official god

Chapter 2135 Ideal in the Heart

The child's words may be just casual jokes, especially Xiao Xia's ideals. In Xiao Jia's eyes, it is an illusory ideal, which has no practical meaning at all, but when Xia wants to hear it, it makes him feel boundless joy in his heart.

There was a sentence rolling in his heart, and he immediately blurted out: "Good daughter, have ambitions, and my father has a successor."

Xia wanted to praise, and Xiao Xia was even more proud. She put a touch of her greasy mouth and said to Xiao Jia, "Mom, the gap between you and Dad is really not big. Alas, why is the gap between people so big?

Xiao Jia was angry and funny. She didn't scold Xiao Xia, but accused Xia of thinking, "You're spoiling her going to heaven, and you don't listen to her unrealistic thoughts?" What's the reason for letting children all over the world learn China's Three-character Classic? It's completely meaningless!"

"You are really wrong, Xiao Jia." Xia Xiang put away his smile and said solemnly, "My daughter's ambition seems to be very meaningless. In fact, it's not. Her ideas are very forward-looking and practical, and if she really wants to be done, she may become China's first cultural ambassador."

"The spread of culture is a sign of the real power of a country. Why does the young generation yearn for the United States now? Is it because the United States conquered us? Or does the United States have troops stationed in our country? Neither, because the younger generation is the generation that grew up under the influence of the ubiquitous American culture. KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut are not the key to affecting their yearning for the United States. What makes them think that the United States is strong, the United States is beautiful, and the justice of the United States is constantly delivered to China. Cultural infiltration is the highest diplomacy of a country that subdued others without fighting!"

"Even if China's GDP is the first in the world, if there is no rise of culture, China is just a lame giant. If one day, children all over the world are learning China's Three-character Classic, which time will be the sign of the Chinese nation standing in the forest of the world's nations again!"

"Rich and educated, they are rich. Rich and uneducated, he is an upstart. I hope that one day, with Xiao Xia's efforts, we can really let China's traditional culture go to the world and let the world know China again!"

Xia said a lot in one breath. Xiao Jia was stunned. Xiao Xia was distracted...

Xiao Jia naturally understood. She has always regarded Xia as the man she wants to love most, but also as the most promising man. Xia's words made her excited. Only then did she know that her man's mind was broad-minded, and his eyes had crossed the western province, the whole country, and the longer-term future.

I don't know if Xiao Xia understood. Anyway, she blinked a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at Xia with infinite admiration, "Dad, you are so great. I worship you."

"Don't worship me, worship yourself, believe in yourself." Xia wants to encourage Xiao Xia, "If you want children all over the world to learn China's Three-Character Classic in the near future, then you have to start from now on, study hard, in order to realize your ideals, and do everything well."

"Ap, I will definitely listen to my father and strive to realize my dream as soon as possible!" Xiao Xia was young, with a resolute face, and his right hand was raised high, as if he were taking an oath. It's just that the right hand held high in the air is still holding a chicken leg, which seems to be nondescript.

A few years later, the gradually opening of the media and publishing markets has gradually formed three major media groups after a period of disorderly and chaotic competition, including Phoenix Media, which is headquartered in the capital, with dozens of newspapers, more than a dozen websites and more than a dozen home appliances. The TV station, with a wide audience, occupies the top 60% of the domestic media market and is a veritable leader of the three major media groups.

The founder of Phoenix Media is said to be a strange woman. There are three surprises about her, one is young, the second is beautiful, and the third is patriotic. If youth and beauty are not enough reasons to make people feel mysterious about her, then she has been committed to promoting Chinese culture to the world, and countless people can't help guessing her origin.

Why is a folk woman so enthusiastic about the patriotic cause?

But no matter what the outside world guesses, the background of the strange woman is always a mystery.

In just 20 years, she has successfully pushed Chinese traditional culture to nearly 100 countries, so that Chinese culture has spread to almost every corner of the world. Therefore, she is affectionately known as China's cultural ambassador all over the world.

Not only that, Phoenix Media under her name has also invested in shooting many domestic blockbusters, bringing Chinese classical traditional myths to the screen. Because of its excellent production, clear intention, and positive inspirational significance, it quickly opened up the world market like American blockbusters, for the spread of Chinese culture and Promotion has made an immortal contribution.

... In the evening, Xia wants to live here. He wants to accompany Xiao Jia and his daughter. At the same time, he also needs to discuss the economic layout with Xiao Jia.

With the development of the layout of the political team, the economic team should also adapt to the national economic macro-control policy. Gu Qiushi and he solemnly talked about the situation of the country's weak economy, which is not aimless. It is not only to listen to his opinions, but also to remind him to prepare early.

discussed half-day economic planning with Xiao Jia. After listening to Xiao Jia's idea of the next step, Xia wants to make a few comments appropriately. He hopes that Xiao Jia's path will be more stable and solid. Don't rush to expand the scale and increase the total amount. In the overall economic decline in China, it is enough to ensure the normal growth

At the beginning, Xiao Xia had been pestering Xia to tell her lofty ideals - unlike other little girls who like to listen to fairy tales, Xiao Xia loved to listen to the success stories of great people - Xia wanted to tell her some for her, but later the child still couldn't stand it and fell asleep.

Later, Xiao Jia also fell asleep, but Xia wanted to sleep. He still had something to do - he had to hand in the manuscript tomorrow, and he had to fight at night tonight.

After a dialogue with Xiao Xia, Xia thought that the long-lost ** surged in his heart, and there were indeed many words to express. He talked about the harm of corruption, and then extended from the phenomenon of repeated prohibitions by Chinese corrupt officials for thousands of years, and finally fell on the current political system, claiming to break the socialist system of feudal aut It claims to be the most advanced political system in human history. Why can't even a corruption be banned?

Don't compare the so-called democracies in Asia. Some small countries in the South China Sea are just wild places in the heyday of ancient China. Don't take the democratic system and officials of the United States as an example. The United States is a capitalist society, which has no loyalty to the party and is a money-oriented society. Like China, the Communist Party is a party with a fine tradition and correct beliefs and ideals.

Americans will take politics as an occupation, and party members and cadres will serve the people from politics.

Corruption is not only the decline of morality, but also the sadness of culture. It is also the lack of faith and the loophole of the system. Under the increasingly severe situation of corruption, if we really want to implement a so-called mode of allowing moderate corruption, Xia wants to assert that in less than 20 years, there will be the fear of the loss of the party

It can be said that Xiaxiang's article is sharp, direct and straight to the point, pointing to the sweeping and destruction of traditional culture from the beginning of the May Fourth Movement to the peak of the Cultural Revolution, which makes China's cultural fault and lack of faith is the root cause Chinese literati to succumb to an idea and no one wins

is also the key to the fact that Chinese films cannot affect the world, and it is also the reason for China's current cultural desert, the superficial survival state of pursuing money and entertainment.

Xia wanted to write the manuscript and shook his head slightly. It was too radical. I'm afraid it would change a lot of places... Forget it, it doesn't matter. Even if you send it to Gu Qiushi to complete the task, it's better not to publish it, otherwise it will definitely cause an uproar.

Xia wanted to send the manuscript directly to Gu Qiushi's mailbox. Without the hand of Gu Qiushi's secretary, he sent a text message to Gu Qiushi.

I thought Gu Qiushi had fallen asleep, but I didn't expect to receive Gu Qiushi's text message later. There was only one word: "Okay." I don't know whether the article is good or an untrue answer.

Xia didn't think about it and slept peacefully.

What he didn't expect was that he slept soundly, but his article made Gu Qiushi sleepless almost all night!

The next morning, Xia Xiang didn't go back to Wu's house and went straight to another community.

He really hasn't been here for a long time. He has a strange familiarity and an unspeakable emotion. He went upstairs and knocked on the door. It was a little girl who opened the door. With vigilant eyes and a serious expression, he looked up and down at Xia and said, "Who are you looking for?"

You don't even know him? Xia thought that there was a helpless bitterness in his heart and said gently, "Mei Ting, I'm a godfather."

"Godfather? You got the wrong person. I don't have a godfather." Mei Ting was about to close the door when Mei Xiaolin flashed out from behind the door and pulled over Mei Ting.

"The older the child is, the more ignorant he is. It's really worry-free. Apologize to your godfather!" He smiled apologetically at Xia again, "I just quarreled with me, and now it's getting more and more difficult to control."

"I want you to take care of it!" Mei Ting turned away angrily and then threw it on the door.

How could this happen? Xiaxiang also saw that Mei Ting was not specifically aimed at him, but that she was really too wayward. Xiao Jia is also taking care of the children alone. Although Xiao Xia is capricious, she is also sensible. How can Mei Ting be so without a tutor?

Mei Xiaolin explained, "She has been in a rebellious period recently. Whatever the adult says, she will do it. I can't do anything about her. She just wanted to go abroad. If I didn't agree, she would have a cold war with me and said she would run away from home..."

Xia wanted to answer: "If you want to go abroad, let her go abroad. It may not be a good thing to go abroad to practice. Don't always give up your child. Children should grow up in a fall, and don't become a flower in the greenhouse in the care..."

Before he finished speaking, the door rang, and Mei Ting came out of the room: "Godfather, do you agree to go to the United States? Great, my mother is too weak, and my godfather is still far-sighted. When I go to the United States, I want to learn American culture and knowledge, understand the American way of thinking, and I also need to become an American citizen..."

Xia asked puzzledly, "Do you like the United States so much?"

"I have my lofty ideals. I'm not a child anymore..."

What Xia didn't expect was that Mei Ting's idea was more bizarre and difficult.