official god

Chapter 2120 Wrong Road

The scene was a mess.

The terrible destructive power caused by landslides can be seen everywhere. At least a few hundred square meters of road surface collapsed, which not only destroyed the original site, but also buried the first batch of exhumed bodies.

Even the big pit that collapsed was still gubbing out of the water.

Xia was very angry: "What's going on? Who is responsible for the excavation work? How could it be like this?"

Wang Qianqian was frightened by Xia Xiang's thunder, and then secretly scolded himself for being unfailing. Even Lei Zhixue slapped the table, he was not so scared. What's more, Xia Xiang, who was a teenager younger than him, but he was scared enough by Xia Xiang. Is it because there was a ghost

"Gourtendent Xia, we can't blame the inability of the excavation work. It is mainly because of the instability of the lower strata that caused the second landslides. It may be that the power of the two explosions destroyed the strata and put the strata at a very fragile critical point. I don't know when it was touched..."

In the past, Wang Qianqian would not have been so patient and kind to excuse the excavators, but today he has to excuse them. The reason is self-evident.

Making such a big landslide, Wang Qianqian is not an immortal. He can succeed with just a big wave of his hand. Even if he is a national leader, he is an ordinary person with both hands and feet. Any big event done by a big man must be carried out by countless little people as the specific implementers.

Wang Qianqian has been in the West Province for many years, and his influence on the people below is so great that Xia Xiang still can't compare with it.

As for how Wang Qianqian conveyed his ideas, how people understand and implement it, and how to let the workers do it, it is unknown. In fact, even if you know it, it's nothing, but it's just an old-fashioned method of coercion and temptation.

Xia wants to stand on the edge of the landslide, only one step away from the mud under her feet, and her heart is rolling. He knew in his heart that someone could not dig a pit to bury him, and he wanted to destroy the body and bury the evidence of his crime!

Based on his experience, he inferred that the landslide was covered with mud and sand. It's almost a quagmire. If you want to clean it up completely, I'm afraid a week is not enough. One week? The people below must be rotten. I don't know if it can be inferred from the current technology that the deceased died seven days ago or two weeks ago?

Whether it can be or not, Xia wants to know it. Wang Qianqian won, or Jiang Gang won.

Xia wanted to stand on the edge of the quagmire for a few minutes without saying a word.

Wang Qianqian accompanied him, up and down. He didn't know what kind of guiding spirit Xia Xiang would be, but he knew very well that no matter how angry Xia Xiang was, there was nothing to do. It's already like this. Can he still be overwhelming?

After a while, Xia Xiang turned around and said, "Forward, you continue to direct the rescue work on the spot, and deal with the follow-up matters as soon as possible."

When Xia Xiang's figure disappeared in the distance, Wang Qianqian couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart and smiled: "Gun Governor Xia. Play tricks, you're not my opponent!"

Xia Xiang naturally couldn't hear Wang Qian's solir behind him, but his heart rose with deep disappointment. From beginning to end, he did not look back at Wang Qianqian.

Wang Qianqian thought that Xia Xiang was fooled by his scheme for not looking back. In fact, how did he know that Xia Xiang wanted to give him a chance. If he doesn't cause a landslide.

Xia wanted to not look back. It was Xia who decided to clean up the mess without hesitation!


Back to the office, Xia Xiang was still angry. He showed a calm side in front of Wang Qianqian. In fact, his inner anger had burned brightly. A mining accident. It has changed again and again, and it has become the fulcrum of the competition. It is true that every political contest requires a fulcrum, but it is disrespectful to the dead to toss things with the dead.

Maybe some people think that they still lack enough respect for the living, let alone the dead? Xia Xiang still adheres to the tradition of the dead. Another thing that makes him most angry is that Wang Qianqian is smart and lacks enough understanding in the face of big right and wrong. He thinks that he can make mistakes and completely cover things up?

Unfortunately, Wang Qianqian met him. In front of him, no conspiracy can succeed!

"Leader, it was initially found that the landslide was a man-made accident." Xia wanted to sit down. Tang Tianyun pushed the door in and reported the latest progress. "Last night, Secretary-General Ma happened to be absent, but the Secretary-General's people still found out part of the truth - in the middle of the night, after digging out a body with an iron cigarette box, the excavation work was suspended. After an hour of suspension, there was ..."

"Leader, how to deal with it?"

Xia thought for a moment and said, "Since the aftermath of the mine accident is left to Comrade Qianqian's full authority, we must believe in Comrade Qianqian's working ability..." The implication is not to mention it. After another pause, he said, "Arrange a third press conference in the afternoon."

If you want to say which of the Western Provincial Party Committee can best understand Xia's intention, Tang Tianyun should be the first. He nod slightly and turned around to arrange a press conference without saying a word.

Tang Tianyun also knows that the mine accident has developed to the present. From the beginning, it deviated from the established track. Now, the farther it is, the farther it is, the more difficult it is to end. It can be seen that the starting point is not correct. It is difficult to harvest the fruits of victory. Moreover, Wang Qianqian's

Governor Xia is the same. He should not have given Wang a chance to move forward earlier. He should have let him jump into the big pit of the landslide and can't climb out. However, on second thought, if Wang Qianqian was involved early and Wang Qianqian was not responsible for the mining accident, maybe the accident would not continue to ferment, and Wang Qianqian would not go further and further on the wrong road.

Greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the road is taken by himself. No wonder others. Tang Tianyun shook his head secretly. He didn't know whether it was time to regret that the king slid forward to the mud step by step, or to be glad that the king showed the fox's tail in advance.


The third press conference was held as scheduled. Lei Zhixue did not ask about the press conference again. Before the meeting, Xia Xiang also reported to Lei Zhixue. Lei Zhixue just answered indifferently, "I know."

The third press conference was more enthusiastic than the second one.

However, the number has not increased, and the number of reporters attending the meeting has been strictly controlled within a certain number. Except for the reporters who attended the first and second meetings, no additional applications will be added.

The news announced at the second press conference is extremely appalling. The mine accident turned out to be a man-made accident of the dead. It was the first time in the career of countless journalists to hear such shocking news. How is the progress of the accident and how to deal with it next? Governor Xia will What amazing news, the reporters here are looking forward to the third press conference.

This time, Xiaxiang was not late, and even a few minutes early. As soon as the people arrived, Xiaxiang said directly to the point: "Dear reporters, today's press conference wanted to announce the latest news, but it was counterproductive. There was an accident in the rescue and disaster relief work, and another large-scale landslide, resulting in I was forced to stop. I'm afraid today's press conference will disappoint everyone. There is no major news to report.

The venue was suddenly in chaos, and there was a lot of discussion. Some people raised their hands to ask questions, and some people looked disappointed.

"However, there are also a few latest trends to inform you." Xia wanted to suppress first and then show his standard serious expression. Although he is serious but not rigid, although he is majestic but kind, for a long time in the future, Xiaxiang's standard serious expression has always affected countless Chinese people.

"First, it was initially found that the mine accident was a man-made evil ** case created by Liu Lu, the former vice president of Anda Mining. Now Liu Lu has been controlled by the public security department, and the case is under intense interrogation. As for whether Liu Lu has an accomplice, it is difficult to draw a conclusion for the time being Second, Vice Governor Wang Xiangqian is specifically responsible for the handling of the mining accident. It has been two days and two nights. When a large-scale landslide occurred in the mining accident, Comrade Qianqian was at the scene and found the dangerous situation at the first time... Here, on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, I would like to express my gratitude and Third, at the fourth press conference, we will inform you of the results of a complete mine accident. Thank you all!"

As soon as the press conference was over, as soon as Xia wanted to leave, the reporters scattered and left the conference room like flying, just to rush to issue a press release. But today, after Xia wanted to leave for a long time, the conference room was still full. All the reporters sat on the seats, motionless, and no one left.

Everyone sometimes thinks deeply, sometimes taps on the keyboard, and writes on the spot!

Although Xia Xiang revealed very little progress in today's press conference, the content is extremely rich and profound. The reporters present can be invited to participate in the government-held press conference. They are all journalists with a certain political understanding. They all deliberately point out that Wang Qianqian is fully responsible for the aftermath of the mining accident. As well as the sudden large-scale landslide incident at the scene of the mine disaster, and also stressed that Wang Qianqian was the first to learn about it at the first time... If the above association, the hint revealed is very intriguing.

Many reporters had no complaints about the substance of today's press conference at the beginning, but now their eyes are shining. They are thinking about how to understand Governor Xia's intention, how to implement the spirit of Governor Xia's instructions, write a manuscript with profound meaning and faithfully record the facts, and at the same time pass the review of the newspaper. Nuclear, it will not fall into the population.

It's time to assess the political wisdom of every reporter.

... After learning the content of Xia Xiang's press conference, Lei Zhixue looked stunned. After a long time, he sighed: "Wang Qianqian, you can dig a hole and bury yourself."

After Wang Qianqian heard the content of Xia Xiang's press conference, he was shocked on the spot, and a trace of chill came out of his heart - Xia Xiang was really insidious, and he was really kidnapped by Xia Xiang.