official god

Chapter 2136 The future is now

Those who know me say I'm worried, and those who don't know what I want... Many years ago, when Xia wanted to make such a sigh from the depths of her heart, there were very few people who understood him.

Now, when Mei Ting told his ambition at a young age, his face showed the same expression that "those who know me are worried, and those who don't know what I want is difficult to find". Xia thought did not smile, not only did he not laugh, but his heart was inexplicably heavy.

Mei Ting's mentality of wanting to go abroad urgently is not to yearn for the beauty of the United States, nor to have a good impression on the United States, but from a small thing that makes her very angry.

Mei Ting looks like Mei Xiaolin. They all say that her daughter is like her father, and Mei Ting is a special case, like her mother, but she has a special place like Xia - her mouth.

When she spoke, she deliberately emphasized the tone, and her tightly squeezed lips looked like Xia when she wanted to speak, which made Xia want to be inexplicably moved.

In the process of every child's growth, there will always be one or two small things that seem trivial in the eyes of adults, but can have a lifelong impact on them. For Mei Ting, the small things that make her say and go abroad come from a new classmate.

American classmates.

At the beginning, the new American classmates were very polite. They did not litter or talk randomly. They queued up when it was time to queue, and said thank you when they said thank you, which showed good cultivation and tutoring.

But it didn't take long for him to change. He not only jumped the queue casually, but also threw garbage and often cursed. Once when he provoked Mei Ting, Mei Ting accused him of being not as polite as before and becoming bad. As a result, he said with vibratory words, "I will be very polite in the United States, and you have to be casual in China. Because you Chinese are all like this!"

This sentence aroused Mei Ting's anger. She argued with the little American boy, but no one convinced her. In the end, she decided to live in the United States for a period of time, which depends on whether the United States is as beautiful as the little boy shows off.

After listening to the story of Mei Ting, Xia wanted to sigh for a long time. It's no wonder that American boys look down on Chinese children. Chinese children are not only physically weak, but also have poor self-care ability. They really don't pay much attention to politeness and daily behavior, and parents' education for their children. In addition to eating well and dressing well, we do not pay attention to the cultivation of children's quality and morality. As a result, we have cultivated a large number of imbecile children who do not have basic morals, which are useless except for the examination scores.

As the ancients said, virtue and talent are both available, morality comes first, and talent learning comes second. The ancients believed that morality determines everything in a person. However, the current education only cultivates knowledge indoctrination and does not pay attention to moral quality, which is the tragedy of the industrialization of education.

Now even primary school students in Japan and South Korea look down on Chinese primary school students, not to mention the United States?

Xia wanted to hold Mei Ting on his lap: " Ting Ting, godfather supports you to go to the United States."

"But what if my mother doesn't agree?" Mei Ting looked at Mei Xiaolin hostilely.

"It doesn't matter. I'm responsible for persuading my mother."

"But. But what if you can't convince your mother?

"It doesn't matter. I'm higher than her. I can order her to obey me."

"Great, great, great, godfather is so good, long live godfather!" Mei Ting kissed Xiaxiang on the face and jumped away.

Mei Xiaolin looked unhappy: "Why didn't you agree to her without asking my advice? He also said that you are at a higher level than me. No matter how tall you are than me, you have no jurisdiction over me. Even if you have, you can't control my personal affairs! My attitude remains unchanged, and I don't agree with her going to the United States.

Mei Xiaolin, dressed in a home clothes, looked resentful. Obviously, he wants to be angry with Xia, but in fact, he takes the opportunity to express his long-term dissatisfaction with Xia. How can he have the demeanor of the mayor? Get rid of the image of a woman at home.

On Mei Xiaolin's face, she saw the color of the wind and frost. She was in officialdom, compared with Gu Yu's ignorance of the world, compared with the exquisite life of a strict age, compared with Wei Xin's desirelessness, and more worry and vulgar things than Fu Xianxian's will.

Women in officialdom are more difficult than men, especially at the age of charm like Mei Xiaolin, and they are single. In the place where interests and will are concentrated in power, it is inevitable that they will not be thought of.

Xia thought of his first acquaintance in An County, and then to the night in Yan City. One night, there was Mei Ting, which made him and Mei Xiaolin no longer be able to give up the connection of this life, which was also fate.

The fate in the world is wonderful and unavoidable. Xia wants to endure Mei Xiaolin's stubbornness all the time. He knows that she is dissatisfied with him, but today, for Mei Ting's long-term future, he suddenly had an attack: "My attitude has not changed, and I insist on sending Mei Ting to the United States. Your personal affairs are also family affairs. It's up to the man to decide the family affairs!"

Xiaxiang's domineering and unreasonableness shocked Mei Xiaolin.

Mei Xiaolin was aggrieved and unwilling. She stared at Xia for a long time, and then suddenly gave in again. She said in a low voice, "It's rare for you to take out a father's courage to care about the growth of Tingting. I... listen to you."

No matter how stubborn and strong a woman is, she also longs for a man to be the master of the family above major events. Xia Xiang's heart was touched and took a step forward to take Mei Xiaolin into her arms: "Over the years, you have suffered alone."

Mei Xiaolin's body stiffened, and then fell softly into Xiaxiang's arms like no bones, and cried: "You have a conscience. It's not easy to know me alone. No matter how hard and tired I am, I don't want too much. As long as you comfort me, it's enough.

Feeling the warmth and heartache of Mei Xiaolin in her arms, Xia thought that her nose was sore and she almost cried. Over the years, he really neglected Mei Xiaolin. Maybe it was unintentional or intentional. No matter which one, he felt guilty about her.

In fact, he neglected many people, more than one Mei Xiaolin.

An County has gone away in his memory, but people are still there, and there are still many past events in memory that are vivid and difficult to forget. Xia wants to gently stroke Mei Xiaolin's hair and look at the rising sun rising slowly outside the window, and her state of mind is much quieterably.

I don't know when Mei Ting quietly came to the middle of the two. She didn't say anything, but took Xiaxiang and Mei Xiaolin's hand with one hand, and then she happily relied on Xiaxiang and Mei Xiaolin like all the children who longed for the company of their parents.

Xia wants to finally cry. The family affection in the world is the most worrying. Mei Ting is as delicate as Mei Xiaolin. She doesn't say anything, but uses silent actions to express her inner needs, while as a father, he always gives her too little.

The warm and picturesque picture of a family of three is fixed as eternal by the light of the sun, and remains in Mei Ting's heart forever.

Many years later, when Mei Ting successfully stood in a speech in the U.S. Senate, she recalled affectionately and said, "There are always some scenes in people's life that will never be forgotten. I remember that when I was in elementary school, my parents rarely got together. They hugged each other affectionately and missed the happy times we spent together Light, only gratitude, no hatred. I thought, how good it would be if the world could be so one day. Whether it is black or white, or brown or yellow skin, they are all human beings living in the same blue sky. They put down their prejudices, abandon national hatred, take off their colored glasses, believe that everyone has the seeds of kindness in their hearts, and then water them with trust and smile Cultivated with understanding and embrace, the world is not a war-torn world, but our peaceful, beautiful and stable home in the world!"

Her speech received thunderous applause, which made many senators who were ready to vote against her change their minds and vote in favor. In the end, she was officially appointed by the Senate and became the first Chinese-American Secretary of State in history, completely changing the low political status of Chinese in the United States.

At noon, Xia wanted to have a family meal with Mei Xiaolin and Mei Ting. Although Mei Xiaolin's craftsmanship is not as good as Cao Shuqi and Xiao Jia, she is also very attentive. Xia wants to eat very happily.

During the meal, Xia Xiang put forward his opinion on Mei Xiaolin's next move.

"It's better to stay in Hunan Province and continue to develop. I took over as the secretary of the municipal party committee and also entered the vice-ministerial level. After one term, whether it is promoted to deputy secretary in Hunan Province or transferred back to the capital, the qualifications are enough. Now that you have reached this point, you can't give up. You have to continue to move forward. Maybe one day, you can also become the deputy prime minister.

Mei Xiaolin smiled with relief: "I believe in your vision, just listen to you. As soon as Tingting left, I can devote myself to my work, strive to make some achievements, and live up to the expectations of the Party and the country.

"Don't let down the hearts of the people." Xia wanted to add a sentence.

Mei Ting has been quietly listening to Xia want to talk to Mei Xiaolin. She looks much more elegant than Xiao Xia when eating. She has a small mouth and gentle movements, which is completely the image of a little lady.

Suddenly, she interrupted: "It's good to be an official. You can realize your own ideas and can affect many people. When I grow up, I will also be an official. I will be a big and a big official than you."

Xiaxiang and Mei Xiaolin smiled at each other, and everything was silent.

In the afternoon, Xia wanted to accompany Mei Xiaolin for a long time, but received a call from Tang Tianyun.

"Leader, the Youth Daily has an article that refutes the World Times, which is penetled and penny, which makes people applaud!"

Xia Shang hasn't seen the article in the Youth Daily and said, "Let's talk about the views and length of the article..."

Tang Tianyun said: "The point of view points out that moderation ** is a speech that misleads the country and the people. It is not short, with almost 1,500 words, and some words are very direct. I admire the author's sharp writing and courage..."

Xia was shocked. He said something furious for a moment. He thought it was just a matter of work. He didn't expect that Gu Qiushi had not deleted it and published them all. After thinking about some views and examples of his article carefully, he couldn't help but be frightened. It's not good. Maybe his article will stir up a

Xiaxiang's hunch is correct. The consequences of his article are more impactful than the permission of the World Times to moderately **, and even indirectly affect the political pattern to a certain extent. ( To be continued)