then manage marriage and feelings with him, and then slowly grow old together.

If a woman thinks that she can omit the unforgettable years she spent together at the beginning, it is a happy thing to directly find a man who has everything. In fact, she is wrong, a big mistake. The man who has become famous has not experienced difficult years with you, and has not had an unforgettable love with you. The marriage building based on glitz and material is not solid.

A man who has become famous cares about your beauty and body. Beauty can be used as a bottle, and the body can be used as a fertility tool. What you are interested in is his wealth and status, which can ensure that you can live a worry-free life, and your status can give you the scenery in front of others.

But you can't be the only one in his heart. For him, you just need to pay money instead of love and time.

Xia wants to be the governor of a senior official now. Maybe one day she will become a high-profile figure. No matter where Xia wants to go, Cao Shuyu's feeling about Xiaxiang will not change. She knows that Xiaxiang will always be the man she loves most in this life, and she is also the only wife in Xiaxiang's mind.

Cao Shuyu knows that Xiaxiang is always surrounded by beautiful women, but she doesn't want to be jealous or jealous. It's not that she is generous enough to tolerate Xia Xiang hugging left and right, but that she believes that Xia Xiang is a self-disciplined person with principles and a bottom line. She will not mess up, let alone lose his way, and he will eventually return to her side.

She believes that even if Xia can fly to the sky, his main line will be held by her. Never get rid of it.

It feels good to accompany him from a seedling to a towering tree in front of him. While cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, Cao Shuqi looked at Xia Xiang and heard Xia Xiang talking to Ji Rulan. She also knew the entanglement between Ji Rulan and Xiaxiang, and didn't think much about it. Knowing that Xiaxiang and Ji Rulan must be talking about business.

Xia Xiang's happiness lies in having a virtuous wife.

According to the relevant statistics of the authoritative roadside community, more than 80% of senior officials over the age of 40 in China are in a nominal marriage state with their wives - neither divorces - the remaining 20%, and the relationship with their wives is not harmonious, either mutual suspicion or political marriage. As Xia thought, there have always been provincial and ministerial-level senior officials with a happy family life. It can't be said that there are few, but few.

Of course, the above statistics are from the roadside club. It is neither authoritative nor scientific, it is just a joke.

But then again, countless fallen officials, no matter the level of their positions, no matter where they come from. Most of them have one thing in common - having a greedy wife.

Once a woman is indulgent, it is more terrible than a man. If you make a statistic about how many corrupt officials have fallen because of their wives' wealth. The data must be shocking.

Cao Shuqi has nothing to do with money, as long as it's enough. I'm not vain, and I don't like to go to parties. Do some boring things with other high-ranking official wives to fight for her husband's wealth. She just keeps her own mind, teaches her husband and children, and be a quiet little wife and mother.

In the early years, Cao Shuqi also ran the company, and later transferred it to Blue Socks, and he no longer handled business at all. Now she is as clean as a blank piece of paper, but she is just thinking about how to have a good appetite, how to educate her son to study hard, and how to grow up slowly with two men of all sizes.

It is also because of Cao Shuyu's indifferent nature that Xiaxiang has always been stable in his backyard, so that he can feel at ease in his career without worries, and devote all his energy to the political concept of realizing the real rich country and strong people.


Ji Rulan's voice was slightly anxious: "Are you... convenient to answer the phone? She..."

After all, she is a southern woman with a delicate mind. Xia wanted to say, "It's okay. If you have something to do, just say it."

"Chen Yan may really be missing..." Ji Rulan said urgently, "As soon as the mine accident happened, she disappeared. I thought she went to the Tang dance hall to dance. Unexpectedly, she couldn't get through. It's been almost ten hours now, and she still hasn't heard from her at all. In recent days, for the reorganization of geoelectricity in the Western Province, she met with me every day to discuss things..."

Chen Yan's recent appearance rate in front of Xia Xiang is quite high. First, Wang Qianqian, and now Ji Rulan. After all, she is the first sister of Jinyang, and her influence is really extraordinary.

After thinking about it, Xia thought and said, "Okay, I know. I'll arrange someone to investigate. You also continue to contact Chen Yan, and you should pay attention to safety when you are young. It may not be peaceful recently.

"I'm fine. Since the last Huā Wuque incident, there has been protection around me. I have to remind them first... Leave it alone. If I'm here, I'll protect them."

Among several people, Ji Rulan is the eldest, and she is regarded as the sister of several people.

After finishing her business, Ji Rulan said in a low voice, "There are so many women around you. Will she be jealous? Will you ask a question? Also, does she know me? Do you know what's going on between me and you?

Ji Rulan is the first woman around Xiaxiang to be extremely interested in Cao Shuyu and keep asking questions. Others, including the most careful Yan Xiao, rarely mention Cao Shuyu in front of Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to laugh hoarsely. Women are really different from women. Ji Rulan doesn't know why she is so interested in Cao Shuqi. Is it because she just came to Jinyang and Cao Shuqi accompanied him in time?

"Don't think about it." Xia wanted to gently comfort Ji Rulan, "It's important to get down to work quickly."

"Hmm." Ji Rulan answered obediently. When she was about to put the phone, she suddenly bit her tongue and said a naughty word, "Will you be distracted by other people's women when you are with her at night?"

Xia is speechless. Does Ji Rulan also have bad times?

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your love words..." I don't know when Cao Shuqi came behind Xia Xiang and said with a smile, "I'm here to tell you that your son misses you and ask you to call him back."

Xia wanted to be stubborn: "What kind of love words? Nonsense! Nonsense!"

"If it's not, it's not. What do you feel guilty about?" Cao Shuyu stuck out his tongue and said, "You are within ten feet of me now. You are my husband. No matter what you think, you can't escape my eyes and my ears. It's just that I love you and tolerate you."

Xia wanted to hold Cao Shuyu in his arms and said gently, "Old husband and wife, don't be so... numb, okay?"

"I'll hit you!" Cao Shuyu was ready to fight. Xia wanted to laugh and turned to the study to talk to his son.

After a few words with his son, he remembered something. He turned on the computer, said a few words to Lian Ruohan, cared about Lian Xia's growth, and asked his daughter about his recent situation. He was relieved to learn that Lianxia was all right, and his daughter was full of food and slept soundly.

The governor should care about the suffering of all the people and his own children. Xia wants to be ashamed. Recently, he not only doesn't care enough about Xia Dong, but also very little about Lian Xia and his daughter, let alone Mei Ting and Xiao Xia.

It's okay if you don't want to. When you think about it, you will be more concerned about the ancient jade far away in Europe.

Gu Yu is now a small town in Europe. The sky is far away, and the sky is blue and the earth is green. It is a paradise almost isolated from the world without the hustle and bustle of the world.

Ancient jade cultivates self-cultivation, rests the body and mind, walks, surfs the Internet every day, and then collects some jade. Perhaps it was the aura of the ancient jade and the closeness to the jade that made her whole body full of vitality, like a psychic jade.

There is reason to believe that the life conceived by ancient jade must be a person with great wisdom and great foundation.

Gu Yu was not online, so Xia wanted to leave a few messages. After thinking about it, he left a few words for Xiao Jia and Mei Xiaolin respectively, telling them to take good care of themselves, take good care of the children, and so on. A few words showed the affection of a father.

The next morning, news came from the scene of emergency rescue and disaster relief. According to the preliminary identification by the forensic doctor, several bodies were fragmented at the scene, two of which died for more than three days, that is to say, they were already dead at the time of the explosion.

The other two bodies have been identified as newly dead, that is to say, the living person was killed alive!

The news is still blocked for the time being, but Xia Xiang and Wang Qianqian learned the news at the first time, and then Lei Zhixue also learned the truth.

Xia thought for a moment and immediately decided, "Ma Yu, arrange to hold the second press conference of the Anda mining accident immediately."

Wang Qianqian was shocked: "Gun Governor Xia, the matter of the dead and the living cannot be announced to the public. As soon as it is announced, it will cause serious consequences and smear the face of the Western Province."

Xia wants to look pale: "Everything has been done, are you still afraid of making it public? How serious can the consequences be, no matter how serious it is, it will be more serious than human life? The Western Province should be the first precedent to announce the progress of the handling of mining accidents in the whole process!"

Wang almost sat on the ground. Governor Xia really wanted to announce the truth that the miners who died in the mine were originally dead, which was definitely an earth-shaking event in China!