official god

Chapter 2115 Deviation

Lei Zhixue, who is holding tripartite talks with the Western Provincial Power and the State Grid. He has just implicitly mentioned that the provincial party committee and the provincial government's merger of the State Grid with the Western Provincial Power Grid has no objection in principle. The provincial government is studying a number of details, and I believe that detailed rules will be issued soon.

Before he could have a harmonious atmosphere and further in-depth conversation, the news about Xia's want to hold a press conference again reached his ears, which immediately made him not mention it in his breath, and almost sprayed Chen Hao with a mouthful of tea he had just drunk.

"When?" Lei Zhixue's dissatisfaction with Xia's thinking is to the extreme. What's the matter? Xia's thinking is not out of the starting point of solving the problem, but to fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"The notice of the Provincial Government Information Office is to hold a press conference within two hours. I know that a small time has passed, and now the reporters are almost here." Chen Hao still learned the news from Wang Qianqian. Before that, the provincial government blocked the news to death. After the notice was issued, Ma Yu informed the provincial party committee.

Obviously, there is a time difference.

Chen Hao was also extremely dissatisfied with Xia Xiang's behavior. The governor did not ask the secretary to report anything. Xia Xiang, the governor, should be really arrogant! It is clear that he doesn't pay attention to Lei Zhixue, and even let him see Tang Tianyun. He is the second secretary of the provincial party committee, and he is as virtuous as the secretary of the provincial party committee every day.

In fact, Tang Tianyun has a good reputation in the provincial party committee. He is low-key and easy-going. He is neither arrogant nor easy to talk. He is more popular than Chen Hao.

After receiving Wang Qianqian's notice, Chen Hao was shocked and immediately understood Xia Xiang's intention. He deliberately delayed it for an hour to let the provincial party committee know. It was Xia Xiang who deliberately challenged the authority of the secretary of the provincial party committee and expressed his implicit dissatisfaction with Secretary Lei's position on the annexation of the State Grid and the western province

That is to say, Chen Hao's things are not what Tao Xia thinks. In fact, how can things be so complicated? After Xia Xiang made the decision to hold a press conference, he asked Wang Qianqian to inform the provincial party committee as soon as possible. Wang Qianqian deliberately suppressed it for an hour. It was he who obstructed him and wanted to pick out the relationship between Xia Xiang and Lei Zhixue, so as to make a profit from it.

Wang Qianqian was afraid. Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he was still scared by the strength of Xia Xiang to deal with the mine disaster. Xia Xiang's style was not only vigorous, but also drastic. I'm afraid that he would not only find Jiang Gang in the end. In case he was implicated, then he took If you put forward the so-called four suggestions, won't you move a stone and hit yourself in the foot?

Xia thought that he could not cross the river and dismantle the bridge. At least he maintained a high degree of consistency with him in the mine accident, which was also based on the fair starting point of solving the problem and for the overall situation.

In an hour after pressing the press conference, Wang Xiangqian thought a lot. He didn't think Xia would have the intention to blame him for the mining accident. If the truth of the mining accident is revealed, it is not a mining accident, but a criminal case. The provincial party committee and the provincial government do not have to bear the responsibility of leadership. They only need to find a scapegoat to take the crime.

He also thought about who would be the scapegoat. He just took Liu Lu, the former vice president of Anda Mining Co., Ltd., who was dismissed after the reorganization. Liu Lu was easy to buy, and he also had a handle in his hands. He was not afraid that Liu Lu would disobey.

In this way, not only is he safe and sound, but Xiaxiang will not be implicated, and even Jiang Gang, the originator, can escape the disaster.

Although he knew that it was not a wise move to contact Jiang Gang now, Wang thought about it and still had a phone call with Jiang Gang. He was very dissatisfied with Jiang Gang's use of living people to create a mine disaster. It was also a life-threatening change that forced him to turn to support Xiaxiang.

Jiang Gang's phone was connected as soon as he called.

Wang Qianqian's voice was more than three points less than four points of accusation: "Jiang Gang, I've played too much..."

"Gourer Wang..." Jiang Gang lengthen his tone and expressed his strong dissatisfaction with Wang Qianqian. "I don't understand what you're talking about. I reflect on my mistakes at home. I have to work hard to be a law-abiding citizen, and I don't go out to play at all."

Wang Qianqian smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, there are some things that can't keep up with the changes. I can't help it. Don't be angry." He and Jiang Gang have known each other for many years, and they are good friends. Sometimes the gap in level can't be discussed in the opinion of ordinary people. "I found the body of the old Qiantou at the scene."

"..." Jiang Gang, who was silent at the end of the phone for a full minute, then asked, "There's something wrong. Move forward. What do you think you should do?"

Dare Jiang Gang is also afraid of the three tiger-like daughters-in-law of the old money head? Wang Qianqian wanted to laugh but didn't laugh. He heard that Jiang Gang no longer called his name for many years, but today he blurted out. He knew that Jiang Gang was in a panic.

The mine accident was planned to dig a deep pit for Xia. As a result, he didn't expect that when the pit was dug, it collapsed and his own people were buried. Jiang Gang was really panicked. He had been sitting at home waiting for good news. Unexpectedly, he first waited for the unfavorable news that Xia wanted to hold a press conference

How can it be a mess? Jiang Gang was so confused that he stood up and sat down, restless.

Wang Qianqian was also silent for a moment: "The most urgent thing is to find a scapegoat. Governor Xia is about to announce the truth that there are dead people under the mine. Next, I'm afraid that large-scale excavation equipment will be dispatched to dig directly. If we take into account the living people below, it will be difficult to carry out the rescue work. But if it's all dead, it's much easier. With an order, it was dug up in half a day.

Jiang Gang deserves to be a fox friend and dog friend of Wang Qianqian for many years, and he suddenly thought of it: "Liu Lu?"

"It's up to you to do the work of Liu Lu. I have to accompany Governor Xia all the time, so that I can master the first-hand information as soon as possible." When Wang Qianqian was about to put down the phone, he remembered something again, " By the way, why didn't Chen Yan move?"

At the mention of Chen Yan, Jiang Gang's eyelids jumped involuntarily. Fortunately, Wang Qianqian couldn't see it. After a moment's hesitation, he still said, "I don't know her. I'm not in the mood to pay attention to her now."

Wang Qianqian believed it. Seeing that time was running out, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Wang Qianqian informed the provincial party committee an hour later. It was a time difference that he calmly completed his own layout, and indirectly created a gap between Xia Xiang and Lei Zhixue. It should be said that his plan is perfect and almost impeccable.

And in terms of how to deal with the aftermath of the mine accident, Wang Qianqian also believes that the arrangement is seamless, which can not only protect him, but also let Jiang Gang not be dragged into the mud. No matter how strong Xia Xiang is, how fast the knife is, in the end, the knife will only cut down a few.

But what Wang Xiangqian never expected was that Jiang Gang told him a lie, which was a small lie that Jiang Gang thought was insignificant and had nothing to do with the overall situation, which eventually led to an unpredictable deviation in the incident.

The deviation is so great that many people sigh for it.

Chen Yan's disappearance is indeed related to Jiang Gang. While Jiang Gang was talking to Wang Qianqian, Chen Yan was next door and was civilizedly put under house arrest in the room by Jiang Gang.

The second press conference was held as scheduled, and the conference room was full. Countless reporters were looking forward to the appearance of summer.

At the last press conference, Xiaxiang's unique style opened the eyes of countless reporters. Ninety percent of the reporters had an unprecedented interest in the young governor. After the first press conference, the news reports about the mining accident were overwhelming, but most of them insisted on justice and only reported The mining disaster itself has not been extended to the reorganization of Anda Mining, let alone splashing dirty water on the energy-based economic transformation of the Western Province. It can be said that it is the most rational and objective report on the mining disaster in recent years.

At the same time, most of the news media praised Xiaxiang's enlightenment and the active approach of communicating with the news media. Many reporters used words such as "enlightenment", "self-confidence", "dainity" and "demeanor" to describe Xiaxiang, and praised Xiaxiang as the first provincial and ministerial senior official in China who dared

Throughout the practice of concealing and underreporting reports of mining disasters in various places, and delaying reports, it was really impossible to wrap the fire in the paper before it was poked out by the news media. Looking around, it was all negative news. Xia wanted to take the initiative and hold a press conference as soon as possible, which was indeed a shocking move. But it must also be admitted that Xia wants to succeed, and it is also a great success.

As soon as the notice of the second press conference was released, all reporters immediately put down their work and came as soon as possible, competing to see Governor Xia's demeanor again than to pay more attention to the mining accident itself.

But after all the reporters arrived, the appointed time was also up, but Governor Xia did not show up for a long time.

Is Governor Xia late?

The reporters looked at each other in consterient. What happened? Why would Governor Xia be late?

What did Xia come up with? It's not a big deal, but it's not a small matter. He was hindered by Lei Zhixue at the moment of the meeting.

When Xia was about to go out, he looked up and found that Lei Zhixue pushed the door in with firm steps. He knew that Lei Zhixue was not a good comer.

Sure enough, as soon as Lei Zhixue entered the door, he said, "Comrade Xiaxiang, today's press conference cannot be held."

Xia thought, "Oh" and said, "Comrade Zhixue, what's wrong?"

"Nothing happened. I don't think there is any need to inform the news media about the progress of the situation before the mining accident is fully clarified. It is easy to cause panic among the masses, and it is easy for the outside world to misunderstand the serious attitude of the provincial party committee and the provincial government towards the mining accident."

"I don't agree with Comrade Zhixue." Facing the strong pressure of Lei Zhixue, Xia said softly, "Communication will not be misread by the outside world. In addition, the truth of the mine accident has been preliminarily found out. Today's press conference is imperative."

"What if I object to the convening?" Lei Zhixue put on the authority of a leader in front of Xiaxiang for the first time, trying to forcibly suppress Xiaxiang to bow his head.

Xia Xiang was slightly stunned and seemed to hesitate. Under the pressure of Lei Zhixue, he was silent for a moment, and then looked up and said, "Comrade Zhixue, you are the monitor, I respect your decision, Xian..."

PS: It's the end of May. Please vote for all the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you.