official god

Chapter 2116 The real intention to add fuel

Xiaxiang was ten minutes late for the scheduled time.

When Xiaxiang's figure appeared at the door, the already chaotic venue suddenly calmed down, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

Xia wanted to be as always, with a calm face and a smile on his face. He rushed to the reporter present and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late. If you are late without asking the reason, you should be punished.

The meteor came to the stage. Xia wanted to take up the teacup and drink it all: "Just borrow wine with tea and punish one glass of wine."

The reporters burst into laughter and warmly applauded Governor Xia's funny opening remarks.

"Today's press conference, I would like to inform you of the progress of the mine accident. It was initially found that the mine accident was a premeditated and organized man-made accident of a very bad nature. Now the public security organ has intervened in the investigation to find out the truth as soon as possible and give the public an account.

As soon as Xia thought about it, the venue was full of exclamations.

Before the exclamation fell, Xia thought said bluntly, "The bodies of several victims found at the scene were identified by forensic doctors. Two people were killed on the spot, and the other two were bodies that had been dead for many days...", "Ah",..."

"What's going on?"

"I want to ask a question, please ask the governor for approval."

"Mining accidents have become criminal cases, big news."

The reporters under the stage were in a mess and talked a lot. Some bold reporters stood up, raised their hands high, and asked to speak.

Xia wanted to press his hands: "Please be quiet. I would like to add the fact that large-scale equipment will be used for excavation work tomorrow. It is preliminarily found that the miners killed in the mine have no chance of survive. It is emphasized that it is not to rescue the miners who were killed in distress, but according to reliable information, many miners in the mine may have been transported to the mine and deliberately used to cause accidents!

"Buzz..." The venue was in a mess. The reporters present traveled south and north, which can be said to be very knowledgeable, but it is the first time to hear such a terrible thing, and it was said by the governor himself. It is definitely a first-class event in China.

It is definitely an earth-shaking event and big news.

"Gunch Minister Xia, what is the motive and purpose of using many corpses to create a mine accident?" A reporter couldn't help but ask for instructions, so he stood up and asked questions.

A female reporter was so arrogant that she squeezed directly to the front, stretched out the microphone and asked Xia, "Gend Governor Xia, have you found out who manipulated everything behind the scenes? Do you want to discredit the energy-based economic transformation of Western Province by creating mining accidents?

The two foreign reporters who attended the press conference for the second time saw the situation and knew that no matter how civilized it was, they could not ask anything. They relied on their strength to separate the crowd and rushed to the front. Xiang Xia wanted to ask: "Guntain, I'm a reporter from the United States. Have you found out who caused the app ?"

As for everyone's questions, Xia thought did not answer any questions. He waved his hand and turned away: "The truth will be announced at the next press conference. Thank you for coming. I'll go first." Only leave a memorable back for everyone.

Lei Zhixue's face was as heavy as water, and he sulked in the office.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect Xia to dare to contradict him directly. He not only refuted his face, but also let his authority sweep the floor, and the dignity of the leader was ruthlessly trampled on by Xia.

Of course, Xia Xiang will not agree with Lei Zhixue's statement that he trampled on the dignity of the leader. He just argued with reason and explained his reason to Lei Zhixue calmly and honestly: "Comrade Zhixue, you are the monitor, I respect your decision, but the press conference is the collective decision of the government team The results of the discussion have been discussed, and the reporter has been notified to the meeting. If it is not held on time, it will make the government lose credibility, the success of the first press conference will be abandoned, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government will fall into a very passive situation.

Xia wants to say it euphemistically. In fact, it still strongly implies Lei Zhixue. The press conference is the internal affairs of the government team, a collective decision of one governor and two deputy governors of the government team. If Lei Zhixue forcibly interferes in administrative affairs as the secretary of the provincial party committee, then well, the government will He was pushed to the provincial party committee.

Lei Zhixue is the secretary of the provincial party committee again, and he dares not offend the top three figures of the government team with the power of one person. Although the government team, together with Xia Xiang, has a total of eight governors, in fact, the most powerful people are Xia Xiang, Wang Qianqian and Feng Jianchao, because all three of them are members of the Standing Committee.

The provincial party secretary is a leader who can interfere in any affairs of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, but then again, the leader even intervenes in the press conference hosted by the provincial government, which is a sign of unreasonable trouble.

However, Lei Zhixue had to prevent Xia from holding a press conference. The content that Xia wants to announce may not set off a big wave in China.

Being pushed back by Xiaxiang, Lei Zhixue could only compromise. If it were another governor, he would continue to be tough to the end, but the person in front of him was Xiaxiang, the core figure of the family power that made him very afraid.

"Comrade Xiaxiang, the press conference can be held. I hope you don't mention that the victims of the mine accident are dead." Lei Zhixue's tone was much more euphemistic and gave in.

Lei Zhixue thought that Xia thought that he would consider his suggestion more or less. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that without any hesitation, he said directly, "Comrade Zhixue, the minutes of today's press conference have been passed to the reporters at the meeting. There is no way to change it, and I also think there is no need to change it. ..."

Lei Zhixue was almost angry and scolded people. Xia wanted to talk about the traditional principle of the party in front of him. He really had a way. Obviously, it was to fool him. He said extremely unhappily, "If the situation is so noisy that it can't end, if the mining disaster in the western province affects the stability of Can you afford it?"

"No matter how far things go, I will be responsible to the end. I will live up to the trust of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and I will live up to the trust of all the people in the Western Province!" Xia thought that he was sonorous and powerful. In the face of the heavy pressure of Lei Zhixue, he did not give up.

The quarrel between Xiaxiang and Lei Zhixue spread from the office to the corridor. Many people in the provincial party committee were shocked when they heard it.

It is normal for the governor to have differences with the secretary of the provincial party committee, which is the case in any province. There is an intersection of power between one or two leaders, and it is inevitable that there will be disagreements.

It is also common for the governor to argue with the secretary of the provincial party committee, especially when the governor is young and tough in the background. However, there are not many quarrels between the governor and the secretary of the provincial party committee. At the provincial and ministerial level, if there are conflicts, they will be solved behind the scenes. They will not be put on the

To be fair, today's tricks of Xia Xiang and Lei Zhi are at most an argument, not a quarrel. Their voices are not too big, and they are not red-faced, but the provincial party committee is a courtyard for everyone. If the voice is a little loud, it will fall into the ears of people with intentions.

Many people are secretly worried that the contradiction between the first and second leaders is really going to be put on the table. How will the work of the provincial party committee and the provincial government be carried out in the future? Xia thought so. As a governor, he should respect the authority of the secretary of the provincial party committee. When the secretary opened his mouth, the governor obeyed unconditionally.

Some people are also very dissatisfied with Lei Zhixue. The provincial government held a press conference. As a leader, he has to ask. Does Secretary Lei really have nothing to do? The secretary of the provincial party committee is the leader who presides over the overall work, but don't stretch your hands too long, and abide by the rules of the officialdom. If the secretary of the provincial party committee intervenes, what else does the governor and deputy secretary of the provincial party committee do?

In the provincial party committee, the debate between Xiaxiang and Lei Zhixue is divided into two factions, each with its own position and half-hearted.

In the end, Lei Zhixue brushed his sleeves and left. Xia thought that it was only ten minutes later than the original time, but still held a press conference. Moreover, none of the news to be announced was left behind, and all of it was disclosed.

is equivalent to saying that Xia Xiang stood firm in the most fierce confrontation with Lei Zhixue and did not succumb to the authority of Lei Zhixue!

As expected, as soon as the press conference was over, all the reporters at the meeting immediately couldn't wait to release the latest news of the mining disaster in the Western Province. The news was so amazing that it could be described as shocking.

Not only did the mine accident turn into a shocking criminal case, but also because the news came from the governor's mouth, not announced by the public security department, and the political implications are very intriguing. The most important thing is that Xiaxiang's bold and open style has narrowed the distance between the government and the news media. It is the practice of government departments to only speak official words but not to tell the truth. With the respect of the governor, it is necessary to report the progress of every step of the accident face-to-face with reporters, which should be a new atmosphere That night, the Internet took the lead in reporting the recent progress of the mining accident in the Western Province, which suddenly stirred up a thousand waves and detonated the Internet.

The next morning, major morning newspapers and daily newspapers also published the content of the press conference, accompanied by photos of Xiaxiang, eye-catching titles, eye-catching photos, front-page headlines!

Even the two foreign reporters who were at the meeting rushed to the manuscript overnight. After sending it back to the headquarters, the headquarters immediately withdrew the original manuscript, typeset it, and immediately sent the news of Xiaxiang.

By noon, the content of the press conference had spread to major newspapers and websites in China, and even Xiaxiang did not expect the radiation and explosive effects.

The whole public opinion is boiling.

After learning the truth, the people who did not know the truth were angry. They all accused the behind-the-scenes black hands who caused the mine disaster of being conscienceless and the animals were not as good as animals. Countless netizens left messages one after another, demanding that the Western Province severely punish the real culprit behind the scenes .

In the afternoon, countless evening newspapers reprinted the news one after another, triggering a second wave. The mining disaster in the West Province has successfully escalated from a local event to a national event, and has also aroused extensive discussion around the world.

With the help of the outside world, the handling of the mine accident has also officially entered the second stage. The large excavator has entered the site and started the excavation work... (To be continued)