official god

Chapter 2121 Start the full layout

Xia Xiang released a few key points at the third press conference. The most critical point is to highlight that when the mine accident collapsed in a large area, Wang Qianqian was at the first scene for the first time...

A seemingly ordinary sentence, but it was deliberately emphasized at the press conference. The reporters at the meeting were very clear in their hearts that, in fact, Governor Xia meant to take a photo.

In many cases, political affairs are first and then down. For example, some time ago, a leader can be seen inspecting work everywhere and appearing everywhere, which is very active and dazzling. It seems to be a rising political star, but in fact, behind the scenery on the news is the strict control that has been restricted from leaving the country. .

You can appear on camera but you can't go abroad. You can walk around but you can't get lost. With a word difference, there is a world of political treatment.

The next day, the news about Xiaxiang's third press conference was published in the newspaper. What is very different from the previous report is that this report is just a tofu article similar to the press release.

The conservative newspaper just copied Xia Xiang's original words at the press conference word for word.

After quoting Xiaxiang's original words in a large section, the slightly enterprising newspaper also added some comments to question the large-scale landslide in the mine accident, expressed doubts about the cause of the landslide caused by excavation errors, and put forward whether to review the construction qualification of the excavation team.

There are also radical media that strongly questioned the sudden large-scale landslide at the critical moment. Is there a reason for the improper operation and poor command of the construction team? Should the leading group of mine accident assume the corresponding leadership responsibilities and give an accountability to the public? In addition, what is the truth of the mine accident and when will the truth be released?

No matter which of the three types of news published by the above three types of media, the fact that Wang Qianqian is the first person in charge of the accident and the first responsible person has been taken. There is no possibility of change.

After Wang Qianqian got the newspaper, his eyes almost darkened. His eyes were angry. He read several different newspaper reports and snorted coldly, "Do you want to kidnap me? It's not that easy. Without evidence, I can't reverse the case. If I become Governor Xia, I will be praised.

It's true. From a normal perspective, Xia's words are indeed praise, but if things turn back. Praise has become a great irony. But the question is, can things be reversed?

Interestingly, a few years later, Xia Xiang delivered a speech at a publicity work conference held by the Propaganda Department of the Western Provincial Party Committee, mentioning the three styles of manuscripts of the three types of media that reported at the third press conference that year. For the press release of the first type of media to copy the leader's speech word for word, Xia I want to criticize.

Xia Xiang also criticized the third type of media that over-interpreted the leader's speech and extended reading, accusing him, as a news media, of not being responsible for conveying the political intentions of the leader to the public. If the media wants to maintain the principle of objectivity and impartiality, it should not impose the tendency of the media itself on readers.

For the second type of media that neither completely copied the leader's speech nor overinterpreted the leader, Xia wanted to emphasized that today's heavy responsibility of the media in the new situation is unprecedented, as the mouthpiece of the party. As a bridge between the government and the people, the media must adhere to a positive public opinion orientation...

Xia Xiang's speech at the Western Province Propaganda Work Conference is regarded as an important tone for Xia Xiang's treatment of the media in the future. Sure enough, some media with excellent eyesight, after understanding Xiaxiang's thinking, closely followed Xiaxiang's guiding ideology and soon became one of Xiaxiang's public opinion fronts.

More than ten years later. Domestic media have set up newspaper groups or media groups one after another. The largest media group has dozens of newspapers, more than a dozen websites and more than a dozen TV stations, with a wide audience, accounting for the top 60% of the domestic media market.

The founder or behind-the-scenes figure of such a huge media group is a young and beautiful woman. It is said that her surname is Xiao...


The progress of the mining accident was temporarily stalled on the second large-scale landslide, and the excavation work was suspended. The construction plan is being reformed, and Wang Qianqian is still very busy, as if he is the first busy person in the provincial government.

As if to get out of the mine accident, Xiaxiang convened an executive meeting of the government to formulate the economic development plan of the Western Province. Summarize the phased results of the energy-based economic transformation in the Western Province, and deploy the next step of work in order to further promote the energy-based economic transformation in the Western Province.

It seems that overnight, the focus of Xia Xiang's work has completely shifted to government affairs. He has taken an in-ruly approach to deal with the mine accident. Just wait for Wang Qianqian to come up with the final result and then announce it. He completely ignored it.

Lei Zhixue has also adopted the same indifferent attitude towards mining accidents. The number of visits to the capital is obviously rare, and his mind is back to the affairs of the Western Province. In view of the blueprint of the next ten years in the Western Province, he has put forward a lot of recommended guiding ideas. At the same time, he is also obviously much more It said that we should unswervingly promote the deepening of the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province.

Including Wang Qianqian, many people have come to a conclusion about the transformation of Lei Zhixue - when the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province is about to be fully successful, Lei Zhixue is ready to reach out to seize the fruits of victory.


At noon, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Mei Shengping.

Xia Xiang, who is eating in the canteen, if someone else calls, he will wait to answer, but Mei Shengping will not pick you up the right time to call. He is working hard to call whenever he wants, and he also feels that his relationship with you is unusual to call anytime and anywhere.

Xia wanted to put down the cutlery in his hand and answered the phone.

"Mei [Book], are you eating now? What is the spirit of instruction?

"Is it important to eat or to have a goddaughter?" Mei Shengping's tone was slightly unkind, "Mei Ting is sick, you don't care if you don't care, how can you be a godfather?"

For a long time, Xiaxiang has appeared in Meiting's world as Meiting's godfather, but whether it is the identity of [true] biological father or the hidden godfather, Xiaxiang is not conscientious enough.

There is nothing we can do. Among the children, except for Xia Dong and Lian Xia who see more of him, even Xiao Xia rarely enjoys his fatherly love. It's not that he doesn't want to give it, but he really can't afford it.

Even including Xia Dong and Lian Xia, I'm afraid I've been with him for more than a week all year round.

"What's wrong with Mei Ting?" Xia wanted to ask. He couldn't put his feelings into Mei Xiaolin, but he always felt that he owed Mei Ting a lot.

"Sick, the high fever has not subsided for three days. Xiaolin is so anxious that she has returned to the capital." Mei Shengping sighed, "She is also stubborn and won't let you tell you. I think it's necessary for you to know, or you will be too comfortable.

Xia wanted to smile bitterly: "Mei [Book], the affairs of the Western Province are in a mess, can I still be free? It's not that you don't know that the mine accident has not been solved yet, and it's still a lot of trouble..."

"Don't you already take the initiative in the mine accident? Don't pretend to be pitiful to me. I watch every episode of your press conference. I also told Xiaolin that if you were the host of the TV station, you would definitely be better than anyone else.

"..." Xia was speechless and thought for a moment, "I'll call Xiaolin... Didn't he say that he wanted to send Mei Ting abroad? Why did he drag it until now?"

A few years ago, Mei Xiaolin wanted to send Mei Ting abroad and asked Xia for advice. Xia didn't say anything. In a blink of an eye, Mei Ting is still in China. I guess Mei Xiaolin is really reluctant to give up her daughter.

"I don't know what Xiaolin thinks. Anyway, she has been in a bad mood recently. You can persuade her. In addition, she wants to go back to the capital, but at present, she has a good opportunity in Hunan Province. She is expected to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Xiangjiang Municipal Party Committee. If she returns to the capital, she will miss a good opportunity. Mei Shengping's tone softened a lot, "It's not easy for Xiaolin. After struggling for so many years, she wants to introduce someone to her. At least she wants to form a family, but she can't let go of her heart."

"And, next time you go to the capital, remember to see Mei Ting. Mei Ting is becoming more and more rebellious, and her personality is very much like Xiaolin when she was a child..."

After talking about family affairs, Mei Shengping talked about political affairs: "Actually, I'm not very interested in entering the game, but several old men are very strong. It's hard to say that I don't want to enter the game. I think it's troublesome... If I really want to say so, I have to be scolded Now I'm forced to have no way back. It's hard to get off. I have to ask for your help in an incident..."

Xia wanted to know what Mei Shengping wanted to say, but he didn't refuse, but put up the conditions first: "It's okay to help, but I have an exchange."

Mei Shengping was stunned and then smiled: "So direct bargaining? It's too reserved."

"Haha, if Hemei [book] also pays attention to subtlety, I will live too much. In fact, it's not a big deal, but there are a few people who have enough qualifications in Hunan Province. It's a little difficult to take a step forward and support correction in the local area. It's relatively easy to transfer to the capital of Chu Province.

Xia Xiang's influence in Xiang Province is slightly weak. The relationship between him and Zheng Sheng is not far away. I'm afraid it's not easy to talk about it. But with the friendship between him and Zheng Sheng, it's not a big deal to promote one or two main halls. Zheng Sheng will definitely show his face to Xia Xiang. However, Xia Xiang said that it is more difficult to support Zheng in Hunan Province. Obviously, the span is from the main hall to the deputy department.

"How many years have you remembered the [book] of the Municipal Party Committee?" What do you say between Mei Shengping and Xiaxiang? After many years of old friendship, there is no need to be hypocritical.

"It has been more than three years, and the qualifications are not enough, but it is not difficult for Mei Da [book] to open his mouth." Xia wanted to laugh and take Mei Shengping's army.

"Start the full layout now? If your team goes one step forward as a whole, even I will be afraid of you. Mei Shengping knew very well that Xia would not easily beg him. Now that he opened his mouth, it proved that Xia wanted to start a new round of comprehensive layout.

Now most of Xiaxiang's team is still at the checkpoints of the department, the deputy hall and the main hall. If the whole is further, the department is to the deputy hall, the deputy hall to the main hall, and the main hall to the deputy department, then the overall strength of Xiaxiang will be an amazing leap.